Все достижения superluminal
This is a list of all the Easter Eggs in the game. There are currently 1 known Easter Egg(s).
You will never find two easter eggs of the same category in chapter 1.
Secret Objects [ ]
These serve about the same purpose as the secret rooms, having no real significance.
1. Red Glowing Dice - in the room where you pick up a giant painted green king chess piece. use block and king to get into the upper room. found in the trash.
There is a small hole in the floor in the corner on the left of this trash can. If you make the dice very small and throw it in this hole, the dice will respawn in the trash. No purpose to this feature found yet.
Edit: If the die lands unseen on an edge, the universe will implode. Not the game universe, OUR universe. Be very cautious when attempting this eastered egg.
2. Top - at the end of the game, in the room with the light switch, on the top of the broken chess piece. Probably a reference to Inception.
3. Glowing Banana - at the end of the game, in the area with the massive water coolers, if you walk around the top of the barrier, there is a glowing banana wedged in a corner.
Kasparov [ ]
Once you get all the chess pieces, you can click on the monitor at the start of any level and click on it. It takes you to a room with a chessboard. Move the blue rook, and take the red pawn off of the board to put the red player into checkmate.
Secret Rooms [ ]
These rooms have no real significance but they're fun to find.
1. Room where the dice is actually 2 half dice. theres a wall you can get over. nothing was found. hard to get out of
2. In Level 2 there is a very small doorway with clouds behind it and the walls are made to make the hallway look long, when looking from a different perspective, its a short hallway with a tiny enterable door, please edit this if you know how to get past that door, forgot to mention its LEVEL 2 Room 324, so if you cant find it, look at all the doorways and and hallways if you have to.
3. In the last part of "Labyrinth", Level 7, where you can resize the room you are in, put the smaller room into the lightbulb directly above the model parking space. Remember to go into the smaller model to unlock the hallway you use to access it beforehand. When you walk into the lightbulb room, jump down, and walk backwards. you will find a lot of water dispensers, with a blueprint and a tiny doorway on it.
I didn't succeed to go into the small room, if you did, please edit this page.
star projection room. this is the room where the moon with the door on it is placed in.
Literal Easter Eggs [ ]
This is a list of all of the literal easter eggs in the game. They look like Easter Eggs.
- Found in chapter 1 the highlighted place in picture 1.
- found in chapter 2 in the red hallways in the hallways with the protruding door illusion above the ceiling can be accessed by using the doors as ramps
- Found in chapter 3 in the warehouse where there are big pipes and pallets on both sides and a yellow sign that had a die on it. found behind pallets, opening in darkened area on pallets near dice sign.
- Found in chapter 5 on the pipes above right before you enter the elevator at the end of the chapter. It is red and when you touch it, it turns into a glowing green easter egg. You can reach it by duplicate the soda machine.
- Found in chapter 7 where the floor breaks after you drop the spiral staircase. After the floor is broken build your way back up to the open door and you'll find another easter egg.
- Found in chapter 7 after exiting hallway 5, use the cube found in the pool room to make your way back into hallway 5 and attempt to backtrack to hallway 4. Upon attempting to do so, you will find that the doorway has an invisible wall. attempting to leave hallway 5 will get you trapped in an infinite hallway 6. upon resetting to checkpoint, immediately repeating the process will instead lead you to a small hallway with the green easter egg inside of it.
- Found in chapter 7 after the room where the yellow king chess piece will turn into a painting when you place it and the room with the blue pawn. There is a door in the ground before you fall you will notice a pipe you can land on while falling. land on it and follow it to the easter egg
Blueprints [ ]
This is a list of all the blueprints in the game. These blueprints consist of blue pieces of paper hidden in some places. You can click on them to write on them
Level 1. found in last room across the hole you fall into. on the backside of the sky painting.
Level 2 found in the large room where an Easter egg is also found. where you have to go over the wall. found on the backside of one of the walls. -
Level 2 Found in moon room outside the windows on the roof.
Level 3 found in the room with sliding dice and vents. hidden on top of sliding vent. jump on and raise dice at the same time to get to the top of the vent.
Level 3 The room with the dice that splits into smaller cubes take one with you and jump down she shaft inside the dice and go up the ledge.
Level 4 Generator room in storage area use beans to get over. the opposite side of the blue chess piece
Level 6: In the room behind the window after the ventilator is a blueprint on the boxes.
Space Rooms [ ]
These rooms are hidden areas. They're big rooms with lots of stars and at least 1 constellation of an object. If you line up the constellation and click on it, it will disappear.
