Сталкер mercenary описание игры
Наёмники — группировка, представляет из себя формирование, выполняющее задания на заказ. Основная специализация — убийства людей и поиск документов.
Описание и идеология группировки
История группировки покрыта тайной. Наёмники не подпускают близко к себе и убивают всех, кто встаёт у них на пути. Большинство сталкеров это прекрасно знают и предпочитают с ними не связываться, однако при необходимости стреляют на поражение, поскольку понимают, что не убьют они — убьют их. За деньги готовы выполнить почти любую работу. Промышляют заказными убийствами, не гнушаются и грабежом сталкеров.
Отношения между группировками
Наёмники имеют нейтралитет с бандитами, «Чистым небом», иногда нейтральны к учёным (зависит от цели задания). С военными — враждебные отношения. Представляют большую угрозу для одиночек, если те зайдут на их территорию. Являются одними из самых опасных противников «Долга» и «Свободы» (в ЗП нейтральны).
Вооружение и экипировка
Наёмники носят серо-голубые защитные комбинезоны неизвестной модели и вооружены самыми лучшими образцами западного вооружения. Представители группировки носят три вида брони — комбинезон наёмника, комбинезон «СЕВА» и экзоскелет, — немного изменённые внешне: покрашенные в цвета группировки. Комбинезон наёмника, скроенный по западному образцу, у наёмников встречается повсеместно (с разницей в том, что некоторые носят противогаз, а некоторые — маску). Бронежилет удовлетворительно защищает от пуль и взрывов, но не даёт почти никакой защиты от аномалий. «СЕВУ» и экзоскелет можно встретить крайне редко у наёмников ранга «ветеран» или «мастер»: в ТЧ, например, наёмника в «СЕВЕ» или экзоскелете можно встретить на локации после уничтожения блокпоста наёмников на Военных Складах или на Дикой территории после прохождения лаборатории X16. Известен наёмник по прозвищу Леший — единственный, который носил комбинезон «Заря». В ЗП присутствуют четверо наёмников в костюмах ССП-99М (по-видимому, они занимались исследованием лаборатории X8), и если вспомнить информацию про некоего «своего человека», устроившего отряд Чёрного в охрану бункера учёных, то можно предположить, откуда наёмники получили эти костюмы.
Наёмники хорошо вооружены. Имеют выход на чёрный рынок, откуда и ведутся поставки вооружения. В основном это оружие западных образцов, таких как ИЛ86, ТРс-301, СГИ-5к. Новички могут носить пистолет-пулемёт «Гадюка-5» или дробовик СПСА-14. Мастера группировки любят ГП37 и ФТ-200М. Практически на каждое оружие наёмники устанавливают глушитель, ведь часто нужно проводить операцию по-тихому. Подствольными гранатомётами не пользуются, бросают только ручные гранаты. Самым популярным оружием наёмников является ТРс-301, именно с ней чаще всего можно встретить бойцов этой группировки. Несмотря на то, что наёмники предпочитают НАТОвское оружие, есть исключение: в ТЧ снайперы на подходе к Дикой территории вооружены АКМ-74/2 с прицелом ПСО-1. При захвате деревни новичков бойцы штурмовой группы вооружены АКМ-74/2, а командир этой группы — АКМ-74/2У. Также двое наёмников-телохранителей Моргана вооружены АКМ-74/2. Кроме того Гриф и вся его группа вооружены автоматами АС-96/2. Во всей серии присутствуют всего трое наёмников, использующих РПГ-7у. Это двое бойцов из отряда Шакала (ЗП) и наёмник-гранатомётчик (ТЧ).
Известные представители
Волкодав — полевой командир отряда наёмников. Жестокий и беспощадный сталкер. Участвовал в захвате группыпрофессора Круглова. Ара — наёмник армянского происхождения, командир блокпоста на Армейских Складах. Хог — командир отряда, базировавшегося на Армейских Складах в 2011 году. Сообщает Шраму о группе наёмника Лешего, которая попала в пространственную аномалию. Леший — наёмник, попавший со своим отрядом в пространственную аномалию при выполнении задания. После спасения помогает отряду «Чистого неба» опустить мост, ведущий на Лиманск. Гриф — второй командир в операции по поиску лаборатории X8. Шакал — главный в операции по поиску лаборатории X8. Может быть убит на встрече с человеком заказчика операции. Тесак — командир отряда наёмников на Затоне. Они обосновались в Цехах подстанции. Группа Тесака — одна из групп наёмников, посланных в Припять на поиски лаборатории X8. Крюк — командир одного из отрядов наёмников, посланных в Припять на поиски лаборатории X8. Вместе с группой разместился на станции переработки отходовХребет — заместитель Крюка. Чёрный — командир одного из отрядов, участвовавших в операции по поиску X8. С отрядом нанялся учёным на охрану их бункера.
