Underworld office цитаты
Throughout the game, the player can be rewarded with titles depending on the choices they make. Titles can be set to change Eugene's appearance in the character menu.
Biographical information
Date of birth
Date of death
Place of death
Chapter 1: Eugene [ ]
Intern At The Underworld Office [ ]
Become an intern at the Underworld Office. This is the only title that will be awarded regardless of the player's choices.
Chapter 3: Sean [ ]
Connecting Point [ ]
Get Sean to meet his mother Linda.
Sean's Colleague [ ]
Convince Sean to visit Linda's dreams instead of pursuing his desire to win her the lottery. After that, the title will unlock once Sean tries to stall Jack.
Actually Quite Useful [ ]
Concede to Sean's wishes. Once back at the office, choose to stay out of River and Joan's fight. Later, after the fight is over and you calm down Sean, Boss will compliment Eugene on his usefulness and the title will be awarded.
UghMeow [ ]
Let Luke meet Kitty, and go with Sean's way. Then, try to stop the argument, ease Sean, and be honest.
Physical description
Eye color
Chapter 6: That Man [ ]
The Iron Wall [ ]
Deny Luke each time he offers to talk to you. When you meet up with him at the flower shop, he will already assume the answer from you and the title is awarded.
Hayden's Friend [ ]
Form a good relationship with Hayden in Chapters 1 and 2, then choose to silently follow Jack in Chapter 6 instead of outright confronting him about his nightmares. This will prompt Eugene to ask for help from an alpha cat using Hayden's hat.
Boss's Assistant [ ]
When Boss subdues the monster mother of Finley and Tatum, Eugene will be given the option to take Boss's offered hand or refuse to come with him. Taking his hand will unlock this title.
Appearance [ ]
Boss is a tall and lean man wearing a variant of hanbok, a traditional Korean clothing that can be traced back to the Goguryeo Dynasty (38 BC). In his ghost form, the jeogori (upper garment of the hanbok) is indigo and is the only colored part of his body. His baji (bottom part of the hanbok) is unconventionally tight. Unlike River, his eyes can be distinguished by its pure white color while the rest of his body and clothes are pitch black. Boss also uses a black handheld fan as a weapon to attack monsters or to smack River when she aggravates him.
In his human form, he wore a kunbok, which is the traditional male military hanbok.
Chapter 4: Early Sleep [ ]
Badmouth [ ]
Chapter 2: Luke [ ]
Kind Hearted [ ]
Persuade Luke to open the door for Kitty. If this title doesn't unlock, wait until Luke compliments you in Chapter 7.
Personality [ ]
Boss is calm, strict, and irritable. He has a dark and sarcastic sense of humor that other characters often misunderstand due to his icy manner of talking. He is always serious and unwilling to express affection, though he sometimes gives compliments to those who deserve it. With the exception of River and Joan, his brooding nature often makes the other characters scared and intimidated by him. Eugene even remarked that they can feel chills just by standing next to Boss.
Boss dissociates himself from mortals and their problems, hence his initial distaste in having to adopt Eugene as one of his workers. However, he does display some kind of concealed empathy towards them as evidenced by his firing of Eugene and his later implication that Eugene alone can do something about the kids' dangerous situation.
Chapter 7: Life and Death [ ]
Didn't Do Anything [ ]
At the beginning of the chapter, choose to live for yourself.
Doesn't Trust Anyone [ ]
Choose to rescue the kids yourself.
Monster [ ]
While in Jack's dream with Charlie, choose not to kill Jack, but don't intervene when Charlie is overtaken by the house's grudge. This will also lead to the "Punishment" ending.
Murderer [ ]
While in Jack's dream with Charlie, choose to kill Jack yourself. Depending on your previous choices, this will also lead to the "Monster from the Underworld Office" ending.
Choose to save the kids. Then, when asked by Finley and Tatum if Eugene is a fairy, say that you're a "hero that doesn't need a fairy."
Hoodie Glasses [ ]
Choose to save the kids. Then, when asked by Finley and Tatum if Eugene is a fairy, say that you're "not a fairy. just a hoodie."
Luke's Buddy [ ]
Form a good relationship with Luke in the previous chapters, then choose to save Finley and Tatum. If the right choices were made, Luke will help save Eugene in Chapter 7.
Charlie's Follower [ ]
Call Charlie to help punish Jack at the beginning of the chapter.
Saved the Children [ ]
Do not give up on trying to save Finley and Tatum.
Walked Out of the Mirror [ ]
This title can be achieved from getting any of the 'good endings' such as saving the children and living out your life.
