Скульптор identity v способности
Внешний вид
Галатея-болезненно бледная блондинка в длинной белой смирительной рубашке с оторванными рукавами. Она полулежит в инвалидном кресле, к которому прикреплена капельница, подвешенная на ручках ее кресла. Вокруг ее головы повязана металлическая лента, и она носит стамеску, используемую в скульптуре. Ее ноги связаны вместе матерчатыми лентами.
Галатея может использовать свои статуи, чтобы наносить урон выжившим. Нажав и удерживая любую из двух кнопок навыка статуи, игрок может отрегулировать положение статуй, которые будут освобождены. Один набор статуй будет двигаться вертикально вверх и вниз, в то время как другой-горизонтально влево и вправо.
При первоначальном появлении статуи будут начинаться в выделенных квадратных углах и двигаться к середине. Достигнув середины или столкнувшись с препятствием, статуя будет двигаться в противоположном направлении, пока не столкнется с другим препятствием. Затем он повернется и будет двигаться в начальном направлении, пока не достигнет середины или не столкнется с препятствием. Препятствия включают игроков и структуры карт.
Выжившие должны быть помещены либо в структуру карты, либо зажаты между двумя статуями, чтобы получить 0,25 урона.
После такого поступка, семья Галатеи окончательно пришла к выводу, что девушка сошла с ума, и её отправили в психиатрическую лечебницу, однако, состояние Галатеи оставалось неизменным. Попытки заговорить с ней не увенчивались успехом, ведь с настоящими людьми она отказывалась вести диалог. Нащупывая что-то, что может быть основой для скульптуры, своей единственной подвижной рукой, девушка вырезала на ней лица, а затем придумывала им собственные имена.
В психиатрической лечебнице Галатее была выделена отдельная, удаленная комната, в которой за ней ухаживала лишь одна женщина. Когда медсестра не пришла с обычным отчетом о состоянии девушки к доктору, отчего тот решил наведаться к ней, но войдя внутрь комнаты, он не обнаружил Галатеи. Единственное, что осталось после пропажи девушки - её "шедевр".
When she was young, Galatea always thought she was her creator's masterpiece, that is, until destiny played a sick joke on her. But she wasn't distraught. A genius sculptor can sculpt a perfect destiny for herself.
Character Details
Character Day
Gameplay Information
External Traits
Release Date to Global
Obtained by
Voice Actor
Tomatsu Haruka | 戸松 遥 (As "Succubus" in Stormy Night "Surprise" Game, Japanese)Courtney Lin (As "Succubus" in Stormy Night "Surprise" Game, English) The Sculptor, also known as Galatea Claude, is a hunter available for purchase after the completion of the prologue. She is one of 22 playable Hunters added to Identity V.
Galatea is a sickly pale, blonde girl in a long white straitjacket with torn sleeves. She is reclining in a wheelchair, which has an IV attached to her which is hung on the handles of her chair. A metal band is around her head, and she carries a chisel used in sculpting. Her legs are bound together with cloth bands.
External Trait
Press "Expand" to see the description of each trait.
- Sculpture of Strength: Galatea’s sculpture can push Survivors by force. Pushing Survivors against obstacles will deal damage equal to half of a normal attack on them. Sculptures are generated in pairs and will move towards each other at high speed once they have risen. If they hit an obstacle, they will return in the opposite direction. They will be destroyed if they hit an obstacle 3 times.
- Special: The generation of sculptures is restricted in certain special terrain so that only one sculpture will be generated when using the ability in certain special terrains.
Survivors will not suffer repeated damage from Sculpture Crush within 1 second.
Press "Expand" to see the description of each ability.
- Sculpture of Agility Galatea summons a pair of sculptures one in front of another at the target location.
- Sculpture of Wisdom Galatea summons a pair of side-by-side sculptures at the target location.
- Hieroglyphic Graveyard Galatea throws out a weapon toward the target location. Once the weapon lands, a Hieroglyphic Graveyard with a wider range will be generated. In the next 12 seconds, Galatea will look down on the Hieroglyphic Graveyard from the creator’s perspective and make sculptures inside, during which she can move but cannot perform most actions such as launching a normal attack.
- Sculpture of Nobility When two different sculptures collide, they will merge into the Sculpture of Nobility and immediately charge towards the nearest Survivor within 36 meters. It will shatter when it hits the target or an obstacle, dealing damage equal to half of a normal attack to all Survivors within a small range. If there isn't any target nearby, the sculpture of Nobility will shatter immediately upon formation.
Character Statistics
Press "Expand" to see the character's statistics.
