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Battle to rule the galaxy in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – Knights of the Eternal Throne, a bold new digital expansion from BioWare. Be the Outlander and command a team of hand-picked allies as you face one of the most dangerous families in Star Wars™. Mother against daughter. Sister against brother. It’s a fight for control of the throne. You decide who will live, who will die and who will rule the galaxy. Fight to influence the galaxy for the light or dark side of the Force™!
Best of all, Knights of the Eternal Throne is FREE to all Premium players!
Step into your own Star Wars™ story from BioWare, featuring nine chapters, five new levels and two new planets woven into an epic saga where you fight to rule the galaxy.
Decide the future of the galaxy and determine the fate of your allies and enemies – your every action drives the galaxy closer to the light or dark side of the Force™.
Be The Outlander, a Level 65 veteran of the Great Galactic War, and embark on a handcrafted story-driven saga.
Grow your power and influence as you ignite light and dark side battles, fight in new Uprisings and unlock the most powerful rewards – all starting at Level 70 in the new and ongoing Galactic Command system.
Join up to three allies in erupting action-packed battles and confront powerful adversaries rising to challenge your influence in Galactic Command.
Choose to play any story chapter or battle in three new challenge levels – Story, Veteran, or Master mode – whatever suits your playstyle!
- Максимальный уровень повышен до 70.
- Подписчики могут создать одного персонажа 65 уровня бесплатно.
STAR WARS The Old Republic – Knights of the Eternal Throne – "Betrayed" Trailer
Q1. Who is eligible to activate the Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 Free Trial?
Preferred Status Players which include Former Subscribers or players who have purchased Cartel Coins are eligible to take advantage of a special limited-time offer to activate the Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 Trial any time during the promotional period (December 15, 2016 – January 3, 2017 at 11:59PM PST / January 4, 2016 at 7:59AM GMT).
To be eligible, the player:
- Must be a Preferred Status player which includes:
- Former Subscribers who have previously signed up for a Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ recurring subscription using a valid payment method, redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic game time code or redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic game product Registration code and whose account is in an inactive Subscription status.
- OR, a player who has purchased Cartel Coins.
Players who have already unlocked the Knights of the Eternal Throne Digital Expansion, previously activated the Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 trial or active Premium players (Subscribers) do not qualify.
Q2. How do I activate my Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 Free Trial?
Begin activating your Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 Trial by visiting www.swtor.com/trial and clicking "PLAY CHAPTER 1 FREE." If you meet the eligibility requirements for the offer, you can click START NOW and immediately begin playing Chapter 1.
Q3. What is included in the Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 Free Trial?
Activating your Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 Free Trial offers you the opportunity to create 1 new Level 65 character using the Outlander Character Token. You can play Chapter 1 with this new character or any pre-existing character that is already Level 65. You will not be able to progress above Level 65. Activating this trial permanently unlocks Chapter 1. Your account remains in a Preferred Status state and does not have Subscriber level access during the trial.
Q4. What happens to my Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 Free Trial if I activate a Subscription?
If you activate or reactivate your Subscription before activating your Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter 1 Free Trial, your account becomes an active Premium (Subscriber) account and no longer qualifies for the Chapter 1 Free Trial. Becoming a Premium player at any time unlocks the ability for you to continue your story beyond Chapter 1 all the way through Chapter 9. You also receive an additional Outlander Character Token to create an additional Level 65 character with your Subscription.
Q5. How do I earn the 500 Bonus Cartel Coins and when will I receive it?
Star Wars The Old Republic занимает особое место в моем сердце. Я был одним из тех, кто предзаказал игру и очень ждал ее. Смотрел закрытые стримы альфа- и бета-версий, перепрошел Jedi Academy, ожидая выход той MMO, которая, по моему мнению, могла легко поспорить за пьедестал с главным королем жанра - WoW. Как мне казалось, сочетание знаменитой вселенной с богатым издателем и прославленной студией-разработчиком как раз и является всем тем, чего не хватало многим другим “убийцам” WoW’а. Но, к сожалению, игра вышла неготовой и я, как и многие другие, быстро покинул ее в первые месяцы после релиза. Время шло, игра перешла на рельсы Free To Play, обросла контентом, были исправлены многие ошибки. Я время от времени поглядывал и возвращался в нее пройти очередную сюжетную кампанию, и ощутить себя рыцарем-джедаем или адептом темной стороны. И вот на этой неделе состоялся релиз очередного аддона для Star Wars The Old Republic, получившего название Knights of the Eternal Throne. Что добавило данное обновление и стоит ли сейчас возвращаться в игру? Давайте разберемся.