Lives With No Regret [ ]
After taking the route with Charlie, if Eugene does not become a monster, Boss will tell Eugene to live on happily and die without regrets before coming to the Underworld Office where he will be waiting. This also completes the "Waiting" ending.
The Underworld Office's Worker [ ]
This title can only be unlocked by getting "The Mortal Underworld Office Worker" ending.
- Создатель Загробного Мемотдела
Призрак, спасший Юджина от смерти. Глава Загробного офиса, пытающийся расплатится добрыми делами за всё, совершённое при жизни. Предпочитает на связываться с живыми, игнорируя их. Серьёзный, редко улыбается и смеётся, требовательный, но готов дать второй шанс тому, кто этого заслуживает.
Муж Сюзан, отец Финли и Татума. Жестокий человек, убивший свою жену и угрожавший детям.
Призрак, работающий в Загробном офисе. Прошла через войну и перенесла множество потерь. Упряма, часто ворчит и спорит с Ривер.
Дружелюбная однокласница Юджина.
Питомец Люка, не захотевший оставлять его и после смерти. В виде призрака продолжал следить за Люком и проникать в его сны.
Мать Шона, работающая в цветочном магазине. Очень переживала после смерти сына, считая, что это её вина.
Однокласник Юджина. Спортсмен, со стороны кажется хулиганом, но на самом деле добрый и готов прийти на помощь. Очень переживает после смерти своего питомца Коти, виня себя в том, что не досмотрел за ним.
Дружелюбный однокласник Юджина.
Призрак, работающий в Загробном офисе. Резкая и искренняя, считает своим долгом побить плохих людей, даже если это плохо отразится на ней. Всегда поступает так, как будет "по справедливости". Любит приключения и драки. Погибла в метро.
Жена Джека, мать Финли и Татума. Погибла от рук своего мужа, но даже после смерти не могла уйти, оставив своих детей.
Сын Сюзан и Джека, брат Финли. Более робкий, чем сестра.
Дочь Сюзан и Джека, сестра Татума. Более смелая, чем брат.
Призрак, работающий в Загробном офисе. Любит кошек и умеет разговаривать на их языке. Весёлый и дружелюбный мальчик, любит развлечения, но к работе подходит со всей серьёзностью. Перед смертью долго лежал в больнице.
Монстр, обладающий разумом. Ненавидит людей за то, что те не обращали на неё внимания, и пытается убить их во сне. Обитает в метро. С ней можно договориться, но Чарли не управляема и легко поддаётся ярости.
Добрый призрак, собирающий добродейтель, чтобы уйти за грань. Мечтает перед этим подарить своей матери Линде лотерейный билет и сделать её счастливой. При жизни слишком много работал и совсем загнал себя. Сделал для Юджина цветок, позволяющий становится призраком в любое время.
Школьник, случайно узнавший о существовании мира призрака и начавший работать в Загробном офисе. Необщительный, скромный, тихий, плохо сходится с людьми. Живёт вместе с отцом, которого никогда не бывает дома. Часто видит во сне кошмары.
В оригинальной версии игры персонаж не имеет пола. В русской — о Юджине говорится в мужском роде.
Unfriendly Ghost (by River)
Shady Person (substitute nickname prior to being introduced)
Military Officer (formerly)
Quotes [ ]
Boss: "Try to make a use out of Eugene. And tell me if you really cannot get anything done. We will just eat Eugene alive."
Eugene: "E. eat me alive?"
Hayden: "Boss, you eat humans. "
Boss: ". I am joking."
Boss: "Any debtor that gets useless. "
Eugene: ". "
Boss: "I will bite into tiny pieces."
Eugene: "Eeeeeek!!"
Boss: ". I cannot even make a joke."
Boss: (to Eugene) "You shall go with River today. As long as you keep her from making unrelated moves. It will most likely be a more meaningful experience."
River: "Are you flattering (sic) me because you want to be on my team, Boss? Wanna team up for another 300 years or so? Would you like that?"
Boss: "I will seal you for another 300 years or so."
Eugene: "Is there a problem?"
Boss: (carrying Eugene) "I have one in my arms right now."
Biography [ ]
Pre-game [ ]
Boss used to be a military officer in the 17th to 18th century Joseon. Although his exact rank is unknown, Boss was indubitably a rich person and even possibly a noble based on his clothing, habits, and favorite alcohol that only affluent people of the time can afford. He died quite young at 28 years old.
