Scp картун кет какой номер
В комплексах Фонда SCP хранится множество объектов, и среди них есть весьма опасные, но очень милые. Речь идет о братьях наших меньших, котах, которые также могут обладать аномальными особенностями и представлять собой сверхъестественный объект, заслуживающий внимания.
В данной подборке на GameFans вы сможете узнать о няшных котах, подпадающих под категорию ненормальности и отловленных агентами Фонда для дальнейшего изучения.
Powers and Abilities
Cartoon Cat has many abilities that back up his reputation among all other monsters as a very dangerous creature. It is implied that he has shapeshifting abilities like a typical 30s rubber hose cartoons, able to change his size and the length, presence and absence of his limbs, as he is “malleable”, as Trevor states.
Again, this makes him very dangerous even to other creatures, as he’s able to defy the laws of physics like a cartoon would, making him stronger than most other monsters.
On Twitter, Trevor has said that Cartoon Cat's anatomy changes a lot, by design. When asked if Cartoon Cat was a constantly shifting blob, Trevor replied that he sort of is, but he has more control over his body than that description would imply.
Cartoon Cat - это котообразное существо ростом 3 метра. Он сильно напоминает кота Феликса по внешности. Также главной способностью Мультяшного Кота является вытягивание конечностей, прямо как у персонажей мультфильмов 30х - 40х годов. На нем всегда надеты белые перчатки, тоже как у старых мультяшек, а на лице всегда есть злобный оскал.
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Full Name
The Monstrosity
The Cartoon Cat
Enemies from the Void (with Siren Head)
C.C. (by fans)
Powers / Skills
Cartoon mimicry
Supernatural endurance
Supernatural agility
Enhanced strength
Enhanced stamina
Enhanced reflexes
Sharp claws and teeth
Indomitable will
Lurking in abandoned buildings.
Breaking and entering peoples' homes.
Committing atrocities.
Breaking and entering
Unspecified atrocities
Kidnapping (heavily implied)
Man-eating (implied)
Mass murder (heavily implied)
Type of Villain
A quote about Cartoon Cat.
Cartoon Cat is a hostile cryptid and an urban legend created by Canadian horror artist, Trevor Henderson. He is a giant feline creature who resembles a 1930s era cartoon cat, hence his name.
SCP-3487: Кот, вокруг которого вращается мир
Когда кот двигается, он меняет историю таким образом, чтобы она соответствовала его текущему местоположению. Известно, что за всю историю SCP-3487 случались ситуации, которые чуть ли не становились причиной конца света класса СК. Например, движение кота всего на пару метров в сторону вызывало столкновение Земли с метеоритом или землетрясения, которые меняли угол вращения планеты и поднимали твердь над уровнем моря.
Класс объекта Кетер.
SCP-3904: Два кота в мясном экзоскелете
Этот объект представляет собой несколько тупов, предположительно, человеческого происхождения, но с сильно измененным внутренним строением. Часть органов брюшной полости отсутствуют, образуя свободное пространство. В нем достаточно места для нескольких представителей семейства кошачьих.
Как только внутри SCP-3904 появляется 2 кошки, тело оживает. "Экзоскелет" двигается в случайных направлениях, но не обладает разумом. Если два объекта встретятся, они вступят в примитивную борьбу, цель которой - выгнать животных из враждебного тела. Кем SCP-3904 был создан и с какой целью, ученые Фонда пока не выяснили.
Класс объекта Безопасный.
The predecessor image of Cartoon Cat was posted online by Trevor Henderson on August 4, 2018. In the photograph, a large creature resembling a black-and-white rubber-hose cartoon creature sits in an abandoned building, leering at the camera from around a doorframe. The creature is similar to Cartoon Cat- jet black, huge eyes, crooked teeth, and stretchy limbs ending in white-gloved hands- but its head is more dog-like or mouse-like in shape. The image was captioned "they're just like your favorite cartoon", suggesting this is just one of many monsters similar to Cartoon Cat, or perhaps one of Cartoon Cat's alternate forms. Later on August 10, a second photograph was released, with the caption "What they found in the dirt mall". The photograph was of an abandoned shopping mall with a full-body view of Cartoon Cat walking towards the camera with a malicious, wide-eyed grin. This is the first image of Cartoon Cat in his more recognizable form, with a round head and pointed ears, though he has no visible tail nor feet of any kind, with his legs ending in blunt points.
