The elder scrolls online 30 фпс
30 дек. 2018 в 16:30
Some time ago I have this problem in TESO the CPU usage is 25% -30% and the GPU of 15% -25% and the fps osilan between 20 to 60 this in zones and dungeons, in Cyrodiil and Trials reach a maximum of CPU 60% and GPU 40% with 20 fps.
I currently have an RTX 2070 but I have this problem from my previous graph a GTX 970 SLI (with SLI ON and OFF)
With that 15% -25% of use of the GPU it reaches to give 60 fps in some situations, but when it is necessary to draw more elements in the game instead of using more resources to maintain the 60 fps simply the fps go down and the use of GPU and CPU remains the same
CPU: i7 4770
GPU: RTX 2070
RAM: 16 GB
* NVIDIA control panel:
Energy control mode: Prefer maximum performance
If someone has this same problem and knows how to solve it, I would appreciate it if you shared your solution
30 дек. 2018 в 16:44 this is why you don't buy new hardware, games need to code in support for that high end hardware to be used. if you had a gtx 1080 or 1070 it'd be absolutely fine, even a gtx 1050, but rtx is still in early stages of release, people are releasing patches, and some engines just don't support it. 30 дек. 2018 в 17:02I have a GTX 960 + an i3-8100 with the same problem. Personally, I found the issue to be somewhat alleviated by turning shadows down to low. Perhaps this is somehow related to the similar shadow distance issue with Fallout 4. I have also read that reducing particle settings to their minimum is supposed to help, as is ensuring that your chipset drivers are updated, but I was not able to discern any noticeable improvement by doing the latter two things.
30 дек. 2018 в 18:51 this is why you don't buy new hardware, games need to code in support for that high end hardware to be used. if you had a gtx 1080 or 1070 it'd be absolutely fine, even a gtx 1050, but rtx is still in early stages of release, people are releasing patches, and some engines just don't support it.The RTX 2070 acquired it at the beginning of December, and all this year I had the same problem with my GTX 970 that new hardware presismente is not
I have a GTX 960 + an i3-8100 with the same problem. Personally, I found the issue to be somewhat alleviated by turning shadows down to low. Perhaps this is somehow related to the similar shadow distance issue with Fallout 4. I have also read that reducing particle settings to their minimum is supposed to help, as is ensuring that your chipset drivers are updated, but I was not able to discern any noticeable improvement by doing the latter two things.
Thank you for your prompt response, I will try what you say and what it says in the post of reddit 31 дек. 2018 в 2:58
About that 25 to 30 percent CPU usage and bad FPS.
Take a look and see if any one single core is at around 100% usage and the remaining just idle more or less.
If this is the case you managed to hit a CPU bottleneck something that happens a lot with multicore CPU's and somewhat single threaded applications.
And as i recall ESO is not that great in the multi threaded department.
31 дек. 2018 в 4:14 Had the same problem. Found solution. Uninstal the game. Works for meXD 31 дек. 2018 в 5:02 this is why you don't buy new hardware, games need to code in support for that high end hardware to be used. if you had a gtx 1080 or 1070 it'd be absolutely fine, even a gtx 1050, but rtx is still in early stages of release, people are releasing patches, and some engines just don't support it.Not necessarily. I run a 1080Ti and an i7-8086K, and while I sustain 100FPS (2k @ 120Hz) out in the world (in most spots), and in interior locations like caves, houses, etc., my FPS VERY quickly tanks in places with lots of people running around, like major cities.. in to the 30 range.
The problem is this game. It is so, so badly optimized that it hurts; still uses DirectX 9 (in a world where DX12 exists, and DX11 is almost standard on any other AAA MMORPG), and also has a small memory leak that has existed since the game was launched.
One of the best things the developers could do for this game right now would be to halt any and all content patches/updates for six months, and just fix things.. optimize the game, its engine, implement at least DirectX 10 or 11 support (for those who can use it)..
Those improvements alone would be groundbreaking for all involved. There's no reason at all that my FPS should be dropping to those levels with the settings I use (I don't jack up anti-aliasing beyond 2x because it's a monumental waste), when I can run the Witcher 3 on ultra all day long and never have FPS drops.
The only thing I'd say is "wrong" with the OP's specs is the processor.. but that was a very overclockable CPU with a lot of options to it, so they shouldn't be seeing that problem either.
Speaking of overclocks, OP, if you have any set.. try disabling them and see if you don't get any consistent performance.
If not, there's really nothing you can do except blame the game in this case. I really like ESO, but it's one of the poorest performaning MMORPGs on the market.
31 дек. 2018 в 9:45Alith-Ahnar
About that 25 to 30 percent CPU usage and bad FPS.
