Spyro 2 трофеи
Welcome to Spyro Reignited Trilogy: Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage! Trophy Guide. Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage! (or Gateway to Glimmer as known in the EU) is the second game of the franchise. If you have already played the original game, you will probably breeze through it and already know how to do what’s required for the trophies. If you are unfamiliar with the franchise, this guide will help you unlock every trophy. Most trophies will come naturally on your way to the Platinum (some of them are required to 100% the game anyway), others require you to perform specific actions. You can always replay every level and every boss level after finishing the story for a quick clean-up (enemies and bosses respawn in this game). There aren’t any difficulty-related trophies either and almost every level in the game has a trophy.
Новых уровней не будет
Toys for Bob поставили задачу оставить всё в первозданном виде (кроме графики и эффектов). Мы уже сказали о дизайне уровней, который сохранится в том же виде во всех трёх частях. В дополнение, количество контента тоже останется в своём оригинальном виде. Игра будет чувствоваться и выглядеть лучше, при этом сама суть останется прежней.
Изменение уровней
Несмотря на то, что это ремейк, фанаты переживают за изменения, которых может стать многовато. Не переживайте. Они вообще ничего не собираются изменять. Во всех трёх играх дизайн уровней остаётся прежним, а все гемы, враги, разрушаемые объекты останутся на тех местах, где они были оставлены 20 лет назад.
Было добавлено множество визуальных нововведений. Например: трава теперь реагирует соответствующе при передвижении по ней (а ещё её можно сжечь), или плющ на стенах, вывески, пушки и так далее. По словам разработчиков: “будет на что посмотреть”.
Переделывание с нуля
Предполагается выход на Switch и ПК
Несмотря на то, что трилогия официально была анонсирована для PS4 и Xbox One, ходят слухи о возможном релизе на ПК и Nintendo Switch. Слухи были подогреты тем фактом, что компания по ошибке занесла эти платформы в список на некоторое время. Оглядываясь на эксклюзив Crash для PS4, который годом позже вышел на всех платформах, делаем ставки на то, что Spyro поступит так же.
Только первая часть на диске
Reignited Trilogy – это коллекция из трёх игр, но на физическом носителе помещается только одна часть. Это не означает, что две оставшиеся части не включены, не переживайте. Остальные части необходимо будет докачать, используя коды, которые идут с покупкой диска. Если вы просто купили игру онлайн, то для вас это не будет проблемой.
Лучшая часть про эту трилогию. В то время как $60 – это стандартная цена для почти всех новых релизов, трилогия Spyro будет стоить всего $40, как и Crash Bandicoot. Три великолепно воссозданные игры всего за $40 – это прекрасная сделка.
Создатель Spyro не принимает участие в разработке
Когда мы говорим «создатель», мы не имеем в виду компанию Insomniac. Речь идёт об авторе образа Spyro – Чарльзе Зембиласе, отвечавший за разработку визуальных образов титулованного дракона. Он не консультировал Toys for Bob и с ним не связывалась компания Activision. Несмотря на то, что он расстроен по этому поводу, ему не терпится увидеть трилогию в великолепии HD.
Новая основная музыкальная тема
Стюарт Копланд, композитор саундтреков оригинальной трилогии, вовлечен в процесс создания ремейка. Его музыка будет включена в игру, как уже обсуждалось ранее. Он же занимается созданием обновлённого саундтрека. Что более интересно – он создаёт новую оригинальную композицию специально для трилогии.
