South park the stick of truth dlc описание
You are able to play these builds below.
Cemetary Quest Line
Originally a quest line involved the player visiting a cemetery next to the South Park Church where they would have to battle multiple hordes of Vampire Kids and bats throughout the cemetery until they could access a central building - a castle-like structure in early builds and the South Park Genetic Engineering Ranch in later builds - where the Vampire Kids were hiding out. A confrontation with Mike "Vampir" Makowski would be a final boss for the player, revealing the Vamp Kids' efforts to protect the town from "Deep Ones", who can only be defeated by H. P. Lovecraft.
Although screenshots of the cemetery sequence were released early in development, the quest line was abandoned, though the Vampire Kids still appear in the background as members of Clyde's Army of Darkness. In addition, the earliest screenshots suggested the castle-like structure, which was later replaced with the South Park Genetic Engineering Ranch (labeled 'Mephisto's Lab') despite having the same interior, before the level was cut altogether.
Files in the game data refer to 'TakeVampireBook' suggesting this was an objective to steal a book from them. (see "Scrapped Quest Items".) Also, a picture of an altar similar to the one Butters had in "The Ungroundable" was found, with references to "unlock_altar". Regarding the cemetery itself, a reference was found to an item "shriv_carcass". Several junk items related to the Vamp Kids have also been found, including fake fangs, glitter, and tomato juice. Also found were unused sound files for abilities such as "Immortal Blood" and "Leviatum Clottus", which may have been combat abilities for the Vampire Kids.
The cut levels can be viewed here.
Для запуска требуется Steam-версия игры South Park™: The Stick of Truth™.
Early Development
In the summer of 2009 a suspected prank call from Matt Stone and Trey Parker, as Obsidian was on the list of developers to work on the game. This wasn't the first time that Obsidian found celebrities, however a publisher was needed with Viacom not backing up game development during this time the South Park Studios Team backed up the project themselves, until they found THQ to publish the game. The first draft was an adaptation of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, along with a 500 page script and several test animations to go with the project. Another draft from this time featured a basic story arch of a New Kid, fighting different bosses including Bullies, Ike, and Mr. Kim.
An early THQ build of the game that appeared in the December 2011 Game Informer issue that revealed the game appeared very different. Stan, Kyle, and Cartman appeared to be members of the same Kingdom, which also included Clyde from the beginning, and operated out of a wooden treehouse. The first level involved fighting Ginger Kids to rescue Cartman's doll, Polly Prissypants, and references to City Wok as well as fighting Hippies and Crab People were also made. Almost none of these elements made it to the final game.
The article also mentioned, confirmed in the game files, a sidequest called "Kung Pao", which involved obtaining City Wok chicken (Picture under "Scrapped Quest Items") for Cartman. According to low-quality sound files in the graphic files for Mr. Kim and template ones, at one point the new kid would've had to fight Mr. Kim. He used a spoon along with sweet and sour food as projectiles. However in the leaked playable builds this is absent. Promotional materials had previously referred to the quest, and it is unknown why it was scrapped.
The issue also referred to only as South Park: The Game and the cover included a version of Princess Kenny that lacked the trademark hood but had the same hairstyle and a similar, though different-colored dress. The back cover included a large dragon, Satan, and Jesus and completely different costumes for many of the side characters, most of which more closely resembled those from the Season 6 episode The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers.
Around May, 2012 was the official release title for Stick of Truth. With an official trailer around the time of E3 2012, along with a trailer and a canceled demo. It would've featured an edited version of the removed Cemetery Quest and an introduction to the game. During Comic Con 2012 an older version of the South Park Avatar Creator was also used as how the character customization would've worked in the game. During the time of December, 2012 THQ filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy and auctioned off the assets of ownership to the game, which was bought off by Ubisoft for $3.2 million.
