Star wars knights of the old republic не загружаются сохранения
12 июл. 2015 в 11:17
some people have to disable the steam overlay for me this does nothing.
some people must play in windowed mode "Fullscreen=0, AllowWindowedMode=1."
I have to insert the line "AllowWindowedMode=1" even when im not using windowed mode Fullscreen=1
Most people have to uncheck frame buffer effects.
Most people need to enable V sync.
Other things to try
Uncheck Hardware mouse in the kotor config.
Uncheck Soft Shadows if available even if not available make this Ini edit: AllowSoftShadows=0
Disable visual themes
disable desktop composition
Windows Compatability mode:Windows XP Service Pack 3.
some people have to disable the steam overlay for me this does nothing.
some people must play in windowed mode "Fullscreen=0, AllowWindowedMode=1."
I have to insert the line "AllowWindowedMode=1" even when im not using windowed mode Fullscreen=1
Most people have to uncheck frame buffer effects.
Most people need to enable V sync.
Other things to try
Uncheck Hardware mouse in the kotor config.
Uncheck Soft Shadows if available even if not available make this Ini edit: AllowSoftShadows=0
Disable visual themes
disable desktop composition
Windows Compatability mode:Windows XP Service Pack 3.
Захотелось вот еще по разу проити KOTOR 1 и 2, не вышло! Проблема в том, что весьма часто при загрузке сейвов, игра прорисовывает полоску загрузки примерно на 25% после чего зависает.
Начал копать - выяснил, что проблема не в загрузке, а видимо еще на этапе сохранения. Сейвы которые не грузятся на винте занимают в трое меньше, чем те, которые работают! Такие запоротые сейвы получаются и при автосохранении и при квиксейве, и просто при сейве. Лоторея блин!
Самое интересное, что баг абсолютно одинаков и с KOTOR 1 и c KOTOR 2. Диски у меня с этими играми не резаные пиратами, а полные копии английских лицензий. Играю со всеми установленными патчами (1.3 - для KOTOR 1 и 1.0B - для KOTOR 2). Еще более интересно, что эти игры с этих же дисков я прошел в свое время, абсолютно без всяких проблем.
Из вышенаписаного я сделал вывод, что движкам сабжа не нравиться что то в моей системе, которая ессно проапгрейдилась с тех пор. Первоначально я прошел эти игры на AXP 2400+/nForce2/GeForce 4/IDE HDD с FAT32. Теперь же у меня A64 3200+/nForce4/ATI X800GTO/ и самое главное SATA HDD с NTFS. Операционку не менял, и тогда и сейчас стоит WinXP +SP1, которая даже устанавливалась с одного диска. Грешу я вообще то на винт, проблемы то именно с записью сейвов на него! Да и
поменялся он весьма сильно, и контроллер другой, и файловая система.
Если не считать проблемы с сейвами, сама игра работает олично часами, не виснет, не сбоит.
Help pls. Может кто нить сталкивался с моей проблемой и лечил ее как нибудь?
Бывало такое. Мне всегда помогала перезагрузка компа
Margarytka привет давненько тебя не видел слушай вступай в орден джедаев там Anakin0 руководит, ко мне лучше не надо в академию ситхов, не хочу видеть тебя злой.
Пробовал я по нескольку раз сохраняться, придавить пару раз F4 (квиксейв) труда не составляет. Все равно лоторея, бывают сейвы запоротые! Перегружаться тоже пробовал, не помогло, как впрочем я и думал. Дело то не в загрузке, а в самом сейве, который при записи не полностью на винт прописывается. Сколько не перегружайся, недостающие 2/3 сейва чудесным образом не появяться.
Неужели действительно видуха :((( Сама то игра не виснет! Если с сейвов не грузиться - можно играть часами!
STAR WARS™: Knights of the Old Republic™
6 дек. 2012 в 19:56 Alright. not to long ago my game crashed while I was trying to save my game. I started it back up again and everything was fine until I tried to load my save file. It went to about 20% loaded then stopped. I tried waiting, but it never made any more progress. I also tried loading other save files from before the crash, same thing happens. I really really don't want to start over because I was getting pretty far in the game. I also don't know if it will even let me load a new game.I'm running Windows 7 64 14 янв. 2016 в 18:10 I tried a lot of these fixes and non of them worked. The way that I was able to make it work was to force my computer to use my graphics cards rather than integrated graphics and so far that has solved my problem. Hopefully that helps someone. 14 янв. 2016 в 22:12 17 янв. 2016 в 8:02 Found a fix. If you disable your anti virus then it will work. Some anti viruses disable your ability to access these files and that is why it wont load 14 мар. 2016 в 8:36 I know this forum is old but I need some help. I started up Kotor 2, gave me the option to choose cloud saves or download to this PC. I picked download to this PC. When I went to load up my save it wasn't there, only older ones like an auto save and back at the mining facility. I looked at previous answers said to uncheck the cloud saves at top of the screen, I tried doing that but it was still checked and nothing happens. Note I do have 2 mods installed but I doubt those affected saves. 4 мая. 2016 в 18:28 I realize this thread is over a year old at this point, but I just started replaying KOTOR and was running into the same problem. I searched around, but couldn't find a good answer. So I played around a bit and figured it out. Go into your program files Steam>steamapps>common>swkotor from there, locate both the currentgame and futuregame folders. Delete every file in both of these and your save will load again. You'll have to this every time it freezes up, but I find it's a small price to pay for this fantastic game! I had a bit of trouble after I tried your method, but I went into the application's properties at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor (said application being the file swkotor.exe), and set it to run in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 2) and it worked fine. You still have to delete all the files in the futuregame file before start up, but with this method I seem to have more success. (Side note: You can only load one save file before you encounter the error again. Basically, once you exit out of your game to the main menu, you'll have to close the game and repeat the process. I also disabled the Steam overlay, but I don't think that does anything.) Hope this helps even though this thread is 4 years old. :P 16 авг. 2016 в 11:08 I realize this thread is over a year old at this point, but I just started replaying KOTOR and was running into the same problem. I searched around, but couldn't find a good answer. So I played around a bit and figured it out. Go into your program files Steam>steamapps>common>swkotor from there, locate both the currentgame and futuregame folders. Delete every file in both of these and your save will load again. You'll have to this every time it freezes up, but I find it's a small price to pay for this fantastic game! 13 дек. 2016 в 8:36 I tried several of the fixes on here (which I really appreciate everyone posting) the game still wouldn't load save files. I could get it to load the auto save file though. After loading the auto save I loaded the most current save file while in game and that has been working so far. It's a little clunky, but playable. Hope this helps someone.
Old tag I know but its the first thing that comes up when you type this problem so I will attempt to answer here.
I am running the old disc version of the game from star wars best of pc so some things may be different.
I encountered many of the problems above on windows 8.1, I managed to fix my issues by first turning off frame buffer effects, shadows, and grass, before running the game in windows XP pack 3. Make sure to double check your settings as sometimes the system might turn frame buffer back on. This will make your older saves unreadable but make the game playable and I am now able to save and load no problem.
Вот так у меня остановилось и дальше не грузиться
ипорченые сохранения в порядке вещей для этой игры. Если пиратка то тогда тем более.
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