Step 1: Play through the Story
Just enjoy the game. As you play through each Home World (Summer Forest, Autumn Plains, and Winter Tundra) and their respective levels, collect as many gems as you can (the more you collect, the better for when you will have to pay Moneybags). Completing each level will award you with talismans that are needed to fight bosses. In each Home World and level you also need to collect orbs (through challenges or found in the wild). Collect as many as you can. Orbs are needed to unlock doors and levels in the game. Nothing is missable and you can always revisit everything after. You can’t do all of them immediately anyway as some of them require special skills that you will learn from Moneybags (“for a small fee”) as you play through the game. For the Platinum you need all gems, talismans, and orbs in the game. If you miss something, you can always revisit the Home Worlds and levels at any point. Since Spyro is primarily a collectathon, the game will tell you when you have completed the level 100%. The Guidebook (Options > Guidebook) does a great job at keeping track of what’s been collected and what’s been left behind. If you don’t have all gems by the time you reach a level’s exit portal, make sure to use Sparx’s gem finder skill which is available from the get-go by pressing . Sparx will point at any direction where there are some gems left to collect. As you play, you don’t need to worry about unlocking skill points. No trophy is related to that and unlocking them just awards you with concept art sketches.
Step 2: 100% and clean-up
After beating Ripto you’re brought back to Winter Tundra. For the Platinum you still need to go and have your vacation in Dragon Shores (unless you’ve done so already). To access the Shores (and gain the Permanent Superflame power-up) you must have collected all 64 orbs and all 10,000 gems available in the game. Now is also a good time to revisit every level in which there is a trophy you still need to unlock.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
World: Summer Forest / Level: Glimmer
World: Summer Forest / Level: Idol Springs
World: Summer Forest / Level: Aquaria Towers
World: Summer Forest / Level: Ocean Speedway
This takes place in Ocean Speedway (part of Summer Forest world), the first Speedway of the game. Speedways are a flying type of realm where you must fly around in an obstacle course, either flaming / charging obstacles or going through them before the allotted time is up. For this trophy you need to fly where the fish crowd and Queen Finny are, which, from where you spawn are directly in front of you on a balcony. For this trophy you literally need to warm up the crowd by flaming the NPCs.
World: Autumn Plains
World: Autumn Plains / Level: Crystal Glacier
World: Autumn Plains / Level: Breezer Harbor
This takes place in Breeze Harbor. This is one of the orb challenges of the level and to reach it you must go through the power-up gate at the end of the level (which requires you to have killed 14 enemies). To get the trophy you need to do a clean run with the trolley (Trouble with the trolley, eh?). Clean run means not hitting any of the course obstacles as you collect all 50 gears. If you hit one of the obstacles, you will die and have to start over. This probably will require you a couple of tries.
A few tips to make this easier:
- Make sure to use the trolley built-in cannon to change the signs and take the different directions you can take during this challenge.
- Cranes will randomly put Crates or TNT in your way. Jump over crates and shoot the TNT, otherwise you’ll die.
World: Autumn Plains / Level: Scorch
World: Autumn Plains / Level: Fracture Hills
World: Winter Tundra
World: Winter Tundra / Level: Mystic Marsh
In Mystic Marsh, the first world you’ll visit in Winter Tundra, are 8 monkeys. They are hanging from trees and buildings and will throw apples at you. Charge through every Monkey in this level to unlock this trophy. Make sure you do NOT flame them.
- On a tree left of the level start
- On a tree right of the level start
- On a tree in front of the level start (behind power-up gate)
- At the end of the spawn area, on a tree by a cliff where an elephant is. This one is easy to flame by mistake if you flame the elephant. Be sure to let the elephant charge at you to lure it away from the monkey.
- On top of the towers.
- On top of the towers.
- On top of the last tower.
- On a tree in front of the level exit.
World: Winter Tundra / Level: Metropolis
This chapter is dedicated to the trophies you can unlock in Spyro 2 Ripto's Rage. Here you will find their detailed descriptions with comments on each of them. There are a total of 20 trophies to get in the game.
Ripto's Remorse
Trophy type: Platinum
How to unlock: Collect all trophies in Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Light 6 Gem Lamps in 15 seconds in Glimmer.
Commentary: The achievement will be unlocked, when you light all the lamps in one go.
Well, You Might As Well
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete Hunter's challenge in Summer Forest.
Commentary: The Hunter can be found in the location with a lake on the right. Complete his jumping tutorial.
Bad Sushi
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Do not feed the Hungry Idol any red fish in Idol Springs.
Commentary: During one of the quests, you will have to feed a statue with fish. To unlock the achievement, you cannot use any red fish.
