Святилище лакна роки зельда
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an enormous open-world game on the Nintendo Switch and Wii U. This guide and walkthrough will show you everything you need to know from the locations and solutions for every shrine to Captured Memories, the best meal in the game, The Master Trials DLC and more.
There’s a second shrine near Kakariko Village called Lakna Rokee shrine. Unlocking it takes a lot of work, though — completing a main quest, two side quests and a shrine quest. But that’s what we’re here for. (Fair warning: Depending on how much you have done already and how well stocked your inventory is, these quests could take you the better part of an hour to complete.)
Find the Fairy Fountain side quest
When you first arrive in Kakariko Village, you’ll find the painter Pikango working on a masterpiece near the pond across from the main house. He’ll tell you about the Great Fairy Fountain nearby.
Talk to him and ask him to take you there. He’ll lead you up the hill on the north side of town and past Tal’oh Naeg shrine, but then he’ll run out of steam.
Continue on without him, and take the left fork in the path. This will lead you straight to the Great Fairy Fountain. If you’re careful when you arrive, you can crouch and collect some fairies from the area around the fountain. (They’ll revive you when you die and restore some hearts.)
Walk up and examine the seed pod-looking structure in front of you. You’ll need to fork over 100 rupees to actually meet the Great Fairy (but it’s worth it because she is currently our favorite NPC). Getting her to come out of her shell (seedpod?) allows you to upgrade your armor, in exchange for some monster parts.
Before you leave, snap a picture of the fountain with your camera rune ability to take back and show to Pikango to close out his quest.
Flown the Coop side quest
You next task is to complete the Flown the Coop side quest, and you pick it up from Cado, one of the guards outside of Impa’s house. If you watch him for a while, he’ll start up the hill toward his cucco coop and freak out.
It seems that several of his precious cuccos haven’t come home, and it’s up to you to find them. There are seven you have to find and carry back to the coop (or toss in from a distance, which is kind of satisfying). In no particular order, you can find them:
- Next to Pikango and the pond with the goddess statue
- On the roof of the clothing shop directly across from Cado’s coop
- In front of a shed next to a campfire a little farther up the hill
- On top of a shed-thing in the northeast corner of the town near the watermill
- In Mellie’s plum garden. If she’s standing watch, you won’t be able to grab it — wait for her to leave (or sit by a fire until night).
- In a shed on the south side of town
- Near the apple tree just south of Tal’oh Naeg shrine on the north side of town
Some of those are not great descriptions, but they’re kind of the best description we can give. Check the gallery above for map locations for each of the cuccos.
Once you’ve tossed all the cuccos back into the coop, talk to Cado again to close out the quest (and to get a 50 rupee reward).
By Firefly’s Light side quest
The third step in unlocking the Lakna Rokee shrine is actually pretty straightforward — you just have to complete the By Firefly’s Light side quest. You’ll pick up this quest by visiting Lasli in her house at night (that sounded less creepy in our head). She’ll tell you how much she misses catching fireflies.
Your job is to bring the fireflies to her — five of them, to be precise. If you’re lucky (or a hoarder like we are), you might already have the fireflies in your inventory. If you don’t, head back outside and crouch. There are usually a few outside her house at night. (You can also occasionally buy them from Beedle.)
Once you have (at least) five of them, choose the fireflies out of your inventory, hold five of them, then drop them inside her house. She’ll reward you with another 50 rupees. (And then, before you leave, jump around her room and reclaim all of those fireflies because they’re a pain to catch out in the wild.)
The Stolen Heirloom shrine quest
With those three quests completed, something new will happen the next time you talk to the guards in front of Impa’s house. It seems that a thief visited in the night and stole a precious artifact from Paya.
Play out the rest of the conversations and spend the day with Paya (she’s the other woman in Impa’s house). There’s nothing to do here, but it sets up the timing for the end of this shrine quest.
Once you’ve put Paya to bed (why do half of these quests have to do with visiting strange women at night?), head outside and hang out by the fire and Pikango. Sit by the fire until night. When you get up, you’ll have to wait a few seconds more, but before too long (at 10:00 p.m.), Dorian will leave his post and start walking up the hill.
Give him a bit of a head start, then follow him up the hill. Keep your distance — now would be a good time to eat a stealth-increasing meal or elixir. Don’t get too close or Dorian will notice you and ruin the whole thing.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild guide and walkthrough
Dorian will keep heading up the hill, past the Tal’oh Naeg shrine. He’ll continue into the woods along the same path you followed to find the Great Fairy Fountain. He’ll take the righthand branch at the fork, though. Keep following from a distance.
When he crosses the bridge, let him get a little farther ahead of you — he seemed to be able to hear us following much better on the bridge — and save your game. Spoiler: there’s a really tough fight coming up and you don’t want to have to replay that long, slow walk.
After Dorian is across the bridge, it’s your turn to cross. This will trigger a cutscene that will lead to a fight with a Yiga jerk.
Что такое святыня?
Тема этого подземелья… довольно очевидна.
Иногда в святилищах духа встречаются враги, хотя ни один из них, с которым мы столкнулись, не был ужасно сложным.
Что в них для вас?
Есть несколько причин искать и завершать святыни.
