Star wars the old republic имена
The character name is meaningful in the myth of Star Wars. If fans have learned anything from Han Solo, Ben Solo, and FN-2187 in the past few years, then the name may have originated in time and convenience, or implied a greater connection to established heritage. Meanwhile, about the inspiration and influence of the real world, much more recognizable names are written behind the entire Star Wars universe - R2-D2 is short for "Reel Two, Dialog Two"? Some names, such as Cad Bane, are cool.
You can also generate your star wars name yourself. You only need to select the gender and specify the generated quantity (up to 100 can be generated at a time), then click the Generate button to get a lot of names. Click on the name text and the name will be automatically selected. It is convenient for you to copy and save.
think we were working on this on another post. but do you give your toon/companions nicknames?
My agent: Secret Agent Blue Booty
Vector: honeybee
kaliyo: Kaykay
Temple: Marcy
Blizz: Best.Thing.EVER
Torian: Beiber Fett, Boy-toy, Cougarbait
skadge: * the following nicknames have been cencored to fit into the TOS *
Risha: The Drewish Princess
Corso: Southern Comfort
Jorgan: ()*&&^ frigid cat
" Secret Agent Blue Booty, at your service. You Lead the way; I bring the kolto. " Quote: Originally Posted by Crezelle
Ashamed to admit how hard I laughed at this irl.
Bowdaar: champion whiner
"We will snatch purpose from the jaws of futility. are you ready to wreak some havoc?"[/SIZE]
Quote: Originally Posted by elliotcat
Ashamed to admit how hard I laughed at this irl.
Bowdaar: champion whiner
on balmorra so far and this cat won't give in!
Crezelle De'Chimera, of the Shadowlands" Secret Agent Blue Booty, at your service. You Lead the way; I bring the kolto. " Khem - Khembo or Khemmy.
Andronikos - Ando
Torian - Junior
Vector - Bug boy (I should point out I like Vector I just call him that, possibly stolen from Kaliyo..)
Zenith - Zen
Quinn - Dr Quinn Quote: Originally Posted by Crezelle
All good things come to those who wait.
My nicknames for my guys - I simply call Torian blondie, because I am not very inventive. and Jorgan has a variety of names, such as. Sir Crankypants, snookums, sergeant kitty, really I change names for him every day, occasionally I call him Lassie Just depends on my mood.
Haven't had Quinn long enough to give him a nickname as yet.
Crezelle De'Chimera, of the Shadowlands" Secret Agent Blue Booty, at your service. You Lead the way; I bring the kolto. " My smuggler has Creepo, Fenris (I WAS A SLAAAAVE), and the other three get their own names.
My Warrior calls everybody by their given names, except she'll assign exciting and abusive nicknames to Quinn every few days. When he fails at something and I get annoyed he's the One-Shiv Wonder. (Guess you blew it all on that one sad day, huh?)
My Inquisitor has Nicky. Seriously, Andronikos, four syllables to speak and a spelling I barely have time to type during one global cooldown in combat? Nuh-uh. the Short Fic Weekly Challenge - 100+ authors to date. 2600+ stories. New prompts weekly!
Bright's Fanfic Threads
---(Ceterum autem censeo, Malavai esse delendam.)--- DELETA MALAVAI EST
F!Trooper was my first character to finish the starter planet and get a companion. I was so angry that it was Jorgan I complained for an hour in gchat about what a d-bag he'd been to me. After that he was referred to as the Miserable Old Crank or MOC until the day we finished taking the prison on Nar Shaddaa. He flirted with me and I caved like a wet paper bag.
I still call him a crank under my breath but that's only when I go to the weapons locker for a smooch and he's too busy counting barrels to notice me.
Corso is Mista Riggs in a Marilyn Monroe breathy tone when I wax eloquent about him on Skype.
I like Vector's name too much to refer to him as anything else. I just imagine that my f!agent says his name at the beginning of every conversation, tosses it around in the middle and then fondly says it after a kiss before they part. She's smitten.
Be to her Virtuesvery Kind.
Be to her Faults
a little Blind.
Everyone automatically has "dammit" added to their name when they die in combat. Mostly Corso. I yell "Dammit Corso!" a LOT.
Other than that, only Torian is lucky enough to have a nickname. I call him My Little Power Ranger.
Edit: Wait, I lied, Mako has one too. It's "MAKO NOOOOOOOOO!" in honor of Sebastian from DA2.
The Highwind Legacy
Irritated Statement: Master, if you insist on echoing everything I say, this already tedious conversation is in danger of becoming even longer.Jorgan is to counting weapons' barrels as Garrus is to doing calibrations.
Jorgan - Sgt Grumpy-pants, Scowlie-face,
Quinn - Quinn-ster, Captain Tight-pants,
Qyzen Fess - Grimlock (because he reminds me of that stupid dinobot from Transformers)
Vector - The Borg, Bug-boy, Mr We are Dawn Herald
10.08.2021 Introducing cosplay kits for various characters from SWTOR - Starting with Lana Beniko.
Cosplay Kits: Lana Beniko
10.08.2021 Introducing cosplay kits for various characters from SWTOR - Starting with Lana Beniko.
Mission Abstract: Investigate link between Darth Malgus and the planet Elom
10.01.2021 Master Jedi Denolm Orr uncovers a connection between the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and the isolated Outer Rim world of Elom that may hold a clue to what Darth Malgus has in store for the galaxy.
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