Using your Head
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Charge a Goat in Colossus.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Defeat every robot in Hurricos.
Commentary: Robots are one of the two main enemy types in Hurricos. Eliminate them by using charge.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Rescue every turtle in Sunny Beach.
Commentary: This trophy/achievement requires you to know how to climb. This ability allows you to start Turtle Soup 1 and 2 challenges. Complete both challenges in one go.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Destroy every Roboshark in Aquaria Towers.
Commentary: There are 12 Robosharks in this level - 8 are in the tunnel (the one where you have to go in a boat) and 4 in the small cavern near the second location. The only way to defeat a Roboshark is to activate Superflame Powerup Gate.
Conservationist 1
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Complete Crush's Dungeon without flaming or charging any Fodder.
Commentary: You have to beat Crush without regenerating your health. If you know how to react to his attacks, you will beat him without any problems.
Warm up the Crowd
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Flame all of the audience members in Ocean Speedway.
Commentary: The audience is directly in front of the starting location. Flame all the fish.
Long Distance
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete the long glide to Orb in Autumn Plains.
Commentary: A brick wall is at the top of the stairs leading to Gulp's Overlook. Break that wall to get access to a teleport. You will reach a ledge located on the upper level - jump and reach the Orb.
Bug Control
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Defeat all of the Draclets during one Superflight in Crystal Glacier.
Commentary: After activating the Superfly Powerup Gate, you receive a task to eliminate 18 Draclets. Eliminate all of them during a single Superflight.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Don't take damage from the lava in Skelos Badlands.
Commentary: Complete the level without taking any damage from the lava.
Gnot Cannon
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Use a cannon to defeat a TNT thrower in Zephyr.
Commentary: Use the second cannon to destroy the steel door. A TNT thrower is standing behind it. Aim and shoot that enemy.
Trouble No More
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Don't crash the trolley in Breeze Harbor.
Commentary: To unlock this achievement/trophy, complete one of the challenges. Its description can be found in the chapter dedicated to Breeze Harbor level.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Defeat every Earthshaper in Fracture Hills.
Commentary: Knock every Earthshaper down to the bottom of the crater. To one of the challenges for the Hunter - he will put the Earthshapers into sleep.
Duck and Cover
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Don't get hit by Bombo in Scorch.
Commentary: During Capture the flags challenge, push the Genie into the tower in the last location. The enemy will keep attacking you during this part. Avoid his attacks.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Steal a Popcorn Crystal from Hunter in Magma Cone.
Commentary: During the Crystal Geysers challenge, go to the same place where Hunter went - catch a Popcorn Crystal right before he does.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Don't take any damage from the hazardous water in Shady Oasis.
Commentary: Complete the level without falling into the water.
Conservationist 2
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Complete Gulp's Overlook without flaming or charging any Fodder.
Commentary: Defeat Gulp without regenerating your health. You can do that by avoiding his attacks. Keep your distance and change your direction every time the boss attacks you with plasma.
Flyin' High
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Defeat all the Snowmobiles in Icy Speedway before defeating a Hang Glider.
Commentary: Eliminate the Snowmobiles first before you defeat the Hang Gliders.
Bird is the Word
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Flame all of the Pigeons first in Metro Speedway.
Commentary: Pigeons are right next to the starting place so you will eliminate them first either way.
Yard Work
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Headbash every rock in Winter Tundra.
Commentary: There are 6 rocks in Winter Tundra. Headbash every single one of them.
Monkeying Around
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Charge through every Striped Monkey in Mystic Marsh.
Commentary: There are 8 Mystic Monkeys in Mystic Marsh. Eliminate them all with charge.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Don't flame or charge any Sheep in Cloud Temples.
Commentary: Don't attack any Sheep in this level. This means that you can't heal yourself.
Olly Olly Oxen Free
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Defeat the Ox without getting hit in Metropolis.
Commentary: The Ox attacks with bombs.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Defeat every Robo Bee with a spit object in Robotica Farms.
Commentary: Robo Bees can be defeated with flames or by spitting stones at them. Use the second method to get this achievement/trophy. Stones are thrown out by special containers.
