Ведьмак 3 enhanced edition трофеи
For context: I’ve completed the main story before on max difficulty, but this was my first time playing with DLC, on PC, with mods (just this one). I was a completionist, finishing the main quest, all DLC, and all available side quests, which took me
300 hours. I played with a controller, using a previous version of the mod from
mid 2020 when I installed it, not the latest at the time I’m writing this which is 5.02, so some things may have changed.
Overall: For me, Enhanced Edition made the game much more challenging, open-ended, and satisfying - it sucked me into the world in in a way that the vanilla game never did, and I wouldn’t want to go back to vanilla after playing it. In my opinion though, it needs a few tweaks to make it playable with a controller, to make it possible to fully engage with all the game’s content in a reasonable playing time, and (in my experience) to even be able to complete the full story. Most the critical feedback below is about intentional parts of the mod’s design that are acknowledged on the description page or documented in the comments section, and most of it can be resolved by the player themself using the extensive config options the mod authors included - for the things that aren’t configurable though, I’ve included my thoughts/questions on what the mod authors could do to improve the experience. Overall, I’d recommend it to anyone who wants a high-challenge/high-reward experience, but only if you’re ready to do some digging in the configuration menus to mitigate some tedious gameplay elements it introduces, and some light “cheating” to deal with punishing difficulty spikes in the main story.
Pros: challenging, deep, forces choices, makes you feel like a Witcher
The unlevelled world is a huge benefit and lets you explore the map and story in a much more open-ended way than the vanilla game - there are no parts of the map that are closed off to you, you can tackle the story in different orders, and your gear will never be obsolete or too overpowered.
The learning curve is steep because of all the changes made, but if you pay attention and experiment you’ll quickly find an approach that works and that you can develop with practice.
Forcing you to meditate to heal/craft and restricting your inventory in combat gives gameplay a rhythm and forces you to plan - on a first play through I think this would be challenging and leave you underprepared for a lot of encounters, but once you have a sense of what you’re up against it forces you to engage with the game’s systems in a way that makes them much more rewarding.
The changes to the inventory system and economy really force you to live like a wandering monster hunter - you don’t have a magic box to hoard sentimental items, loot is heavy, and good loot is scarce. You need to make choices about what gear you carry, and will need to sell some unique items to avoid being overencumbered and reinvest in your favorite gear (this has some downsides though I’ll note below).
Some of the quality of life improvements (looting multiple containers at once, togglable night eye) are welcome time savers.
The extensive customization options and inclusion of a camera mod really make this an all-in-one package - I never felt like I needed another mod to round out the experience or fix something.
Cons: things I needed to tweak to make the game playable for me, or think the mod authors should consider tweaking
Manual targeting didn’t work well for me with a controller, and I had to turn it off to make combat fun. The description makes a big deal out of manual movement and suggests you should be using attack distance modifiers and bending around the backs of enemies, but I couldn’t get the feel for it after 4-5 hours of trying in the early game - the hit box felt too narrow and my attacks would constantly go past enemies. Turning off manual targeting instantly fixed this for me, and I’d recommend it as the default way to play with a controller.
The last part of Wandering in the Dark
The Last Wish boss
The whole Battle of Kaer Morhen
Bald Mountain boss
The whole of On Thin Ice
Final bosses in both DLCs
The Isle of Mists
Beyond Time & Space
Beyond Hill & Dale
I recommend turning off the requirement for wood to meditate with a fire - I found myself needing to meditate to prepare potions and heal frequently, and it was both difficult to find enough wood and prohibitively heavy to carry around (I wanted to leave misc item weight on to force myself to be conservative with loot) - very easy tweak in the menu for the player.
I recommend turning off potion shock or toxic shock or whatever it’s called. It happens randomly rather than being a predictable part of your toxicity meter, and it’s pretty much a death sentence if it happens in fights. You can invest in perks to mitigate it, but you get experience for those perks by drinking potions and suffering through this arbitrary mechanic. I turned it off and still found potions balanced - ingredients are time consuming/expensive to gather, toxicity limits how much you can consume, and you’re at a disadvantage to fast-moving and hard-hitting enemies without them.
I recommend turning off the looting and ingredient-picking animations, or turning their length way down. I like that the mod authors included them, but I found them excessively slow at their default length, probably
3 seconds. You’ll probably interact with 10,000s of herbs and containers in a playthrough - tally that up at 3 seconds a pop and turning this off saves you like 9 hours of your life.
The bottom line: If you’re going to play this game, play it with this mod. Just be prepared to spend a little DIY time balancing and troubleshooting.
EE is so good, and the authors have provided such an incredible amount of customization options that the thing is staggeringly player friendly if you read the mod description.
