Трики friday night funkin без маски арт
This page contains imagery, themes, mod or character that either comes from something that may make the reader uncomfortable or appears unsettling, continue at your own risk!
Reason: Tricky's motions, voice as well as his unmasked, demon, and skeletal form may be disturbing to some people. Also Tricky's source series, Madness Combat, is known for its violent scenes and visuals, so be careful.
We're all gonna be here a while. - A.G.O.T.I.
This article is very long, and could slow down your browser by opening or editing it. Please proceed with caution.
Reason: Tricky has a long history in the Madness Combat series, plus the mod has a lot of content.
I’m surprised someone as small as you didn’t break anything! - A.G.O.T.I.
This article lacks content, whether it be lacking Assets, Trivia, Music, or something else. You can help Funkipedia Mods Wiki by expanding it with more info! Thank you!
Reason: Missing BF and GF Hellclown sprites.
Everything here is so weird. - ENA
This article/mod contains a heavy amount of screen shaking and distortion. Those who suffer from motion sickness or screen sickness easily should proceed carefully.
Amazing in my eyes if I say so myself! - Sketchy (Redrawn)
This mod is a fan favorite! It's considered one of the best mods the FNF community has to offer.
Note: Tricky currently the mod popular fnf mod out there with almost 8 million views
- Improbable Outset
- Madness
- Hellclown
- Expurgation
TriKurrDurr (Internet username)
The Clown (Title in MC5: Depredation)
Auditor (Former Boss, Enemy)
Jebus (Former Co-Worker, Enemy)
Train Conductor (Formerly)
Biographical information
Place of birth
Date of death
Madness Combat 11: Expurgation (Final death)
Physical description
- Zombified Nevadian/Grunt
- Demonic Creature (Hellclown)
- Skeleton (Expurgation)
Eye color
None (However he possesses glowing red or white eyes throughout some forms)Hair color
Created by
- Krinkels (Character and the Madness Combat series)
- Banbuds, Rozebud, KadeDev, Cval (Mod)
Voiced by
Appears in
- Madness Combat 2: Redeemer
- Madness Combat 3: Avenger
- Madness Combat 4: Apotheosis
- Madness Combat 5: Depredation
- Madness Combat 5.5
- Madness Combat 6: Antipathy
- Madness Combat 6.5
- Madness Combat 7: Consternation
- Madness Combat 8: Inundation (Cameo)
- Madness Combat 9: Aggregation (Cameo)
- Madness Combat 9.5
- Madness Combat 10: Abrogation
- Madness Combat 11: Expurgation
- Tricky Bangbanggooberblat
- Tricky Madness 2
- Incident: 101A
- Incident: 1000A
- Madness: Project Nexus (Classic)
- MADNESS: Project Nexus (Steam)
- Friday Night Funkin' (As a mod)
- MADNESS: Off-Color
Character Icons
- Improbable Outset
- Madness
- Hellclown
- Expurgation
Tricky the Clown is the secondary antagonist of the Madness Combat series, once an assassin hired by the Sheriff and later the primary antagonist of the Tricky Saga, however becoming the primary antagonist briefly during the Auditor Saga. He is Hank's nemesis throughout the series.
His mod was created by Banbuds, Rozebud, KadeDev and Cval, with contributions from Moro, Jads, YingYang, and Tsuraran. His main week has 3 songs: Improbable Outset, Madness, and Hellclown. Clearing the week on Hard difficulty unlocks a final extremely difficult and unfair track in Freeplay, Expurgation.
Want to know more about Tricky?
Want to know more about Madness Combat?
Tricky is a green-skinned zombie with curled, red-orange clown hair. He wears a gray cloak and a dull blue ruff with light blue orbs and a matching pair of dull blue shoes.
During Improbable Outset, he wears a iron slab hockey mask, and shakes slightly due to the Improbability Drive. He holds a microphone in his left hand.
During Madness, after being shot by Hank, his mask is blown off, exposing his face. He lacks skin on his jaw and mouth, a common trait shared with zombies in the Madness Series. He shakes noticeably more than he shaked in Improbable Outset, due to the Portable Improbability Drive becoming activated. He still has a microphone in his left hand.
