Saiko no sutoka концовки
Описание игры в предупреждающем окне Yandere no Sutoka.Аято (Аяно) запер(ла) тебя в Академи. Чтобы сбежать, вы должны найти ключ к выходу!
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Yandere No Sutoka - Yandere Simulator Fan Game
Yandere no Sutoka — небольшая спин-офф игра, разработанная и выпущенная AMZE специально на хэллоуин 2020 года. Пародия на игру Saiko no Sutoka.
Characters [ ]
- Saiko-chan: Saiko-chan is the main antagonist who has an unhealthy obsession with the protagonist, referring to him as her senpai (先輩, "senior").
- Akira: Mostly referred as Senpai, is the main protagonist whom Saiko-chan has an unhealthy obsession over. In the beginning of the game, he has a friend whom Saiko-chan kills.
Saiko seems to be suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states. Evidence of this can be seen within the intro cutscene, as well as during gameplay.
Name origins [ ]
Saiko-chan's first name is play on term "psycho," referring to her mentally insane, and psychotic personality. "Saiko" is also an actual Japanese name. The kanji in her name 最 (sai) combined with 子 (ko) translates to "the greatest child". Her actual name is never specified but the creator of the game has stated that her given nickname is "Saiko-chan".
Appearance [ ]
In Normal Mode Saiko appears to be a high school student with short, unkempt auburn hair with scarlet glowing eyes. She wears a white buttoned shirt with a pleated navy blue skirt that has blood all over including on her face, arms and legs and goes barefoot. She also carries a knife.
In Yandere Mode, she appears to be more normal looking. Her (now brown) hair seems longer and neater wearing it in low pigtails, wears round glasses, a yellow vest underneath a white shirt along with a purple skirt and black loafers.
In Yangire Mode, her appearance seems slightly similar to Normal Mode except she wears a black bunny costume with a bloody grin smeared around her mouth. Her eyes and the smeared grin appears to be glowing brighter too.
Gameplay [ ]
Every difficulty (except Yangire) begins with an intro cutscene. The cutscene begins with Saiko greeting the protagonist—seemingly happy that he finally woke up healthy. Her dialogue reveals she actually drugged the protagonist, rendering him unconscious, and allowing her to tie him up to a chair in the Headmaster's Office.
Saiko explains she likes the protagonist—that she would never hurt him, and, if he acts nicely, he'll never have to meet 'him'. She then seems to lose herself after expressing her concern over the prospect of the protagonist leaving her for someone else—seeming fearful that 'he' will come out if the protagonist continues to provoke her and that she doesn't want that to happen.
Her demeanor then completely changes, and her eyes begin to glow with a bright-red tint. She then, strangely, greets the protagonist for a second time with a slightly deeper tone of voice.
The new voice claims it has been a while since they last met, asking if the protagonist has missed them since their last meeting, and claiming that they have also missed him. It then reveals a much more sadistic personality, threatening to cut off the protagonist's tongue—all the while smiling eerily. It also asks if they should go kill 'the boy he talked to'—implying that someone, perhaps a friend, came looking for the protagonist but was also incapacitated and captured.
They then run off to execute this other boy, whom they claim is waiting for them in the other room, leaving the protagonist alone for himself in the office. Saiko-chan is not seen again until the protagonist escapes the Headmaster's Office, at which point, a loud scream echoes throughout the halls, confirming that there was indeed another boy at the school.
Once the introduction cutscene ends, Saiko-chan begins wandering around the school, becoming active and potentially hostile. She will investigate any noises that she hears, such as the protagonist's footsteps when he sprints. When Saiko is in her hostile state, being spotted can result in a large loss of health—even instant death. As such, it is best to avoid drawing her attention as much as possible. She will, however, occasionally revert back to her friendly state after a while. In this state, she is not hostile, and will follow the protagonist around, sometimes offering a small health pickup or ride piggyback on the protagonist, preventing him from sprinting.
Certain actions will agitate her while she is in her friendly state—such as picking up a key, hiding inside a locker, or knocking her down by kicking a door she is blocking or pushing her. She will turn hostile if any of these actions are performed, forcing the protagonist to flee and either hide to avoid her completely, or wait for another change of state. After a while, however, she will actually start pretending she is in her friendly state to lure the protagonist closer, where she will either offer him a poisoned health vial or simply attack him with her kitchen knife.
One can tell if Saiko-chan is in a friendly or hostile state based on both her eye status (glowing = hostile, not glowing = friendly), and subtitle color of her speech (pink = friendly, red = hostile)
Personality [ ]
Saiko seems to suffer from Dissociative Identity Disorder, based upon her tendency to switch between personalities at random times throughout the game, heavily dependent on the game's current difficulty mode and her current mood towards Senpai, which can be changed by performing actions such as (but not limited to) stealing her keys and being low on health in close proximity to Saiko; For example, the former action will cause Saiko to become hostile towards Senpai, while the latter seems to bring about her more gentle and "normal" personality, as she may sometimes offer the player a healing item to restore their health, even mere moments after causing the player's damage herself.
Normally, she is a psychotic murderer, manipulator, and has a taste for seeing someone suffer. Her sadism also comes around when she feels the need to “punish” Senpai after being angered by him running away. Despite her love for him, Saiko seems to enjoy putting him through pain. On occasions, she gives a false sense of security to the protagonist in order to trick and hurt him. An example of that is when she pretends to be guilty of her actions and offer “Medicine”. Though at times she does actually give medicine, she can also offer a fake that will lower the Protagonist’s health.
On special moments where she feels empathy, she is kind and loving, offering medicine to the protagonist after injuring him and claiming she is sorry. When that happens the player will have to be careful to trust her, as she is faking it sometimes. When her feelings are genuine, she will refrain from attacking the protagonist.
