Warframe юпитер секретные комнаты
Газовый Город Корпуса — локация Корпуса, которая была добавлена в Обновлении 11.0 в ходе операции Охота на Алад V. Представляет собой секретную базу Алада V, на которой он проводит эксперименты над Варфреймами.
Локация представляет собой высокотехничную орбитальную станцию Корпуса со множеством лифтов, дверей, переходов с низкими потолками. Также имеются открытые участки, на которых видно оранжевую атмосферу газового гиганта и другие такие же станции. Есть некоторая вероятность появления Ропалолиста на таких участках, где он будет разрушать окружение лазерным лучом.
Миссии [ ]
На данный момент существует 14 миссий, проходящих в локациях Газового Города.
(Актуально на момент обновления 27.1)
Особенности [ ]
Особенности окружения [ ]
В Газовом Городе можно встретить множество различных устройств Корпуса. Тут в изобилии встречаются Камеры наблюдения, которые, заметив противника, активируют атакующие турели и закрывают двери лазерным барьером. На всей территории локации также часто можно встретить шкафчики с МОА, которые открываются при включенной тревоге. Однако, некоторые из этих шкафчиков можно взломать, тем самым заполучив ударного МОА в качестве союзника.
Также в локации можно увидеть генераторы, лучи которых наносят урон, расплавленный металл, стекающий из труб в специальные емкости, и платформы с вырывающимся потоком воздуха, способным подбрасывать и удерживать некоторое время навесу Варфреймов.
Уникальные враги [ ]
На любой миссии Газового Города можно встретить трех относительно редких юнита Корпуса: Анти МОА, Солдата с Детроном и Дрона-Сборщика. Изначально они появлялись только в пределах данной локации. Несмотря на то, что в настоящее время при определенных условиях их можно найти и на некоторых других картах, газовый город остается их основным местом обитания.
Секретные места [ ]
Также, как и в любой другой локации, на картах Газового города встречаются свои секреты. В отличие от секретов Башни и Руин Орокин, в Газовом городе нет сложных испытаний и ловушек и они не так тщательно спрятаны. Это связано с тем, что на простых миссиях планет не могут выпасть моды, однако в таких местах все еще много ящиков и контейнеров, а также часто находятся медальоны на сигналах тревоги синдикатов.
По этой локации (недалеко друг от друга) ищем 4 панели, на которых изображены эти фигуры.
Далее мы ищем светящимся красным светом прибор, нам нем будет написано «Получите доступ к контроллеру». Стреляем в него.
После этого закрытые панели открываются, выглядят они так:
Теперь, смотрим на последовательность, панели нужно нажимать начиная с верхней. У вас будет 20 секунд, чтобы успеть нажать на 4 панели. Т.е. получается:
This guide will look at the secret rooms of the system, along with how to get in said rooms and what you'll expect to find.
Note; This guide is still a Work In Progress so it won't cover all the secret rooms YET. Just give it some time to progress. Also check back with this guide frequently; I'll be updating it as much I can to give you a true Looting Experience!
Currently working on: Resurecting this guide. And also the Grineer Galleons
Also: If you are wanting to help out with the guide then please, feel free to message me about it. We'd love to have you aboard! ^-^
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In the Warframe universe: Tenno enjoy raiding enemy Storage Containers and pillaging enemy Storage Lockers. Soon after the Tenno awoke the Grineer and Corpus became enraged; but not just by the fact their forces couldn't do anything to stop this old threat. The reason for their hatered was for lost profit and dried out supply caches both sides had suffered heavily. In a desperate attempt to stop this from happening; the Grineer and Corpus made secret rooms in their infastructure where the most valuable items on both sides were kept. Only a select few know about these rooms and how to acsess them properly.
For a while these rooms remained untoutched to the Lotus and her agents, but overtime some Tenno began to find these room, their secrets and their LOOT. I am one of these Tenno. Although, it is very sad that the knoledge of these rooms isn't common among the Tenno. I have decided to do something about this: by sharing my knowledge with the ones willing to get extra, better loot.
Hello. My name is Oryx, and I am going to show you the secret rooms Rare Storage Containers love to hide in.
Hello! My name is Frost, I'll be helping fill in the Void section for now.
Our first stop is Earth! This large mass of flora, combined with the small nooks in the rock, just so happens to be a perfect place for the Grineer to store their emergency supplies.
This secret room tried to be a little bit sneaky by hiding behind a waterfall. The entrance, however, isn't that well consealed.
This is what the Tile should look like.
When you first enter the Tile you will imediately be greeted by a waterfall. This is where the Secret Room is hidden.
All you have to do is walk through the waterfall and you will see an enterance to your left. Like I said: This room isn't very well consealed.
"Whoo! Our first Jackpot!"
This room contains 3 Storage Lockers and 2 Storage Containers.
This next room is by far my favorite on Earth. You will soon see why.
This is what the Tile should look like.
First: you must find the trap door shown here.
Then: proceed up the waterslide to find this scene here. If you look to the left of the console you will see a ledge hidden by some steam vents. Once you are on the ledge you must Bulletjump upwards to an opening in the wall. Then comes the fun part.
"A nice quiet room to meditate"
This room contains 6 Storage Lockers and 3 Storage Containers.
To leave the room you can either go back up the slide or hack this red console. This will open the door to the right.
Dam \ Sewer
This room is one of the more obvious and isn't really classified as a room.
This is what the Tile should look like.
There are two entrances to this room. One is in the Sewers or Pipes (left) and one is above on the Catwalks. (right)
"Taking a small bath"
There are 8 Storage Containers on each side of the room, 16 altogether.
Abandoned Tram Rails
This room has been very sneaky to avoid Tenno attention, until now.
This is what the Tile should look like.