Одна группа атакует «Свободу» в Тёмной Долине, вторая разделилась на два отряда: один под командованием Хога находится на Военных Складах, другой — отряд Лешего — попал под Лиманском в «пространственный пузырь». Единственный живой наёмник появляется в Лиманске. Оказавшись под перекрёстным огнём бандитов и монолитовцев, он поручает Шраму убить бандита-пулемётчика.
Наибольшая активность наёмников отмечается именно в западной части завода «Росток». Крупный отряд наёмников во главе с Волкодавом есть на Дикой территории, где они заключили союз с бандитами (по словам Бармена). Они атакуют группу учёных во главе с Кругловым, а также сбивают военный вертолёт, прилетевший на помощь к экологам. Их постоянным местом обитания является заброшенная стройплощадка. Наёмники также удерживают заставу на Военных Складах, командиром которой является Ара. Небольшой отряд также пытается захватить деревню новичков на Кордоне. Квест на их уничтожение даёт Фанат. Несколько представителей данной группировки могут забрести на Радар после отключения Выжигателя. Наряду с членами группировок «Долг» и «Свобода» будут также приходить в Припять, если игрок пробудет там долго.
Крупная группа отправлена на поиски лаборатории X8 и разделена на три части: первая укрепилась на Затоне на станции переработки отходов и цехах подстанции; вторая осталась на «Юпитере», устроившись охранять учёных, а также снабжать бойцов; третья пошла в Припять, как только Гарик нашёл туда проход. Также их услугами пользуется Морган, продавая припасы на сторону.
Контракты и операции
На выполнение контрактов малой и средней сложности обычно посылается один или два отряда наёмников, рассчитывая на малый срок успешного выполнения. «Тайна контракта — это почище тайны исповеди будет.»
Во все вышеперечисленные заказы игрок может или обязательно по сюжету будет вмешиваться, влияя на ход выполнения заказа и на текущий уровень отношения игрока с наёмниками.
Информация об Игре
Название: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.Чистое Небо Mercenary
Оригинальное название: -
Год выхода: 2011
Жанр: Action (Shooter), 3D, 1st Person
Разработчик: GSC Game World
Язык: RUS
Лекарство: Не требуется
Минимальные системные требования
Операционная система: Windows XP/ Vista/Se7en
Процессор: Pentium 4 3 ГГц
Память: 512 МБ
Видеокарта: 512 МБ
Аудиокарта: Совместимая с DirectX 9.0c
Свободное место на ЖД: 6 Gb
DVD-привод: не нужен
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Чистое Небо – Mercenary – глобальная модификация ко второй части знаменитой серии Сталкер, которая сохраняет оригинальный сюжет, делая игровой процесс в разы сложнее и реалистичнее.
Над созданием мода работала независимая любительская студия под названием DOOMLORD, перу которой принадлежат одни из лучших модификаций для С.Т.А.Л.К.Е.Р.А.
Действия разворачиваются в 2011 году на территории так называемой Зоны. Группа сталкеров выполняет достаточно простое задание – им необходимо провести группу ученых по территории под названием «болота». Единственная опасность – это малочисленные мутанты, но во время выполнения задачи над Зоной внезапно раздается гул и происходит сильнейший выброс энергии, который убивает всю группу. В живых остается только главный герой.
Через какое-то время его находят и отправляют в безопасное место – там он приходит в себя и решает узнать, почему произошел столь чудовищный выброс и не произойдет ли подобное снова.
These adventure-seeking cutthroats come from all over the world and welcome even the dirtiest of work. Their motto is predictably ‘Money has no smell.’ They’ll keep fighting for complete control over artifact fields, so long as there’s demand for them. Mercenaries are equipped mainly with Western firearms.
The Mercenary faction is a group of private military contractors operating within the Zone, though their exact base of operations and their client(s) are kept highly secret. They appear in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
Background [ ]
The most clandestine and secretive faction in the Zone; some don't even believe in its existence. There are those who regularly use the Mercs' services as they are true pros, able to quickly deal with any stalker and even annihilate a small group of opponents. Their services do not come cheap - the Mercs demand a king's ransom for their services in money or artifacts. The location of their base remains a secret, suggesting that it is deep inside the Zone.