Buggin' Out!
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Defeat 5 Buggies in Canyon Speedway while charging
Commentary: Reach the Buggies, land, and charge at them.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Use all three of the Power Ups that are dropped on Ripto's Arena.
Commentary: Attack Ripto with all three Power Ups.
He's on FIRE!
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Unlock the permanent Super Flame.
Commentary: There are secret door in the Dragon Shores. To unlock them you need 64 Orbs and 10,000 Crystals. This Power Up is behind the door.
In this Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage Trophy/Achievement Guide, we will guide you on how you can easily unlock all trophies and achievements for Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage, the second game in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. The Trilogy comes with three games and Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage is the second game. Each game comes with their own unique trophies/achievements and they are not too hard to complete.
Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage features 30 trophies/achievements and we have curated this Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage Trophy/Achievement Guide in which we have detailed all of them and how you can unlock them easily. The trophy list is not too difficult and you can easily complete the list in a mere 8 to 9 hours. There are also no missable trophies in the game so you do not have to worry about anything if you decide to complete the game first.
Our Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage Trophy/Achievement Guide details everything that you need to know about unlocking all trophies or achievements in Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage.
Ripto’s Remorse – Platinum
Unlock all other trophies present in the game to unlock this Platinum trophy/achievement.
Hypersonic – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you will need to light 6 Gem Lamps in 15 seconds. This can be achieved in the Summer Forest world during the Glimmer level. In the final area, you are tasked with reactivating the central rotunda with the big blue gem by flaming the 6 surrounding gem lamps.
Get 10 kills to activate the power-up gate and then speak with Kanga. Then fly around the light all 6 Gem Lamps. If you do not miss any of the Gem Lamps on your round, then you will easily light all Gem Lamps in 15 seconds. Get the orb from Kanga once done to unlock it.
Well, You Might As Well – Bronze
You will need to complete the Hunter’s challenge for this trophy/achievement. This can be done in the Summer Forest world. After you’ve met with Elora and Hunter and get access to freely move around, speak with Hunter on top of the ledge near the portals to Idol Springs and Colossus. Speak with him, complete the tutorial and get the orb to unlock this trophy/achievement.
Bad Sushi – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you must not feed the Hungry Idol any red fish. This can be completed in the Summer Forest during the Idol Springs level. You must know how to swim underwater before you start working towards this trophy/achievement. In the Summer Forest, speak with the forman who will give you a challenge to hop on jumping pads once and turning them yellow.
If you do it right, the puzzle will be complete. Return back to him and he will ask you to meet him at the pond. This time, he will ask you to feed the idol fish. Simply avoid feeding the idol red fish and you will complete the trophy/achievement requirement.
Using Your Head – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you are required to charge a goat in Colossus. This can be done in the Summer Forest during the Colossus level. Simply charge any of the goats in the level to unlock this easy trophy/achievement.
Exterminate – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you must defeat every robot in Hurricos. This can be done on Summer Forest during the Hurricos level. During the level, you will encounter many Geargrinders. Charge through them and defeat all of them in the level to unlock the trophy/achievement.
Rescued! – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you are required to headbutt every turtle in Turtle Soup challenges. This can be done in Summer Forest during the Sunny Beach level. You will need the Climbing skill for this challenge otherwise you cannot unlock this trophy/achievement. Once you have the skill, head to Sunny Beach and speak with Master Chef.
Now you will be tasked with saving turtles from committing suicide by headbutting them. The challenge has two rounds and you cannot miss any of the turtles. Save all of them by headbutting them so that they get to the water pool. If done right, you will unlock the trophy when you get the orb at the end.
Lockjaw – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must destroy every Roboshark. This can be done in the Aquaria Towers level of Summer Forest. During this level, you must first kill 14 enemies so that the power-up gate is unlocked. Once done, go back and kill all the Robotsharks that you first saw.
The sharks are found in three groups throughout the level. Two are in the section where your submarine is present after purchasing from Moneybags while the last one is located in the second flooded area of the stage.
