Vigil rainbow six siege фразы
Maestro - шутки про стереотипы об Италии, пиццу и про Рамзана Кадырова в СНГ (чечня круто)
Maverick - шутки про одноименный бластер Nerf компании Hasbro. Сравнивание с Логаном Поллом.
Clash - по корридорам не бегать. Сравнивание с Montagne
Kaid - или KaYEET! Сейчас идут споры о том, кто же круче, Бандит или Каид
Nomad - я называю ее twomad, редкие шутки про ее пальцы "Nomad не может досчитать до 10 на пальцах, потому что она тупая"
Gridlock - ииvɐdɯɔʚɐ εи ʞиɯǝʚиdu, шутки про ее телосложение, дескать, слишком жирная
Mozzie - шутки про его рост, ниже него только Ying - 160 см, на 2 ниже Mozzie
Operaton Health - боже упаси такое вспоминать
Lesion - шутки про то, что его шорты карго не соответствуют внешнему виду оперативника
Zofia - Kurwa. шутки про взаимоотношение можду ней и ее сетрой Элой
Dokkaebi - та самая девушка, которая звонит тебе в самый неподходящий момент
Vigil - "ага", "как-то здесь тихо", "судят не по словам, а по делам", в узких кругах его называют Virgil (смесь Vigil и Virgin (девственник))
Blackbeard - или же nerfbeard
Caveira - шутки про то, что иногда она действительно пугает
Hibana - шутки про недавнее изменение ее лица, сравнение ее гаджета с спинерами
Echo - его представляют как очень ленивого
Jackal - шутки про его озабоченность чужими ногами
Mira - самый известный трюк за нее - усилить стену, повесить на него окно, и смотря в него стрелять в соседнюю стену, которая не усиленна. Иногда другие игроки команды усиливают эту самую стену и реакция человека, играющего на мире всегда довольно бурная и негативная. Очень боится Twitch, а именно ее дронов
IQ - T H I C C, имеет один из самых бесполезных гаджетов в игре на момент операции Burnt Horizon, недавно она была вполне универсальным оперативником, но позже у нее отняли гранаты. Имеет самый лучший по мнению коммьюнити элитный комплект в игре
Jager - ACOG, шутка про алкоголь (я сам хз откуда она взялась, но на фан артах его частенько изображают как выпивающего что-то спиртное)
Psychological Profile
Psychological Report
"Specialist Chul Kyung "Vigil" Hwa had a tumultuous childhood. Much of it is lost to him, and what he remembers is precious. I assured him that my role isn't to pick apart his past or dredge up events that would unsettle him, though of course I'm always here should he or any of our operators need me. I explained that my role Is to shape a cohesive team — everyone fits in some way, and it's up to me to piece it all together. [. ]
Preservation of anonymity drives everything Hwa does. He's uncomfortable with me recording our conversations, and that a notification on my phone revealed our meeting time. He's equally anxious in social situations. It's difficult to tell if he has a strong self-concept or an utter lack of one. What is apparent is that Hwa can't let anyone in, which means he's often trapped alone with his own thoughts. [. ]
I wanted him to have a clear picture of who he was, at that moment, in my office. To see himself not just as an elite operator or a small child who lost his family. So I suppose he may not have understood where I was going when I asked if he liked Saturday morning cartoons.
We ran through a casual series of likes and dislikes ranging from quiet contemplation to free association. He was uncomfortable, but he humored me. As he relaxed, some of his own answers caught him off guard. From discussing breakfast cereals and the realization that he doesn't know how to ride a bike, he was able to relate a memory to me. He described how the scent of hot soup triggered a vivid image — a woman, who he assumed was his mother, smiling and handing him a bowl. His face softened, and for a moment, he was home. [. ]
I've encouraged Hwa to carry on these associative exercises throughout his day. I know various members of Rainbow have reached out to him and while there are indications he respects them, there are still barriers he may not yet be ready to take down."
is still able to detect Vigil's footprints, as the ERC-7 only protects him from visual electronic monitoring. EMP Grenades will temporarily prevent Vigil from using the ERC-7. Shockdrone will temporarily disable Vigil's ERC-7. will be able to detect the ERC-7 whenever Vigil activates the ability. Specifically, IQ will detect the ERC-7 pack itself.
Gameplay Description
A Light Armored Operator, Vigil comes equipped with his ERC-7 Video Disruptor, which will erase him from video feeds for a set amount of time.
- The ERC-7 works on a charge system; it has infinite uses but limited duration and charge. It can be manually deactivated while active.
- The ERC-7 has a maximum duration of 12 seconds.
- The ERC-7 recharges when it is deactivated. The recharge rate is twice as fast as the depletion rate, with a maximum recharge time of 6 seconds.
- The ability icon for the ERC-7's cloak will turn red to show the player that the ERC-7 has only 4 seconds of use left.