Mercenaries are experienced fighters from all walks of life who offer their services as hired soldiers. They are perhaps ex-military soldiers, ex-special forces operators, or possibly underground fighters such as elite resistance/guerrilla troops, a private military company or notorious terrorists of various nations who offer their services to the highest bidder. Having seen combat outside of the Zone, the mercs are capable of dealing with virtually any kind of armed resistance using careful tactics, military precision, and excellent equipment. However, their only drawback is that they lack the extensive knowledge of the Zone that many Stalkers have.
Mercenaries often charge their clients large amounts of money or anything of the same value (artifacts for example). They are usually hired by wealthy and powerful corporations to retrieve artifacts and other unique objects in the Zone.
Because mercenaries have no established code of ethics to abide to, each mercenary group's sense of morality could be quite different from another. Thus, mercenary groups are ultimately unpredictable as there are those who are civilized enough to negotiate and reach a mutual understanding, such as Hog and Hatchet, while there are also those who will simply kill anyone that gets in their way or witness their brutality, such as Wolfhound.
It is this bit of unpredictability than has earned all mercenaries the distrust of most stalkers as they fear that they might get a bullet in the head than a mutual understanding when talking to mercenaries.
Organization [ ]
Mercenaries operate in independent teams. In fact, referring to them as a single faction is erroneous - mercenary teams operate independently of each other, completely autonomously. They have no set goal and no headquarters or central command. As such, mercenaries operating in the Zone can be violent thugs on the payroll of bandits (eg. Wolfhound's or Dushman's mercs) and at the same time well-equipped professionals who do the job with as little bloodshed as possible (Hog and Leshiy). Their modus operandi and organization in general depend on the employer and the assigned objective. Likewise, in Clear Sky, the Dark Valley mercs are hostile to Freedom while Hog's mercs aren't, meaning their contractors likely influence on their relations with other factions in the Zone. This is further proven by the fact that Scar, a mercenary, is hostile to the Dark Valley mercs, but not Hog's nor the Limansk ones.
Nonetheless, they seem to be at first a faction itself, considering they're issued the same gear - same suits and NATO weaponry.
Equipment [ ]
In terms of equipment, the mercenaries employ a large variety of weapons in the Zone, often customized with scopes or silencers. Most often, they will use NATO weapons, the TRs-301 being the most widely-used of all, although they may sometimes employ Akm-74/2s in rare cases. In terms of armor, they eschew stalker suits in favor of the more combat oriented mercenary suits and exoskeletons. However, there are a few mercenaries that employ a variant of the SEVA suit, distinguishable by the large amount of blue coloring, this variant being only featured in Shadow of Chernobyl.
Armaments [ ]
Sidearms [ ]
Launchers [ ]
Armors [ ]
- The mercenaries' basic armor is the Merc suit, which is a lightly armored combat suit built primarily for combat. - Some mercenaries may opt to use their own variant of the SEVA suit, which is colored in a shade of blue than green and has a blue-colored reflective armband. - Usually worn by high-ranking mercenaries and commanders, the mercenaries' exoskeleton is a regular exoskeleton painted to the mercenary colors of blue and white.
Appearances [ ]
Shadow of Chernobyl [ ]
The mercenaries only respawn by the Army Warehouses, Pripyat and the Wild Territory. In the latter, they're allied with the Bandits due to a large payoff on the Bandits' part (according to the Barkeep), and the prospect of mutual benefit from the two factions hunting any Ecologists and Loners that travel the Wild Territory.
Mercs are involved in several missions, the main one being protecting and escorting professor Kruglov and his group of ecologists from a mercenary team led by Wolfhound. On the first trip there, several mercs will attack the player from the first building and the tower. The player will then have to fight Wolfhound and his guards near the crash site, and protect Kruglov from other attackers on the way to Yantar. After this mission, Mercs commonly spawn by the construction site along with Bandits.
Another quest, Deal with the snitch, given by Lukash, requires the Marked One to eliminate a mercenary named Ara, who was obtaining information on the Freedom faction by a snitch named Pavlik. A quest given by Voronin, Find the enhanced rifle, requires the player to steal a Sniper TRs-301 from a Mercenary camp in the Army Warehouses. Mercs respawn by their north-western camp, and commonly explore the area, usually to fight Loners in the area, or the Freedom guards/Monolith fighters at the Barrier. They also spawn at the entrance of Pripyat, although they hardly make any progress since they'll usually be gunned down by nearby Loners, or the Monolith fighters that appear at the windows.