I mean the work put into making a menu page for almost every aspect of the thing just floors me, that someone would put so much effort into allowing the user to tailor the experience, its fuckin beautiful!
I completely agree. The alchemy system and unleveled play are indispensable, and they sensibly turn a lot of stuff that was filler back into meaningful gameplay, restoring some of the good parts about Witcher 2 that 3 dropped.
Initially, in White Orchard, the challenge rating for the bosses could be so high that I was scouting the area before the fight looking for barrels of spirits, ambush sites, and chokepoints, carefully taking stock of my potions and bombs, doing all the prep and buffs that seem in-character for a witcher. More than once, I found two groups of hostiles, pissed them off, then led them into each other, skirmishing the bounds of a three-way fight to stay alive. Now that is *fun*.
Agreed that W3EE is The Way to play Witcher 3.
It sounds like you even got more creative with it than I did!
hey i dont use any other of the mods you link but do you mind just posting screenshots of the settings you changed in game for geralts combat? im doing my first playthrough and i do feel that geralt is a bit underestimated
you posted the screenshot but it only showed half of the settings, can you share the rest of the settings?
Hey would you recommend W3EE for someone who never played witcher 3 before (or atleast have never finished the game) ?
also in regards to combat, did it really feel new to you? how much of the mod changes the playstyle? (talking about when ur actual in mid fight/fighting)
Also how much freedom does this mod give in terms of adjusting to ur desire? Say im not digging the whole not being able to health regen while in a fight, can i turn that back on?
I would definitely recommend it for a 1st playthrough. I used it for my 2nd playthrough and wish I had used it for my first. I think the learning curve and difficulty people describe when reviewing this mod is mostly from unlearning things that worked in the vanilla game - not being able to dodge all you want without draining your stamina, Quen being an armor boost rather than a free hit with no damage, having to invest time and resources in systems like alchemy and bombs rather than them just being one-time crafts, etc. The added challenge made me more invested in the story and that made it feel more rewarding.
Beyond the gameplay, I think the mod also benefits the story: the original game makes you approach chapters of the story based on minimum levels for their missions, but this mod lets you approach them in any order by un-leveling the world, and the story responds subtly to the order you approach them. The quests I played for the first time on my 2nd playthrough with this mod really stuck out for me because of the added difficulty and constraints and surprise of running into them at any level, and after playing the DLCs with it the first time I wish I had done the main quest that way.
Описание: мод меняет свойства всех трофеев на более полезные. В архиве два варианта.
Enhanced Monster Trophies (v1.2)
Cave troll - 600 HP - None
Nekker - 10% Attack damage bonus - None
Nekker Warrior - 15% Attack damage bonus - None
Drowner - 10% crit chance & 25% crit damage bonus & drowner pheromone effect - None
Wild Hunt Dog - 100 Stamina - None
Leshan - 20% Monster Resist - None
Ancient Leshan - 30% Monster Resist - None
Forktail - 5% Install kill chance - None
Wyvern - 20% Igni power & 10% Fire damage bonus - None
Royal Wyvern - 10% Burning chance - None
Gravehag - 20% Yrden power & 50% chance Quen blocks projectiles - None
Fogling - 20% poison resistance & 5% Poison chance - None
Fiend - 30 Additional carry weight & Bear pheromone effect & 15% additional experience for killing monsters - None
Chort - 10% stun chance & Bear pheromone effect & 20% additionl experience for killing monsters - None
Wraith - Whenever a single hit drains more than a third of Vitality, a Quen shield is activated which protects against the next attack & 10% additional experience for killing humans - Not tested & Doesn't show full info in the game
Ekhidna - Frost & Force & Shock 15% resistance bonus - Doesn't show info in the game
Bies - 45 Additional carry weight & Bear pheromone effect & 20% additional experience for killing monsters - None
Erynie - 50 Armor reduction - None
Water Hag - 20% Aard power & 50% chance Quen blocks projectiles - None
Cockatrice - 15 Additional armor & 10% poison chance - None
Nightwraith - 12% freeze chance - None
Ekkima - 5% bleeding chance & 100 vitality - None
Arachas - 12% Quen & Yrden & Igni % Aard power bonus - None
Gryphon - 15 additional max toxicity & 100% dismember chance - None
Royal Gryphon - 30 additional toxicity & 100% dismember chance - None
