Teso прически аргониан
Obviously all the other races could easily visit the barbershop and get their hairstyle changed, but how can an argonian just walk in there and change his/her skull structure. I feel like the elderscrolls is pretty good at having lore to back up everything, even how there could be all the daggerfall endings coexisting at once. Argonian haircuts though, oh man that sounds painful!
I know its just a video game, but immersion is important too! Right? Obviously race change is just pure nonsense mmo trash, but a dang barbershop should at least be immersive imo. Appearance change is explained in skyrim with "face scultping", and I suppose that could be how the horns would be changed at a barbershop. Just seems a bit weird for a hair cutter to also be skilled in an obscure type of magic of which only one character has ever been shown to know how to do. She apparently learned it from others though, so here is zenimax's chance to expand upon that. Maybe this barber learned how to do it as well OR maybe he/she was the first person to discover this art of face sculpting(we are pretty far in the past).
I guess what I am getting at here is zos should maybe put some immersion into it and explain how this barbershop functions. Perhaps make it a physical location in game with an npc you can talk to and get background from instead of just a set that shows up behind you when you *insert coin*.
Ahvadeeh the sniper emperor, that one who killed you and brought you here to the forums. Magic horn grow and removal tonic get em while their hot!Obviously all the other races could easily visit the barbershop and get their hairstyle changed, but how can an argonian just walk in there and change his/her skull structure. I feel like the elderscrolls is pretty good at having lore to back up everything, even how there could be all the daggerfall endings coexisting at once. Argonian haircuts though, oh man that sounds painful!
I know its just a video game, but immersion is important too! Right? Obviously race change is just pure nonsense mmo trash, but a dang barbershop should at least be immersive imo. Appearance change is explained in skyrim with "face scultping", and I suppose that could be how the horns would be changed at a barbershop. Just seems a bit weird for a hair cutter to also be skilled in an obscure type of magic of which only one character has ever been shown to know how to do. She apparently learned it from others though, so here is zenimax's chance to expand upon that. Maybe this barber learned how to do it as well OR maybe he/she was the first person to discover this art of face sculpting(we are pretty far in the past).
I guess what I am getting at here is zos should maybe put some immersion into it and explain how this barbershop functions. Perhaps make it a physical location in game with an npc you can talk to and get background from instead of just a set that shows up behind you when you *insert coin*.
Any character can change any aspect of their appearance, becoming taller or shorter, having higher or lower cheekbones, even becoming another race or gender. Barber shop is just a generic term used in MMOs for re-rolling a characters appearance. No lore involved, no immersion, just editing the character.
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(And let us know 🔷 What Kind of Roleplayer You Are 🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)
Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
This is standalone hair MOD for your Argonian male and female character.
Horn color is not changeable.
The first test update. 6 hairs update.
Allow : It's possible to Upload character that using my hairwork
Never : But do not contain hair textures file
Do not upload this file at the anyother site or blog, filedisk.
Q1 : Is it compatible with other hair mods?
A : Yes. It's standalone version. Don't worry about that.
Q3 : is there any require MOD or UI?
A : Absolutely nothing.
Q4 : hair have physics like HDT?
A : No. boneweight only.
Q5 : Can you upload ESM file?
A : I can't. It's impossible on the steam workshop.
An overhaul of every Argonian NPC in vanilla Skyrim, featuring glorious plumage!
This standalone mod features KrittaKitty's playable Argonian Feather Hair.
This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.
Mods requiring this file
Author's instructions
I'm fine with people using these assets however they want. That said, KrittaKitty originally created them, and if she ever returns and takes issue with it, you'll have to work that out.
File credits
Argonian Feather Hair by KrittaKitty
NPC edits by Nerd of Prey
Standalone mod made with permission!
Donation Points system
This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points
Both straight donations and premium membership donations accepted
A makeover of Skyrim's Argonians, featuring glorious plumage!INCLUDES THE FULL ARGONIAN FEATHER HAIR MOD BY KRITTAKITTY!
Because I am frequently asked about this: I do not actually know KrittaKitty outside of the brief interactions we had years ago in discussing permissions for this mod. As far as I know, she is gone from the modding scene forever.
She was really cool about sharing these assets, and I have no doubt she would be fine with other people using Argonian Feather Hair in other mods. Unless she returns and says otherwise, this is free to use as a resource with credit to her.
When I spied KrittaKitty's Argonian feather hair mod, I was immediately blown away.
Buuuut at the same time, still not particularly inclined to PLAY as an Argonian.
I feel like this is going to be all too common a sentiment, so I'm giving ALL of us a chance to enjoy that fabulous mod in a different context, by putting glorious Feather Hair on every Argonian NPC in Skyrim. Not counting DLC and mods and stuff.
The feather hairstyles are distributed among vanilla NPC's AND available to players!
Part of what's cool about Argonian Feather Hair is the concept that male Argonians have very bright, showy colors while females' feathers are more muted earth tones. Very true to nature, don't you think? I took that concept and ran with it! You will notice the guys showboatin' and flexin' their hott styles all up and down the province, while the ladies keep it pretty chil. But trust that they all have some pretty nice feathers, with gorgeous fine details and colorful patterns not found in vanilla Argonian styles.
In short, they're lookin' hott!
Very few edits were made to the NPC's aside from adding the feathers. Occasionally I would replace their default outfit with a hatless version so as not to cover up their coifs, or make adjustments to skin tone to better suit their style. If the NPC originally had horns, I chose a feather hairstyle with similar horns, so that familar NPC's will still look familiar! You're welcome!
Через месяц для The Elder Scrolls Online выйдет обновление Update 11. Оно станет доступно 1 августа на PC и 16 августа на PS4 и Xbox One.
Обновление добавит два новых тематических подземелья в стиле аргониан, которые будут доступны бесплатно подписчикам ESO Plus. Всем остальным новинки обойдутся в 1500 корон.
Кроме того, в The Elder Scrolls Online появится салон стилистов, который позволит менять расу персонажей и внешность: прически, татуировки, черты лица, голос и многое другое.
Подписчики ESO Plus получат эксклюзивные краски для костюмов, благодаря которым смогут изменить цвета своей экипировки, а консольные игроки получат текстовый чат.
Дополнительные подробности обновления можно найти на официальном сайте игры.
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Atazaker Скорее всего уже никогда.
Atazaker Лет через 10
Fatality Finish him)) tugoff не то чтоб. просто область и цель применения. непонятно почему нельзя резать рядовых мобов( ну пвп и гвардов то понятно почему)) По игре Eso объединяет все части свитков и дополняет Недовольство тем что не фритуплей но)) вы не поверите это очень устраивает тех кто в нее играет)
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