Will to live online список лута
Damage Range: Weapon mechanics consists of two components: weapon statistics and ammunition statistics. For weapons damage range, it is obtained through taking the sum of the minimum damage of your weapon and ammunition used, and the sum of the maximum damage value of both weapon and ammunition. The damage range is what will be inflicted on an NPC within engagement distance (<100m) and NPC armor is destroyed. Proficiency raises the minimum damage inflicted, as well as maximum damage.
Weapon Proficiency: The more you use your weapon, the more proficient you become, however, your selected class indicates your innate skill with a particular set of weapons. Classes that don't specialize in a particular set of weapons will incur a -50% penalty to weapons proficiency, meaning absolute proficiency is not obtainable. An example would be a Miner class character who specializes in shotguns and with that weapons class, they can obtain 100% proficiency, however, if they decided to use an assault rifle provided they have the allocated parameters, their proficiency would be capped at 50%. General observed trends in regards to weapon proficiency include increases in maximum and minimum damage, increase critical chance, and unlocking special reload animations that improve reload speeds for certain weapons at 55% proficiency.
Armor Piercing: The armor piercing (AP) is calculated as follows:
This means that if the AP value of a weapon is below the the armor of the target, then the final damage inflicted will be reduced according to this formula. However if the AP value of a weapon is the same or above the the armor of the target, then the armor is simply ignored - as if the target was without any armor.
Effective range: The effective range can be seen in weapon's description. Firing a weapon in its effective range allows to preserve the highest penetration value. Engaging targets which are further than the effective range will potentially lower the piercing properties of a round and consequently reduce the final damage.
Critical chance: This mechanic allows you to increase, with a certain chance, the damage from your weapon. It is primarily affected by your chacacter skills, your luck points as well as the weapon's critical chance multiplier (provided it has one) and the luck of your target in case of PVP scenario.
The probable critical chance formula can be presented as follows:
Luck × 0.025 × Crit. chance perk 1 × Crit. chance perk 2 × Weapon crit. chance modifier × ( 1 - Target's luck × 0.025)
Please take into account that this is a player made formula and it may differ from the actual in-game formula, which is unkown!
Devastating close-range weapon for its level class inflicting a large amount of damage, however, it is offset by the slow rate of fire, reload speed, and ammunition capacity of the entry-level shotguns. Shotguns come in pump-action and semi-automatic variants. Miners are proficient in this weapon set.
31 мая. 2019 в 14:36I seen this in updates,
Spawning of the loot in the boxes
If you are a lover to sit back drinking coffee in the same place and examine the same box all the time, here is a bad news to you: now, if you take some specific item like sewing thread from the same box, this item wouldn’t spawn to you in this box more, and you should examine another box. At the same time, it does not affect other players, who can take this item in this box.
What this sounds like to me is that you can't hoard items now?
Is this right?
Or will it spawn back in the same box over time?
or will it spawn back in other boxes over time?
Not much on this and I as I don't really loot a lot, But my dad does and that's why he plays this game.
And if it never spawns back if you have the item in your bank or on you I can bet he will be done and play other games.
*Just some info as you get older you don't want to go around button smashing and working your self up in a frenzy just to get something to make you a lot of money.
Game seems to have players from mid 20s to older. and devs seems to be trying to target teens and under mid 20s but this will not happen so easy.
These changes generally affect the players who use scripts or bots for infinitive looting of the boxes. Players who play their common way will not see any changes in most cases.
Radio Telescope - There are two doors that are locked that I can not open.
Crashed Helicopter at J4-6 - There is a locked storage box that is empty. I assume this was looted or has some special purpose.
Strange Place Cave - I am going to make a map of the cave eventually.
Canyon - There is a house at the farm C3-1 that is locked.
Learn how to format better.
The above pastebin has my poorly formatted loot list. I recommend using ctrl+f to search what you are looking for. The pictures below are to be used alongside the list to help determine a better idea of where each loot is located.
This map was created by me using the in-game map. This is to be used alongside the pastebin above to show where the loot is located for the Train Station at A1-4. I give permission to use this map however anyone wishes to use it.
This map was created by me using the in-game map. This is to be used alongside the pastebin above to show where the loot is located for Sosnovka. I give permission to use this map however anyone wishes to use it.
This map was created by me using the map that is displayed near the entrances in the Tunnel maps. I give permission to use this map however anyone wishes to use it.
This map was created by me using the in-game map. This is to be used alongside the pastebin above to show where the loot is located for the Village at E4-8. I give permission to use this map however anyone wishes to use it.
Сегодня мы выпустили обновление серверной части нашей игры, в которой была полностью переработана система лута в игре, а также была исправлена ошибка, из-за которой МТВ-1 и МТЛ-1 в покое очень быстро разряжались.
Новая система лута
Прежняя система лута имела недостатки. В частности, старая система никак не стимулировала игроков к совместным походам на монстров, поскольку добыча достается тому, кто первый обыскал монстра. Из-за этого игроки предпочитают заниматься охотой поодиночке, чтобы получать как можно больше прибыли. Кроме того, поскольку количество монстров в локации ограничено, то возникали ситуации, когда все “вкусные” места заняты, и заниматься добычей просто не представляется возможным. Либо у игроков возникают конфликты в духе “Это мои фаланги! Я первый сюда пришел”. И вместо объединения у игроков возникают разногласия.
Новая система лута призвана минимизировать озвученные выше проблемы. Теперь каждому игроку, который принимал участие в убийстве монстра, при условии того, что игрок нанес достаточное количество урона, лут рассчитывается ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНО.
Таким образом, если группа из нескольких игроков убивает одного монстра, каждый может подойти и обыскать его, получив свой ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНЫЙ ЛУТ. Для обычных монстров необходимый минимум нанесенного урона для обыска составляет 20%, а для некоторых боссов - всего лишь 10%.
Проще говоря, теперь вы можете вдвоем убивать одну фалангу, тратить в два раза меньше расходников и каждому из вас будет зачислен свой персональный лут с этой фаланги с поправкой на количество участников.
При этом мы сделали так, чтобы заниматься совместным фармом было немного выгоднее, чем заниматься этим в одиночку. Например, если вы будете убивать 20 фаланг вдвоем и класть весь лут в одно хранилище, то в итоге общая базовая стоимость этого лута будет немного выше, чем если бы этих 20 фаланг убил только один игрок.
В результате, игра теперь будет поощрять совместное убийство монстров (добыча достанется каждому), решаются проблемы с недостатком «спотов», а коллективный геймплей становится несколько выгоднее, чем игра в одиночку («меньше расходов», «немного больше лута», «играть вместе теперь не только интереснее, но и выгоднее»).
Мы допускаем, что не для всех видов монстров новая система может подойти идеально: где-то может по-прежнему быть более выгодным «фарм в соло», а где-то наоборот – фарм в группе станет намного выгоднее. Будем следить за ситуацией и по необходимости вносить коррективы.
Изменения затронули только серверный код. Обновление клиента не требуется.
На этом все, всем хорошего дня!
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