Viscera cleanup detail достижения
Secondary Objectives
The employee of the month award hanging on a wall.
Each level has one or more Stacking Areas - designated locations for the player to place the crates and barrels found scattered throughout the level. In some levels there are also stacking areas for medical waste, wet-floor signs, and cryogenic storage containers. Stacking areas are marked by a painted outline on the floor with a word indicating the type of object to be placed there. Different paint colors are used to indicate the type of object to gather. Most commonly it is light-orange or yellow for crates and boxes, a lighter yellow for wet-floor signs, blue for barrels, and green for medical waste or containers. However, because colors can vary by level, it is highly recommended that the player always read text written on the paint line itself to learn what should be stored in which area, rather than relying on colour. Painted lines may sometimes be difficult to read or partially obscured or "weathered" by the environment.
Although stacking items is not needed to obtain an acceptable score, it is counted as bonus points toward the player's score, much like filling out the Punchout Reports.
Системные требования
Минимальные системки для игры:
- Win XP SP3, Win 7
- Процессор: 2.4GHz Dual core
- 2 GB ОЗУ
- 2 GB HDD
- Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT Видеопамять: 512MB
- DirectX 9.0c
- Клавиатура, мышь
In the game, players take up the role of janitors working for Aerospace Sanitation Inc., who are required to clean up blood and body parts from the bloody aftermath of a level. To 'complete' a level, players must clean up all the viscera, blood, bullet holes, and Trash in the level to an acceptable amount. To accomplish this, players are equipped with a mop, their gloved hands, and the sniffer device, which allows them to pinpoint the nearest object that must be removed. In certain levels, players may also use the shovel , laser welder, and broom to aid in this task. Players are also provided with a Personal Data Assistant (or "PDA" for short), which allows them to take notes on anything they may find in a level, or review the level's brief message.
In "Speedrun" mode, the Office system is replaced by instant feedback on the Punchomatic. Players can view completion percentage, and choose to punchout or return to cleaning.
One of the many available Janitor skins.
Every level of Viscera Cleanup Detail contains a Slosh-O-Matic, which provides the player with water-filled buckets to clean their mop in and occasionally to place very small objects such as bullet shells, a What A Load Disposal Bins machine, which dispenses large biohazard bins for the player to place medium-sized objects in, and an incinerator, which is used to dispose of all undesired objects, including bins and buckets. Certain levels may also include a vendor, a large piece of machinery which will dispense various objects as selected by the player.
It is possible to spread blood and other messes (both human and alien) by dropping debris, spilling used buckets, or simply by the player tracking blood on the bottom of their boots. Because of this, some amount of care and planning is necessary to avoid re-cleaning the same area multiple times. It should be noted that the player cannot track soot on their boots.
Many levels of Viscera Cleanup Detail may be considered too large to complete in one session. Because of this, Viscera Cleanup Detail includes a manual save function and an autosave function that if enabled, will save the game automatically at intervals set by the player in the options menu between 0 (meaning the game will not autosave) and 20 minutes.
Viscera Cleanup Detail has a total of 85 Steam achievements to unlock (across all DLCs). 50 in the base game; 10 from House of Horror DLC; 10 from The Vulcan Affair DLC; 13 from Santa's Rampage; and 2 from Shadow Warrior.
Viscera Cleanup Detail also includes a level editor ('Unreal Development Kit,' or 'UDK', often nicknamed 'RUST') and a Steam Workshop page allowing players to create custom levels and messes, and then share them with other Viscera Cleanup Detail players.
Buying Viscera Cleanup Detail also gets you our spin-off titles, 'VCD: Shadow Warrior' and 'Santa's Rampage' free!
Santa's Rampage comes included in the main game download AND as a standalone copy you can use to connect with others who only own Santa's Rampage.
Viscera Cleanup Detail — необычный симулятор уборщика с видом от первого лица в научно-фантастическом сеттинге. События игры разворачиваются на большой космической станции, которая пострадала от инопланетного вторжения. Доблестный экипаж отбил атаку, оставив после себя кровавый хаос и беспорядок. Только вы сможете привести в порядок станцию, вооружившись ведром и шваброй.