Gameplay [ ]
Boss first appears in Chapter 1: Eugene when he saves a terrified Eugene from a horde of monsters. He has an unfriendly and no-nonsense attitude right from the start. He seems to dislike talking, shown when he leaves most of the job of explaining the Underworld Office rules to River. Boss is also initially not fond of the idea of taking Eugene in as one of his employees and only does so because he did not see any other way to charge Eugene for their debt.
As the manager of the Underworld Office, Boss is in charge of separating the ghosts into teams in missions. Boss assigns Eugene to different ghosts for every mission: first Hayden, then River, and lastly himself.
Helping Sean [ ]
In Chapter 3: Sean, Eugene doubts whether to convince Sean to see his mother Linda or not, not trusting himself to make the right call. Though not physically present, Boss tells Eugene to "do whatever [they] want," which in turn startles Eugene.
At the end of the mission, Boss may compliment Eugene if they succeeded in ending it in a positive way.
Firing Eugene [ ]
In Chapter 4: Early Sleep, Eugene decides to sleep early and hang out with the ghosts instead of spending time in the real world during the day. The Underworld Office ghosts are surprised at Eugene's premature appearance but think nothing of it. Boss, however, is infuriated when he finds out and proceeds to drag Eugene back home, where he immediately fires them. When Eugene asks why, Boss vaguely answers that it's both his and Eugene's fault that it turned out like this and that he hopes to never see Eugene again.
Boss's words greatly confuse and, depending on the player's choice of dialogues, anger Eugene to the point of moping. This can also fuel Eugene's hatred for Boss if they decide to be distrustful of him early in the game.
Eugene's Return [ ]
After getting fired, Eugene encounters a vengeful monster named Charlie on the subway and attempts to solve the problem. However, Charlie cannot be pacified and instead threatens Eugene's life. If Eugene calls River, Joan will appear and save Eugene. Back in the Underworld Office, the rest of the ghosts are fretting over Eugene's abandoned physical body. Boss then coldly interrogates Eugene, during which it is implied that Boss fired Eugene because he feared that Eugene may be using the Underworld Office to escape their reality instead of facing it head on. Regardless of how Eugene answers his questions, however, Boss will take them back for one last mission.
Saving the Kids [ ]
In Chapter 6: That Man, Boss and Eugene break into a dirty apartment. Eugene discovers that this is the residence of the kids they often encounter at the playground and that the kids' mother has been murdered and stuffed in a locked cabinet.
Meanwhile, Jack, the kids' father, is having monster-induced nightmares in the opposite bedroom. As Boss prepares to subdue the monster, Eugene barges in and pleads for him not to as they reveal that the monster is actually the kids' mother, Susan, whom Jack murdered. Unfazed, Boss subdues the monster, stating that ghosts cannot meddle with the affairs of mortals no matter what, to Eugene's great distress. When Boss offers his hand to leave, Eugene has to make the crucial choice to either take it or refuse.
- If Eugene takes Boss's hand, Boss takes them back to their room but Eugene is unhappy to be unable to help Susan. Boss repeats that ghosts cannot meddle with mortals' affairs; however, he also says that Eugene is not a ghost, suggesting that only Eugene alone can help the kids.
- In the True Ending, Boss will remark that Eugene might end up becoming his favorite if they continue as they are.
- Eugene stubbornly refuses and decides to take matters into their own hands.
- In this route, Eugene will turn into a monster one way or another, and Boss will be forced to end them. However, he heartbreakingly does so and is even shown to be crying, revealing that Eugene has grown on him despite not acting like it.
Appears in
Boss is the leader of the ghosts and in charge of the Underworld Office in Underworld Office: Offline Mystery Visual Novel. As a ghost, he is paying back his debt by taking care of monsters and saving other ghosts from dangerous situations.
Chapter 5: Charlie [ ]
Should Have At Least 100 Lives [ ]
Go against all warnings and insist on following the man immediately instead of waiting.
Joan's Comrade [ ]
When Charlie is about to kill Eugene, call for River. River is unable to come but Joan will save Eugene instead. Joan will tell Eugene that she can lend them her cane once anytime they are in a perilous situation, which will help Eugene in Chapter 7 if they choose to save the kids. If you skip this segment, it could lead to two more endings depending on one choice.
River's Partner [ ]
Form a good relationship with River in all previous chapters, then return to the office when Joan saves you.
Relationships [ ]
Eugene [ ]
Boss seems to have low expectations for Eugene at first, but grow to care about him more depending on the ending you get.
River [ ]
Boss seems to detest River's non-serious personality and antics, often threatning to punish her and smacking her on the head with his fan.
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