Conservationist 1 – Gold
For this trophy/achievement, you must complete Crush’s Dungeon without hitting any fodder. This can be done in the Summer Forest where the level Crush’s Dungeon is located. Crush’s Dungeon is the boss level of Summer Forest but you cannot aim for this trophy until you have 6 talismans. Find and complete each level in Summer Forest and you will get a talisman at the end of each level.
During the boss fight, you will need to be very careful as fodder is what makes Crush replenish its health. For the trophy/achievement, you cannot hit or flame any of the fodder which means that Crush will be able to eat them to get his health back. This changes nothing except that it will take you a little longer to beat the boss. Make sure that each hit is carefully landed. Once hit to fodder and your chance is busted.
Warm up the Crowd – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you must heat up the audience. This can be completed during the Ocean Speedway level which is the Speedway level of Summer Forest. Simply flame the NPCs in the level to unlock this trophy/achievement. NPCs include the fish crowd and the Queen Finny which are sitting directly in front of your spawn location.
Long Distance – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you must obtain the Orb in Autumn Plains by gliding towards it. In the Autumn Plains level, go to the highest tower of the castle. You can start by acquiring the Climbing Skill and heading to the gate where the professor is located. You must have 8 orbs so that this section of the castle is unlocked for you.
Before the entrance to Gulp’s Overlook, you will see some stairs. Near them, there is a cracked wall on the left side. Charge through it and you will get to some whirlwinds. Start climbing up using them and you will reach the tower. Aim for the island in the distance and glide to the island. Land there to unlock the trophy/achievement.
Bug Control – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must defeat all Dracklets in one Superflight. This can be done in the Crystal Glacier level of Autumn Plains. You will be required to kill 18 green, spiders foind in the large caves using the fly power-up. You can find the power-up gate at the end of the level which requires you to kill 15 enemies in order to unlock it.
The challenge here is to kill all 18 spiders without landing or touching the ground. If you miss a spider, there is no way you can go back and try again in the same power-up so you will be required to start all over again. The challenge requires patience and precision. A good way to quickly restart the challenge is by falling in the water and letting Spyro drown.
Unburnt – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must avoid the lava in the Skelos Badlands. This can be done in the Autumn Plains during the Skelos Badlands level. You only need to complete the level from start to finish without touching the lava. 100% completion of the level is not required.
Gnot Cannon – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must use a canon to defeat a TNT thrower. This can be done in the Zephyr level of the Autumn Plains. You can unlock the level by paying 400 gems to Moneybags. In the level, you will encounter Breezebuilder Parrots which throw TNT at you. Defeat one of them with a cannon to get this trophy.
The best place for this is while blasting the door with the second cannon. Before you blast the door, you will see a parrot getting ready to throw the TNT at you. Blast it away with the cannon to unlock this trophy/achievement.
Trouble No More – Gold
For this trophy/achievement, you must complete a clear run in the trolley. This can be done during the Breezer Harbor level in Autumn Plains. At the end, you will get to the power-up gate which requires 14 enemy kills. Here, you must complete the course without hitting any of the obstacles. Hitting even one obstacle will kill you and you will need to start all over again.
Duck and Cover – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must not get hit by Bombo. This can be done during the Scorch level in Autumn Plains. Unlock the power-up gate by killing enemies and then speak with Handel at the end of the level to begin the challenge. Grab the Superflame from the power-up gate and shoot down the Flagkeeper from the three towers.
Once done, he will come down and you can speak with him to begin the chase to grab three flags from him. During this chase, he will throw bombs at you. To unlock the trophy/achievement, you must not get him by any of the bombs. He will throw bombs when you get close enough so you can hide and evade to avoid the bombs.
Giantslayer – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must defeat every Earthshaper in Fracture Hills. This can be done in the Fracture Hills level of Autumn Plains. Before you can defeat them, you must purchase the Headbash skill from Moneybags. Once acquired, start the Alchemist challenge which has two parts.