Сергей Степанов запись закреплена
Как пройти уровень на 100%? Я всё убираю, мою, все дырки выжигаю, детекторы не пищат, а все уровни прохожу на 95%
1. Бочки и ящики расставить в зоны складирования;
2. Удалить пулевые отверстия в стенах при помощи лазера;
3. Отнести все флешки с каждого трупа на терминал уборщика;
4. Отчитаться на терминале, выбрав верхний вариант. Это даст проценты даже сверх 100%.
О том, как именно отчитываться на терминале по трупам и происшествию, хотел запилить пост, но руки не доходят.
Nikolay, А бочки и ящики расставить в зоны складирования, а где собственно эта зона, плюс встречаються в стенах царапины и в них какая то синяя субстанция от нее тоже надо избавляться если да то как?
Их нужно находить, они очерчены на полу специальной разметкой, она сильно потёрта, так что нужно напрячь зрение. Разметка эта бывает в виде полос синего и желтого цвета, и имеет в своем составе надпись barrels для бочек и crates для ящиков и коробок.
А синие разломы убираются так же, как пулевые отверстия - лазером.
Nikolay, я нашел зоны токо они какието маленькие, ящики обязательно складывать аккуратно а то их много и они не помещаються, нельзя некоторые ящики по углам поставить?
Их можно ставить друг на друга и как попало, хоть до потолка, главное чтоб не выходили за линию. Бочки также, но чуть сложнее - их надо ставить ровно вертикально. Двойной щелчок левой в помощь.
Key Features
- Janitorial Simulation - Step into the boots of a space-station sanitation technician and deal with the horrific aftermath of a sci-fi horror event. Blood, viscera, spent cartridges, worker bodies and other messes litter the facilities.
- Clean - It's your job to clean up the mess, so clean it up you shall! Use your trusty mop, gloves, dispenser machines, plasma laser and sniffer tool to help you get all that blood out of the floor and off the ceiling! You can even try and punch-out if you think you've done your job.
- Sandbox Gameplay - Don't want to clean? Just want to make more of a mess and play around with the physics? Go ahead! You can save your game as well; that's kind of us!
- Multiplayer - You can even enlist some friends/coworkers to come and help you clean up (or make even more mess). Split-screen co-op is available too!
“You know what I really love about violence? Dealing with the consequences! That’s why I’m so excited to see that Viscera Cleanup Detail, the space station janitor simulation, is now available on Steam Early Access.”
“By setting its mundane stall in the days after events that would be taken oh-so-seriously in another game, Viscera Cleanup Detail manages to be morbidly hilarious without ever telling a single joke.”
Об этой игре
The Game
Disaster! An alien invasion and subsequent infestation have decimated this facility. Many lives were lost, the facility was ruined and the aliens were unstoppable. All hope was lost until one survivor found the courage to fight back and put the aliens in their place!
It was a long and horrific battle as the survivor dueled with all manner of terrifying life-forms and alien mutations, but our hero won out in the end and destroyed the alien menace! Humanity was saved!
Unfortunately, the alien infestation and the heroic efforts of the courageous survivors have left rather a mess throughout the facility. As the janitor, it is your duty to get this place cleaned up.
So grab your mop and roll up your sleeves, this is gonna be one messy job.
Today, you're on Viscera Cleanup Detail!
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Сейчас Viscera Cleanup Detail продается в таких магазинах, как Steam, Plati, Steam-account и других. Самая низкая цена, которую нам удалось найти - 188 рублей. Игру можно активировать в Steam.
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Viscera Cleanup Detail (commonly abbreviated as simply VCD) is a first person video game simulator developed by RuneStorm and powered by Unreal Engine 3, in which players are required to clean up the bloody aftermath of a typical first person shooter/horror game such as Dead Space. See Version History for more about the evolution of the game.
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