Take a look and see if any one single core is at around 100% usage and the remaining just idle more or less.
If this is the case you managed to hit a CPU bottleneck something that happens a lot with multicore CPU's and somewhat single threaded applications.
And as i recall ESO is not that great in the multi threaded department.
all the nuclei work at the same percentage, only with small variations of 1% -3% between them but I think that this is nothing out of the ordinary
Not necessarily. I run a 1080Ti and an i7-8086K, and while I sustain 100FPS (2k @ 120Hz) out in the world (in most spots), and in interior locations like caves, houses, etc., my FPS VERY quickly tanks in places with lots of people running around, like major cities.. in to the 30 range.
The problem is this game. It is so, so badly optimized that it hurts; still uses DirectX 9 (in a world where DX12 exists, and DX11 is almost standard on any other AAA MMORPG), and also has a small memory leak that has existed since the game was launched.
One of the best things the developers could do for this game right now would be to halt any and all content patches/updates for six months, and just fix things.. optimize the game, its engine, implement at least DirectX 10 or 11 support (for those who can use it)..
Those improvements alone would be groundbreaking for all involved. There's no reason at all that my FPS should be dropping to those levels with the settings I use (I don't jack up anti-aliasing beyond 2x because it's a monumental waste), when I can run the Witcher 3 on ultra all day long and never have FPS drops.
The only thing I'd say is "wrong" with the OP's specs is the processor.. but that was a very overclockable CPU with a lot of options to it, so they shouldn't be seeing that problem either.
Speaking of overclocks, OP, if you have any set.. try disabling them and see if you don't get any consistent performance.
If not, there's really nothing you can do except blame the game in this case. I really like ESO, but it's one of the poorest performaning MMORPGs on the market.
Yes although my i7 4770 is already something old not updated because in games like The Witcher 3, Monter Hunter World, Battlefield V, Shadow of the Tomb Raider all in ultra I have more than 80-100 fps without falls 31 дек. 2018 в 12:44
My point was although it's old, it was a good processor. Hell, it's still a good processor by today's standards.. they haven't really jumped a whole lot since then, except for higher base clock speeds.
And, also, that you shouldn't be seeing such performance dips. No one should be with a game of this level.
That's how badly optimized this game really is. Any other AAA MMORPG that utilizes DX9 is at least optimized enough to take full advantage of the average user's hardware. But ESO? Not so much.
Apparently when Murkmire was released it was an absolute nightmare because there's a TON of water, so.. all those water effects everywhere ate CPU cycles like there's no tomorrow.
I haven't been to Murkmire yet myself, but I'm willing to bet I don't sustain higher FPS in that zone at all. And if it's as bad as everyone says, I'll stay there long enough to collect all the Skyshards and then leave.
At some point the development team is going to have to realize that the terrible optimization of the game alone is driving customers away. Word of mouth is a powerful advertising tool in this day and age, and if the average user tells even one friend that "ESO runs like crap", and they tell another.. etc. etc., it snowballs, and people will avoid the game.
Developers could probably spend a whole year optimizing this game and ironing out bugs, but I really wish they would. I wouldn't care a bit to see a year of no new content if it meant that afterwards it would run flawlessly for everyone.
Imagine how much more fun Cyrodiil's large scale battles would be if it didn't tank your FPS down in to the near-single-digits. (I'm talking the giant zerg vs. zerg 100+ people battles. Smaller ones aren't quite as bad.)
That's what we could have, but.. I don't see it happening any time soon, and it's a damn shame.
As for your immediate problem, though.. the best I can tell you to do is either turn Shadows way down, or off, turn water effects down low, make sure anti-aliasing isn't above 2x, etc.
Also worth noting, if you leave your GPU set for "Prefer maximum performance" in the nVidia Control Panel, that means that your GPU is going to be constantly running at the maximum clock speeds of the card; even when you're not gaming.
There may be other settings there as well that you want to look in to, that could be affecting things:
* Single-display performance mode
* Forced/enhanced/etc. anti-aliasing (I wouldn't force AA on many games at all, especially if they don't support it natively. It typically leads to problems.)
* Forced anisotropic filtering (not nearly as bad as AA, but can be in some older game)
And of course you could always turn down the resolution.. but that's usually a no-go for most people, myself included.
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З.Ы Что-бы приступить к оптимизации нужно ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО хотя бы раз запустить игру, что-бы та создала нужные файлы и конфиги.
З.Ы х2 Здесь не будет способа с оптимизацией ПК (Видеокарты, процессора и т.д), здесь только то, что касается самой игры.