During the first part, you will need to charge the Earthshapers blocking the path and grab the Alchemists’ formula to bring it to Hunter to free him. In the second phase, you will need to use the Headbash skill to kill the Earthshapers knocked out by Hunter. Once the challenge is complete, go back and kill the remaining Earthshapers into the lava to get the trophy/achievement.
Ganked – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you must steal a Popcorn Crystal from Hunter. This can be done in the Magma Cone level in the world Autumn Plains. During the level, you must defeat Hunter in a Popcorn Crystal face-off. Keep following Hunter and as soon as he grabs a crystal, steal from him right before he grabs it to unlock the trophy/achievement.
Dryfoot – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must avoid the hazardous water in Shady Oasis. This can be done in the Shady Oasis level of Autumn Plains. You can run from the level start to the end avoiding the hazardous water and you will unlock this trophy/achievement. 100% is not required.
Conservationist 2 – Gold
For this trophy/achievement, you must complete Gulp’s Overlook without harming fodder. This can be done during the Gulp’s Overlook level in Autumn Plains. Gulp’s Overlook is a boss level in the world and you must complete it without hurting any fodder. The best way to do this is to avoid getting hit at all.
If your health is full then the birds will not bring in any fodder in the level. Simply avoid getting hit and keep hitting the boss. Dodge his attacks and you should be fine. Once the boss is down, you will unlock the trophy/achievement.
Flyin’ High – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must defeat all the snowmobiles before defeating the hang glider. This can be done in the Icy Speedway level of Autumn Plains. During the Speedway level, you will be required to charge and flame through four snowmobiles first and then flame one hang glider to unlock the trophy/achievement. This order is necessary otherwise the trophy/achievement will not unlock.
Bird is the Word – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you must flame the pigeons first in Metro Speedway. In Autumn Plains, during the Metro Speedway level, you must flame the pigeons before any other obstacle to unlock this trophy/achievement.
Yard Work – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you must headbash every rock in Winter Tundra. In the Winter Tundra world, you will need to purchase the Headbash move before you can enter the courtyard from Moneybags. Once you have it, do not enter the courtyard. There are six rocks in the starting area which you must destroy before entering the courtyard. Once done, the trophy/achievement will unlock for you.
Monkeying Around – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you need to charge through all the monkeys in the Mystic Marsh. During the Mystic Marsh level in Winter Tundra, you will encounter eight monkeys hanging from buildings and trees. You must charge through them all to unlock this trophy/achievement. Flaming them does not count. They will also throw apples at you when you get close so watch out.
Sheeples – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must not kill any sheep in the Cloud Temples. This can be done in the Cloud Temples level of Winter Tundra. You can kill the purple goats but the white sheep must not be charged through or flamed. You can always quit and restart the level if you hit one by mistake. Get the final orb at the end of the level to get it even if you are replaying the level or the trophy/achievement will not unlock for you.
Olly Olly Oxen Free – Gold
For this trophy/achievement, you must defeat the Ox without taking any hits. This can be done during the level Metropolis in Winter Tundra where you encounter a bomb-throwing Ox. You will need to collect 25 orbs to get access to this level. The ox can only be damaged by flaming the bombs he throws at you. We recommend that you get the Permanent Superflame ability by unlocking it at the end of the game and then complete this challenge.
You can complete it earlier as well but with this ability it is much easier. If you want to kill it earlier, all you need to do is avoid getting hit by the bombs and flame them back at the Ox as soon as they land near you. If you get hit, get yourself killed to start the level again from the start.
Spitball – Silver
For this trophy/achievement, you must defeat every Robo Bee by spitting at it. This can be done in the Robotica Farms level in Winter Tundra. Charging or flaming the Robo Bees do not count. You can easily kill them by entering first-person view and then shooting rocks at them.
RGB – Bronze
For this trophy/achievement, you must use all three power-up types in Ripto’s Arena. This can be done in Ripto’s Arena boss fight in Winter Tundra. During the battle, Hunter will drop green, red and blue orbs in the area. Simply use each of the three orbs at least once and the trophy/achievement will unlock for you.