Five days later on August 15, a third picture was posted of the Cartoon Cat captioned "all the classics are coming back", featuring Cartoon Cat standing in the middle of a crossroad at night. The photo appears to be taken from inside a car, with the headlights being the only source of light shining upon Cartoon Cat, though only illuminating his arms and legs due to Cartoon Cat's height. This is the only photo thus far where Cartoon Cat has visible "feet" (consisting of simple voids with no toes) and a long, hose-like neck stretching down to the ground, with his head slithering off towards the side of the car, appearing to have either extremely dilated pupils or possibly hollow eye sockets.
On August 22, a fourth picture was posted captioned "For you, anon." This was another full-body view of Cartoon Cat, standing in front of an abandoned building, his whole body bending and swaying with his mouth wide open. Once again his feet are missing.
On September 26, a very unnerving picture of the creature was released, showing Cartoon Cat standing in what looks like someone's house. Here, he is much smaller than his previous photos (albeit still taller than a person), with much larger teeth and large, diseased-looking lips and gums. On October 10, the "Cartoon Cat Fact Sheet" was posted, showing a closeup of Cartoon Cat reaching towards the viewer, with a massive grin full of yellow teeth dripping with blood, suggesting he has either eaten someone or is clenching his jaw so tight his gums are bleeding. Beneath his profile picture is some text, though most of it is covered up with black bars labelled "REDACTED". Some of the less-obscured text reads "often found in (redacted) abandoned (redacted)", "(redacted) show from 1939", "Incredibly cruel", and "is thought to be (redacted)". This suggests that Cartoon Cat is based on, or possibly original from, an old cartoon from 1939.
Further information can be uncovered on Trevor’s responses to people’s questions on his Tumblr. In these, Trevor states Cartoon Cat is the most dangerous monster in his collection, most likely excluding the Giants. He also states Cartoon Cat is so dangerous, other monsters avoid the dirt mall he sometimes resides in, “if they know what’s good for them.” When asked why he is so dangerous, Trevor simply responded: “unchecked limitations.”
However, another one of Trevor’s creations, the Man with the Upside-Down Face was shown to be much worse than Cartoon Cat, as the Man with the Upside-Down Face has indirectly caused mass murder along with committing much more heinous crimes than Cartoon Cat. While Cartoon Cat only attacks and/or kidnaps people when they are in/around his lair and, if his backstory of being an abandoned 1939 cartoon is true, attacks people for revenge, the Man with the Upside-Down Face affects people for his own sickening pleasure, feeding off of the negative emotions from those who had unfortunate tragedies, big or small, making him more evil in terms of his actions. Cartoon Cat has also not been shown to have killed people (albeit, he may have caused some harm, but that is completely debatable as the mythos lack a potential storyline) while the Man with the Upside-Down Face has indirectly committed mass murder.
The latest pictures of Cartoon Cat have revealed much more information on the monster. A photo was posted showing what seems to be an angry looking Cartoon Cat, but brightening the image reveals an unusual thick, almost blocky body, with only Cartoon Cat’s face and arm being recognizable. His latest image shows his regular look, expect for the fact that he has five eyes, while yet another illustration of him displays his face having only two very realistic-looking eyes.
