Victoria 2 франция решения
Unique decisions and events
Prussia has a long list of unique events and decisions, which will be a great help. Among them are some of the best national decisions in the game.
Brandenburg, Schlesien, and Nordrhein are the most populous Prussian regions, and also are predominantly North German cultured with high literacy. Therefore, they are the ideal places to build factories if you place the Reactionary party in charge for State Capitalism. Ideally, you should have factories manufacturing goods using raw materials produced in-country, so that your beginning industry is not reliant on imports, which can be cut off if the exporting nation builds up their industry sufficiently to utilize all of their raw materials (to be fair - an unlikely occurrence at the beginning of the game). Your beginning production is primarily coal, grain, and fruit. Therefore, cement, glass, Liquor, Winery, canned food, and steel are good early factories. Be careful about military factories: especially Fertilizer, Explosives, Ammunition, Artillery, and Small Arms - though you will almost certainly want some local capacity, their markets seem to be particularly volatile and prone to crashing. Clicking the Trade tab lets you see which goods are in high demand and which are not (by hovering over the prices of the goods). High demand goods will sell better and make better profit than goods not in demand - you don't necessarily want to build one of every factory in every province, or you risk market saturation of a good and all your factories of that type losing money. Factory subsidization is very useful in the first few decades - your capitalists will accumulate capital faster by ensuring that their factories don't close due to short term market changes, and the number of craftsmen will build up faster when they are employed rather than emigrating due to unemployment. That said, if the market for a good is extremely oversaturated and you are losing huge quantities to subsidizations, it may be wise to selectively cut your subsidies to gradually lower supply. Ultimately, once you have a small base of industry that you are happy with, Interventionism or Laissez-Faire is probably the ideal economic policies you will want, to avoid micromanaging hundreds of factories.
Budget & Taxation
Greater Germany: Absorbing Austria
If you have Austria in your Sphere of Influence, and you press the Form Germany decision, the entire Austria will be united with you in Greater Germany, although its land won't get your cores. This is entirely optional. Knocking Austria from Great Power status in order to sphere them requires some maneuvering, however. This Wiki recommends to attack Austria with a Humiliate CB, siege it completely, and wait for it to lose its GP status because of the loss of manufacturing and military scores. Note that if Austria allied another GP and they are aiding them, the player needs to peace out that GP first in order to make Austria lose its GP status. Then, the player should add the "Add to sphere" wargoal and sue for peace. Now, a Greater Germany can be formed containing all of the core German lands plus whatever land Austria had. This should be possible with any luck within the first 10 years of the game.
Many people do not know that Germany can easily absorb Austria at any later time by sphereing it. Unlike with other union states there is a slight trick to this merger. Austria will not petition to join Germany unless Hungary exists. For the player pursuing this objective using Free State or Liberate Country to create Hungary is vital during one of the early conflicts. The choice of war goal depends on whether the player wishes to include the remaining Hungarian states in Greater Germany. Austria can be annexed in this way even if it has already changed its name to Austria-Hungary.
The repeating wars with France
After you defeat France for Alsace-Lorraine, they will be eager to declare war on you to retake their lost lands. These wars will likely continue for some time unless you weaken them and/or strengthen yourself sufficiently that France no longer feels up to the challenge. Absorbing Austria alone doesn't help much in reducing the frequency of DoWs, which are all the more annoying because of the French alliance with Russia and UK's tendency to chicken out of your defensive wars. The player should aim to break the alliance by either allying Russia himself or weakening one or both countries.
France is one of the top three great powers at the beginning of the game. It has a strong army, navy and high literacy. France starts with a colony in Guyana, the coast of Algiers and several smaller African colonies. However, many challenges remain. A low birthrate and even more so to the east, Prussia/NGF/Germany will cause the downfall of France if one does not prepare for these challenges. The single most important war over Alsace Lorraine will either result in the German empire forming or will cripple their ambitions.
Due to France's relatively dominant position on continental Europe and a plethora of colonies around the globe, a French player is presented with various different options to pursue. Here are some of your major options.
A workable literacy rate and a rich country means, that France does not have to limit itself when it comes to research.