They make a minor appearance at the Cordon, where a quest given by Fanatic requires the elimination of a mercs team that wanted to seize the Rookie Village.
Afterwards, several repeatable quests given by either Barkeep or Voronin requires the elimination of mercs at the Army Warehouses or the Wild Territory.
Clear Sky [ ]
Shit man, what a screw up! What a rotten son of a bitch that Commandant. All that horse-shit he have us about the outpost was out of ammo. Those Freedom bastards wounded two of our boys!
Enough yapping! Let's cover our tracks and get out of here!
The player takes the role of a Mercenary, as Scar. Scar was employed by a group of Ecologists to lead them through the swamps. It is unclear exactly what they were searching for or why, but everyone except Scar died in an emission. Scar passed out and was rescued by the Clear Sky faction in the Swamps.
In Clear Sky, the Mercs are typically viewed as a neutral faction that typically busies itself with independent missions into the deeper parts of the Zone, usually in search of rare artifacts. It is suggested that the Mercs' primary employer are the Ecologists, who either lack the proper military support or the proper gear for larger missions.
Mercs are first seen in the Dark Valley, during the rumors and raids on Freedom outposts in the Dark Valley. Lingov is giving the information to Mercs about Freedom's outposts in order to remove them from the Dark Valley passage. Lingov's betrayal is discovered once Scar finds out the recording of a PDA conversation about Mercenaries and Lingov's cooperation.
The player has only one opportunity to fight Mercenaries in Clear Sky, while assisting the Freedom faction. These Mercs are always hostile to Scar; whereas Scar can converse, trade, and even befriend the other Mercs in the game. The Mercenary Armor is surprisingly effective, and unlike Shadow of Chernobyl, Mercenaries do not carry Warsaw Pact weaponry.
Mercs appear more frequently as the story progresses. Hog's group appear in the Army Warehouses, and provides a quest that requires to rescue Leshiy and his group from a Space Anomaly. Leshiy later helps Clear Sky by securing the bridge to Limansk. A final merc appears in Limansk, having survived a crossfire between heavily-armed Monolith fighters and Bandits experts, and warns Scar about a RP-74-wielding Bandit in the nearby building.
Call of Pripyat [ ]
The Mercenaries take a more complacent, and less hostile role in the game. Only three squads of Mercenaries are active in the Zone, with two holding outposts blocking the way to Yanov, while the third has taken over for Duty in protecting the Ecologist laboratory. Owl pays handsomely for any information the player can gather on the squads, though eventually, the player will end up killing off all three on his own.
As a result, these better funded Mercenaries pose a severe threat to a new player - there are several Merc experts that wear Exoskeletons (although this can be seen in the previous games as well), and nearly all of them employ scoped and silenced assault rifles, alongside the powerful Eliminator shotgun and even FT-200M and GP37 assault rifles at times. They can be found with Soviet weaponry more often than in Shadow of Chernobyl. However, once disposed of, the Mercenaries never return in Zaton or Yanov (unless Morgan has sent Mercenaries to kill the player, in which case squads of these Mercenaries will either stay in a random area and attack the player on sight, or act like a stalker squad and wander around until they find the player in Yanov) giving the player freedom to explore the areas they defend. During free play, Mercs spawn in Pripyat in larger numbers, commonly equipping the Exoskeleton and high-tier weaponry. They usually spawn by the Yubileiny Service Center and the School, though they also explore the city in groups like regular stalkers, and can be commonly found near the River Port where they will engage the Monolithians protecting the area.
It is never established who they work for, though it is suggested it is another faction interested not in artifacts, but rather the information developed inside the Zone, the X labs and C-Consciousness.
The only Merc group that is not hostile is Hatchet's group, who reside in a substation in Zaton. They seem to be idle because of their lack of food supplies, and they request to the player that they need a half-dozen pack of foods. They generally will not attack unless the player provokes them by drawing their weapon near the entrance and/or trespassing the area without doing their quest. After Black's team leaves, the player can recruit them to guard the scientist's bunker in Yanov.
Rankings [ ]
Shadow of Chernobyl [ ]
Trained Mercenary [ ]
- Rank: Experienced
- Armor:Merc Suit
- Weapons: TRs 301 assault rifle, AKM-74/2 with scope
Trained Mercenaries are the most common members of the Merc faction. These Mercs are experienced soldiers equipped with decent armor and mid-grade TRs 301 assault rifles. They are noticeably tougher than Bandits, and slightly tougher than standard Sunrise Suit-wearing Stalkers, being roughly on par with basic Military soldiers in terms of ballistic protection. However, they are not quite as strong as Veteran members of Duty, Freedom, or the Military Spetsnaz Special Forces. Mercs can survive about 7 to 8 shots from their own TRs 301 assault rifles, or about a dozen shots from an AK-class assault rifle.
