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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an enormous open-world game on the Nintendo Switch and Wii U. This guide and walkthrough will show you everything you need to know from the locations and solutions for every shrine to Captured Memories, the best meal in the game, The Master Trials DLC and more.
How to find To Quomo shrine: To Quomo is located in northwestern Hyrule, in the Hebra Tower region. It is actually underground, in the Hebra Great Skeleton area, but you will find the entrance southeast from there, near the east edge of the Hebra North Summit. On the map, look for a small square of water, near some trees. (Browse the gallery below for the precise location.)
Как победить молдугу
Вы узнаете, что достигли места назначения, когда увидите разбросанные вдалеке камни. По мере приближения вы встретите Молдугу , обитающего в пустыне мини-босса.
Чтобы победить Молдугу , вам нужно сделать четыре вещи:
- Встаньте на любой из камней в этом районе. (Это не позволяет Молдуге слышать ваши следы и знать, где вы находитесь.)
- Бросьте удаленную бомбу в песок, чтобы Молдуга ее услышал, подумал, что это вы, и проглотил. ( Квадратные дистанционные бомбы работают лучше всего, потому что круглые дистанционные бомбы имеют тенденцию откатываться на вашу позицию, поэтому, когда Молдуга выпрыгивает из песка, чтобы съесть бомбу, вы можете получить травму или даже умереть.)
- Обозначьтеудаленную бомбу после того, как ее проглотит « Молдуга» .
- Спрыгивайте со скал и атакуйте.
Повторите этот процесс несколько раз, и вы победите Молдугу , получите свои награды и сможете свободно перемещаться по местности.
Как найти храм Тхо Каю
Теперь, когда территория очищена, вам нужно зажечь четыре факела на камнях в районе, где вы сражались с Молдугой . Это откроет святыню Тхо Кайу .
Внутри святилища Тхо Кайу просто подойдите к сундуку с сокровищами, чтобы получить атаку Золотого лука +10 , и встретитесь с Тхо Кайу, чтобы забрать свою духовную сферу .
To Quomo Shrine, also known as To Quomo's Blessing, is one of the many Shrine of Trials from Breath of the Wild.
Location |
This shrine is located inside a cave beneath the Hebra North Summit. To find the entrance, head to the small pond on the map, just east of Hebra North Summit. Use Cryonis to create a pair of Ice Blocks, creating a bridge over the small pond. Then run to the east and on the higher ledge, you'll find a large snowball. Drop it down, so it rolls down the hill, across the bridge of ice blocks, slamming into the door. This will cause it to knock down, revealing the entrance to the Hebra Great Skeleton. The shrine is located right in the center of the cave.
Don't bother using small snowballs because they won't build up enough snow or momentum to clear the pond, and may get stuck between the rocky edges and the Cryonis blocks.
Once forced open, the cave's doors will remain downed for further access, as there are additional quests and a Korok Seed involved.
To Quomo's Blessing
The shrine itself is a blessing, with a single treasure chest that has a Royal Claymore. Walk over to the altar to meet with To Quomo and get a Spirit Orb.
The shrine is located right near the Hebra North Summit, but the entrance is a bit hidden. If you glance at your map, to the southeast of the Hebra North Summit you will see a tiny square area of water. Make your way over to this region of the map.
From the small lake, if you walk directly to the west, you will come across a massive door that cannot be opened quite easily. If you follow the pathway east, there is a straight forward uphill climb, leading right to that lake. If you continue east and climb up a ledge, you will find a large snowball. What we want to do is pickup the snowball, roll it down the cliff, and it will gain momentum, crashing the doors to the ground.
However, in order to make the pathway complete, you will need to use Cryonis to create two ice blocks next to each other over the small square lake. Do just that and then make your way to the top off the cliff. Roll the snowball down to crash into the door.
Run forward to reach the shrine. Inside you will find a lone treasure chest that contains a Royal Claymore. Speak to the monk, To Quomo, and he will reward you with a Spirit Orb.
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