Buggin’ Out – Silver
For this trophy/achievement. You must defeat 5 buggies while charging. This can be done during the Canyon Speedway level of Winter Tundra. Simply charge through 5 buggies in the level to unlock this trophy/achievement. Do not flame them as it will not count.
He’s on FIRE! – Gold
For this trophy/achievement, you must unlock Super Flame. This can be done in the Dragon Shores. For accessing this area, you must first complete the game by defeating Ripto, collect 55 orbs and 8000 gems. Once done, you can access the amusement park in Dragon Shores. Here, you can go left and open the locked door behind which the Superflame ability is present.
You will need 64 orbs and 10,000 gems to open this door. These are all the gems and orbs in the game so if you do not have them, you will need to go back and complete every level to 100% and you will eventually acquire 65 orbs and 10,000 gems. Open the door the get the ability and unlock the trophy/achievement.
This concludes the Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage Trophy/Achievement Guide. If you want to add anything to this guide, feel free to use the comments section below.
На оригинальной платформе PlayStation было множество качественных игр в каждом жанре, но самым ярким из них были платформеры. Crash Bandicoot был перенесён в современный век в прошлом году, благодаря усилиям компании Vicarious Visions. Сейчас наш любимый дракон Spyro получает такую же возможность, в этот раз за проект взялись разработчики из Toys for Bob.
Оригинальная трилогия для PS1, которая была разработана Insomatic и выпущена на одном диске, получит более гладкую и яркую картинку и станет выглядеть намного лучше. Вот 15 фактов, которые нужно знать о предстоящем ремейке.
Если у вас есть PS4 и решили сделать предзаказ на трилогию Spyro (что вы обязательно должны сделать, учитывая как много сердец фанатов покорила эта игра), то вы получите несколько небольших, но приятных бонусов. Будет аватар, на котором запечатлено лицо Spyro, и динамическая тема для PS4.
PS4 Pro и Xbox One X получат улучшенную версию
Spyro уже выглядит замечательно, не важно на какой платформе играть, но был подтверждён факт того, что на консолях PS4 Pro и Xbox One X будет улучшенная версия. Так на этих платформах трилогия будет выглядеть еще лучше. Пока подтверждена поддержка HDR, увеличенный FPS и разрешение. Надеемся получить больше информации в ближайшее время.
Обновлённая графика
Самое большое преимущество использования современного движка – обновление графики. Spyro Reignited Trilogy выглядит прекрасно, перенося игру, которой 20 лет на новые консоли, с прекрасным исполнением. Основываясь на том, что мы уже видели – всё окружение выглядит таким же, каким мы его запомнили, но намного чётче и лучше. Это одновременно знакомо и свежо.
Unreal Engine 4
Переделывать все три игры – действительно тяжёлая задача, но у компании есть необходимая поддержка и силы на это. В играх: Spyro the Dragon, Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage! и Spyro: Year of the Dragon будет использован движок Unreal Engine 4.
Ремастер саундтрека
Музыкальная составляющая – неотъемлемый аспект любой видеоигры, а все, кто играл в оригинальную трилогию скажут, что саундтрек был действительно хорош. К счастью, к музыкальному оформлению подойдут с тем же вниманием, что и к визуальному. Reginited Trilogy будет включать в себя полностью переделанные саундтреки из оригинальной версии на PS1. Игрокам дадут возможность выбрать оригинальный и ремастер саундтрек в игре.
Возвращение актёров озвучивания
Актёры озвучивания для основных персонажей из оригинальных частей, также будут представлять свои роли, переозвучивая свои реплики в Reignited Trilogy. Том Кенни вернётся для озвучивания Spyro (он озвучивал реплики из последних двух частей), также он будет озвучивать и первую часть трилогии, в которой ранее озвучиванием занимался Карлос Алазраки. Грег Бергег также вернётся для озвучивания Ripto и Cheetah.
Естественно, с изменением консолей, необходимо адаптировать управление. Это необходимые изменения, которые помогут прочувствовать игру лучше. Управление будет полностью изменено, ведь на PS1 даже не использовались аналоговые стики. Новая схема управления поможет как в элементах платформера, так и в экшн сценах.
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