Светящийся ториумный слиток enderal
23 фев. 2019 в 11:04
I found a crafting recipe for a sword that requires 5 glowing thorium ingots and 1 "magical thorium ingot".
I've searched and searched around the map to try and find an ingot like that, or some sort of recipe that tells me how to craft this ingot. Has anyone found an ingot like this in the world? Is it found during a main quest that you can miss?
9 мар. 2019 в 17:13 steal the key out of the ark tailor shop in the market place. take that key to the bank and go to it's vault and there is one in there. 9 мар. 2019 в 17:35 the special Magical Thorium ingot, not the normal glowing one, as far as I know has only one place you can get itlight spoilers:
it's a connected to the main quest, at a certain point along the main quest a temperary side quest opens up, and, as I'm trying not to give to much away, where you go to a location you can't visit again afterwords, luckily you do get a decent hint ahead of time that you won't be able to go back again, so use that time to search well, (there's more than one important missible thing there)
Yeah- NOT helpful. I FINALLY find this blueprint (85+ handicraft)- cant WAIT ti try it- read the list of items required, and . NOTHIN. kinda like the arcanist back pack. had NO IDEA this item existed, but it DEF helped with weight capacity increase. I'm actually NOT tryin to advance main storyline, as this often makes certain side quests ..expire? or become unavailable.
Same with Bone bow blueprint and Black Widow's elegy.
10 мар. 2019 в 14:12the wiki page that I mentioned should also give a bit more info regarding it, but nothing specific as to the exact location. (as I've never found that myself just yet)
10 мар. 2019 в 14:19 as for the bone bow and black window's elegy, I haven't found latter, but the bone bow the recipe itself drops from a named ghost in the lower level of a ship you are sent to in the quest "our mark on this world" to find the ships log, (note that I wasn't able to find a normal path out of the place, so make sure you get the quest item first, drop down to get the recipe from the ghost, then teleport out) the Myred bone needed for a bow I found from a wild myrad from the last of the duneville bounty quests, I think there are others but don't know the location.don't know about the black window's elegy atm however 10 мар. 2019 в 14:27
there is a way out without teleport. you have to find a small hole in the ships hull on the left side (when faceing the flooded part slightly above the water surface) which you can interact with. its hard to spot if you dont know its there. i searched for awhile myself as this ship was redesigned with FS a bit and i was like : it cannot be that you can only get out without teleport as that would be a stuck possibility if the player doesnt have teleport options when going down there. turns out you can get out.
that boss is always on the ship no matter if quest is active or not. the myrad bone can ONLY be aquired the way you found it. there is no other way to get it currently. its the only bone in the whole game.
the recipe for black window
can only be aquired by sloveing the well riddle from the well near the abandoned miners camp high up in the mountains.
the quest lost hearts shows you where this well is if you already have it. the solution for that riddle is still the same as it was back then this wasnt changed just the recipe was updated to required 85 handicraft instead of 65. sadly they forgot to update the weapon itself. thus this is useless right now compared to commanders gs. already made a bugreport on it as this is clearly not intended to be so weak (it does less damage than the 1hand sword currently)
Что такое в Эндерале "ториевая руда" и для чего она нужна?Встречались месторождения/рудные жилы подобной, а вот ториевых слитков не запомнил, чтоб встречал
Как минимум один ториевый слиток лежит в банке Эндерала под замком, это точно помню. А используется наверное как и все для создания вещей, не помню уже. Кстати в Нериме ториевые слитки были гораздо более редкими и сделать из них можно было крутые шмотки. В Эндерале вроде как из ториевых слитков ничего прям уж супер не сделать
Короче говоря - я в полном восторге от Эндерала. Сюжетно он в разы лучше всех Скайримов, Обливионов и Морровиндов вместе взятых.Захотелось попробовать поиграть в Нерим. Кто проходил, подскажите, как сюжет Нерима смотрится по сравнению с Эндералом ? Тот же уровень или хуже?
Enderal: Forgotten Stories
18 мар. 2019 в 11:30 Anyone knows the Item ID for Magical Thorium Ingot 18 мар. 2019 в 11:50look at the 13th posting for the location and read the rest of postings for what you want.
18 мар. 2019 в 12:21 18 мар. 2019 в 15:34 18 мар. 2019 в 16:38 Are you sure you read well? I need ID! you gave me a print screen without a description, how do I find it? the console is not understood, tried to find but failed 22 мар. 2019 в 4:10 28 апр. 2019 в 3:16In Console, enter: HELP " INGOT"
There is a <Space> between the 1st quote < " >and INGOT . May use upper or lower case letters.
Then use <PgUp> and <PgDn> to find the ID for the various metal ingot types.
Прохождение Enderal: Forgotten Stories и вопросы по игре
Алина, спасибо за ответ, всеми силами буду искать шмот, и качать ремесло))
Привет, я тут немного поиграл. И нашёл рецепт на "ИДЕАЛЬНЫЙ ТОРИУМНЫЙ МЕч" всё вроде есть, но нет "Магического ториумного слитка", итак вопрос - где мне его найти?
Прошу о помощи)
Ян, в квесте по основному сюжету, когда Юслан попросит о помощи и вы с ним отправитесь в небольшое путешествие
София, 100 ремесло, скарагские наручи и ботинки, рюкзак 7 вещей, шлем кузнеца звездника, кольцо кузнеца, амулет или.по квесту.эликсир или.по квесту который связан с женщиной в вуали, плюс зелья ,при прокаченной.алхмиии перках.и шмотках.на нее плюс.зелье.апотекарии можно скрафтить зелье на ремесло +24 , сумарно значение ремесла будет даже больше требуемого 164 необходимого для легендарной заточки, так что все вполне.достижимо
София, а ну еще.есть квест побочный.со шкатулкой,чел дает в квартале чужестранцев, в конце квеста там идет награда на выбор поднятие одного из навыков, вроде или.взлом или.ремесло на +3 . Так вот если к тому моменту ремесло у тебя будет 100, то оно навсегда станет 103
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