Главной фишкой SWTOR’а всегда являлась сюжетная линия. Что бы кто не говорил, но долгое время именно эта игра держала пальму первенства, как MMORPG с самыми проработанными и интересными квестами. Возможность выбора, кат-сцены на движке игры, масштабные квесты - все это выделяло данную MMO среди других. Конечно, с выходом такого проекта как TESO и Живого Мира GW2, можно было бы говорить о том, что другие ММО догнали, ну или приблизились к уровню Старой Республики. Однако с выходом KotET, я могу с уверенностью сказать, что BioWare вновь ушли в далекий отрыв.
Сосредоточившись на данном аспекте, разработчики смогли создать прекрасную, интересную историю, которая не уступает по красоте и проработке многим синглплеерным проектам. Постоянные кат-сцены, выборы, действительно влияющие на продолжение истории, а также постоянный фансервис, позволяют ощутить себя одним из самых могущественных и важных персонажей галактики. История KotET является прямым продолжением предыдущего аддона - Knights of The Fallen Empire. Продолжается война с Вечной Империей Закула. Республика и Империя поставлены на колени и лишь ваш Альянс является последним оплотом галактики против захватчиков. На смену побежденному принцу Аркану пришла его сестра Ваелин, которая, пожалуй, еще более сумасшедшая, чем ее брат и даже Силы Императора, находящегося в вашем теле, не всегда достаточно для противостояния этой даме. В процессе приключений вам предстоит побывать на двух различных планетах, причем посещение одной из них станет настоящим сюрпризом для многих любителей вселенной Звездных Войн.
Но вот мы прошли сюжетную составляющую и взяли максимальный уровень. Что дальше? Кроме уже ставшего традиционным обновления под актуальный уровень всех рейдов, разработчики приготовили сразу несколько активностей. Начнем, пожалуй, с Dark Vs Light. Данный ивент является единым для всего сервера. При заходе в игру вы можете выбрать сторону в извечном споре Темной и Светлой сторон силы, и все ваши подвиги, также как и подвиги других игроков сервера, заносятся в специальный общесерверный счетчик темной и светлой стороны. При победе одной из них все игроки соответствующей Стороны Силы получают различные награды, а по галактике начинают появляться могущественные адепты, победить которых смогут только достаточно большие группы. Разработчики хотят создать благоприятную почву для возрождения World PvP, размещая этих лордов в открытых локациях и провоцируя гильдии сражаться за них между собой, однако получится ли это у них - большой вопрос, особенно помня про проблемы, которые были на старте проекта.
Другой активностью, ради которой игроки будут собираться в группы, являются так называемые “Восстания”. Против кого и кто восстает, я, пожалуй, говорить не буду, но лишь замечу, что это небольшие интересные групповые ивенты, в рамках которых вам придется уничтожать достаточно массивные отряды противника.
К сожалению, глобально, это все нововведения, которые ожидают игроков. Да, разработчики активно намекают на разработку нового рейда и если вы все еще не прошли около 10 предыдущих рейдов в трех уровнях сложности, то группового контента вам хватит с головой. Ветеранов же может расстроить необходимость проходить те же самые Операции в очередной раз. По моему мнению, BioWare стоило все же ввести один новый рейд сразу с выходом дополнения, что подстегнуло бы интерес игроков предпочитающих хардкорный PvE-контент.
Новый сезон рейтинговых Варзон, в сочетании с предполагающимся обилием wolrd pvp за боссов, может стать неплохим подспорьем для любителей PvP, к тому же, сравнительно недавно была введена новая Варзона, так что если вы ее пропустили - она может подарить вам пару интересных вечеров.
Что вызывает отдельное непонимание, так это пустота внутриигрового магазина. Я искренне считаю F2P-систему SWTOR одной из самых честных на рынке - заплатив достаточно смешные деньги, по сравнению с другими проектами, за премиум-аккаунт, вы получаете доступ ко всему контенту игры, а бонусом специальные кредиты для внутриигрового магазина, в котором нет ничего влияющего на баланс игры. Однако в этом магазине просто нечего покупать. За год с моего последнего захода в игру в ассортименте костюмов, покупка которых является одним из моих слабых мест во многих ММО, не прибавилось ни одного нового предложения, а открыв 20 местных паков (сундуки) я не получил ничего ценного, что заставило бы меня сохранить свои тысячи Картель Коинов на будущее. BioWare нужно срочно провести работу над этим аспектом игры.