Movements and Interactions:
- Model volume: Radius 0.38 m
- Movement Speed: 4.64 m/sec
- Turning speed: 800.0 degree(s)/s
- Duration of vaulting over windows: 1.9 sec
- Duration of destroying pallets: 2.38 sec
- Duration of being stunned: 3.33 sec
Normal attack:
- Launching action for normal attack: 0.55 sec
- Effective range of normal attack: 3.36 m
- Duration of recovery action from missed normal attacks: 0.93 sec
- Duration of recovery action from normal attack hits: 4.0 sec
Charged attack:
- Launching action for charged attack: 1.62 sec
- Effective range of charged attack: 4.05 m
- Duration of recovery action from missed charged attacks: 1.22 sec
- Duration of recovery action from charged attack hits: 4.31 sec
- Duration of ballooning: 1.8 sec
- Duration of being stunned after Survivors escaped: 5.92 sec
- Launching action for ballooning: 0.67 sec
- Effective range of ballooning: 3.04 m
- Fear radius: 32.07 m
- Duration of recovery action from hitting scene objects: 1.03 sec
Character Background
Deduction Targets
All completed Objectives reward the player with +335 Logic points for the Logic Path. After the character's deductions are completed, their Worn Clothes will be available.
Please press "Expand" to see the deduction path.
- Basic Objective: Discover 1 Survivor(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Discover 2 Survivor(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Discover 3 Survivor(s)
- Basic Objective: Summon the Sculpture of Agility 2 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Summon the Sculpture of Agility 4 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Summon the Sculpture of Agility 6 time(s)
- Basic Objective: Summon the Sculpture of Wisdom 2 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Summon the Sculpture of Wisdom 4 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Summon the Sculpture of Wisdom 6 time(s)
- Basic Objective: Merge sculptures into the Sculpture of Nobility 1 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Merge sculptures into the Sculpture of Nobility 2 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Merge sculptures into the Sculpture of Nobility 3 time(s)
- Basic Objective: Throw a Hieroglyphic Graveyard 1 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Throw a Hieroglyphic Graveyard 2 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Throw a Hieroglyphic Graveyard 3 time(s)
- Basic Objective: Propel a Survivor with a Sculpture 1 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Propel a Survivor with a Sculpture 2 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Propel a Survivor with a Sculpture 3 time(s)
- Basic Objective: Disturb Survivors with a Hieroglyphic Graveyard 1 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Disturb Survivors with a Hieroglyphic Graveyard 1 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Disturb Survivors with a Hieroglyphic Graveyard 2 time(s)
- Basic Objective: Crush a Survivor with a Sculpture 1 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Crush a Survivor with a Sculpture 2 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Crush a Survivor with a Sculpture 3 time(s)
- Basic Objective: Hit the Survivor with the Sculpture of Nobility 1 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 1: Hit the Survivor with the Sculpture of Nobility 2 time(s)
- Advanced Objective 2: Hit the Survivor with the Sculpture of Nobility 2 time(s)
- Basic Objective: Attack a Survivor immediately after hitting them with a Sculpture
- Advanced Objective 1: Attack a Survivor immediately after hitting them with a Sculpture
- Advanced Objective 2: Attack a Survivor immediately after hitting them with a Sculpture
Character Backstory and Lore
- The Deduction Quests give fragments of backstory, and were compiled into a conclusion under Theories.
- It has not yet been revealed which canonical manor game she participated in as the Hunter.
- See the Official Website Backstory
When she was young, Galatea always thought she was her creator's masterpiece, that is until destiny played a sick joke on her. But she wasn't distraught. A genius sculptor can sculpt a perfect destiny for herself.
Weibo Release Post
Galatea was originally but an ordinary sculptor. One day, she received a commission request from a wealthy businessman, inviting her to his home and asking for a commissioned sculpture, and so Galatea headed to the destination by appointment. Nobody knew what happened during this journey, but when Galatea returned, she had a strong desire for creation and was seeping with dazzling sculpting talent, as if she was a completely different person. At first, Galatea's family was overjoyed, but they gradually noticed that Galatea would speak to statues as if they were alive. One night, Galatea's father caught her conversing with a sculpture once again. Her furious father picked up the sculpture and threw it off the terrace. Galatea jumped after her creation without hesitating, the cause of her hemiplegia.
Animated Trailer Transcript
Fantasy is a platform where delusion is sculpted. Yet, delusion becomes a carving knife that pierces into artists' heart.
Sculptures have been made into shape by the carving knife. Yet the carving knife cut the girl over and over again.
When she had the courage to try, she realized she couldn't be more ordinary. When you let your talent shine but you're in a cage, you can only turn inwards and immerse in a void.
the freezing masterpiece
The following section of this page contains theories and lore that has been pieced together by players and may contain unconfirmed information. If you add to this section, please only add theories supported by in-game evidence, and link to the source where such information was obtained or the original theorizer using references.
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