Убежище thief simulator
За копию игры огромное спасибо Роману
Вор-рецидивист по кличке Одеколон не смог убежать от милиционеров, потому что быстро выдохсяСюжет в игре есть, но он прост до безобразия.
Наш протагонист оказывается на свободе после тюремного заключения и вынужден работать на чувака по имени Винни в уплату старых долгов. Проще говоря, мы будем воровать не только для души и заработка, но ещё и для мафии. Винни, общение с которым осуществляется при помощи рации, подкидывает нам задания, а мы попутно тащим всё, что плохо лежит и продаём скупщику краденого.
В общем-то, я уже неоднократно упоминал, что сюжет в симуляторах абсолютно не важен, так что можно просто воровать в своё удовольствие, не особо заморачиваясь поручениями Винни.
Приехал на дачу, оказалось, что зимой воры залезли, сперли что-то там по мелочи. И разгадали кроссворды, которые лежали на столике! Козлы!Итак, в игре нам предстоит воровать для того, чтобы покупать инструменты для воровства, чтобы потом снова воровать, чтобы снова покупать инструменты. и так по кругу. Геймплей ради геймплея=)
Но не всё так просто, как может показаться на первый взгляд.
Первые задания будут довольно лёгкими: залез в указанный дом, спёр то, что плохо лежит, продал скупщику краденого. Но чем дальше в лес, тем толще партизаны.
Если поначалу стоит брать всё, на что упадёт взгляд, то в дальнейшем кража кастрюль по пять баксов не будет приносить никакого профита, поэтому придётся искать то, что подороже, обшаривая дом. А на это требуется время. Могут вернуться жильцы, или схватить за задницу бдительные соседи, а уж если приедет полиция.
Кстати, насчёт полиции. Даже если мы отбежим на пару сотен метров от дома, в котором совершали кражу, встанем под деревом и прикинемся фикусом, бдительные полицейские, догнав нашего героя, тут же его расстреляют. То есть, мы виноваты по определению, а правосудие в игре вершится быстро и без проволочек. Выглядит по меньшей мере странно. Вывод: полиции лучше не попадаться.
К кражам нужно готовиться. Во-первых, на специальном сайте можно приобрести сведения о жильцах дома, о хранящихся в нём ценностях и о способах проникновения (открытое окно на заднем дворе или простой замок на двери чёрного входа). Во-вторых, можно в течение нескольких дней лично наблюдать за жильцами, чтобы узнать их распорядок дня: воровать проще тогда, когда в доме никого нет. В-третьих, нужно учитывать, что жители района, прогуливающиеся рядом, обязательно насторожатся, если увидят, что мы совершаем какие-то противоправные действия, поэтому нужно поглядывать на мини-карту: там отображается дистанция, на которой нас могут заподозрить в чём-то нехорошем.
Кстати, если спереть несколько мелких вещей, таких, как пульт, жёсткий диск, маршрутизатор или сотовый телефон, а на следующий день вернуться в этот же дом, то украденные вещи будут, как ни в чём не бывало, лежать на своих местах.
За каждую удачную кражу мы получаем очки опыта и повышаем уровень. Очки умения можно потратить на то, чтобы открыть новые предметы (электронная отмычка, стеклорез, набор для разбора драгоценностей и так далее) или улучшить уже имеющиеся способности. Карабкание по лозам и водосточным трубам и увеличение объёма инвентаря - штуки крайне полезные.
Нужно иметь в виду, что за первую кражу предмета дают десятикратный опыт, так что, если на глаза попалась дешёвая вещь, которую мы раньше игнорировали, стоит прихватить её с собой, дабы сделать из нашего протагониста настоящего профи.
У нас имеется своя берлога, где можно поспать, чтобы промотать время, потренироваться во вскрывании замков и сейфов и полазить по компьютеру в поисках сведений о домах и жильцах. А для того, чтобы попасть в жилой район, ломбард или к автомеханику, нужно сесть в автомобиль.
Собственно, с одной стороны всё просто, а с другой - достаточно увлекательно, ведь кражи необходимо тщательно планировать: собирать информацию, следить за жильцами, находить самые дорогие предметы и при этом не попадаться на глаза бдительным соседям и полиции.
Игра представляет собой весьма качественный, на мой взгляд, образец симуляторов, в котором на первое место выходит увлекательный геймплей, а все остальные аспекты работают на него. Отлично подойдёт для того, чтобы скоротать несколько зимних вечеров.
Introduced in patch 1.080, the hideout is a purchasable house that becomes a brand new location for the thief to use as a base of operations. The house can be decorated with furniture, wallpaper, and even stolen goods, and all activities performed at the starter garage can be performed here, except for the practice locks/panels.
The hideout becomes available at level 23 and costs $30,000 to unlock. As of patch 1.2, purchasing the hideout is required in order to progress the story beyond Vinny's final assignment. Once the thief has moved on to using the hideout in the story, he is no longer able to complete any of his usual activities in the garage (the interactive objects will disappear). The garage is still usable in NG+ Mode even when the hideout is purchased.
