Секретный агент кланк
Название: Secret Agent Clank
Разработчик: High Impact Games
Издатель: SCEE
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Action » Platformer » 3D
Язык: Английский
Формат образа игры: ISO
Требования к прошивке: 5.50 GEN D3
Описание: Впервые в истории серии Ratchet & Clank маленький робот Кланк оказался один на один с недружелюбным миром. Теперь он может рассчитывать только на собственные силы и должен во что бы то ни стало преодолеть все трудности, ведь на кон поставлена судьба Рэтчета! Вселенская несправедливость разлучила веселую парочку - лучшего друга Кланка обвинили в преступлении, которого он не совершал, и только бесстрашный робот может снять все подозрения.
Пока Рэтчет томится за решеткой, Кланк путешествует по фантастической вселенной в поисках доказательств его невиновности. Вместе с отважным героем вам предстоит не только побывать в лихих переделках, но также распутать сложное криминальное дело. Secret Agent Clank - это детектив и боевик в одном лице.
серии игр Ratchet & Clank для PlayStation Portable, впоследствии портированный на PlayStation 2.
В отличие от других игр, в этой роль главного героя выполняет не Рэтчет, а его друг Кланк.
Материалы сообщества доступны в соответствии с условиями лицензии CC-BY-SA, если не указано иное.
Secret Agent Clank is an installment in the Ratchet & Clank series developed by High Impact Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It was initially released in June 2008 for the PlayStation Portable, and later ported to the PlayStation 2 in May 2009 by Sanzaru Games. It is the second portable title in the series, the second developed by High Impact Games, and the first to feature Clank as the main character. It was also the last Ratchet & Clank game to be released for the PS2.
The game's story is an entry in the in-universe fictional holo-vision series Secret Agent Clank, in which Clank, known as Secret Agent Clank, works for a secret government agency simply known as the Agency. The game opens in Boltaire Museum, where Clank spies Ratchet stealing an Eye of Infinity from the museum. Believing that Ratchet must not be the perpetrator, Clank then begins a mission to prove Ratchet's innocence. Ratchet is locked up in a Prison Planet, among which many inmates include enemies he has fought on previous adventures, and must fight for survival. Meanwhile, Captain Qwark trails Clank, to claim credit for Clank's actions as B.A.R.N.E.Y. writes a biography on Qwark.
Secret Agent Clank allows the player to control Clank, Ratchet, and Qwark, with Clank as the main character playing his Secret Agent Clank alter ego. Clank's gameplay is a combination of the series' typical third person shooter and platformer gameplay as well as stealth elements. He has access to a wide variety of secret agent weapons disguised as real objects (such as the Tie-A-Rang, the Cufflink Bomb, and the Blowtorch Briefcase), and makes use of Jet Boots for platforming. Ratchet has access to many of his usual weapons, including several returning from Size Matters, while fighting enemies in prison. Qwark's gameplay varies depending on the section in particular, and normally involves him fighting enemies in outrageous scenarios during his own storytelling.
In Secret Agent Clank, players can find a code to be used to unlock the Convict Ratchet skin in Tools of Destruction in the , , , , , , . Likewise, a code for the Zoni skin in Secret Agent Clank can be found in Tools of Destruction in the IRIS Supercomputer. Skins from Size Matters are unlocked in Secret Agent Clank for players with a Size Matters save.
Secret Agent Clank screenshot
After completing the main storyline, the player can choose to warp back to before defeating the final boss to complete remaining side objectives, or to proceed to challenge mode, allowing the player to keep their current weapons with the option to purchase more powerful Proto or Titan versions against more powerful enemies.
Unique to the games developed by High Impact Games, attaining 65 skill points grants access to hardcore mode. Selecting this makes you start a new save akin to a new game, but without being able to save and with permanent death, meaning any death forces you to start all over again.
Clank gameplay
Clank travels through planets in the Solana Galaxy and complete a set of missions on the planet, before unlocking coordinates to the next one. Missions often require Clank to complete a linear section of the planet, or complete a minigame, to proceed. Clank is able to use stealth to sneak through many levels without engaging in combat, and can perform stealth take downs by sneaking behind enemies and completing a quick rhythm minigame to kill an enemy, gaining a bolt bonus for doing so. Clank can also explore planets for hidden items.
Clank has access to usable 12 spy gear weapons and gadgets, of which six are used primarily as weapons, and six are used as gadgets. Clank's six weapons include the Tie-A-Rang, the Cufflink Bomb, and the Blowtorch Briefcase, and can be upgraded three times to V4, at which point they will drastically change, and Clank can also purchase mods to improve weapons by adding additional effects. Clank's gadgets include the Black-Out Pen to shut off some lasers, the Holomonocle to scan and disguise as enemies, and the Omni-Key, which can hack into doors. Clank also makes use of the Jet Boots for platforming, allowing him to glide and jump higher.