Дар камня духа
Во-первых, вы получите камень духа за уничтожение каждого святилища. Вы можете обменять их на дополнительные сердечные контейнеры или улучшения выносливости. Если вы хотите получить больше урона перед смертью или бежать дольше, прежде чем истощиться (а это воплощение мечты, не так ли?), То найдите и завершите святыни.
Что еще можно получить от святынь?
Есть и другие преимущества святыни: сундуки с сокровищами . Как правило, они необязательны, поэтому вы можете их игнорировать. Они, как правило, скрыты, поэтому вы можете пропустить некоторые из них, если не будете их искать. Но если вы потратите время, чтобы найти и (обычно взбираясь) открыть их, вы получите существенные награды. В святилищах, окружающих Великое плато, вы найдете отличное и мощное оружие, которое поможет вам в начале игры.
Как мне найти святыни?
В « Дыхании дикой природы» более 100 святилищ, поэтому из-за огромных размеров игры их довольно сложно найти.
Поместите булавку, чтобы помочь вам найти святыню
Новые святыни будут светиться оттенком желтого (или янтарного, если хотите). Святыни, которые вы уже разрушили, станут синими. Когда вы найдете новую святыню, нажмите A, чтобы поставить булавку, которая отметит ее на вашей миникарте и упростит поиск.
Могу ли я вернуться к святыне?
Ага! После того, как вы поместите свою шайку в щель за пределами святыни, святыня станет местом быстрого перемещения. Чтобы быть ясным: вам не нужно бить святыню, чтобы она стала местом для быстрого перемещения. Вам просто нужно взаимодействовать с ним.
Даже если вам не хочется бить святыню, это хороший повод посетить каждого, кого вы найдете. Чем больше святынь вы найдете, тем больше у вас будет мест для быстрого путешествия. Чем больше у вас мест для быстрого путешествия, тем быстрее вы сможете путешествовать по Хайрулу.
Скажи мне последнее, что ты хочешь мне сказать, хорошо?
Не проблема! Святыни также появляются возле важных мест. Рядом с каждой конюшней в Breath of the Wild есть святилище. Это потрясающе, потому что позволяет быстро путешествовать, чтобы заполучить лошадь, кого захотите. Найдите конюшню, найдите святыню.
Святыни: прохождение, локации и решения головоломок
Мы составили наш путеводитель по святыням с учетом географического положения. Каждая башня открывает часть карты Breath of the Wild , и святыни, которые появляются в этих регионах, появляются под названиями регионов ниже.
Мы составили наш путеводитель по святыням с учетом географического положения. Каждая башня открывает часть карты Breath of the Wild , и святыни, которые появляются в этих регионах, появляются под названиями регионов ниже.
The Lakna Rokee Shrine is one of the many Shrine of Trials from Breath of the Wild.
Alongside Ta'loh Naeg Shrine, it's one of the two Shrines close to Kakariko Village.
Location |
Location |
- Flown the Coop Side Quest
- By Firefly's Light Side Quest
- Find the Fairy Fountain Main Quest
Shrine Quest: The Stolen Heirloom
Once the required side quests and main quest are complete, visit Impa's house for a cutscene which will begin the Shrine Quest. If Link passes by the guards before entering the house, they'll be on guard and flustered, prompting Link to enter the house. Link finds Paya crying in front of the small altar that had the Sheikah Heirloom Ancient Orb, stating that it was stolen. Impa asks Link to spend the night guarding Paya, who feels vulnerable due to the theft. Once Link does this, the rest of the steps can be taken.
Between 10 PM and 5 AM, look for Dorian, who will begin at his post outside Impa's house, or may be on the path to the Lakna Rokee shrine's location. He should be easily found by the speech bubbles he will occasionally make when he pauses to consider his actions and surroundings.
Follow close enough to keep him moving but without being detected. When he crosses the bridge to the area with the pedestal, he will say 'Show yourself.' Move closer to trigger a cutscene.
You will battle a Yiga Blademaster, which may be a vicious battle if fought early in the game, but it's not unbeatable. Techniques such as Perfect Dodge, or just really strong weapons and defense, will serve you well. Another technique is to get lots of distance and use arrows, particularly enhanced arrows such as Ice or Fire, although once the battle has started, attempting to leave the area will just reset the battle, so be careful not to get too far away. If you die, your auto save may be later than 10 PM, but it's fine. As long as it's before 5 AM, you can still find and trigger Dorian's approach to the destination. At 5 AM he will change his mind and turn around.
It is possible to defeat the Blademaster with the Remote bomb rune, it is a slow process though.
Once the Yiga Blademaster is defeated, place the orb at the pedestal to reveal the shrine, and unlock and head inside to complete the Shrine Quest.
Lakna Rokee's Blessing
After all that effort, the shrine itself contains no challenges at all. Simply move forward, open the chest, and then examine the altar for your well-earned Spirit Orb.
Святилище Неиз-Ёма: после того, как попадете внутрь, бегите по водопаду вверх минуя все ками, добежав, примените руну льда и столкните оранжевый камень вниз и поднимете на изогнутый проход, далее как он начнет катиться по воде, остановите его руной времени и за это время добежите до края водопада, как только он докатится до края, поймайте момент и вновь его остановите с помощью руны времени, подбегите и ударьте его в сторону места в полу куда он должен закатиться
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