In general matching Prussias army technology, getting ready for colonization and getting prestige from culture technologies are the most important aspects.
It is worth noting that two French decisions requires a tech, which can be researched right away. La Légion étrangère requires Army Professionalism and The Lambert Charter requires Ideological Thought. Especially La Légion étrangère is worth prioritizing early, as the 0.01 prestige pr month and the 1% immigrant attraction runs for the rest of game.
Many other French decisions require certain tech later in the game, and most are worth actively pursuing.
Prussia is the dominant state fighting for the control of what will become Germany and is ultimately an enemy to France as they will come for Alsace-Lorraine. A good move in the early game is to attempt to weaken the Prussians through an early war to claim their Western Provinces.
To prepare for the war we will want to build forts along Alsace-Lorraine and shift our armies to the French border with Prussia. Begin to justify a war to "Acquire State." Alternatively, a decision to claim "The Left Bank" can provide an "Acquire State" CB for a cost of 4 Infamy. Prussia will be very weak without being Germany and these early conquests could go as far as to prevent a major rival in the East. An early alliance with Denmark or Austria will prove beneficial as it will serve to contain the Prussians and prevent any further expansion. The conquest of Prussia should be quite simple and will allow you to pick up 2 States in Prussia's Western holdings along your border. This will cut a massive part of the Prussian industry down and will prevent the forming of the North German Federation, so long as you hold those states.
With your new holdings in Prussia you have now prevented a formidable foe from rising up and will be able to slowly annex minor German states as the game progresses.
In regards to diplomacy, the main objective is to counter Prussia. Prussia and minor German states have superior military skills to France. Russia or Austria are therefore natural Great power allies. Alliances with Switzerland, Belgium, or the Italian states are also valuable.
Sphering neighboring countries
Sphering neighboring countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, and Spain will help later on whenever you are in trouble, especially Belgium and Switzerland as they will become very loyal to France after sphering them. Sardinia-Piedmont and Two Sicilies can also be sphered but it is usually lost when Italy forms. Having good relations with Sardinia-Piedmont is probably a good idea because of the decision Cavour's Diplomacy.
Other options
France has many other options to pursue. Examples range from acquiring states from Spain (especially Catalonia is valuable) to establishing a greater presence in the Americas. Other options include Removing the British influence in Belgium, and annexing them or annexing Sardinia from Sardinia-Piedmont and Sicily from Two Sicilies
Военная мощь [ ]
У России есть огромная кадровая база. Не такая большая, как у Китая или Великобритании (в частности Индии), но все равно заставляет себя уважать. Путем максимального увеличения военных расходов вы будете в значительной степени гарантировать себе, что вы будете иметь более чем достаточно войск, чтобы защититься от любого возможного вторжения и даже будете способны перейти в наступление.
Имеет смысл считать ваших противники хорошими, когда выбираешь свои битвы. Если вы пойдете против нецивилизованных стран, то вам, вероятно, не придется беспокоиться так много, но если вы сталкиваетесь с другой великой державой в начале игры, то вам следует быть осторожными. Оставайтесь в обороне и пусть они приходят к вам. В боевой системе в Виктории 2 есть хороший уклон в сторону обороны, которая и может быть должна быть использована. Вы можете использовать ваши большие массы земель практически против любой страны, чтобы заставить их терять солдат на потертость. Если вы видите 50 бригад армий, и они приходят к вам, не бойтесь, пусть они начнут контролировать ваши провинции. Не забывайте - у вас есть то, что спасало Россию всегда - "Генерал Мороз".
Довольно безболезненное завоевание, которое вы можете сделать в самом начале игры - это Краков. Используйте армию с кавалерией в Варшаве, чтобы завоевать и оккупировать его. В новых патчах, однако, Краков находится в австрийской сфере, так что это может спровоцировать войну с австрийцами. Проще всего будет просто вытолкнуть Краков из их сферы, а затем атаковать этот город-государство.
