Секретный волан де морт настольная игра
Все мы знаем, какие именно предметы являются крестражами, в которые Волан-де-Морт спрятал части своей души. Но, мало кто знает, какие убийства он совершил для этого:
1. Первое убийство, а следовательно и первый крестраж, были сделаны ещё во время обучения Тома Реддла в Хогвартсе. Жертвой стала Плакса Миртл, а крестражем — дневник, который потом был уничтожен Гарри Поттером.
2. Кольцо Марволо Мракса — второй крестраж. Было создано после убийства собственного отца, а также бабушки и дедушки с его стороны.
3. Медальон Слизерина был третим крестражем. Жертвой пал неизвестный бродяга-маггл.
4. Четвертым крестражем стала чаша Пенелопы Пуффендуй. И, если вы читали книги, то вспомните, что для его создания Волан-де-Морт убил Хепзибу Смит, у которой он эту чашу и украл.
5. Для создания пятого крестража был убит албанский крестьянин. А, предметом, для сохранения части души Тёмного Лорда, стала диадема Кандиды Когтевран.
6. Гарри Поттер стал неожиданным крестражем, который Волан-де-Морт не планировал создавать. И он так и не узнал о его существовании. Естественно, убиты были Джеймс и Лили Поттер.
7. Последним, седьмым, крестражем была змея Нагайна. Этот крестраж был сотворён после убийства Берты Джоркинс.
Яд Василиска уничтожает крестражи
Почему в Гарри не умер крестраж на втором курсе?
Во-вторых, типография загружена и сможет выполнить заказ только к началу декабря. Так что, если не случится чуда, отправлять будем таки в декабре.
Тайная Мастерская запись закреплена
На данный момент вписалось 32 человека.
(Возможность заказать ещё есть, делаем с запасом).
Показать полностью.
Бумага уже пришла, начинаем печатать карточки указов.
Часть карт ролей-переливашек уже готова.
Карточки для голосования хочу попробовать сделать жетонами (т.е. из плотного картона и меньшего размера), но для этого нужен чуть больший тираж. Пока в стадии обсуждения с типографией.
Палочки, молоточки и пузырьки уже в пути. С пузырьками предстоит ещё много работы, планирую сделать видео.
Самый сложный вопрос, как и прошлый раз, с коробкой.
Зато уже почти готов дизайн, но хочу показать сразу на готовой коробке, поэтому пока без спойлеров.
At the beginning of the game, each player is secretly assigned to one of three roles: Order of the Phoenix, Death Eater, or Voldemort. The Order of the Phoenix have a majority, but they don’t know for sure who anyone is; Death Eaters must resort to secrecy and sabotage to accomplish their goals. Voldemort plays for the Death Eater team, and the Death Eaters know Voldemort’s identity from the outset, but Voldemort doesn’t know the Death Eaters and must work to figure them out.
The Order of the Phoenix win by enacting five Order of the Phoenix Proclamations or killing Voldemort. The Death Eaters win by enacting six Death Eater Proclamations, or if Voldemort is elected Headmaster after three Death Eater Proclamations have been enacted.
Whenever a Death Eater Proclamation is enacted, the government becomes more powerful, and the Minster of Magic is granted a single‐use power which must be used before the next round can begin. It doesn’t matter what team the Minster of Magic is on; in fact, even Order of the Phoenix players might be tempted to enact a Death Eater Proclamation to gain new powers.
I've converted the game resources and hacked up some parts to get this working in tabletop simulator but the artwork and original rules are credited below.
To me, on the surface, that sounds unappealing. But the game is fun damn it! It was a game I wanted more people to play, specifically my partner Marie. So spurned on by our discussion on the podcast of re-theming the game I set about creating Secret Voldemort!
A Crafty Gift
A Fascist By Any Other Name
Given my background in animation my immediate instinct was to rush ahead and start making artwork… But then I realised I didn’t really know what was going to be what in the game and that maybe I should take a breath. And possibly read the rules.
Portrait of a Slytherin
Great artists steal and all that!
So with that stewing nicely inside my mushy little brain I set about creating the artwork. Now I should mention that while my background is in art and animation I have long since been corrupted by the lure of project management (I just can’t resist those sexy spreadsheets), so creating the artwork was pretty daunting. Saying that, I’m not half bad at vector art so I decided that was the route to go! I googled around for some inspiration and came across this beautifully simple vector art of Draco Malfoy by a design student named Théo Richard. Taking that as a inspiration I set about creating the rest of the art.
One thing I wanted for Secret Voldemort was that, rather than just being a generic Death Eater or member of the Order of the Phoenix, I wanted the card you were dealt to represent one of the characters for the books. It wouldn’t any mechanical difference but I thought it would add to the fun. I also created a few more of these cards than there are in Secret Hitler so that people could pick and choose which characters to play with each time they played. Here’s the list:
Ok, Umbridge is technically not a Death Eater but she is a jerk!
It turns out that there is a lot that goes into making the artwork for a board game (who knew!), especially if you’re doing two sided cards. But I soldiered on and got it all done.
After that I started to put together the play boards (4 in total) and Headmaster and Minister placards, and since the people who made the game are professional artists and game designers I just took their layout and altered it! All in all it took about a month and a half of working on it whenever I could to get all the artwork done. But it was finally ready for the printers!
Printing & Packaging
Before getting the game printed I ordered a really nice and inexpensive wooden box to store it in on Amazon. Unfortunately it ended up being smaller than advertised so the play boards had to be altered. The cards fit perfectly though! I used a local printers to get the work done and it turned out really nice, they even manually rounded the corners on the cards! (Funny story: some of the artwork I sent was sized wrong and the placards were almost printed 3 foot wide instead of 6 inches!)
So here is the final gift! Looks pretty neat right?
For anyone who would like their own copy of Secret Voldemort I’ve included all the printable files below. These are suitable for bringing to a printers and getting everything nicely printed two-sided, and I’ve also included print at home files.
Print & Play Files
UPDATE: At the request of Warner Brothers Studios, I have removed the print & play files for Secret Voldemort.
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