If a player uses Console Commands to skip through the story, the hideout will not show up on the location menu until level 23, even if it is purchased. It is a good idea for the player to complete the final step of the final deal manually before continuing to use the console.
Inside, there is a corridor, bathroom, bedroom, garage, and an open area for a kitchen/living room combo. Players are free to decorate these rooms as they see fit and can order furniture from a new website:
House Ripoff
Furniture and wallpaper can be purchased through this site, but only for the house--Neither item type can be purchased or used in the garage. Up to four pieces of furniture can be purchased at a time depending on the size of each piece, and each furniture item will appear on a long palette near the front gate.
If a certain piece of furniture is no longer needed, the player can carry it out to the dumpster near the front gate and it will immediately disappear. Note: Just carrying the furniture close to the dumpster will cause it to be recycled, so be careful when carrying newly purchased items.
A full palette of furniture.
The recycling dump.
All wallpapers cost $200 a roll and will be added to the thief's inventory when purchased. Each roll only covers one segment of a wall and there are a total of 83 wall segments in the house, meaning the thief will have to pay $16,600 to redo the entire interior. Below is a breakdown of each room and how many wallpaper rolls they need:
Players currently have a choice between 12 different wall colors, including the ability to repurchase the default:
The ceiling, floor, and exterior walls cannot be modified.
As with the home location (garage), players can decorate the thief's hideout with most of the stolen items he brings home. Items such as vases, instruments, paintings, and even antiques can be set on shelves, walls, or the floor. Items that are meant to be decorations will have a "Hold" option when viewing them in the thief's inventory. All other items are not meant to be used as decorations, but it is technically possible to decorate with them, if the thief is positioned above a surface and the item is carefully dropped.
Garage Features
The stations that are normally found in the home location are also visible in the garage section of the hideout, including a small couch for sleeping. Benches are set up for the test locks; however, they are currently not functional. A hacking station and jewelry table are both positioned against the walls, and a hydraulic lift is in the middle of the garage, close to the thief's computer station. There is also a storage cabinet which can be used to store items separately from the cabinet in the home location. Any items stored in this location cannot be retrieved from the storage in the other.
The couch and the shelves can be moved out of the garage to other parts of the house. At this time, it doesn't appear that any of the tables can be moved; however, new tables can be purchased on the House Ripoff site.
Easter Egg
You can climb onto the roof of the hideout using the oil barrels stacked against the outside wall. If you then jump from the peak of the roof you can jump over the perimeter fence and explore outside of the Hideout boundaries. Interestingly, it seems like the developers were expecting this behavior. While the vast majority of the perimeter fence has a taller hitbox that prevents you being able to jump over it, there is one section of fence that has a ramp leading up to it from the outside which will allow you to re-enter the enclosure.
SPOILER WARNING: This page contains every Thief Simulator story mission and includes Vinny's dialogue between missions, as well as tips/walkthroughs for completing each step.
Throughout the game, the thief will be working for the Lombardis, a crime family that he owes money to for bailing him out of jail. He will receive phone calls from his main contact and primary antagonist, Vinny, who is the only character in the game with true dialogue. (The police, security guards, and tenants with guns will say a few words, but that has nothing to do with the story.) Following these missions will see the thief's debt paid, and then repayed with something a little extra from the Lombardis. This will also unlock the added NG+ Mode after the end game credits are watched.
- Vinny's Dialogue is written how it is written in the game, which may include some spelling/grammar errors.
- The monetary reward value listed below for each mission is a combined value of all mission steps.
- Rewards in the form of loot/XP the player has an opportunity to pick up during the mission are not included in the list below. See the individual house pages for available loot and values.
- Mission steps and dialogue in green will be skipped if completed ahead of time.
- Many of these missions cannot be skipped because the target items do not spawn until the mission is initiated.
Tutorial Part 1
- Pick up the crowbar [default: E]
- Quick slot the crowbar in the menu [default: I]
- Hold crowbar in your hand
- Break the fence [default: left mouse button]
- Sneak by the window [default: C]
- Avoid Light
- Pick up the flashlight [default: E]
- Break the window with the a crowbar [default: Left Mouse Button]
- Toggle Flashlight
- Steal some stuff, use the flashlight [default: F]
- Hide the crowbar. Go outside to your car.
- Get inside the car
- Start the engine
- Drive out of the location
Tutorial Part 2
- Go inside
- Get some sleep at your place
- Check the computer
- Buy hints for Greenview 109
- Go to your car
- Sell stuff at the pawn shop
- Steal an Old TV from Greenview 109 (load it in the car trunk and drive home)
- Go to your computer
- Sell the old TV on BlackBay
- Check the Rent-A-Thug website
- Accept job at Rent-A-Thug
Break 110's Dishes
- Break the dishes at 110
- Learn Lockpicking Lvl 1
- Buy DIY Simple Lockpick on Tools4Thieves
- Open the training lock in your garage
The Important Box
- Go to Greenview 111 around 7am and mark the tenant (default: middle mouse button)
- Wait til no one is home and steal the important box from 111
- Send the box via BlackBay
Break 112's Window
Break 113's Toilet
- Learn Lockpicking Lvl 2 (level up by stealing stuff)
- Open a standard training lock.