UPD. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СТАВЬТЕ ОЦЕНКИ, МНЕ ПРИЯТНО, А ДРУГИМ ЛЮДЯМ БУДЕТ ПРОЩЕ НАЙТИ ЭТОТ ГАЙД! Идем по пути documents\elder scrolls online\live и открываем файл UserSettings.txt.
Находим SET HIGH_RESOLUTION_SHADOWS. Скорее всего там стоит значение "1", меняем на "0". Это не отключает вам тени, оно делает их менее четкими и более размытыми.
SET GPUSmoothingFrames ставим "0". Опция заставляет и без того нагруженную карту, нагружаться еще сильнее что-бы предположить сколько у нас будет кадров в дальнейшем.
SET MIP_LOAD_SKIP_LEVELS скорее всего там стоит "0", тут внимательнее, все зависит от вашей видеокарты и сколько у нее видеопамяти.. Будем ставить значения отталкиваясь от количества вашей видеопамяти.
VRAM - Видеопамять.
1GB VRAM - значение - "2"
2GB VRAM - значение - "1" (Если все слишком плохо ставим также "2")
3GB VRAM - значение - "-1"
4GB VRAM - значение - "-3" (ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ МОЩНЫХ ПК)
SET RequestedNumJobThreads "0"
SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads "0"
Сейчас очень важная часть руководства! Сейчас будем решать главную болячку этой игры - многоядерность.
SET MaxCoresToUse.4 "Тут ставим значение равное ядрам вашего процессора"
Как же узнать сколько ядер?
SET DistantFoliageEnabled “1” —> “0”
SET CachedRLREnabled “1” —> “0”
SET CachedReflectionResolution “4” —> “0”
SET CachedShadowFiltering “5” —> “0”
SET CHARACTER_LIGHTING “1” —> “0” (Тут от вашего желания, экспериментируйте)
SET DETAIL_MAPS “1” —> “0”
SET SOFT_ALPHA "1" —> "0"
Если вам не нравится сильная серость картинки, вы можете изменить это.
Если вы не хотите смотреть начальное интро с лого разработчиков, то:
SET SkipPregameVideos “0” —> “1”
Разрешение: Советую ставить максимальное, т.к на маленьком разрешении играть будет выглядеть убого.Режим дисплея: Полноэкранный режим, обязательно! В полноэкранном режиме все ресурсы вашего пк будут выделяться игре.
Вертикальная синхронизация: Выкл.
Сглаживание: Экспериментируйте, лично у себя я разницы в FPS не заметил, но в качестве заметно на лицо. ВКЛ
На этом фото нам понадобятся только:
Maximum Particle Systems - 768.
Particle Suppression distance - 35.
View Distance - 25.
З.Ы. TEXTURE QUALITY, SHADOW QUALITY, WATER REFLECTION QUALITY - МЫ УЖЕ НАСТРОИЛИ ЧЕРЕЗ КОНФИГ, ЭТИ СТРОЧКИ НЕ ТРОГАЕМ! 3.Мини лайфхак который очень хорошо сбережет ваши драгоценные FPS. Играйте от третьего лица. Почему? Потому что если вы будете играть от третьего лица все эффекты: Заклинаний, Огня, Молний, Мороза и взрывов будут на расстоянии от камеры, а значит и качество прорисовки у них будет хуже = больше FPS. Now I will describe all the ways to increase FPS / Problem Solving Game.
P.S. In order to start the optimization, it is MANDATORY to start the game at least once, so that she creates the necessary files and configs.
P.S. x2 There will not be a way to optimize the PC (video card, processor, etc.), here only what concerns the game itself.
UPD. Please rate, I am pleased, and it will be easier for other people to find this guide. Go along the path documents \ elder scrolls online \ live and open the file UserSettings.txt.
Find SET HIGH_RESOLUTION_SHADOWS. Most likely there is the value "1", change to "0". This does not turn off the shadows for you, it makes them less clear and more blurred.
SET GPUSmoothingFrames set "0". The option forces the already loaded map to be loaded even more so as to assume how many frames we will have in the future.
SET MIP_LOAD_SKIP_LEVELS most likely there is "0", here it is more attentive, it all depends on your video card and how much video memory it has. We will set the values based on the amount of your video memory.
VRAM - Video Memory.
1GB VRAM - the value is "2"
2GB VRAM - the value is "1" (If everything is too bad we also put "2")
3GB VRAM - value "-1"
SET RequestedNumJobThreads "0"
SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads "0"
Now is a very important part of leadership! Now we will solve the main sore of this game - multi-core.
SET MaxCoresToUse.4 "Here we set the value equal to the cores of your processor"
How to find out how many cores?