Территории в Центральной Азии, такие как Хива, могут быть легкой добычей, но англичане почти наверняка начнут войну за сдерживание против вас, так что будьте осторожны. В начале вам лучше сводить счеты с Османской империей, так как исторические события могут вызывать повод для войны (КБ) против них довольно часто. Избегайте затяжных войн, просто избавляйтесь от них по крупицам. Большие войны, в которых вы будете занимать много территорий, может спровоцировать другие империи, чтобы запустить войны за сдерживание против вас и следует избегать, пока у вас есть достаточно большие и передовые военные.
Альтернативное начало территориальной стратегии России [ ]
Приобретайте территории с большим населением от этих надоедливых великих держав на ваших границах, желательно сохраняя непрерывную границу. Это ослабляет соседей, в то время как в других густонаселенных территориях, Россия - это блоха по сравнению с Англией и Китаем. Так, Гиресун и Анкара из Турции, Восточная Галиция (1 млн. человек) из Австрии, если вы находитесь в союзе с Пруссией, а в Японии большие регионы (миллион человек каждый из них) - Япония отлично подходит в качестве регионов - только стоимость 4 "бэдбоя" за каждый из них, но бить их достаточно легко.
Начинайте с 0 баллов бесчестья, чтобы вы могли бы также получить некоторые территории сразу и так, чтобы оно могло уменьшаться со временем.
Я хотел бы посоветовать вам взять регион Карс от Османской империи (10 ББ), позже предоставляя Валахии и Молдавии независимость за 0,5 ББ (в других версиях по-разному) каждого и "свободным людям" - Сербии. Это должно вытолкнуть турков из статуса великой державы, которое может быть полезным в удалении сферы влияния от них в балканских странах и Египте (от которого вы будете в конечном итоге будете получать Суэцкий канал), он может спровоцировать еще одну войну (надеясь на повод для войны "Приобретение региона"), и в этом случае нужно будет взять густонаселенные регионы Турции (Гиресун, Анкара).
Your technological priorities will vary depending on whether you want to play peacefully with a heavily industrialized nation or whether you want to militarily expand. This guide will assume that military expansion is the priority.
. You will want to prioritize the Cultural techs first to increase research points (Philosophy), educational efficiency through Biologism (Social Thought), and a few more national focuses (Political Thought) to focus originally on clergy and then on clerks. You research these first so all the other techs will research faster. - in approximately this order: (Army Leadership) tends to be most important, for fewer casualties, more morale, and faster troop movement. (Military Science) is great for army organization, so they last longer in combat - it's especially useful for gas attacks and defense. (Light Armament) provides small benefits to army Attack for the first half of the tree - especially useful if you rely heavily on mobilized infantry because they won't benefit from Heavy Armament research unless you micromanage your post-mobilization army compositions, but the second half of the tree provides massive benefits - you will definitely want to be equal or superior to your opponent on this branch. Heavy Armament provides massive benefits to artillery, but it's not so important to be equal or superior to your opponent here because it seems like the AI doesn't focus much on artillery construction. Then Army Doctrine, which doesn't offer any particularly mind-blowing advances. - being blockaded gives you war exhaustion, which isn't fun. You want (Ship Construction) to Steel Steamers, at least, for Cruisers. (Naval Engineering) and (Naval Doctrine) both provide bonuses to your fleet's power. The other two research branches mostly just provide benefits to naval organization. Useful in a long, drawn-out naval encounter, yes, but you won't encounter very many of those where you and your opponent are equal enough that your organization will be the decisive factor. offers many benefits adjunct to the army techs. (Chemistry and Electricity) is very important for population growth e.g.: more troops and lower army attrition, along with economical benefits through nitroglycerin and Electric Gear, Telephone, Fuel, and Dye factories so you can fund your military. Railroads (Infrastructure) for faster troop movement and more RGO/factory throughput for more funds. Interchangeable Parts (Mechanization) for Machine Parts factories for faster factory construction/expansion for more funds. (Power) is not a massive priority, because your economy should pretty much run itself with those other techs at first, but it does provide massive benefits if it is eventually researched.
- Least importantly, Commerce tech is not a priority except for the tax efficiency techs (Financial Institutions) when your budget begins straining. (Monetary System) will provide some benefits once you start passing reforms, but how much you need it depends greatly on the number of reforms you pass and how much you care about your administrative efficiency. (Market Functionality) is all about diplomatic points for your Sphere of Influence.