The galaxy is erupting in chaos as powerful enemies arise to destroy you. Take Command and Lead your alliance to victory or risk complete annihilation! A galaxy full of new enemies, uneasy alliances, and dangerous choices awaits. Your reign over the galaxy has just begun… it’s up to you to take Command!
With the renewed war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the remote planet Dantooine has taken on sudden significance: its location at the edge of Imperial space makes it a perfect staging area for Republic military ships traveling to and from the front lines. Unable to breach the Republic lines and attack the planet directly, the agents of the Empire have recruited the brutal Nova Blade pirates to attack Dantooine from within the Republic's own territory, catching the planet's defenders completely off guard with the overwhelming violence of their attack.
In the ensuing chaos, elite Imperial forces have infiltrated Dantooine and established a hidden base on the planet's surface, aiming to cripple the Republic's efforts with a series of surgical strikes. The Nova Blades lash out at anyone and everyone they can find; despite originally being hired by the Empire, this brutal pirate armada cares only for the plunder they can claim. Staggered by the pirates' ruthlessness and the Empire's cunning, the Republic's harried defenders put out a call for assistance from anyone who can help them hold Dantooine against the enemy's deadly incursions.
With the renewed war between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the remote planet of Dantooine has become the next stage in this growing conflict.
- The Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire will not only be fighting each other, but the Nova Blade Pirates as well.
- Dantooine will be the host of the newest recurring event - "Pirate Incursion".
- While the event isn't active, players are free to explore Dantooine's pastoral landscapes and may even discover a few surprises along the way.
- Player's choices on Ossus will carry over to the events of Dantooine.
This new recurring in-game event will take place on Dantooine as the Republic, Empire, and Nova Blade pirates vie for control of the planet.
- Players level 20 and above will be able to participate in the event.
- New Daily and Heroic Missions will be available to players on Dantooine during the Incursion event.
- New event rewards including a Nova Blade Armor Set, Dantooine Homesteader Armor Set, Walker Mount, Kath Hound Mount, Ugnaught Companion, and more!
Travel to your favorite planet in style with updated planetary arrival cinematics.
- Alderaan, Corellia, Hoth, Korriban, Tython and many more planets have had their arrivals updated. Travel the galaxy in your favorite starship and see these planets like never before.
Guild features continue to expand with the addition of Guild Heraldry! Each guild can create their own unique emblem to represent them throughout the game. Join your most trusted allies and make your mark on the galaxy!
In addition, the in-game Preview Window has been dramatically improved - weapon, armor, and mount previews are all better than ever before. Plus, now you can also check out emotes, moods, and rest-and-recharge abilities!
The Sith Empire’s ruthless assault on the Jedi colony on Ossus began with Darth Malora, who created her own breed of mutated Geonosian warriors to use as shock troops for the attack.
But before she created her insectoid army, Malora first had to create their master and originator. Left unguarded and unsupervised, this mutated Geonosian Queen is now unleashing countless waves of her monstrous spawn to dominate the planet’s surface!
Gather your most skilled and reliable friends to face this deadly challenge, acquire powerful new Masterwork weapons, and more!
A mutated Geonosian Queen stirs beneath the surface of Ossus, giving rise to an endless army of deadly monsters!
- The Mutated Geonosian Queen and her brood can be found inside of 'The Hive of the Mountain Queen' lair.
- Group together in teams of 8 or 16 players to tackle this fearsome foe on Story or Veteran difficulties!
Expand your arsenal with new Masterwork Weapons!
- Craft Masterwork Weapons using rescources gathered on Ossus and from defeating the Ossus Lair Boss.
- Also acquire Monumental Data Crystals with a new Weekly Quest to either defeat the Lair Boss in Veteran Mode or earn Solo Ranked Arena Points.
New rewards and token changes will be coming with the end of Season 10.
- Ranked tokens are no longer season specific, don’t expire across seasons, and can be used to purchase any available rewards!
