Shantae and the seven sirens достижения
The Seven Sirens are a group of enigmatic Sirens and are secretly the rulers of Paradise Island, residing underground, and are responsible for the kidnapping of the Half-Genies during the Half-Genie Festival. They are the eponymous antagonists in Shantae and the Seven Sirens. Six of them were defeated by Shantae, while the Lobster Siren was last seen bidding farewell to her.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens
Defeated the first Siren.
Defeated the second Siren.
Найден Амулет на счастье
Войти в Подводную Лабораторию.
Defeated the third Siren.
Подъем в Армор-Таун.
Fell for a double cross.
Найти остатки затонувшего корабля.
Defeated the fourth Siren.
Пройти Призрачный Квест.
Defeated the fifth Siren.
Обезвредить все башни.
Defeated the Empress Siren.
Complete the adventure!
Complete the adventure with 100% completion!
Complete the adventure as quickly as possible!
Complete the adventure with 100% completion as quickly as possible!
Обнаружена возможная угроза.
Восстановить клеточные функции.
Обрати врага в союзника, помогая им выздороветь.
Увидеть каждый результат магии с помощью Слизи.
Шокировать циркового кальмара.
Открыть Шоковую Машину.
Открыть все Шоковые Машины.
Откопать спрятанное сокровище.
Открыты все тайны.
Довести всю магию до максимума.
Обрести все магические формы.
Выучить все магические танцы.
Avoid startling the Lobster Girl throughout the adventure.
Получить Карту Монстра.
Have three Monster Cards equipped at once.
Collect all Monster Cards.
Win the highest total in a Hula Contest.
Пройти игру без обновлений Здоровья и собрав всех Сердечных Кальмарчиков.
Alright this game has been out long enough, where are the unnecessary 5 dlc packs that I will definitely pay for?
I’m starting to get worried they scrapped the idea for post-launch content.
They already said that there is no DLC planned. Besides, you know how tight lipped WayForward is.
The Seven Sirens tend to have humanoid designs. They rarely have legs. Only their leader (the Empress Siren) and the Lobster Siren (and, if you count her mech, the Coral Siren) have legs, while the rest of them (including the Coral Siren herself) do have a humanoid upper body but are merfolk to some extent, melded with an animal (or plant in the case of Water Lily) of some kind.
The sirens tend to have something that references their name in their design. Their leader, the Empress Siren, and the Coral Siren are the exceptions, because their names do not reference the living organisms they resemble. Instead, the former's name is a reference to her leadership, while the latter is presumably named after the Coral Mines.
A long time ago, the Sirens had full rule over Siren Island, luring ships to their doom and weilding firepower strong enough to blow up whole islands. A genie put a stop to their reign of terror at the cost of her own life, sealing them away in the deepest parts of the island and depriving the Empress of her physical form, as well as her ability to drain the life of others.
Some time later, Risky Boots found the island. She sought to claim the Siren's airship as her own, and struck a deal with the Empress - to bring her five Half-Genies to drain the life from in order to restore her to her former glory. Siren Island was renamed to Paradise Island, and Arena Town was chosen as the ultimate tourist destination for unsuspecting festival-goers and Half-Genies.
The Half-Genie festival was announced. Shantae, "Fillin", Harmony, Plink, Vera, and Zapple all attended, eager to show off their abilities, but all except Shantae were kidnapped effortlessly thanks to the Lobster Siren's power of teleportation.
Unwilling to sit by idly, Shantae descended into the Sunken City. She freed her fellow half-genies and defeated the Sirens, and ultimately ended up thwarting the Empress and destroying the Flying Fortress.
В минимальных системных требованиях Shantae 5 указана та комплектация ПК, на которой игру можно будет запустить без проблем при минимальных настройках графики:
- Операционная система: Windows 10
- Процессор: 4th gen
- Оперативная память: 8 GB
- Видеокарта: AMD Radeon R7 250 с 1024 MB памяти
- Версия DirectX: 11
- А также: Клавиатура, мышь
Что делать, если тормозит игра или слабый ПК?
с помощью Driver Updater с помощью CCleaner с помощью Advanced System Optimizer
Тест ПК для Shantae and the Seven Sirens
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