The easiest way to access this room is to firstly find this machine.
Then drop down from the ledge after turning left at the machine. You will then see the entrance behind you, from the ledge you dropped down from.
"Time to practice with my Ferrox"
This room contains 7 Storage Lockers and 4 Storage Lockers.
Water Station
This next Tile has two rooms as opposed to the usual one.
This is what the Tile should look like.
In order to find both rooms you must first find this tower here.
The First room is hidden behind this little nook.
"Hm. Maybe I should store some of my Platinum here."
This room only contains 2 Storage Containers
Now onto the next one. If you return to the tower you will see a console in the center.
If you use the console a hatch will open; leading you to the secret room.
This drain pipe holds 4 Storage Lockers and Storage Containers.
To exit without bulletjumping go to the valve and press the use key.
This little room is one of my favorites on Earth, next to the Waterworks waterslide.
This is what the Tile should look like.
If you see on the side of each fan there is a small vent. All you need to do is bulletjump or parkour into it and your in.
"Casually doing a handstand."
This room contains 8 Storage Lockers.
Like the Waterworks room; you can easily exit the room by hacking this red console to the left of the door.
This next room seems to have been forgoten by the Grineer; everything here has rust and dust.
This is what the Tile should look like.
Scrapyards on earth are typicaly known to have secret rooms in high places. Just bulletjump upwards in the center of yard and you will find a shelter made of scrap.
"I wonder how long it will take the Grineer to find me."
This shelter houses 3 Storage Lockers and Storage Containers.
Capture Target Pads
This last room is one I have just recently discovered, and by recently I mean yesterday. (22/4/17)
So anyway: this is what the Tile should look like, if you have never seen it before.
If you look up you should be able to see 3 or 4 pipes sticking out of the walls. One will be flowing with water, like a waterfall. Underneath that pipe will be another smaller pipe. That is where the secret room is.
One way to get up to the room is to bulletjump up to the pipe. An easier way is to find these Storage Lockers on the upper entrance of the Tile(left).If you look directly up you will see the entrance to a pipe in the ceiling(right). All you have to do is bulletjump up into it.
"Wait. Is that the Capture Target?"
This room holds 6 Storage Lockers and 2 Storage Containers.
Abondoned Grineer Walkway
This room here is very obvious! I doubt anyone has missed it before, but for the sake of the guide I'll put it in.
This is what the Tile should look like.
There is a zipline directly in the middle of the room "Hey! Who changed my Glyph! AMARU!"
which faces the secret room. If you look under the
platform you will see a ledge, that's the secret
This room holds 4 Storage Containers and 2 Storage Lockers.
Forest Walkway
These next two rooms aren't very rewarding, but may still hold a neurode or two here and there.
Once again: This is what the Tile should look like.
The first room is quite obvious and holds 3 Storage Containers.
The next room is to the right of the first room. Note: It takes a fully upgraded Hawk Eye mod to see the entrance of this room. (Nah not really, just making a joke.)
"May you all rest in peace. Grineer Stooges."
This tree holds three idiot Grineer corpses you can loot by standing over them.
Do you know that small interception Tile on Earth? Well, what if I told you there was a semi-large cache of Storage Lockers on that Tile, and that no-one knows it exists?
You know that yellow console near Tower B? You do? Good! Do you also know you can press the use key on it?
You didn't? Well now you do! Using the console will move the box behind it via crane. Once the crane has moved; you can see there is an open hatchway that the crane was blocking. That is the entrance.
"All this loot is Mine!"
This large hallway has 2 Storage Containers and 8 Storage Lockers!
Small Extraction Landing Pad
1st room: 3 Storage Lockers and 6 Storage Containers.
2nd room: 3 Storage Lockers and 2 Storage Containers.
All together, this Tile contain 6 Storage Lockers and 8 Storage Containers.
Large Extraction Landing Pad
This last Tile has the most Storage Lockers and Containers than any other on Earth.
Now, I'm sure you won't need to know what the Tile looks like for this set of rooms. Everyone will know the place I'm talking about by showing this image.
You then need to stand in the middle of the Landing Pad and look towards Extraction. If you go by these images here you will find the "Secret Rooms". So from the Top left image you would go forward and to the left; from the center of the pad.
"I think that's enough for Earth! Time to head for more interesting rooms and more rewards."
This Tile holds 20 Storage Lockers and 11 Storage Containers all together.
Grineer Galleons make up the bulk of the Grineer Fleet. They are mainly constructed on Ceres; which would explain the dated atmosphere and grimy hallways. Most parts of these Grineer Galleons are lit from star light, shining through the exteamly thick windows. Other areas, however, are dark and foreboding: Most likely full of secret rooms overflowing with loot!
Smelting Room
Now, this room holds 2, technichaly 3, secret rooms instead of the usual 1 room.
Here is the Tile these rooms are situated in.
The best way to access both rooms is by first locating these boxes.
The entrances can then be seen in plain sight by looking up and down. Follow the vents and you will arrive at one of the secret rooms.
"Yo I heared there was some loot!"
Both rooms have a combined total of 16 Storage Lockers.
Orange Grenerator. Place
Honestly, I could not think of a better name for this room.
Anyway here's the Tile to look out for.
If you head to the lower level of the room, and look down one of the longer sides of the room, you'll notice something similar to this screenshot. This is where the secret room is on either side of the Tile. Wallrunning and bulletjumping are both effective methods of getting to these rooms.
Тайники на Меркурии - Terminus 1:30 Тайники на Земле - Cervantes 4:44 Тайники на Церере - Thon 6:01 Тайники на .
Крепость кувы - 0:20 Корпус - 2:36 Эрида - 4:36 Бездна - 7:14 Руины Орокин - 13:40 Луа - 17:45.
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