Диспетчер задач - Task Manager
Производительность - Performance
Ядра - Cores
SET DistantFoliageEnabled “1” —> “0”
SET CachedRLREnabled “1” —> “0”
SET CachedReflectionResolution “4” —> “0”
SET CachedShadowFiltering “5” —> “0”
SET CHARACTER_LIGHTING “1” —> “0” (Here from your desire, experiment)
SET DETAIL_MAPS “1” —> “0”
SET SOFT_ALPHA "1" —> "0"
If you do not like the strong grayness of the picture, you can change this..
If you do not want to watch the initial intro from the developers logo, then:
SET SkipPregameVideos “0” —> “1”
Resolution: I advise you to set the maximum, because playing on a small resolution will look wretched.Display Mode: Fullscreen Mode Required! In full screen mode, all the resources of your PC will be allocated to the game.
Vertical sync: Off
Anti-aliasing: Experiment, I personally have not noticed the difference in FPS, but it is noticeable on the face. ON
In this photo, we need only:
Maximum Particle Systems - 768.
Particle Suppression distance - 35.
View Distance - 25.
P.S. TEXTURE QUALITY, SHADOW QUALITY, WATER REFLECTION QUALITY - WE HAVE ALREADY SET UP THROUGH A CONFIG, THESE STITCHES DO NOT TURN! Play from the third person. Why? Because if you play from the third person all the effects: Spells, Fire, Lightning, Frost and explosions will be at a distance from the camera, and therefore the quality of drawing they will be worse = more FPS.
Надеюсь я хоть как-то смог помочь тебе улучшить производительность, и сделал игру комфортной. Спасибо за прочтение этого руководства, удачи и высокого тебе FPS!
I hope I somehow could help you improve performance, and made the game comfortable. Thanks for reading this tutorial, good luck and high FPS!
>>Для обладателей мощного железа<<
Если у вас хороший пк а фпс все равно в районе 40-60 и ваше железо не нагружается даже на половину то могу посоветовать следующее:
Аддон Votan's Advanced Settings (не забудьте поставить связанный с ним аддон)
этот аддон расширяет настройки видео и появляется одна важная настройка а именно "Многопоточная визуализация (бета)" если ее активировать фпс вырастет(возможно)
В моем случае фпс с 40-60 вырос до 90-100
Ребят помогите, у меня rtx 3070 i5 10400 и 32 gb ddr4В игре фпс районе 40-60, при этом карточка загружается максимум на 35-40%(а часто и вовсе в районе 20), а процессор на 15-20%, что сделать что бы комп работал нормально и монитор на 144 герца был не зря куплен)
SET SHADOWS “4” —> “0”
Это настройка убивает тени, картинка становится очень вырвиглазно плоской.
Не рекомендую выставлять эту настройку в 0, хотя бы 1-2, если у Вас, конечно, не интегрированная или совсем старая/ноутбучная видяха.
Maintenance for the week of October 18:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 18
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – October 19, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 11:00AM EDT (15:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – October 19, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 11:00AM EDT (15:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – October 19, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 11:00AM EDT (15:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 19, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 11:00AM EDT (15:00 UTC)
Just bought a new GTX 1070 to run the game and its capped at 30fps no matter what I do. Started off at 60 when I launched the game and as soon as I got into character select screen it drops to 30 and stays constant. Anyone can help?
Maybe check you v sync settings in the Nvidia control panel. Perhaps you accidentally have it set to half v sync. Check global and ESO settings in manage 3d settings.
Tried everything including switching them on and off, nothing works and game is stuck at 30fps.
Are you sure your monitors refresh rate isn't 30 fps?
@Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
"Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
There could be a setting in your usersettings that is causing the frame rate to get locked at 30 FPS. This post here goes into detail on what setting in the usersettings.ini can lock your frame rate. Please make a backup of the usersettings file before making any changes to it.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Множество жалоб на падение FPS после обновления Греймур, неудачного старта и танцев с бубном. Игроки жалуются, что их стабильные 100 FPS сократились в лучшем случае до 60, в худшем - до фризов. Попытки отключать аддоны, снижать настройки и редактировать файлы ни к чему не приводят.
Вместе с драматическими проседаниями пинга как на EU, так и на NA серверах (в целом ряде локаций у игроков, не имевших раньше проблем, пинг начал проседать до 999+) все это вызывает жуткий баттхерт у игроков.
По крайней мере, относительно падения FPS админы говорят, что нашли причину:
"@ZOS_JessicaFolsom: Мы исследовали проблему и тестируем исправление, которое войдет в один из следующих патчей где-нибудь в ближайшие недели. Похоже, что проблема касается только тех игроков, у кого на игровой панели находятся скиллы, не прокачанные до максимума".
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