- Starting with the end of Season 10 we will be bringing back old Seasonal rewards, purchaseable with Ranked tokens! First up the rancor, armor set, and more from Season 1.
All-out war is imminent… and the fate of the Jedi is in your hands.
On the ancient Jedi world of Ossus, the Sith Empire strikes the first blow in a renewed war against the Galactic Republic. As Commander of your Alliance, you must choose your loyalties: will you support your own faction, or secretly sabotage their efforts in order to support your former enemies?
In your fight, join forces with the galaxy’s most powerful Jedi Masters and Sith Lords – old and new – including seasoned Jedi Tau Idair, Master Gnost-Dural, and the ruthless Dark Councilor Darth Malora. Plus, team up with beloved Companions including Doc, Nadia Grell, Jeasa Willsaam, and Khem Val.
Embark on a brand-new storyline, fight through action-packed Ossus daily missions, show your prowess in ‘Gods from the Machine’ Master Mode Operation, acquire new gear, experience guild improvements, and more.
Join the Public Test Server to give your feedback on the update and look for more details in the coming weeks!
Continue your Star Wars™ adventure at Level 70 on the desolate Jedi planet of Ossus with new Republic and Imperial storylines.
- From ancient ruins to the Great Jedi Library, explore Ossus, a beloved Jedi planet ravaged by a cataclysm centuries in the past.
- Decide your loyalities and choose to fight for your original faction, aiding the Sith or the Jedi in achieving ultimate victory, or secretly change your loyalties and undermine your former allies at every turn!
- Battle through intense re-playable daily missions for additional rewards.
Defeating the dangerous family of droid superweapons on Iokath will require more skill than ever in the new Master Mode ‘Gods from the Machine’ Operation.
- From Tyth the God of Rage to Izax the Destroyer, all five boss battles are now amped to put your endurance to the ultimate test.
- Rally your team of 8 or16 players and take on the toughest boss battles to-date!
Joining and playing alongside a guild will be easier and more rewarding than ever before with the following guild system and management improvements:
- Progression System - allows active guilds to customize and improve their experience the more they play.
- PVP Challenge System - Create custom warzones, arenas, and Galactic Starfighter skirmish matches and track your record against other guilds.
- Conquest improvements – supporting the new guild features.
- Inspect Tool – Potential members can review guild profile and information.
- Logging – logs and displays a variety of guild member activity.
- Member Mail – Easy way to send a message to the whole guild.
- Member Ban by Legacy –Allows removal of members based on their Legacy.
- Increased Rank Cap – The number of guild ranks will be increased.
Deck yourself out in the best gear in the game: Masterwork Armor!
- Craft Masterwork Armor using resources gathered from Master Mode ‘Gods from the Machine’ Operation as well as through gameplay on Ossus.
- Also acquire Masterwork Armor using Masterwork Crystals gathered from missions on Ossus, elsewhere across the game and Command Crates.
Giradda the Hutt brings the brutal 8v8 spectator sport of Huttball to the giant gas planet of Vandin!
Set in an abandoned industrial complex above a large ravine, the new ‘Sky Shredder’ Warzone pits two cross-faction teams of eight, the Frog-Dogs and Rotworms, in a ruthless battle for fame and fortune.
Your team’s mission is simple. Grab the ball, throw the ball and work together to take it over the opposing team’s line to score points. At every turn, you’ll have to watch out for deadly pillars of acid fire, electric shock traps and poison gas.
NOTE: Fighting and cheating are not only permitted, but highly encouraged!
Prepare to make your mark – let’s play Huttball!
This summer, dominate opponents in fierce Star Wars™ PvP battles across the galaxy and become Galactic Legend!
HoloNet News has confirmed the rumors. Giradda the Hutt is constructing his newest Arena of Death, Mandalorian Battle Ring, on the lush and tropical planet of Rishi, bringing the excitement of gladiatorial entertainment to more Arena competitors and spectators alike. Here, your team of four will battle in a 4v4 best-of-three deathmatch and compete for galactic glory, credits, and more!
Then expand your influence and acquire your own Rishi Hideout Stronghold. Invite friends to relax with you along the serene coastline or settle scores with opponents as you host your own Free-For-All PvP face-offs in designated battle areas. It’s your Stronghold, your rules!
On your path to galactic glory, you will be able to team up cross-faction across all PvP Warzones, Arenas and Galactic Starfighter battles as well as experience faster and improved matchmaking. Plus, get ready for the end of Season 9 and compete for epic new rewards.
