Star wars калькулятор способностей
Новые навыки автоматически добавляются на панель быстрого вызова.
Продвинутый класс
Продвинутый класс определяет ваш дальнейший стиль боя.
Выбор продвинутого класса даёт вам доступ к новому набору навыков и помогает определить вашу роль в бою.
Светлая и тёмная стороны
Выбор в диалоге определяет влияние светлой и тёмной сторон Силы.
Когда вы делаете тот или иной выбор в диалогах, вы можете получить за него очки светлой или тёмной стороны
Наведите курсор на полосу влияния, чтобы увидеть уровень влияния и общие очки каждой из сторон.
Такими предметами торгуют определённые продавцы.
How does Charplanner work
Note, this tool is designed with a large screen in mind. Ideally you would want to use it on a Full HD monitor or TV to view properly all UI elements of Charplanner.
You start by putting in your class, spec, and other character info in the top left corner of your screen. You also have options to add additional stats from collected Datacrons, Class Buffs and Companion bonuses.
After you have chosen your class and discipline, you will then have a character window (in the middle of the screen) laid out like the in-game version. Clicking any of the gear slots will pull up a list of items that you can equip there (filtered for your class/spec).
After that, click any item to equip it and see how your overall stats look. You can do the same with augments (they have their own slots, for convenience), and you can even do things like copy-paste an augment to multiple slots.
Clicking on a gear slot will pull up this window on your screen. From here you can select exactly what and how you want to tweak.Боевая специализация
Откройте окно с боевой специализацией чтобы выбрать бонусы и навыки, доступные только для вашего продвинутого класса.
Когда вы получаете очко способности (utility point), вы можете выбрать один навык из правой части окна. Это повысит ваши боевые показатели.
Подписчики могут менять дисциплину бесплатно, тогда как бесплатные игроки оплачивают некоторую сумму в кредитах. Цена растет при каждой смене, но раз в неделю сбрасывается до исходной.
Gearing Tips and Suggestions
While creating your dream-character, various text messages, notes and suggestions will guide and assist you from the right side of the screen.
The tool looks and works best at Full HD resolution on a Desktop device (just like the game it is designed for :P)
The Complete SWTOR EndGame Gearing Guide for Lever 75 is here to help you get a better understanding of how the Vertical and Horizontal aspects of the Gearing Progression work and what options you have after you reach level 75.
What is SWTOR Charplanner
Титулы возвещают о ваших способностях и достижениях.
Вы можете получить титул за достижение определённого социального уровня или уровня влияния, а также выполняя сюжетные или некоторые героические задания.
Щелкните по иконке медали и выберите один из доступных вам титулов.
Подписчики могут показывать, менять и убирать титул по желанию, когда бесплатные игроки вынуждены покупать такое право за монеты Картеля.
VanguardUnstoppable and utterly fearless, Vanguards are the first and best line of defense in the Republic military. Gunslinger
Master of the trick shot and willing to take advantage of every opportunity, the Gunslinger learns how to fire two blasters at once, specializing in long-range combat. Jedi Guardian
A wall between the good people of the Republic and their enemies, the Guardian stands firm in the face of overwhelming odds and dares opponents to attack. Jedi Shadow
Wielding double-bladed lightsabers, Shadows embrace the synergy between melee and Force combat, enabling them to strike down enemies of the order with deadly efficiency. Commando
Trained in advanced assault tactics and weaponry, Commandos charge into battle with massive assault cannons, overwhelming their enemies with brute firepower. Scoundrel
In addition to a trusty blaster, Scoundrels pack a stealth belt, a scattergun and a medpac – everything they need to get in, knock the enemy for a loop and get out alive. Jedi Sentinel
Control and focus are the hallmarks of the Sentinel. Through years of training, the Sentinel learns the art of using two lightsabers simultaneously to create an intricate web of damage that is almost impossible to evade. Jedi Sage
Sages are famed for their wisdom as much as for their powerful healing and defensive skills. In troubled times, a Sage brings together the insight of the past with raw power to change the flow of galactic events. Powertech
The best in shielding, defensive tactics and high-powered flamethrowers combine to make the Powertech an impenetrable one-man blockade, getting up close and personal to take down enemies of all sizes. Sniper
Identified as the most elite sharpshooters in the galaxy, Snipers use their extensive training to eliminate sensitive targets and turn the tide of the battle in the Empire's favor. Sith Juggernaut
A stalwart defender of the Sith Empire, the Juggernaut embodies the teachings of Marka Ragnos, charging into enemies with heavy armor and pure rage. Sith Assassin
Hate fuels the dark side of the Force, and no one knows this better than the Hatred Assassin. Able to command dark Force powers that assault many targets at once or sap an enemy's very essence from a distance, the Hatred Assassin can also stand face-to-face against any foe. Mercenary
A pair of blasters, deadly heat-seeking missiles and heavy armor make the Mercenary a mobile weapons platform. There's no problem extra firepower can't solve, and no one with sense gets between a Mercenary and their target. Operative
Whether ambushing enemies from stealth or using advanced medical technology to keep colleagues in the fight, Operative will do whatever it takes to advance the agenda of the Empire. Sith Marauder
Entrusted with the task of destroying the Empire's enemies, the dual-wielding Marauder embodies the teachings of Naga Sadow. Never hesitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer of pain in the galaxy. Sith Sorcerer
The Sith Sorcerer draws energy from the forbidden depths of the Force, mastering techniques that sap and drain enemies as they invigorate allies--or simply wreak utter devastation.
This is an overview of a new SWTOR Gear Calculator and Assistant tool, called Charplanner. Its developed by a team of SWTOR players, co-founded by Miltios and Zasmi. It will allow you to plan ahead your gearing process, calculate what mods to go for and check how each piece of gear will affect your stats and assist you in creating an ideal and perfect build for your character!
BioWare changed the way you gear up your level 75 characters in SWTOR 6.0 Onslaught. If you have not been following the development of Spoils of War and the PTS phases, you may feel confused and even scared of what will meet you in-game. The gearing process is quite different than what the SWTOR players have seen in previous gearing systems used in the game.
Updated to the live build of the game - Makeb Expansion (ver 2.0)
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If you want to submit coordinates for datacrons or lore objects please make sure that you submit X,Y,Z coordinates that show up when youHOVER OVER YOUR MINI-MAP , since player or cursor coordinates are usually incorrect. Thank you.
8 Responses to Skill Tree Calculator
Cannot wait for this game.
this needs to be updated
It is up to date to current live version of the game. I just implemented the last few fixes.
Hi, calculator need some update;)
2.6 brought several changes, a little update would be nice.
Thank you
5.2 Brought several changes, a little update would be nice.
Thank you
On the skill trees, maybe you could put a shield on those tanking specs, a blaster for DPS, and i plus for healz?
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