Налоги [ ]
Налоговые ставки для среднего и богатого класса с низкой (желательно нулевой) планкой возможны. Вы должны поощрять капиталистов, духовенство, клерков и бюрократов. Ставки налогов для крестьян должны быть хорошими, если они были просто крестьянами, и вы бы оставили им только достаточно денег, чтобы они нормально доедали и не голодали, и чтобы они имели достаточно сил, а также чтобы они продолжали работать для страны и нежелательно, чтобы богатые крестьяне, толстые и ленивые революционеры, обсуждали свои интересы за бокалом Шардоне. Тем не менее, необходимо поощрять мастеров, так что несмотря на ваши опасения, вам нужно будет удерживать налоги от умеренных до низких.
Пошлины. Ваши пошлины по эффективности, пока, отвратительны в начале (из-за плохой эффективности работы администраторов), поэтому, возможно, пошлины не стоят ваших усилий, поэтому тратьте лишние деньги на новые заводы/армии или собирайте деньги от налогообложения крестьян.
Промышленность [ ]
Вы должны в конечном итоге, увеличить баланс денег, так что держите, создавайте и расширяйте всех эти заводы.
The North German Federation
The first step for Prussia will likely be the formation of the North German Federation. It increases your population base for your military, your number of regions for your factory construction, and decreases the number of minors you need to spend diplomatic points influencing in order to keep yourself from losing any power. Formation of the Federation requires that Prussia own or sphere all German Empire cores; the decision will incorporate them as well as all North German culture provinces. To do this it must maintain its current spherelings and also get the following nations into its Sphere of Influence:
Holstein (Neutral to all) Saxony (Cordial, in Austria's sphere) Hannover (Cordial, in Britain's sphere. Breaks from Britain's Sphere when Victoria ascends the throne around 1840)
Luxembourg additionally starts Cordial to both Prussia and France and can easily be sphered. Although they do not have a German Empire core, they will still be incorporated because they have majority North German culture.
You can also attack Denmark for Schleswig-Holstein. If you sphere them, you will not immediately gain Schleswig-Holstein upon formation of the Federation. Prussia has a free casus belli on Denmark for the German cores there, so it is recommended to attack before one starts to sphere them.
It's recommended that you discredit France in Luxembourg on Day 0, before they can discredit you, if you choose to pursue them. Hannover is easiest if brought to Friendly status and then influence stopped until they break from Britain - then they are easily sphered. Holstein shouldn't be a problem - your likeliest competitors will be spreading their influence around far more than you, if you just focus on your necessary states. Saxony is most difficult - you can increase relations with them and diplomatically duel Austria for control, or you can use your Assert Hegemony casus belli on Austria to take their Sphere away from them, including Saxony.
Dueling for influence in Saxony is perhaps the least costly and most effective strategy for forming the North German Federation within the first five years. It's recommended that you heavily invest around 100,000 currency in Saxony with railroads (if you have them) and large factories. Maximize your influence in Saxony until Austria discredits you, then immediately switch to either Bavaria, Württemberg, or Baden until the discredit timer disappears in Saxony. Achieve 100 influence in Saxony and hold it until Austria's influence reaches 0, then remove Saxony from their sphere. Gain another 100 influence in Saxony, drain Austria, and then increase your relations. Repeat this until they are in your sphere. Once sphered, it's recommended that you drop Austria's standing with them down to neutral, and then switch to Hannover (if Victoria has ascended) or Denmark/Holstein.
With these nations sphered, you can choose the decision to form the Federation.
War for Schleswig-Holstein
When the talk comes to Denmark, Holstein and Schleswig the player has 3 possibilities:
1) Sphering Denmark
A benefit to sphering Denmark rather than attacking them for the region: Austria sometimes declares war for Schleswig-Holstein (against Denmark), if you have not done so. If you are an ally of Denmark or on Friendly terms with them (you begin Friendly), you will likely be able to intervene, defeat Austria, and take your war goals (Admit Hegemony, Bohemia, Moravia) from an isolated Austria. On the other hand, if you had attacked Austria, you would have to deal with their allies simultaneously. If you attack Denmark, you will have a truce for five years on Holstein and be unable to influence Holstein and form the North German Federation in the meantime. It takes much less time than that to sphere them. You will be able to attack Denmark for your cores later, if another nation by chance should break them from your Sphere.