These images and inconsistencies in Cartoon Cat’s appearance and his size such as his feet repeatedly changing from points into those resembling shoes and his size that ranges from towering over a building to being only slightly taller than a person seemingly imply that like an actual rubberhose 30s cartoon, Cartoon Cat can change his form, size and body at will, stretching and squashing his limbs and body parts on a whim, which could explain why he is so dreaded even among other monsters: he doesn’t obey traditional laws of life, he’s “malleable”, acting like a shapeshifting cartoon and using these powers for sinister and violence means. If his backstory is true, then it is possible Cartoon Cat attacks people for revenge (if not, then he might possibly be defending his own lair when people are in or around it). Regardless, Cartoon Cat's personality or crimes have not been made clear and it's likely possible he is not as bad as the Man with the Upside-Down Face, despite the fact that Cartoon Cat is very dangerous.
Trevor has revealed that Cartoon Cat and any other cartoon monsters can take the exaggerated form of almost any animal, but since dogs, mice and cats are generally the animals that come to mind when cartoons come to mind, those are the forms they are “most likely to latch on and form into.” If the majority of the population focuses on a specific character for a cartoon, Cartoon Cat can possibly take their form. Based on this, we can assume that Cartoon Cat’s current form was taken after a character from some old show in 1939 that was later abandoned. In short, Cartoon Cat is most likely some sort of cosmic entity that took the form of a 1939 cartoon in order to possibly torment humanity, however, this theory is not confirmed yet.
On a drunk AMA Trevor did on his Twitter, he revealed that Cartoon Cat loves to commit vicious violence. While Trevor hasn't revealed much on what exactly Cartoon Cat does, it's very likely that he's trying to imply that Cartoon Cat is an amoral or misunderstood villain, and that he is instead keeping Cartoon Cat's true crimes hidden to further the enigmatic nature of his mythos, to perhaps imply that Cartoon Cat is simply too horrible for words. An interesting thing to note is that Trevor has called the Man with the Upside-Down Face the patron saint of tragedies, but when asked if Cartoon Cat was a patron saint, he replied that he was "too evil".
SCP-529: Полукошка Джози
Серая полосатая кошка. Точнее, ее половина - это и есть аномальный объект SCP-529. Не известно, когда и где появилось животное, а также чем вызвано отсутствие видимой части ее тела, но, похоже, Джози не испытывает по этому поводу никакого дискомфорта.
В естественной среде обитания объект ведет себя, как самая обычная кошка: ходит, как все, а также ухаживает за собой (вылизывает нижнюю часть так, будто она существует). В поперечном сечении на месте "отсутствия" виднеется абсолютная чернота, никаких внутренних органов не заметно. В остальном это самая обыкновенная кошка. Милая и ласковая, кстати.
Класс объекта Безопасный.
SCP-247: Безобидный котенок
Объект представляет собой взрослую самку бенгальского тигра, скрывающуюся под видом обычного милого котенка. SCP-247 оказывает психологическое и меметическое влияние на людей, находящихся в пределах видимости. Субъекты, попавшие под влияние объекта, не способны нанести ему вред, а также защищают от других субъектов, пытающихся навредить животному.
SCP-247 может наслаждаться ласками человека, на которого влияет, до 7 минут. После этого тигрица съедает бедолагу, а потому в ее задержании в случае нарушения условий содержания должны принимать участие агенты, слепо выполняющие все приказы, а не доверяющие тому, что видят. К слову, SCP-247 передает все аномальные свойства и своим детям, для поимки которых Фондом была создана специальная оперативная группа "ЙОТА-5".
Cartoon Cat (рус. Мультяшный Кот) - одно из самых загадочных и популярных творений Тревора Хендерсона на данный момент.
SCP-795: Кот, меняющий реальность
Данный объект представляет собой животное весом 8.2 кг черной масти и неопределенной породы. Кот способен менять физическую форму живых существ, расположенных в пределах его видимости на расстоянии до 3 метров. Также объект оказывает телепатическое влияние и может передавать собственные мысли другим субъектам.
Обычно SCP-795, если видит человека, который относится к нему благодушно, превращает его в другого кота. Существ-врагов он превращает в безобидных созданий, которых способен догнать и съесть.
В целом, объект крайне дружелюбный, но если с ним обращаться плохо, то последствий не избежать.
Класс объекта Евклид.
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