Наверное такие были мысли у Сэмпая, за которого мы управляем от первого лица. А произойти может все что угодно, смотря какую сложность ты выбрал. Но все сложности можно легко пройти, зная маленькие секретики и пасхалки от Сайко.
Хочу поделиться с тобой опытом прохождения и о тех самых секретах, которые невероятно тебе облегчат игру и помогут пройти.
Приятного тебе чтения!
Как узнала?
Сначала увидела прохождение у AlisanRose на ютубе, а после попалась и в stesm, да ещё и по скидке.
Полное название игры, разработчик/компания и год выпуска:
Полное название игры: Saiko no Sutoka, сокращения как такового нет, но логично, что SnS. Перевода не имеет.
Разработчик: на телефонной версии разработчик Habupain, думаю, на компьютерной тоже.
В steam цена на данный момент 290 рублей, но покупала я по скидке 20% за 232 рубля.
Главные герои:
Мы играем за мужичка Сэмпая, а охотиться на наше тело неповторимая наша фанатка с диссоциативным расстройством – Сайко-Чан.
В игре полноценных два режима игры, а всего 4. Яндере, Обычный, Сложный, Янгире.
Янгире – это состояние, когда Сайко вообще себя не контролирует и любыми способами пытается убить игрока. Но сам режим очень простой, главное:
- Найти сначала ботинки, а потом начинать искать ключи
- Не бегать, ходить. Она слышит все.
- Не задерживается в комнатах долго, даже заперать. Пока она ломает дверь, быстро проверяем полки и шкафы на наличие ключей.
- Если чудом наткнулись на неё добрую (маловероятно) и она предлагает вам лекарства, посмотрите на её глаза. Если они ярко светиться – это яд, если нет – лекарство.
Прошла я с первой попытки и за 13 минут.
Яндере – это состояние более менее доброй Сайко, но она не даст нам сбежать, жестоко наказывая за попытки. Если Янгире это просто изи, то Яндере это экстрим. Сначала все хорошо начинается. до первого ключа. Мисс маньяк начнёт бросаться ядом в игрока, который хоть и не сразу убивает, но очень и очень быстро – 50-60 здоровья за минуту. Чтобы окончательно не умереть, нужно лекарство. По всей школе оно одно. ОДНО! Кроме него, можно взять его у Сайко. И именно на этом режиме случаются баги.
Например, игрок ходит (шлепкой нету рядом), поворачивается и прямо в лицо прилетает склянка.
- Ботинки – это самое важное. Сайко разбивает стекла.
- Не бегайте! Она быстро вас найдёт. Если видит – бегите, заворот на угол и пешком.
- Если слышите топот ног – не стоит прятаться. Все ровно найдёт. Лучший варианты – либо тихо скрыться, либо громко убежать.
- Если она предлагает вам лекарства, обратите внимание на глаза. Светятся – яд, нет – лекарство. (Восстановление +25 здоровья)
И желательно противогаз, которого нет в игре
Прошла я за 17 минут, с сотой попытки.
У Сайко раздвоение личности. С одной стороны она просто не хочет, чтоб мы сбежали, а с другой – готова нас любым способом убить. Главному герою нужно покинуть школу, не умерев. Хотя нужно было вызвать врачей, этой девочке нужна помощь, а не убегать. Вдруг какой-нибудь Вася захочет вечером прийти в школу.
Игра мне понравилась. Хоть и нужно делать однотипные действия каждый раз, но это всегда по разному. Ключи разбросаны даже там, где не ожидается их увидеть, а чувство, что Сайко телепортируется и всегда знает, где её любимый Сэмпай только растёт.
Геймплей [ ]
Игрок играет за Сенпая, похищенного и запертого в Академи. Главная задача игрока — найти ключи от всех комнат, а после их нахождения выход из школы. Аяно/Аято (пол яндере можно выбрать в начале игры) будут пытаться найти Сенпая для того, чтобы убить его. Они могут кидаться ножами и ставить ловушки на некоторые двери, а также отключать электричество. Если Аяно/Аято поймают Сенпая, то они убьют его ударом ножом в сердце, и после чего наступит Game Over.
В отличие от Yandere Simulator, в данной версии Академи доступны лишь помещения классов и один этаж. Большая половина классов будет закрыта до тех пор, пока игрок не найдёт к ним соответствующие ключи.
Release date
Saiko no Sutoka (Hepburn: Psycho Stalker) is a survival horror game where you, the protagonist, must escape from an unhinged yandere girl. This is set up in a Japanese high school where you are taken hostage, forcing you to search the school for a means of escape.Throughout the game you will find keys that unlock classrooms where clues can be found to point you closer to the exit— all the while avoiding and hiding from Saiko-chan.
Modes [ ]
There are currently 4 difficulty modes in Saiko No Sutoka: Yandere, Normal, Hard, and Yangire. Saiko-chan's behavior patterns are slightly different depending on the difficulty level. Saiko's appearance and posture will change when selecting the difficulty level.
Saiko seems to be a normal, diligent High School girl on a generic small Japanese High School on a small city. She suffers from some kind of mental (?) ailment making her psychotic, violent, and sociopathic. So far, the story tells that she has a crush on an older boy, Akira, a senpai of her. One day, she starts getting frustrated that Akira seems to focus a lot more on his friend, Shinji, and fails to notice her.
Either because she simply could not stand Akira having other friends or because she imagined a boy-love romance between them, she entered that day into a psychotic episode, and drug and kidnaps Akira to lock him within the school during the night. Desperate and psychotic, Saiko sets up a death game during the night in an attempt to play a morbid cat-and-mouse revenge game with Akira.
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