Самый последний scp 4005
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-4005 is located at Site 13. It is to be contained in a 10x10 m containment at all times. The containment is made of thick, inpenetrable glass. It has been theorized that SCP-4005 could potentially be permitted to wander the facility, so long as it is not threatened. It can properly respond to human emotions, such as sadness, fear and hostility.
Description: SCP-4005 likes to spend time to itself, and detests being watched, as studies have shown that SCP-4005 is active only when it is unaware it is under surveillance. When researchers were present in front of SCP-4005's containment, it was scratching, growling and hissing, displaying very annimalistic behavior. Its rage subsided as it witnessed it was truly scaring researchers.
SCP-4005 is to be granted artistic supplies and paper whenever it wishes, as it has displayed a sense of creativity and an intrigue with art.
SCP-4005 is also to be supplied with a blanket, preferably a fluffed up one, as this has been shown to assist with sleeping habits.
SCP-4005 is to be supplied with food three times a day, and an optional snack every 2 and a half hours. It appears to take a particular liking to sweets.
SCP-4005 overall appears to attain very human-like behavior, such as sleeping, creativity, hunger and boredom.
SCP-4005 seems to have a close bond with Researcher van Trude, and thus, they are to be kept in close interaction.
SCP Tales by Series
Date: 02 Jul 2018 11:51
Number of posts: 63
RSS: New posts
(Thanks to LordStonefish for the music suggestion)
After my incredibly depressing 001, here's something optimistic for the 4K about human agency.
With thanks to the following:
Modern Erasmus 1
The image is licensed to one Mike Prince, and can be found under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license here. It has been modified by me in order to make it look like a much older photo.
N.B.: This was originally entitled "A Lantern for Kashgar".
You can find more of my stuff here.
1. Special credit here because, as he pointed out to me during crit, this draft is exceptionally similar to an idea that he and I were going to collab on, which I somehow did not realise (probably because I changed this from being about creation/destruction to utopia/cynicism halfway through) and which I'm still feeling extremely bad about. Next time I swear I will pay closer attention to what I'm doing! :p.Interesting object to slap an Apollyon onto.
The journal from the author, whoof, that sent me down a dozen Wikipedia rabbit holes, and now I know that 'algorithm' is derived from a misspelling of al-Khwarizmi's name. Fatima's story is pretty compelling, but the dialogue in the second interview starts reaching melodramatic levels by the end.
Really have to wonder what D-2072 saw there. c.c
And the link to 3000 happened at just the right point, when I was thinking this was something of an inversion of the eel.
I don't know that I have a final word on this, though.
A pessimist's interpretation of an optimistic skip:
SCP-4000 is actually the lure of an extradimensional anglerfish. Humanity just walked into its belly.
*X-Files theme plays*
Mm, I did want this to be a possibility, even if the narrative does very much point to the opposite interpretation :p.
OK I had completely forgotten that this comment existed until Sterbai pointed this out to me. I genuinely have no idea if this was some subconscious thing I buried until the idea came to me again or if this was a freaky, freaky coincidence.
This gotcha would have worked if it weren't specifically hinted at in the text (the part of the interview where the two discuss trust.)
I dont know if it's just me but it is nice to see an SCP take place outside the USA for a change, and in such a colorful and vivid fashion as well. The presence of Cairo and Marrakesh is lovely, reminding me a bit of the Bioshock franchise for a second, and how the author makes it sound like these cities could be the center of the entire universe somehow.
I'm not entirely sold on the interviews though, and idk if it was intentional or not but I think I saw some grammar errors here and there. Maybe give it a read when you're not tired and see if you find something. Or maybe i'm the tired one that sees shit that's not there.
I do like that you've managed to do a wholesome Apollyon, and that the wholesomeness isn't revealed until the very end. And Addendum 6 was a very nice way of showing how the effects were escalating. But I didn't find this very fun to read at all. It was all just a bit dull. Theres a lot of well written imagery/ world building, but I struggled not to skip over the diary entries and in the end they didn't seem to add much to the story. Also the project lead being the last person to be affected by it, and Mahmoud's 'pilgrimage' being to convert the project lead, while kind of explained seemed a bit forced.
Perhaps it being both an Apollyon and an x000 contest entry has set my expectations too high and I'm being a bit harsh. Will give this another read as the contest draws on but for now its a -1
An Apollyon with a happy ending? Hell, now I’ve seen everything.
Take my +1 and shaddup.
I really liked this one right up until the ending.
I was with you all the way but the last bit after the population percentage logs felt flat and kind of out of place for me.
In the last part SCP-4000-1A says basically the exact same thing shes already said once before, only for some unexplained this time it convinces Dr Hardcastle to follow her which I thought was very out of character considering her speech about not believing in anything.
It's a no vote from me but I would have upvoted if it ended after the O5 council were converted, for me that would have felt more like a more realistic punchy ending.
Объект №SCP-4005
Класс объекта: Таумиэль.
Объект засекречен.
SCP-4005 находится на территории фонда. Его удалось поймать отряду военных фонда SCP.
Объект был пойман в одном из лесов [УДАЛЕНО]. Всего на задании по поимки SCP-4005 было отправлено 3 отряда, в каждом по 5 военных.
Показать полностью.
Операция [УДАЛЕНО] была выполнена успешно, но крайне сложно. Теперь SCP-4005 помещён в электрический ящик.
Протокол операции [УДАЛЕНО].
Операция проходила с участием группы сотрудников и 3-х отрядов военных фонда, в каждом формировании по 5 человек.
Отряд был пронумирован от 1-го до 3-х. Каждому военному была выдана броня с пси-защитой, автомат с выстрелом шока,
сигнальные флаеры, рюкзак с товарами первой необходимости и рация дальнего действия для связи с центром фонда SCP.
Подразделения выдвинулись в глубь леса.
Спустя 10 минутной паузы отряд №3 вышел на связь.
Спустя ещё 20 минутной тишины, отряд №1 дал тревожный сигнал.
Спустя 8 минутной тишины отряд №3 вышел на связь.
Спустя 30 минутной тишины сотрудники вышли на связь.
Спустя 10 минут отряд №2 дошли до заброшенного стоения.
В процессе операции SCP-4005 был успешно пойман. Отряду №1 и группе поддержки так и не удалось найти пропавший отряд №3.
Естественно с объекта информацию вытрясти не удалось. Куда исчезло формирование №3 так и остается загадкой.
All I got from the story is that the lamp was discovered by the scp foundation after some guy put it there after he saw visions in the lamp that made him go on a pilgrimage to his own disappearance. After containment, people begin to do the same thing until everyone is converted. Am I missing something here? Why is it apollyon? What makes it suddenly spread to everyone in the world? What was the purpose of this?
The lamp qualifies because the potency and infectiousness of its inherent cognitohazard did ultimately lead to the entire human population succumbing.
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