- Vigil can activate his ERC-7 as long as he has at least 25% charge.
- When the ERC-7 is active, Vigil gains the following effects:
- Vigil becomes invisible to all Attacker camera feeds, including Drones and Surveillance Cameras hijacked by Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb. This also includes:
, when hacked by Dokkaebi Shock Drones Black Eye cameras, when hacked by Dokkaebi Yokai Drones, when hacked by Dokkaebi Evil Eyes, when hacked by Dokkaebi
- Attacker drones hacked by Mozzie's Pests, when hacked by Dokkaebi Gemini Replicator Argus Cameras RCE-RATERO Drones
- The Video Disruptor has an unlimited effective range, but takes a second before making Vigil fully invisible to cameras and drones.
- Within 12 meters of Vigil's active ERC-7 a drone or camera will begin to see the interference border.
- The interference border gets bigger the closer Vigil is.
- Vigil's movements will not trigger the pings from Lion's EE-ONE-D.
- If Vigil triggered the pings from the EE-ONE-D before activating the ERC-7, activating ERC-7 will have no effect.
- Vigil can activate the ERC-7 both before and during the scan, as long as he hasn't been detected.
- Performing any actions will automatically deactivate the ERC-7, such as meleeing.
- External sources of interference will not force the ERC-7 to deactivate. Concussion effects, stun effects, explosives, fire, or even Smoke's Gas Canisters and Smoke Grenades will not interfere with the ERC-7.
- Friendly gadgets will not interfere with the ERC-7, such as Mute's Signal Jammers.
Electronic Rendering CloakDevice Evaluation
Device: Electronic Rendering Cloak "ERC-7"
Operator: Specialist Chul Kyung "Vigil" Hwa
Evaluation Lead: Specialists Craig "Blackbeard" Jenson, Jack "Pulse" Estrada, and Masaru "Echo" EnatsuDue to previous commitments, my bud Vigil (Specialist Chul Kyung Hwa) couldn't make it to the ERC-7's evaluation. So there was a bit of jockeying for position on this eval. Mira, Harry, and whoever else should meet up and figure out how to handle this situation in the future. No harm done — just a crowded room. I was happy to have Pulse and Echo's technical input on a device that, frankly, I find kind of baffling. Sure, it's effective. Just a bit flashy and over-complicated for my tastes.
Vigil has some ideas about cloaking for real space — I've attached his research on some wild stuff about cephalopods and "visual appearance modulation." Pretty cool — but that's a future discussion. For this evaluation we tested the ERC's function in disrupting cams and scans like the EE-ONE-D. You'll see from the data that the ERC-7 is doing fine. Any adjustments would likely be minor.
I've locked it up until Vigil gets back, though. I know exactly what kind of "adjustment" Lion would make to it.
Loadout [ ]
Electronic Rendering CloakSpecialized in electronics and electrical engineering, his stealth technology, the ERC (Electronic Rendering Cloak), gives Vigil a distinct tactical advantage when engaging the Archæans. Disrupts enemies making him undetectable for a medium duration. Requires a recharge after each use.
Личное дело
Чхоль Кен Хва помнит о своём детстве немногое. Он помнит, как во время ночного перехода через реку утонул его брат и то, как во время перехода через джунгли его больная тропической лихорадкой мать задерживала их, как отец принял решение бросить её, запретив сыну плакать, так как плач мог привлечь патруль. Он помнит дом, в котором они провели взаперти месяц, путешествие на поезде и двух солдат, арестовавших двух таких же беженцев.
Во время этого путешествия окружающие убеждали Чхоль Кена, что любое слово или действие может привести к тому, что их поймают, что это вопрос жизни и смерти. Чхоль Кен со своей стороны прятал свои чувства как можно глубже, чтобы не выдавать родителей.
В Южной Корее, где семья получила убежище, жизнь оказалась далеко не такой счастливой, как думалось. Отец Чхоль Кена бросился под поезд, так как не перенёс потерю жены и понял, что политубежище – вовсе не шанс на спасение. Но мальчик и тогда не поддался эмоциям, находясь во власти собственных мыслей.
Чхоль Кена усыновила семья Хва. Они считали, что ребёнку нужно забыть своё прошлое и ему было велено забыть своё настоящее имя. Он этому подчинился, так как он получал новый вид «маскировки». Чхоль воспитывался в рамках системы поведенческих норм и научился неуклонно следовать приказам. Он умел прятаться за сводами правил.
Психологический портрет
Chul Kyung Hwa (Hangeul: 화철경, Hwa Cheol Gyeong), codenamed Vigil is a REACT Operator set to be featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction.