- Break the toilet in 113 (buy hints for help)
Break a Car Window
- Learn Agility 2 (level up by stealing stuff)
- Break a car window in 104
The TV at 108
- Learn lockpicking Lvl 3
- Break or steal a big TV in 108
The Heirloom Bracelet
- Learn Appraisal Lvl 2
- Steal jewelry from 107
- Disassemble the jewelry at home
Important Documents
- Learn Lockpicking skill Lvl 4
- Open the training safe at home
- Steal documents from 102
A Special Tablet
A power box can be found behind the house. Use a Lockpick to open it, then flip the switch to turn off the security camera. Security will be turned back on in about five minutes, but that's nothing to worry about once in the yard. Use the Lockpick on the front gate, then climb the lattice in front of the porch. The safe with the tablet is under the window to the right. Use a glass knife to open the window, climb in, then open the safe and get the goods.
- Mark the camera in 101
- Steal a tablet from 101 (get a glass knife)
- Learn Electronics skill Lvl 1
- Hack the tablet at home
- Send the tablet via BlackBay
Car Theft 101
- Learn Car Theft skill Lvl 1
- Steal Bolthorn 86 Classic from 104
Package for 204
- Pick up the box near your gate
- Deliver the box to Richie R 204 and return, (remember to mark the cameras) [unnoticed]
The Hidden Camera
Things are much easier once inside. The panel for the security cameras is on a wall close to the grandfather clock in the hallway. Head to the end of the hall from the front door, then turn left to find that panel and the living room. Plant the camera on a shelf, disable the security, then head back out the front door.
- Learn electronics skill Lvl 2
- Disable test alarm at home
- Buy a micro camera
- Plant a micro camera in the living room of 206 [unnoticed]
- Get some sleep
- Take the micro camera from the living room of 206 [unnoticed]
- Send the micro camera via BlackBay
Repo Man at 201
- Learn car stealing lvl 2
- Steal Bolthorn Family MkV from 201
Message to 205
- Learn agility skill lvl 4
- Learn car stealing (car theft) lvl 3
- Buy a car key signal cloner
- Clone key signal from Mr. Torres in 205
- Steal Vulcan Spectre from the garage of 205
The Replica
- Steal panting replica from 202
- Learn electronics skill lvl 3
- Buy hacking laptop
The Real (Final) Deal
Park the thief's vehicle behind the house and close to the shed, then climb on it and jump over the fence. This may be achieved with the hatchback as long as its trunk/boot is up like a ramp, but it is easily done with the van, which stands taller than the fence (Note: DO NOT park too close to the wall or on the sidewalk; the police will be called eventually). The replica is behind the shed, but can only be reached from on the property. Be mindful of the security camera nearby.
Pick the lock on the back door immediately across from the shed, then head left inside the house and up the stairs. Make another left, then a right, and move down the hall to a door past an intersection. This is the door to the office. Pick the lock and walk in with the replica; a cutscene will play showing the thief making the switch.
Fortunately, the authentic painting is rolled up and fits in the backpack. Grab it, then head out the office and take another left. Use the window at the end of the hall to climb on top of the garage, then walk forward past a wood awning and over the fence. At this point, you can return to your vehicle, but it may be quicker just to run for the nearest map edge.
- Swap painting with replica in wall gap in 208
- Steal the "Cottage by Picasso" painting from 208
- Send the "Cottage by Picasso" painting via BlackBay
- Buy a house for a hideout
- Pick up the package next to your gate.
Spyware Inc.
One security guard likes to hang out near the gate but he can be avoided by moving around the shipping containers. Move behind the building and look for a blue pipe, then climb up to the second level balcony where the door is unlocked. Turn left, then the hard drive will be sitting on a wooden desk on the left.
- Go to a spy location in the industrial neighborhood
- Mark the gate control panel with binoculars
- Hack the 303 gate panel from a distance with the hacking laptop
- Steal the hard drive with the Lombardis shady deals from 303
- Hack the hard drive at the hideout
- Put the hard drive in the evidence box
- Check the pin board
The Warehouse
Drive around to the right side of the lot, where a lower section of the wall can be jumped. From there, a back door to the warehouse can be reached as long as the thief is mindful of security cameras and guards. Use the hacking PDA on the door, then head left to the nearest wall. Use the hacking PDA on the next door, and the account details will be inside the safe.
- Steal the account details from the safe in 301
- Put the account details in the evidence box
The Motor Shop
Return to Spyware Inc.
Leave the server room, head back down to the second floor, then go out the balcony and use the blue pipe to climb back down. Sneaking around the shipping crates in the parking lot is the most ideal way to get back outside without being caught.
13"Прохождение Thief Simulator ❄ Приятного просмотра
Станьте настоящим вором. Воруйте вещи в полностью открытых для исследования районах. Наблюдайте за своей целью и собирайте информацию, которая поможет при ограблении. Бросайте вызов лучшим системам безопасности. Покупайте новейшее оборудование и обучайтесь новым воровским приемам. Продавайте добычу скупщикам краденного. Делайте все, что делают настоящие воры!
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