2) Attacking Denmark.
If you go the military way for Schleswig-Holstein, you should declare war on Denmark on day 1, as otherwise Austria might end up getting there first. Denmark and Holstein are easy to beat as they have no allies and are far smaller than you. One can easily take Jutland, Danish Ghana, Iceland and Greenland and Danish West indies in addition or make Denmark a puppet if one wants to.
3) Sphering Holstein while defending Denmark. Then attacking Denmark.
The benefit with the third option is that one can intervene in the Austrian-Danish war because one starts at friendly status. Austria will (like option 1) be isolated and easy to beat. During the war, Prussia should have sphered Holstein and kept Denmark at friendly status. Holstein can't go to war against its sphere leader and can't defend the Danes. That way one can attack Denmark for Schleswig and possibly Jutland and Danish Ghana.
In Heart of Darkness one cannot annex Denmark before one has researched Nationalism and Imperialism. But one can however still fabricate a casus belli for either conquest or release of Schleswig. If one releases Schleswig, it will be in Prussia's Sphere of Influence.
Дипломатия [ ]
Although Napoleon's empire is gone, the legacy of the French Revolution continues to influence France and the rest of Europe. Having seen the rise of a republic, an empire, and then a restored traditional monarchy, it begins the game in 1836 as a popular constitutional monarchy under the liberal Orléanists. France nonetheless continues to possess a strong army, navy, and economy, despite the decades of upheaval, allowing it to remain among the top three great powers and giving it the potential to rise to the number one ranking. The looming United Kingdom and the emerging German power of Prussia pose a threat to France's ambitions, however, causing it to shift its designs outside the continent and towards the rich lands of Asia and Africa.
The biggest obstacle to its rise is the country's low birth rate, especially compared to the neighboring German states. Due to the threat of Prussia, France must be prepared to fight a war in defense of Alsace-Lorraine that could either cause or prevent the rise of the German Empire. On its path to regain the powerful position it held under both the Ancien Régime and Napoleon, France will also likely have to deal with revolutionaries, expand its influence by gaining a large overseas colonial empire, and maintain the balance of power in Europe.
Политика [ ]
Вы начинаете как славянофил (политика протекционизма, государственного вмешательства). У вас также есть выбор между западниками (политика свободного рынка) и панславянистами (политика протекционизма, государственного капитализма).
Ваша отрасль уйдет в никуда на старте не имея твердой точки опоры, и вам, вероятно, нужно выбрать панславянистов и строить свои основные заводы в первые несколько лет. Затем обратно поменять на славянофилов и пусть капиталисты строят железные дороги за вас, и заводы - хотя вы могли бы также расширить, как многие заводы, так и все то, где нужны денежные средства, которые вы начнете позже просто загребать.
Выбор западников в начале игры будет просто означать, что заводы у вас будут закрываться.
У вас не будет большой либеральной поддержки на протяжении десятилетий, так что вы не будете проводить какие-либо политические или социальные реформы еще долгое время. Если вы хотите, чтобы этот долгий срок сократился, вам нужно будет поднять грамотность и ваш плюрализм.
Mid Game Strategy
If you added Austria to your Greater Germany, you will notice that they have fairly low literacy in many regions. As mentioned earlier in this guide, getting Biologism quickly is a major priority to rectify that situation.
The French will likely attack for Alsace-Lorraine. You will want forts on their border and possibly the borders of their Spherelings. The Russians are less likely to attack but will if you go over your infamy limit and they sense an opportunity to raise a second front. If you plan on going over the infamy limit, forts on their border are also advisable.
You can take states from the French to weaken them, to lower the intensity of their attacks, but this can be infamy-intensive (releasing their colonies offers minimal benefits - their starting colonies and Madagascar aren't particularly powerful).