A North Korean by birth, Chul Kyung Hwa doesn't remember much of his early life. As a child, he and his family defected from the oppressive country and made their way across Asia in an attempt to eventually reach the Republic of Korea . Throughout it all, everyone impressed upon Chul Kyung that anything he said or any strange behavior would get them caught. it was life or death. So he buried his emotions deep, lest he betray his parents and be responsible for their capture; he became a stone to the outside world. During the journey, his older brother drowned while they were crossing a river. They then stayed in a safe house for over a month in near silence before taking a train ride that resulted in soldiers arresting two fellow defectors. His mother later grew sick and was slowing them down during a jungle crossing. After they were forced to leave his mother behind, Chul's father urged him not to cry so as to not alert nearby armed patrols. Gaining asylum in South Korea, it was not the happy life they'd envisioned. The loss of his family proved too much for Chul Kyung's father, who committed suicide by throwing himself in front of a train, leaving his son an orphan. Chul Kyung remained a stone, never showing emotion, never betraying his inner thoughts.
Chul Kyung was adopted into the Hwa family, who believed it best if he forget his past, which started by changing his full name to Chul Kyung Hwa. Chul Kyung was actively encouraged to forget his real name and he obliged. It was another form of camouflage. He grew up in a system of rules and codes of conduct, and they provided him with a reason to be stoic, to follow orders. He could hide behind the rules. Chul's trauma showed during his adolescence as he became reclusive and was a slow reader, however, he later showed great improvement and focus by improving his grades.
Six Invitational
In late 2020, Chul Kyung was chosen by Harry to be one of the four team captains to lead a squad for the upcoming Six Invitational. Chul Kyung's team was composed of Aria "Alibi" de Luca, Morowa "Clash" Evans, Liu Tze "Lesion" Long and Elżbieta "Ela" Bosak, with Monika "IQ" Weiss, Sébastien "Buck" Côté, and Shuhrat "Fuze" Kessikbayev serving as alternates. When Chul Kyung received his team assignment during a meeting between captains with Harry, Eliza "Ash" Cohen voiced her disdain for having Kali placed on her team. This prompted Chul Kyung to suggest she trade Kali for Buck. Harry quickly shot the idea down, stating that it was important for each team to learn how to work together. Chul Kyung then stated that he hoped Max "Mozzie" Goose was not on his team or else he may experience an "accident". To his relief, Elena "Mira" Álvarez confirmed that Mozzie was on her team.
Chul Kyung later conducted a one-on-one interview with Harry to discuss his role as a team captain. Chul Kyung stated that he was surprised that he was chosen to lead a team as he did not consider himself to be a leader and that he doesn't compare to the other captains. Harry reassured Chul Kyung by telling him he believes that the fact that he was chosen as a captain proves he is a capable leader and that he was not giving himself enough credit. Harry then asked Chul Kyung how he thought his team was going to perform at the Six Invitational. Chul Kyung stated that they were all professionals which would make his job easier. He then went on to discuss several tactics his team could do to achieve victory. Harry wished him luck, only for Chul Kyung to say that they'll make their own luck.
In early 2021, Chul Kyung faced off against Team Capitão as the defending team in the second match of the Six Invitational. Team Vigil ultimately lost the match due to a combination of Lesion being blown back as a result of Sanaa "Nomad" El Maktoub's airjabs and the rest of the team being too busy attacking Gilles "Montagne" Touré to stop Nomad from defusing the bomb. For the third match of the Six Invitational, Team Vigil faced off against Team Ash. Vigil was the last man standing on his team though he managed to eliminate four of the five enemy players. Unfortunately, he was ultimately eliminated by a exothermic charge by Jordan "Thermite" Trace. Faced with their second loss, Team Vigil was officially eliminated from the Invitational. Sam Fisher followed Chul Kyung back to the locker room to speak with him about the loss. Chul Kyung told Fisher that they did their best but Team Ash did better. While praising him for his efforts, Fisher asked Chul Kyung if he had taken the Invitational seriously enough. Chul Kyung stated that he was taking it as serious as a game of "cops and robbers"; that if had he not treated it like a simulation there would be blood on his hands. Fisher stated that they had tried to make it as real as possible and suggested that he should improve his suspension of disbelief for next year. Chul Kyung told Fisher to be careful what he wished for as it would mean Mozzie might be "sent back to Australia in a box". Fisher said that he couldn't tell if he was joking or not, only for Chul Kyung to say that his point still stands.
Biography [ ]
Vigil remains something of a mystery. While little is known about this background before military service, his operational xperience quickly won him a spot with REACT. Recruited for his knowledge of electrical engineering, and particularly stealth technology, his ERC (Electronic Rendering Cloak) gives him tactical advantage when engaging the Archæans.
General information
Real Name
Date of birth
Voice Actor
"You never saw me coming. Don't feel so bad. Nobody ever sees me. I'm in everyone's blind spot."
— Vigil Operator VideoGameplay Description [ ]
Читайте также:
- External sources of interference will not force the ERC-7 to deactivate. Concussion effects, stun effects, explosives, fire, or even Smoke's Gas Canisters and Smoke Grenades will not interfere with the ERC-7.