Stardew valley самая лучшая броня
- Меч блокирует часть урона.
- Дубина ударяет землю, отбрасывая окружающих врагов и нанося им незначительный урон. Если зажать по очереди ЛКМ и ПКМ , то персонаж сделает обычный удар и серию сильных ударов.
- Кинжал выполняет серию быстрых ударов.
8) Thermal Boots
Thermal Boots, not only do they add to the style of your character, but they add another level of protection against the monsters in the mines.
The description for the Thermal Boots is Designed with extreme weather in mind.
Armour Stats:
What the Thermal Boots are great for:
- They provide moderate protection from the monsters in the mines
- They look very fashionable in winter
- They can only be found, not purchased
How to get Thermal Boots:
- By killing monsters in the mines (Levels 40+)
- By breaking barrels and crates in the mines (Levels 40+)
- They are a possible reward in the chest in the mines (Level 40)
- Can be found in Fishing treasure chests
7) Tundra Boots
Tundra boots are only slightly harder to obtain than Thermal Boots and would probably look better if worn in Fall.
The description for the Tundra Boots is the fuzzy lining keeps your ankles so warm.
Armour Stats:
What the Tundra Boots are great for:
- They lower an enemy’s possible attack points by 2
- They could be better integrated into your character's choice of wardrobe
- They keep you better protected in the mines
How to get the Tundra Boots:
- By reaching the level 50 chest in the mines
- Can be found in fishing treasure chests
- Can be purchased in the adventurer’s Guild for 750g after reaching level 50 in the mines
9) Leather Boots
Leather Boots are another easy footwear to find when traversing the world of Stardew Valley. After battling through 9 levels in the mines, they can be found in the chest of level 10.
The description for the Leather Boots is the leather is very supple.
Armour Stats:
What the Leather Boots are great for:
- Easy to get and equip
- They add to the aesthetic of your character
- Cheap to buy and not overpowered for early game playing
How to get Leather Boots:
- The level 10 chest in the mines
- The adventurer’s guild (After reaching level ten in the mines) for 500g
- Found in Fishing treasure chests
Урон, наносимый рогаткой, в основном зависит от используемого снаряда. Рогатка мастера будет наносит 2-кратный урон от обычной рогатки, используя те же снаряды.
Чтобы использовать снаряды, возьмите их в инвентаре, а потом щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши на рогатке.
Тип снарядов влияет на наносимый урон в соответствии со следующими формулами:
Рогатка: Урон = Множитель снаряда + случайное число между -(Множитель снаряда / 2) и Множитель снаряда + 1 Рогатка мастера: Урон = 2 * (Множитель снаряда + случайное число между -(Множитель снаряда / 2) и Множитель снаряда + 1
С худшими снарядами (т.е. с овощами, фруктами или яйцами) рогатка наносит 1-3 урона, а рогатка мастера может нанести 2-6 урона. С лучшими снарядами (иридиевой рудой) рогатка наносит 25-101 урона, а рогатка мастера может нанести 50-202 урона.
Пошив одежды — это игровая механика, которая позволяет игрокам создавать новые топы, штаны, юбки и шорты при помощи швейной машинки в доме Эмили и Хэйли. Кроме того, на швейной машинке можно изменить цвет некоторых предметов одежды. Не всю одежду можно перекрасить.
Для того, чтобы научиться пользоваться швейной машинкой, игроку нужно получить ткань. Если в следующий ясный день выйти из дома с 6:00 до 11:00, запустится событие, в котором Эмили расскажет игроку, как пользоваться швейной машинкой, чтобы шить или перекрасить одежду.
Для пошива одного предмета одежды необходима ткань. Ткань нужно разместить под челнок в специальный слот для ткани, а в слот с изображением катушки разместить другой предмет. Результат зависит от предмета на катушке и всегда один и тот же, за исключением случаев, когда в качестве дополнительного материала используется радужный осколок. В этом случае игрок получит один из случайно выбранных призматичных предметов одежды.
Топ, который вы выбрали при создании персонажа, нельзя будет перекрасить; однако некоторые из доступных при создании персонажа топов можно перекрасить, если вы сшили их сами..
10) Sneakers
Sneakers are a footwear item in Stardew valley that you encounter early in the game. They can be bought for 500g and sold for 50g at the adventurer’s guild after completing the first quest for them.