Russian states tend to be low literacy and expansion on that front will hurt your research, though it is certainly a possibility. If you wish to expand, states such as Kiev provide large amounts of grain and coal to produce glass and liquor from. Alternatively one can force Russia to release Belarus, Poland or Ukraine which will weaken them significantly.
Overseas expansion against the uncivilized, and colonization are always splendid options.
1871 - 1900: Colonial Era
Dumyat in Egypt will let you build the Suez Canal - good for traveling/expanding in Asia faster.
Sphere Ethiopia and Oman(do Oman as early as possible, Portugal likes to take their African possessions) to protect them from other colonizers, and then remove them from sphere and annex them. Both can be gobbled up in one war, as they have less than 5 states. When fighting Egypt for Dumyat, annihilate them completely to encourage Ethiopia to attack and take Eritrea. You will thus get one free state for the same infamy.
Taking Zulu, Danish Ghana and/or Brunei and building naval bases in them will give you access to additional colonizable land. It is advisable to secure these beachheads before the Scramble for Africa starts.
The Chinese region offers the best colonial states in the game, and an Eastern front to launch operations against British India while your mainland troops storm the Isles.
Accept alliances with the minor Germanic states - it will improve your relations and therefore make it easier to keep them in your sphere should you be delayed in forming the North German Confederation and Germany. In forming Germany, you will be going to war against Austria and France. An alliance with Russia or United Kingdom is ideal, in an effort to make them happy with their alliance count and not seek an alliance with France - such an alliance would ensure that you'd be facing a two-front war when you attack France. Russia's military tech is weak, so it would still be doable, but much more of a nuisance.
Prussia starts with a core on Switzerlands province Neuchâtel, and Prussia will lose that core as soon as Switzerland has invented Romanticism and taken the decision The Republic of Neuchâtel.
Therefore, one will have to move fast, and almost attack immediately to regain this core
Neuchâtel is however placed isolated squished between West Switzerland (which cannot be annexed in the same war due to being the capital of Switzerland) and France. It might be better to let this chance go, and attack Switzerland when more important matters are dealt with.
Universal Decisions
Great power decisions
Secondary power decisions
French Colonial Empire
Historically France played a major role in the European colonization of the world, and it is advisable that the player does so as well. The country has lost some of its holdings during the French Revolution and subsequent conflicts, but regaining a large empire is far from impossible. The colonies will serve the purpose of boosting one's economy and providing more manpower to deal with threats on the continent.
France has minor holdings in Africa, and one can pursue to participate in the scramble for Africa. In the beginning of the game, one can choose to follow the historical route and attack Tunis and Algeria in North Africa, or one can choose to focus on the more southern parts of Africa like Sokoto or Portugal's holdings.
The decisions The Lambert Charter and End the Merina Monarchy can be used to fully annex Madagascar.
At the beginning of the game, French possessions in the Americas are limited to a couple of islands in the Caribbean, a sole island near Canada, and the territory of Guyana on the South American coast. If the player wishes to follow the historical route, an invasion of Haiti (which gained independence from France during the Revolution) as early as 1836 is a good move to begin restoring the French presence in the region. The United States of America tend to sphere it quickly so attacking Haiti as early as possible is recommended.
As France has French Canadian as an accepted culture, taking Quebec back from the United Kingdom might be a good idea.
Far East
Historically France annexed Dai Nam and other parts of South East Asia. One can pursue that route or try to attack Japan before they westernize. Otherwise The Netherlands are relatively weak and without allies in the beginning of the game, so one can try to take over their holdings in South East Asia especially Java.
This article is timeless and should be accurate for any version of the game.
A decision can be activated by the player or the AI when certain conditions are fulfilled. Some decisions are specific to a nation. It can be decisions like Abandon Finland or Treaty of London. Others can be worldwide like The Balfour Declaration or Sign the Geneva Convention. They can be found in the politics tab under 'decisions'.
Ordinary decisions can normally only be taken once, while formation decisions can be taken multiple times.
Decisions have 4 components.