Once bought off by Ubisoft significant changes were forced to be made. As with the initial plan of release the game had too much as a goal, which content had to be cut and release date was pushed back by 6 months favor for March, 2014. The game was released during the favor goal of March 6, 2014 and was a huge success on Ubisoft, Obsidian, and South Park Studios. (Not all content though was cut though because of the purchase, as seen when comparing the current leaked builds to the ones used for the 2012 gameplay trailers.)
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Получите доступ к набору «Беспардонное братство» в комплекте с предзаказом! Выберите свой класс и бонус, используя четыре эксклюзивных костюма, которые дают вашему персонажу дополнительные способности. Преобразитесь в некроманта с увеличенным уроном от огня, получайте дополнительное золото, выбрав костюм скрытного убийцы, наносите больше урона оружием в костюме эльфийского рейнджера или же усильте свои защитные способности в костюме святого защитника. Выбор за вами! Захватите королевство Южного парка!
Super Samurai Spaceman Pack (Супер-космо-самурай) — первое дополнение для South Park: The Stick of Truth. Кроме того, в виде платного DLC появился и набор Ultimate Fellowship Pack (Беспардонное братство), которое ранее было доступна в виде бонуса за предварительный заказ игры.
Super Samurai Spaceman Pack добавляет в игру три новых костюма: супергероя, космонавта и самурая. Первый дает бонус в начале боя, второй — способность «экстренный щит», а третий — усиливает атаку после убийства одного из врагов. Нам, конечно, понравилась South Park: The Stick of Truth, но какой смысл от трех новых костюмов? Вряд ли игру интересно проходить второй раз: игровой процесс довольно однообразен и сам по себе не интересен, а сюжет и шутки во второй раз уже не будут так смешить.
Дополнение стоит 1,99 $ (75 рублей) и уже доступно для скачивания в магазинах Steam, Xbox Live и PlayStation Store. Набор из четырех костюмов Ultimate Fellowship Pack включает в себя наряды некроманта, убийцы, защитника всего святого, эльфа-охотника и стоит дороже — 2,99 $ (99 рублей). Кроме того, есть возможность приобрести оба дополнения в одном наборе за 3,99 $ (119 рублей).
Ролевая игра South Park: The Stick of Truth создана по мотивам культового мультсериала, создатели которого участвовали в разработке. Сюжет игры расскажет о приключения молчаливого новичка, который переехал в город со своей семьей. Он хочет завести себе новых друзей, из-за чего оказывается замешан войну между местными детьми.💥 Windows 11 уже вышла! Почитайте, кому ставить новую операционку пока что не рекомендуется
Classes available for South Park: The Stick of Truth (from left): Fighter, Mage, Thief, Jew.
Fighter - A Fighter has courage, honor, and the ability to kick fucking ass.
Mage - A Mage is like a wizard, only not as cool.
Jew - Jew, huh? So I guess we'll never really be friends.
Class System
When the original Game Informer article was released, five classes were indicated: Adventurer, Rogue, Wizard, Paladin and Jew. These classes were revised over development to become the final class system, which included Fighter, Thief, Mage and Jew.
Files similar to those for the other four classes were also included for a Cleric class not available in the final game for reasons suggested in the below strings:
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Original classes available for South Park: The Fractured But Whole (from top): Speedster, Brutalist, Blaster, Psychic, Cyborg, Gadgeteer, Martial Artist, Assassin, Elementalist, Plantmancer.
In South Park: The Fractured But Whole, The New Kid will initially have three starting class choices. They will gain another class three more times over the course of the story, allowing The New Kid to mix and match skills between unlocked classes. The Netherborn and Final Girl classes differ, as it is unlocked when From Dusk till Casa Bonita and Bring the Crunch are started, they will then be available for subsequent playthroughs of the game. After The New Kid picks a class, they may speak to The Coon in order to change to a different class. Once The New Kid comes under Doctor Timothy's tutelage, he will allow The New Kid access to all classes. At all times, the New Kid is only allowed to have three skills and one ultimate ability equipped on the "Powers" tab.
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