The description for the sneakers is A little flimsy… but fashionable!
Armour Stats:
What the Sneakers are great for:
- Easy to access at the beginning of the game
- Add 1 point of defence when equipped
- They match any style of clothing you have on
How to get Sneakers:
- Kill monsters in the mines (levels 1-40)
- Pay 500g at the adventurer’s guild
- Find them in treasure chests when fishing
- Breaking crates and barrels when in the mines
4) Dark Boots
A more gothic upgrade of the Combat Boots, the Dark Boots would easily match Sebastian’s style (If that’s something you care about). They make mining a stressless breeze in the higher levels of the mines, normally when mining for copper.
The description of the Dark Boots is Made from thick black leather.
Armour Stats:
What the Dark Boots are great for:
- Excellent for giving an army aesthetic
- Lowers the enemy’s possible attack points by 4
- Decreases the chances of being hit with an enemy’s status effect
How to get the Dark Boots:
- Can be purchased in the adventurer’s guild for 2,500g (After reaching level 80 in the mines)
- Can be found in Fishing treasure chests
- Can be found by breaking barrels or boxes in the skull cavern (Levels 40+)
- Can be found by killing special monsters in the skull cavern (Levels 40+)
Сундук на 80 уровне (смешанные награды)
3) Space Boots
Space boots have the fourth highest immunity level and fifth-highest defence level out of all the footwear in Stardew valley, they also have matching stats with Emily’s magic Boots (They can only be obtained after marrying Emily)
The description for the Space Boots is an iridium weave that gives them a purple sheen.
Armour Stats:
What Space Boots are great for:
- They are more easily found than Emily’s magic Boots
- They look cool and futuristic
- They are the best footwear you can find in the regular mines
How to get the Space Boots:
- Can be found in a chest in the mines on level 110
- Can be purchased in the adventurer’s guild for 5,000g (After reaching level 110 in the mines)
2) Dragon Scale Boots
Dragon scale Boots have the highest defence in footwear but has no immunity. They can only be found in the volcano dungeon on Ginger Island.
The description for the Dragon scale Boots is these shimmering boots are extremely tough.
Armour Stats:
What the Dragon scale Boots are great for:
- Gives you the highest armour defence in Stardew Valley
- Looks very nice in the Summer season
- Gives you considerable defence against most monsters in the mines
How to get the Dragon scale Boots:
- Fix the boat by giving resources to Willy
- Use the boat to get to Ginger Island
- Can be obtained by opening chests in the Volcano Dungeon
Характеристики оружия
У некоторого оружия есть особые характеристики:
[Top 10] Stardew Valley Best Armour and How to Get Them
1) Mermaid Boots
Arguably the most stunning shoe in Stardew Valley, Mermaid Boots have the highest immunity of all the footwear in the game and the third-highest defence.
The description for the Mermaid Boots is Mermaid scales gives these boots a protective aura.
5) Firewalker Boots
Easier to obtain and equip when further on in the game, Firewalker Boots are more challenging to find than the previous footwear but do work wonderfully as a Fall accessory.
The description for the Firewalker Boots is It’s said these can withstand the hottest magma.
Armour Stats:
What the Firewalker Boots are great for:
- Providing moderate protection against the harder monsters in the mines
- Makes fighting Bugs and Green Slimes effortless
- Sells for 300g at the adventurer’s guild
How to get the Firewalker Boots:
- They can be found in the chest on level 80 of the mines
- They can be purchased at the adventurer’s guild for 2,000g (After reaching level 80 in the mines)
- Can be found in fishing treasure chests
6) Combat Boots
The Combat Boots are fairly easy to get and they simply look awesome, a great black boot will never go out of fashion.
The description for the Combat Boots is Reinforced with iron mesh.
Armour Stats:
What the Combat Boots are great for:
- Giving you an even better defence against the monsters in the mines (Green Slimes especially)
- They look great in any season
- Not too hard to get while still early in the game
How to get Combat Boots:
- Can be purchased in the adventurer’s guild for 1,250g (After reaching level 40)
- Can be found by killing special monsters in the mines (On levels 60-120)
- Can be found by breaking barrels and crates in the mines (On levels 60-120)
- Can be found in fishing treasure chests
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