Я тут сделал небольшой список всех ачивок и описал условия их получения:
Wake up — Пройти игру
Speed runner — Пройти игру менее, чем за час
Superluminal — Пройти игру менее, чем за полчаса
Fire alarmist — Нажать на одну кнопку пожарной тревоги
Son of man — Поставить яблоко себе на голову (так можно сделать в уровне Clone, например)
Sugar crash — Вскрыть банку газировки, бросив её на пол (попробуйте бросить её так, чтобы она упала на пол верхом, а не боком)
Environment saved! — Положить банку газировки в корзину для переработки
Please recycle — Положить банку газировки в неправильное место = Выбросить банку газировки в мусорку
Expert fire alarmist — Нажать на кнопку пожарной тревоги десять раз
Why are you like this? — Клонировать объект слишком много раз = Клонировать объект до тех пор, покуда это возможно
Soda connaisseur — Попробовать все виды газировки = Взять каждый вид газировки из автомата
Fire safety achieved — Нажать на все кнопки пожарной тревоги
Fire extinguished — Опустошить все огнетушители = Нажать на все огнетушители
Feeling blue — Найти все чертежи
Chess master — Найти все спрятанные шахматные фигуры [подробнее]
Stars align — Собрать все созвездия [подробнее]
Please use other door — Найти закоулок на уровне Optical = Забраться в ту комнату в стене, появляющуюся в той комнате с паззлом с зелёной шахматной фигурой
Vaguely activated achievement — Взять в руки объект и не двигаться 2-3 минуты
Take your trash elsewhere — Выбросить мусор не туда, куда нужно = Кинуть банку газировки в круглую оранжевую корзину
Polite recognition — Найти спрятанный трофей = После получения Stars align вы увидите, что в главном меню появилась новая иконка. Когда вы нажмёте на неё, вы должны перенестись в комнату, которая отображается в главном меню. Пройдите сквозь дверь слева. Возьмите трофей!
Kasparov — Сделать последний ход = После того, как вы выполните достижение Chess Master, выберите уровень Optical. Затем дойдите до ресепшена и нажмите на экран компьютера. Это должно переместить вас в комнату с шахматами на столе. Уберите красную пешку со стола, а на её место поставьте синюю ладью.
Biggest fan — Пройти игру с комментариями разработчиков
Vaguely Activated Achievement — Собрать все пасхальные яйца
Mindful — Завершить все челленджи в Усложнённом режиме
Dr. Pierce's Protege — Добавить предмет в Мастерскую
Contraband — Импортировать 3D-модель в игру
Dream within a Dream — Пройти чей-то сон = Пройти чужой уровень
Dream Sculptor — Загрузить сон в Мастерскую = Загрузить уровень в Мастерскую
мне лень открывать карту и залания проходить, а тут еще и очивок дофига
Лера, почти уверен, что некоторые ачивки так просто не выполнить, по типу ачивок с Царевичем, а потому у тебя будет даже меньше чем 300 гемов
перезапуск телефона делала. удаление и повторное установление делала
может надо иметь какой-то определенный запас пустой-остаточной памяти чтобы можно было загружать?
Сделайте в общей сложности 50 улучшений за одно восхождение.
Сделайте в общей сложности 200 улучшений за одно восхождение.
Последние достижения и трофеи добавлены
Множество трюков, кодов и видеоигр, накопленных с 1999 года. У нас есть самая обширная база данных трюков, совершенно бесплатно и в вашем распоряжении. продолжайте посещать нас!
Сделано Черри Андреа - Авторское право 1999 @ 2017
Chess Pieces [ ]
There are a few glowing red or blue chess pieces hidden. If you click on them, they will disappear. Finding all of them will grant you an achievement.
- In the room with a boarded-up door, take the board and use it as a ramp to get on the wall on the left. You get a blue pawn.
- In the room where you line up the door to get through after you walk through the door, there's a huge wall on the left. Use the checkerboard block to get up there. You will find a red rook.
- In the room with the green chess piece, you can use the block and the chess piece to get on top of the ventilation shaft. Walk all the way to the end and pick up the blue knight.
- In the room with the half-die, Use the two halves as stairs to look up in the ventilation shaft. You should be able to click on the red king in the shaft.
- The room after you pull the dice and it leaves a hole in the floor, in the room after the room after falling get up on the ventilation shaft using the gold chess piece and light. The piece is a red queen.
- When you use the exit sign to go through the boxes, on the second wall of boxes use the sign as a ramp to get on top. Grab it again to make a second ramp, and up there should be a blue pawn.
- Grab the beans and climb up the ramps to get on the left wall in the room with the shelves before the IDEA generator. Use the beans to climb up into the window and you should find another blue pawn.
- In the alarm-cloning room, take an alarm and bring it in the room one room back. Use the alarms to climb up onto the ventilation shaft, and you should find another blue pawn there.
- After the apple room, pay close attention and you should see a chess piece in the ventilation. Jump onto the door the on the lamp and from there on the ventilation pipe. You should find a red chess piece.
- In the room after the room where you use the fan to blow off the Jenga blocks, you can grab one of the windows. If you can get it big enough you can walk inside the window. On top of the doorway, there's a blue pawn.
- In the sideways room where the door falls off its hinges, Pick up the door and use it as a ramp to get into the room. In the sideways window on the floor, there's a red pawn you can get.
- In the room where the yellow queen flattens, then after, you grab the yellow knight and put it on the button, once you get inside, grab it. Use the knight to get on top of the pipework, and then grab the knight, put it on top of the pipework, and use it to grab the blue queen on the ceiling.
- In the room where you grab a room to activate a portal, You can place it in the vending machine. There's a blue rook on the ceiling of the vending machine output.
- The same portal house can be placed back on the table, and you can run into the jungle through the back. Walk to the very back, jump on top of the cans, and you should find a blue pawn hidden among them.
- The last chess piece you have to line up. In the room right after whitespace, you can grab the chess pieces and use them to climb up on the rocks. There's a red smear on one of the water cooler-shaped rocks, and you can use that to find roughly the right area to line up the red pawn. Once you line it up, collect it and that's all. This can also be accessed using an elevator glitch point near the child's drawing.
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