Starbound frackin universe транспорт
Unlocked by Item Utilities (Electronics tree).
You can't factorio in Starbound. | ||
–Popular misconception |
Item Transference Device (ITD) is (not a joke!) the strongest device in the game. It can water/fertilize your crops, sort your items, move food into refridgerators, sands into Sifters, ores into Blast Furnace, and is a basis of complex factories. If you learn how to use it.
If you set it up correctly, it will save you the most important resource of all: your time. You can explore and build more, and do tedious things less.
When used improperly, it can also create a lot of lag. See Configurable 3-State Cycler for how to avoid it.
-Note from Kherae, the device's creator: Please be careful with these on multiplayer servers, and be considerate of others. Avoid moving items into full containers (can be prevented with Capacity Sensor). |
How to use [ edit ]
Place the ITD onto the background wall. Switch your Matter Manipulator into Wiring mode (or equip Mechanic's Wrench). You will see three small circles (two blue at the bottom, and one red at the top).
Suppose you want to move water from Well to Growing Tray.
- Connect the bottom-right blue circle (Input) of the ITD to the red Output of the Well.
- Connect the red circle (Output) of the ITD to the blue Input of the Growing Tray.
You can connect one ITD to several Wells and/or several Growing Trays simultaneously. You can also connect ITD to Repeater.
Menu of the Item Transference Device [ edit ]
When standing near the Item Transference Device, you can interact ([E] button) with it. Here you can give specific orders to ITD: for example, if you want to automatically move harvested plants (but not seeds, liquid and fertilizer) from the Growing Tray, then you can order the following: "Do NOT take items from slots 1,2,3 of the Input container".
You can also limit "which items can/can't be moved", etc. See below for all options. Also see Item Network for more practical examples.
Slots [ edit ]
Input slots/Output slots refers to the storage connected to the corresponding Input/Output (Blue/Red) circle, i.e., adding slot "1", will cause the ITD to only look at the 1st inventory slot in a connected storage. Enter the slot number in the text box and then click the + to add it to the list. To remove, click the entry and then the - button. Clicking the "I" under the slots will cause the ITD to ignore those slots. For example, if input slots 1, 2, and 3 are added to the ITD and the "I" is marked green, the ITD will look for items in every slot except for 1, 2, or 3.
Example: You want to feed a whole storage container's worth of items into an extraction device. Let's say blocks into a powder sifter. Set the ITD connecting the storage box to the sifter to ONLY fill the sifter's first two slots, as the rest are what it will be generating and if filled there won't be room left for your sifting results. In other words, specify that you want only output slots 1 and 2 to move over. Then, when you want to take whatever the sifter is producing and move it out to some other storage container, you'll need a second ITD, and you'll have to set it to ignore input slots 1 and 2. If you don't do that, you'll pull out the things you're intending to sift, and you'll empty your initial block storage container real fast without having sifted a thing!
Item filter [ edit ]
To create filters that work with specific items, place an item in the Item slots to the right of the input/output slots list.
Frackin' Universe provides an entire new plain of diverse techs, all with new types of abilities. Whether it'd go from becoming airborne to explode in a fiery blaze, or using drugs to stimulate your character's speed, many new techs are available for you to choose from! In order to apply these techs, find Vinalisj and finish the Introduction quest line. Elliot's 3 quests at the Outpost tech station will grant you additional techs. You can talk to Elliot to change your FU techs or use your tech tablet. You can craft them at a tech tablet or at the Outpost.
Note: Uninstalling the mod will cause crashes, unless you wipe your universe and player folders. This is not avoidable. Be sure to back up your universe and player folders before installing.
Frackin Races is not compatible, as it is already included. If you install it as well, you will crash.The largest mod for Starbound, FrackinUniverse combines new biomes, a completely overhauled crafting system, science, research, monsters, tiles and hundreds of other assets to the game. Nearly every major game system is changed.
Q: How do I tell if it's working?
A: Quite simple. When you launch starbound, look at the main menu screen. Do you see "Powered by Frackin Universe"? If so, you're good to go!
Q: Do I need to delete my characters and universe before I start? Will it work with the character I already have?
(or any possible variation of this question)
A: No, you do not.
However, you will need to travel a fair ways away on your starmap in order to generate the new biome types. Generally a few seconds will do. So yes, it will work with your existing character. I recommend a clean universe, personally, but that's only if you absolutely want to have FU planets right near your starting location.
Q: I seem to be taking forever to generate my starting planets. It's in warp for like. ever.
A: Starbound is generating a universe and looking for a starting system that fits exact specifications. Because FU adds so many biomes it increases the time it takes to find the setup. I recommend visiting the Science Outpost when this happens, which can be triggered from your shiplocker items. By the time you come back you'll have your starting planet visible and a quest to begin!
Q: Where do I find (ITEM NAME).
A: Everything has a source. You just need to figure out what that source is. That's part of the mod. Exploration, experimentation. just seeing what sort of things lead to others and eventually ending up with a hard-core science lab. The wiki link given on this page right after the FAQ is a good source of information.
Q: Does FU add quests/missions or bosses?
A: Yes
Q: Does FU affect the main storyline or game progression?
A: No. The only true progression change is with EPP packs (see above sections for info on that). Otherwise you can progress exactly as normal through the base game.
Q: I can't find something on the Wiki
A: The wiki is player maintained. So, if you find something missing you can feel free to add it in.
Q: My EPP pack isn't working
A: Yes it is. Read the mod description information above for more details about how they operate now.
Pump is a machine that automatically obtains (and removes from the world) any liquids (and/or gases) around it (if the Pump is submerged) or below it. It acts as a 16-slots storage, and any obtained liquid is placed inside of it. It doesn't require any Power.
If the Pump can't reach any liquid, it will extend downwards until it either reaches the liquid (in which case it starts pumping), or until encountering solid blocks, or until its maximum depth is reached.
If there is no liquid to drain, Pump won't do anything. If the entire 16-blocks storage within the Pump is completely filled, Pump won't drain any liquid until there is (once again) free space in the storage.
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