Old Hand Mercenary [ ]
- Rank: Veteran
- Armor: Merc Suit
- Weapons:SGi 5k assault rifle, TRs 301 assault rifle (scoped)
Veteran Old Hand Mercenaries are similar to Trained Mercenaries. They have slightly better combat skills, and are typically equipped with slightly more powerful Sig Sauer 550 assault rifles. In the Wild Territory, several Old Hand Mercenaries, equipped with scoped LR 300 assault rifles, serve as snipers on the rooftops of a few of the area's buildings.
Tough Mercenary [ ]
- Rank: Expert
- Armor: SEVA Suit
- Weapons: SGI-5k assault rifle
The highest ranking members of the Mercenary faction, Tough Mercenaries can be distinguished by the fact they wear SEVA Suits instead of Merc Suits. Their superior SEVA Suits give them better protection, allowing them to survive about twice as much damage as standard Mercs. Tough Mercenaries are fairly uncommon; a group of Trained or Old Hand Mercs may have a Tough Merc leading it into combat.
Tough Mercenary (Exoskeleton) [ ]
- Rank: Expert
- Armor: Exoskeleton
- Weapons: SGI-5k assault rifle
In extremely rare cases, a Tough Mercenary may be seen equipped with a power armor Exosuit instead of a SEVA Suit. Like any Exosuit-wearing soldier, they rank as some of the toughest Stalkers in the game. They usually appear in Pripyat, though they can rarely appear in the Wild Territories.
Clear Sky [ ]
Experienced [ ]
- Rank: Experienced
- Armor:Merc Suit
- Weapons:TRs 301 assault rifle
The hostile mercenaries encountered in the Dark Valley are of Experienced rank and equipped with the standard merc loadout of a TRs 301 assault rifle and a Merc Suit. Their TRs 301s are often equipped with either silencers or SUSAT scopes. They use both RGD-5 grenades and F1 grenades, and primarily carry the Martha 9mm pistol as a sidearm, with the occasional .45 UDP Compact or SIP-t M200, which seem particularly favored by the mercs at their main outpost at the abandoned factory. Their durability is on par with other standard Stalkers, though their TRs 301 assault rifles give them better offensive capabilities compared to the Renegades and Bandits.
Veteran [ ]
- Rank: Veteran
- Armor:Merc Suit
- Weapons:SGI-5k assault rifle, TRs 301 assault rifle
Hog and Leshiy's squad of Veteran mercenaries are better trained and equipped than the Dark Valley mercenaries, primarily wielding SGI-5k assault rifles (though a couple of Leshiy's squad carry TRs 301 rifles). They also carry armor-piercing ammo, which they will begin to load if a firefight goes on for long enough. They carry either the SIP-t M200 or the UDP Compact as a sidearm. These mercs are neutral towards the player, with Leshiy's squad assisting Clear Sky in taking control of the bridge to Limansk as repayment for Scar's assistance in helping them escape from the subspace anomaly.
Call of Pripyat [ ]
Rookie [ ]
- Armor: Mercenary suit
- Weapons:AKM-74/2, TRs 301
Semi-common in Pripyat, they use weak weaponry and usually do not last long on their own, as they will be usually quickly dispatched when attacked by mutants or Monolith fighters. They all wear Mercenary suits.
Experienced [ ]
- Armor: Mercenary suit
- Weapons: AKM-74/2, Scoped/suppressed TRs 301, IL 86
The most common type of mercenaries. Identical in appearance to rookies, they mostly differ in gear, as they can be seen wielding now the IL 86, and in some cases TRs-301 assault rifles with attached SUSAT scope and/or silencer.
Veteran [ ]
- Armor: Mercenary suit, exoskeleton
- Weapons:GP37, Eliminator, SGI-5k
Semi-common, Veterans can be seen wearing now the faction exoskeleton, and are now seen with high-end weaponry, usually packing powerful GP37 assault rifles or the Eliminator shotgun.
Expert [ ]
- Armor: Exoskeleton
- Weapons: GP37, FT-200M, Eliminator
This dangerous and uncommon type of mercs use exclusively the faction Exoskeleton, and use the same gear as Veterans, with the addition of the rare FT-200M assault rifle. They are very tough opponents and can survive mutants/Monolith attacks almost unscathed.
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