- Requirements, that allow the decision. Without these fulfilled, the decision is not visible in the tab.
- Requirements, that enable the decision. Without these fulfilled, the decision cannot be taken.
- Effects; what the decision actually do
- Flavour; Title, description and picture to give the game some life
To find help on how to created a modded decision look at How to make a decision.
Forming Germany
In order to form Germany proper, it is necessary to take Alsace-Lorraine from France (you have a War of Unification casus belli automatically). It is also necessary to have in your sphere the South Germanic nations (Baden, Bavaria, Württemberg) that Austria has sphered (if you declared an Admit Hegemony war on Austria for Saxony, you will already have those, unless you lose them subsequently to a competitor). With just those, and being the North German Federation, you can form Germany.
Alternative Strategy: The early war with France
The Prussian player may wish to start fabricating a CB on France literally on Day 1, prepare armies on the border, attack ASAP, siege the state, kill a few French armies to drive the warscore up, and peace out richer by one Alsace-Lorraine. Early in the game, the whole state costs just 16 warscore to demand, which is fairly easy to achieve with simply winning battles. Even if Russia joins in, just two or three armies on the east are enough to hold it off. Allying the UK and various minor nations can help distract France and Russia, but isn't necessary. This whole thing may sound scary, but remember that you don't need to annihilate the other two GPs off the map. Just get to around 25 warscore and the French will give in. The only disadvantage is that the player will now need to maintain a top-notch military to repel repeated French DOWs since much earlier in the game.
Preparing for War with France
If Russia is not allied with France, you will want relations over 50 with them to prevent their attacking you while you are occupied on the Western Front. If they are allied with France, you'll just have to manage (or wait for the alliance to break). You will want to have recruited as many troops as you can (no Irregulars), and to be at least as current on military techs as France (if you go to the Great Powers page, click France, click Show Wars, the right side of the screen will show you how many naval ships and army brigades they have in addition to other information. Hover over their number of brigades and it will tell you their number of army techs researched and military tactics percentage).
The war for Alsace-Lorraine
The simplest way to defeat the French is to hold back from the border, let them come to siege your provinces, and then smash their armies one by one. Don't wait too long. The French can, and will, mobilize large quantities of men. Attacking them while they have low organization will be a massive boon to your cause. Surround them whenever possible to destroy their stacks - this will be difficult at first, with such a small front and large quantity of their troops but you will be able to pin them eventually.
Unique decisions and events
France have a lot of unique positive events. There will especially be a lot of events giving prestige without any effort.
Исследования [ ]
В научных кругах начинайте с "Авангарда интеллигенции" в администрации. В простом российском технологическом развитии культурные технари имеют 30% бонус и все прочие технари имеют 5% штрафа. Это может быть изменено в политике, во вкладке с решением "Восстановление академии", но нужно использовать этот бонус в вашу пользу на некоторое время, исследуя культуру и приобретая бонусы с многих технарских исследовательских точек, которые вы можете улучшить своим научно-исследовательским потенциалом.
Пожалуй, единственное, что не является стихией России - рейтинг грамотности . В патче 1.2 грамотность стала очень важным для определения ваших исследований и в качестве такого старта Российской Империи следовало бы сосредоточиться на поддержке духовенства хотя бы до 2% в густонаселенных регионах. С низким уровнем грамотности, ваши умельцы не способствуют клеркам - которые в свою очередь минимизируют исследования и делает фабрики плохо рабочими.
Максимальные расходы на образование также надо поднять и предлагается вам построить новый исследовательский уровень. Это также отдает приоритет технологиям, которые увеличивают уровень исследований и образования, и поможет России добиться солидного рейтинга исследований в долгосрочной перспективе.
Свобода торговли - это очень хороший выбор для вашей первой технологии. Это можно проследить по экспериментальной железной дороге, а затем и по позитивизму. С этих трех технологий из пути, вы можете выбрать между акцентом на культуру медицины, чтобы получить исследовательские навыки, армию техников (особенно армия профессионализма) для завоевания и промышленных технологов для финансы вашей империи.
Decisions unique to nations
These decisions can only be taken by either specific nations or nations with a specific culture.
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