Ratchet and Qwark gameplay
At times, the story will give the player control of Ratchet and Qwark in mandatory missions, with largely different gameplay.
Ratchet fights waves of enemies in arena combat in several locations on the Prison Planet. Ratchet makes use of 10 upgradeable weapons, which much like Clank's weapons, can upgrade three times up to V4, and can be modified with purchased mods. The enemies fought by Ratchet are ones which featured in previous games. Ratchet can complete both mandatory and optional missions to earn bolts, and his missions can be replayed at any time.
Qwark's levels involve him battling a variety of outlandish enemies in a scenario he describes. The weapon Qwark uses depends on the specific scenario. Some scenarios simply put Qwark in a single environment and require him to defeat enemies, while others require Qwark to fight through a linear segment.
During many of Clank's missions, minigames must instead be completed.
Many missions require Clank to complete a rhythm button game. These include short areas where Clank must traverse a series of lasers, as well as minigames where Clank has to perform a ballroom dance, or win a casino game.
On some occasions, the player controls the Agency Gadge-Bots, used whenever Clank is in trouble. The player controls either three or four Gadge-Bots that can be switched between, normally to solve puzzles as a group and complete a linear segment.
Some missions Clank to pilot a vehicles, including a boat in Venantonio's canals, or a snowboard. These are on-rails vehicles with slightly different controls and capabilities.
In one mission, Clank has to control Giant Clank in an on-rails space section. This section is similar to Giant Clank's gameplay in Size Matters, though he also makes use of the Synopsis
Ratchet and Qwark appear in entirely different scenarios. Ratchet spends most of his time fighting against prisoners whom he previously fought on past adventures, such as the tyhrranoids, the Thugs-4-Less, and amoeboids. He fights in various locations within his own planet-wide prison, while guarded by a corrupt and aloof Prison Warden, using weaponry delivered to him by Agent Clank disguised as birthday cakes. Qwark's missions, on the other hand, appear in entirely outlandish scenarios, in which he describes heroic but unrealistic deeds for a reporter robot to include in his biography.
Promotional image of Secret Agent Clank
In the meantime, Ratchet confronted some of his old enemies he had placed in prison while Qwark traveled around the galaxy to start his autobiography with a less-than-thrilled reporter-bot, Biographical Analysis Robot Neo Eight Yellow or B.A.R.N.E.Y., coming along for the ride. When Clank finally confronted Klunk, the evil mastermind revealed his plan: he had stolen the Eye of Infinity to use as a refractor for a massive laser system perfectly poised to destroy every planet in the galaxy within a single shot. Klunk, acting through Ratchet (via a mind-control helmet), would threaten to use the laser for a planet to rule. Just in time, Klunk, posing as Clank, would stop Mastermind Ratchet from destroying the galaxy, placing the hero in jail forever while Klunk, as Clank, would be idolized by the populace.
Halfway through their battle, Klunk activated the laser, knowing that only he knew the password. Clank knocked out Klunk and managed to deactivate the firing sequence while Qwark accidentally beamed himself aboard the satellite, retrieved the Eye of Infinity, and dismantled the device. Ratchet was exonerated of the crimes filed against him, B.A.R.N.E.Y., secretly working for Klunk, tried to assassinate Qwark, but was stopped by Clank, and Klunk was placed in Ratchet's custody, being turned into a new vacuum cleaner to use in the apartment in the city of Megapolis.
A poster of Secret Agent Clank
- Платформа:Playstation 2
- Дата выхода: 26 май. 2009
- Жанр:Action / Platformer
- Тип издания: Пиратка
- Разработчик/Издатель:Sanzaru Games / SCEA
- Серия игр:Ratchet and Clank
Secret Agent Clank - главный герой игры Кланк, персонаж из серии Ratchet & Clank, ведущий в этом приключении. Рэтчета отправляют в тюрьму, и Кланк в его образе секретного агента должен спасти его, а пока он в этом, всю вселенную! Рэтчетом можно играть в тюрьме и сражаться со всеми своими злейшими врагами, которых он посадил за решетку. Хвастливый герой сериала Кварк пытается принять участие в боевых действиях и следует за Кланком, считая его достижения. Вам предстоит играть за Кварка и помочь ему завершить его преувеличенные сказки.
В игровом процессе Clank сочетаются скрытность и действие. Он также фигурирует в ритмической игре для различных кинематографических шпионских проникновений и различных задач вождения. Рэтчет показывает свой игровой процесс бега и стрельбы на аренах, как и в других играх серии. У Qwark есть множество битв с боссами и другие игровые задачи, которые меняются по мере того, как он пересматривает свои небылицы.
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