During Hellclown, due to the Improbability Drive being turned on to its full power, he is transformed into a gigantic flaming-red demon, with all of his body, including his hair becoming made of fire, except for his hands and head. His head becomes a monstrous, inhuman skull, and he has pure white eyes, along with a new set of large, sharp teeth, as well as having claws on his hands. He no longer holds a microphone, or shakes.
During Expurgation, he' seen in a relatively smaller form. His skeleton is black and orange, with no flesh or skin at all, has glowing red eyes, and a missing jaw. At the top of his head lies a halo, changed by the Auditor's energy. He shakes incredibly violent, to a point where he is hard to get a clear look at, and he floats in the air.
Gameplay Mechanics - Flame/Dark Halo Notes, Minions, and Streetsigns
During Hellclown multiple black and red flaming notes appear. Hitting these notes takes away about 20% of the players health, meaning the player has to intentionally miss these on a playthrough (these do not appear on Easy mode however and seem to have no effect on Tricky, as he is shown hitting 4 flaming notes in Madness).
In Expurgation, the flaming notes are upgraded to Dark Halo Notes, which instantly blueball the player if hit.
Additionally, in Expurgation a "HP Gremlin" will occasionally appear and pull down the players health bar manually taking about 50% of your full HP. It takes progressively more and more health as the song progresses. You also cannot lose/gain HP by missing/hitting notes while this happens. Near the very end in one of the more calm sections, it will pull your bar for a lot longer than usual, albeit slower. If you don't have enough HP before this happens, you are guaranteed to lose.
Stop Signs will also appear during Expurgation, blocking parts of the players side. These signs progressively ramp up in speed, amount, and obstruction throughout the song, getting to up to four at once.
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Friday Night Funkin` (Arts) запись закреплена
Так, Бф, объясни и мне, как собака и цветок могут образовать неплохую такую пару.
Во-первых, мы категорически не одобряем загрузку nsfw в альбом. Извините, но эта группа не посвящена порнографии.
Во-вторых мы не одобряем арты или другие работы связанные с насилием. Такие работы тоже не допустимы в альбом.
В-третьих, если у вас еще немного скилла, и ваши работы еще не получаются достаточно качественными мы не запрещаем выкладывать их в альбом. Но все таки вам стоит вложить больше усилий и стараний в свою работу, чтобы не "упасть лицом в грязь"
В-четвёртых. Если вам не нравится чужая работа, то не спешите грубить и огорчать другого человека. В конце концов он так же старался над этой работой. Грубые комментарии мы будем удалять.
И на этом описание предстоящего конкурса оканчивается. От лица группы желаем вам всем успехов в своём творчестве и и просто хорошего настроя.
В очередном музыкальном баттле главному герою предстоит встретиться с необычным клоуном Трикки. Перед запуском игры нужно сначала определиться, на каком уровне проходить Фрайдей найт фанки. Неподготовленному геймеру лучше выбрать обучение, а уже потом переходить к музыкальному состязанию, выбрав несложный уровень.
Девушка, которую так как хочет впечатлить синеволосый герой, по-прежнему сидит на большой колонке, воспроизводящей музыку для каждого уровня:
Музыка в этом моде хардкорная, что соответствует образу зеленого зомби-клоуна, особенно когда он становится безумным.
Кто такой Трикки?
Это зомби-клоун зеленого цвета, имеющий два пучка кудрявых рыжих волос по бокам головы. Он носит серый плащ и такого же цвета ботинки. Его постоянно трясет от нетерпения или злости. А еще лицо клоуна скрыто маской до начала уровня «Madness». Как только приходит время второй песни, Трикки становится все сложнее сдерживать себя, и игрок видит его лицо – без глаз, но со ртом с огромными зубами. Когда он поет, то практически переходит на крик, а на экране рядом с ним появляются слова. И придется изрядно попотеть, чтобы одержать победу над Трикки.
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