Arch Gryphon - 45 additional toxicity & 100% dismember chance - None
Succubus - 50% additional gold & 50% dismember chance - None
Katakan - Return 15% damage to attacker - Doesn't show info in the game
Earth elemental - 25% physical resistance - None
Doppler - 50% bonus money & 20% additional experience for killing monsters/humans - None
Noonwraith - 15% sign power bonus % 10% additional experience for killing humans - None
Noonwraith 2 - 25% sign power bonus & 15% additional experience for killing humans - None
Enhanced Monster Trophies Alternative (v1.2)
Cave troll - 100 HP & 5% Strong attack damage bonus - None
Nekker - 5% Attack damage bonus & 5% Additional Critical chance - None
Nekker Warrior - 8% Attack damage bonus & 7% Additional Critical chance - None
Drowner - 7% crit chance & 10% crit damage bonus & drowner pheromone effect - None
Wild Hunt Dog - 100 Stamina - None
Leshan - 10% Monster Resist - None
Ancient Leshan - 15% Monster Resist - None
Forktail - 3% Install kill chance - None
Wyvern - 10% Igni power & 10% Fire damage bonus - None
Royal Wyvern - 5% Burning chance & 5% Fire damage bonus - None
Gravehag - 20% Yrden power & 25% chance Quen blocks projectiles - None
Fogling - 10% poison resistance & 4% Poison chance - None
Fiend - 30 Additional carry weight & Bear pheromone effect & 25% additional experience for killing monsters - None
Chort - 6% stun chance & Bear pheromone effect & 30% additionl experience for killing monsters - None
Wraith - 14% Stamina regen bonus & 6% Focus gain bonus & 10% additional experience for killing humans - Doesn't show full info in game
Ekhidna - Frost & Force & Shock & Bleeding & Will 6% resistance bonus - None
Bies - 45 Additional carry weight & Bear pheromone effect & 30% additional experience for killing monsters - None
Erynie - 30 Armor reduction - Doesn't show info in the game
Water Hag - 20% Aard power & 25% chance Quen blocks projectiles - None
Cockatrice - 10 Additional armor & 6% poison chance - None
Nightwraith - 5% freeze chance & 6% Frost resistance bonus - None
Ekkima - 4% bleeding chance & 60 vitality - None
Arachas - 9% Quen & Yrden & Igni % Aard power bonus - None
Gryphon - 10 additional max toxicity & 100% dismember chance - None
Royal Gryphon - 20 additional toxicity & 100% dismember chance - None
Arch Gryphon - 30 additional toxicity & 100% dismember chance - None
Succubus - 70% additional gold & 50% dismember chance - None
Katakan - Return 8% damage to attacker & 15% additional vitalty regen in combat - Doesn't show info in the game
Earth elemental - 15% physical resistance & 5% Strong attack damage bonus - None
Doppler - 70% bonus money & 30% additional experience for killing monsters/humans - None
Noonwraith - 12% sign power bonus % 20% additional experience for killing humans - None
Noonwraith 2 - 18% sign power bonus & 25% additional experience for killing humans - None
1. Если это первый мод который вы используете, вы должны создать папку mods в самой папке с игрой Witcher 3
2. Скачайте архив, если будете устанавливать через NMM менеджер, то просто добавьте архив как есть и мод сам установится, если вручную, то поместите папку modEnhancedMonsterTrophies из архива в папку mods в игре. Путь должен быть таким The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt/mods/modEnhancedMonsterTrophies
So I just started a new witcher game, with some mods including Enhanced Edition. Have played through the game a couple years ago on PS4.
It also tells me to use distance modifiers, but I cant seem to find anything to the key its bound to?
Enhanced Edition seems to be somewhat complicated in the changes it made.
They should be in key bindings, "long attack" is "shift" and "medium range" attack is "ctrl" if I remember correctly.
Also the mod seems to break the wild hunt standard enemy AI.
Согласен, неплохой мод, лишь чутка увеличивают некоторые свойства. а то нынешние уникальные трофеи, ну никак не уникальные. что они есть, что их нет.
Отличный мод. А то создавалось впечатление, что все монстры с инкубатора.
Не по теме, но не знает ли кто ссылку на мод изменяющий гарды ?То есть гарду волка с стального на серебрянный меч ?Был тут такой моды - не могу найти
у новых монстров в дополнении кровь и вино улучшений нет
Как я понял, моды от 1.21 действуют и на 1.22
Рейзел Работают, но не все.
Yogans Да, пойдёт.
1SanKram1 Я знаю ты шаришь по модам)Помоги найти мод на смену гард с стального на серебрянный плиз))
Евгений Долгополов Это имеешь ввиду?
1SanKram1 Не-не.Я имею ввиду моду который дефолтные гарды меняет между собой.То есть та гарда что приделана к стальному меняется местами с гардой, что приделана к серебрянному)
Евгений Долгополов Не правильно тебя понял,подумал что хочешь их одинаковыми сделать,как на стальном мече (на скрине).
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