Giradda invites you to preview and offer your feedback on these latest developments on the Open Public Test Server – live now. Prepare your best battle gear and rise to legend!
Expect nothing less than immeasurable brutality in the newest 4v4 Arena, Mandalorian Battle Ring.
- Fight to the death in teams of four to prove yourself worthy of the legendary warriors of Mandalore.
- Whether you’re unleashing damage atop the fire-lit plateau or force leaping between ancient artifacts to evade opponents, the fight to galactic glory will require skill, precision and teamwork
Expand your influence into Rishi and own the galaxy’s biggest Stronghold!
- Customize your own tropical paradise with stunning views of the mountains above and the beach-front below.
- For the first time, host and organize your own PvP battles in designated Free-for-All PvP areas including the Hideout Cove and the Skydeck of the Patrol Carrier. From one-on-one duels to large-scale group PvP, any player outside of your group is hostile to you.
- Aboard the Skydeck, choose between Team Deathmatch and Huttball game modes… or don’t! Battle your way, with your rules!
- To unlock your new Stronghold, travel to the Fleet, then locate the Strongholds/Crew Skills area.
Experience more challenging and compelling PvP battles across the galaxy and compete for Season 9 rewards.
- Team up cross-faction across all PvP 8v8 Warzones, 4v4 Arenas and 12v12 Galactic Starfighter battles.
- Enjoy faster queuing and improved matchmaking – more action, less waiting!
- Prepare for valuable improvements in almost every Warzone.
- Finally, as Season 9 comes to an end with the Galactic Legend update, compete for new rewards including an impressive new Battleworn Holo-Rancor, Centurion Defender Armor Set and more!
A hidden threat obsessed with destroying your alliance forever. A top secret listening post hidden in deep space. Deadly enemies stalking a once-dead world. And in the midst of them all, a longtime ally gone rogue. The traitor saga reaches its dramatic conclusion on the barren world of Nathema as you face a deadly enemy determined to obliterate everything you've built.
Across the galaxy, you'll be joined in your battles as old allies return: Felix Iresso, the loyal soldier, Mako, computer slicer and bounty hunter, and Akaavi Spar, the Mandalorian warrior.
As your adventures continue, celebrate Star Wars™ in the Old Republic galaxy with our May the 4th festivities including a new Astromech Droid login reward, Premium Player speeder and Double Rewards Event!
The hunt for Theron Shan ends with a showdown on the brutal planet of Nathema. Experience your personal storyline solo or join up to three allies to take on tougher challenges in Veteran or Master Mode.
Jedi Consulars will learn the tragic circumstances that have kept their longtime ally, Felix Iresso, from fighting at their side as he always had before.
Bounty Hunter ally Mako and Smuggler crew member Akaavi have joined forces to become a dangerous duo of bounty hunters in their own right!
The last and largest of the dangerous droid superweapons of Iokath has been unleashed! With no one remaining to reign in its terrifying power, Izax the Destroyer, is set to annihilate everything in its path – starting with your Alliance
There is only one way to stop Izax: gather your most powerful allies in a team of eight or sixteen fighters to take on this heroic challenge; defeat Izax’s superweapon “family” including Scyva, Mother of Sorrows; and then use every combat technique and battle resource at your command to overcome the final challenge as you face Izax himself!
The battle for control of the galaxy still rages and your guild or group can make its own bid for supremacy in the newly-expanded Conquest system! New objectives, improved rewards, and many other improvements have been made to ensure you and your guild emerge victorious.
Your challenge is strengthened by the enthusiastic return of cherished companions: Imperial Agents prepared to reunite with Vector Hyllus, Sith Inquisitors rejoin Ashara Zavros. Additionally, for those who sought to redeem Arcann, the former tyrannical ruler of the Eternal Empire, you will have the chance to take your relationship to a more romantic level… if you choose. The choice is yours as you take command in this latest game update, ‘Command Authority’.
- Глава I: Гнев и руины
- Глава II: Бег за тенью
- Глава III: Темное воссоединение
- Глава IV: Где умирают мечты
- Глава V: Вознесение
- Глава VI: Пасть дракона
- Глава VII: В пустоту
- Глава VIII: Конец времен
- Глава IX: Вечный трон
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