Riddle chests ответы на загадки майнкрафт
* Но я должен сообщить вам, что дальше идут спойлеры к Deltarune, так что будьте осторожнее!
Загадки Deltarune, как и в Undertale, являются одной из важнейших составляющих игры, и они могут быть найдены игроком в Лесу.
Вторая головоломка с паролем
Для решения данной головоломки придётся спуститься вниз комнаты, чтобы узнать пароль, который находится на трёх плитках. Обратите внимание, что с одной дорожки можно увидеть лишь два из трёх символов, т.е вам придётся перейти на другую тропу. Порядок символов: пик, бубен, треф.
Решение данной головоломки открывает путь к комнате с Браслетом из костей и двумя синими блоками.
Western map [ ]
North of Yabon, beyond the rigged hut. In all the world, none can compare, To this tiny weaver, his deadly cloth So silky and fair. SPIDER Standard Kingdom Armor, 46 royals, 4 Shell West of Tyr-Sog, south of the farmer's hut Silently he stalks me, Running as I run, Creeping as I creep. Dressed in black, He disappears at night, Only to return with the sun. SHADOW Torch , Restoratives, a note from the Six, a scroll with LaMut (near the place the game starts) Prince Arutha, from his lofty perch, Will find our troops without a search. His men will fall, his castle too, And then what will Prince Arutha do? DIE Standard Kingdom Armor and Broadsword. Between the Temple of Killian and Joseph the Animal's When it comes in, From sea to shore, Twenty paces you'll see, No less, no more. FOG Broadsword, 118r, 6 Lockpicks East of Hawk's Hollow Axes and swords, Will not help you through. Yet it and a little push will do. Some in the road would have fought and soon died, Were it not closer at hand, to let them inside. KEY 40s and a scroll of the Five; it writes about dissidents near Inclindel. Moredhel not bearing a hand tattoo must be executed to prevent contact with Krondor. North of Loriel. You will invite him into your house, Yet you know him not. Once you get to know him, This thing he will no longer be. STRANGER Standard Kingdom Armor, Broadsword, Mac Mordain Cadal [ ]
The room with the Rogues . Two legs it has, And this will confound: Only at rest, Do they touch the ground. BARROW Dalatail Milk, 166r The locked room in the south. Round as an apple, Deep as a cup, All the Bitter Sea, Can't fill it up. SIEVE 2 Broadswords, Shell , Lorgan's Journal Room adjacent to the one above. Although my cow is dead, I continue to beat her. What a racket she makes. DRUM Weedwalkers , some royals.
Dimwood [ ]
Chest behind a hill near the northern exit, guarded by scorpions . What goes down to the cellar with four legs, but comes back with eight? MOUSER Elven Armor (63%), Silverthorn Anti-Venom (1), Silverthorn (2) 177 Shell (93%), Silverthorn (4) Bloodless and boneless it travels about, Yet it never leaves home. SNAIL Elven Armor (89%), Flame Root Oil (3), Medium Crossbow (59%) You seek it out, When your hunger's ripe. It sits on four legs, And smokes a pipe. STOVE Medium Crossbow (78%), 20 Shell (79%), Nighfingers You hear it speak, For it has a hard tongue. But it cannot breathe, For it has not a lung. BELL Standard Kingdom Armor (88%), Elven Armor (56%), 230 Herbal Pack (2), Silverthorn Anti-Venom (1), Tsurani Heavy Crossbow (93%), Restoratives (2) When they are caught, They are thrown away. When they escape, You itch all day. FLEAS Tsurani Light Crossbow (79%), Shell (76%), Emeralds (88%) You must keep this thing. Its loss will affect your brothers, For once yours is lost, It will so on be lost by others. TEMPER 51 Sovereigns, Light Crossbow, Elven Armor You see me oft, in woods and town. With my roots above, I must grow down. ICICLE Elven Armor, Light Crossbow, 47 gold
Головоломка с деревом
Игроку дают подсказку: вращаться вокруг центра. Когда станет достаточно темно, можно будет увидеть странное живое дерево, которое будет мигать и прыгать, стоящее вверху по центру. Подойдя к нему и нажав кнопку действия, игрок разблокирует путь в следующую комнату, изначально заблокированный деревом на тропе.
Третья головоломка с паролем
Решить данную головоломку сложнее, т.к подсказка отвандализирована Рукслсом Каардом, но решение подскажет Кловер: каждая из её голов даст одну подсказку.
- Среди символов нет треф.
- Все символы разные.
- Первый символ — черв.
Итоговый пароль: черв, пик, бубен. После решения при попытке пройти далее на игрока нападёт Кловер.
South-east map [ ]
Two chests near the Prank's Stone graveyard The language of men, can be mastered. But what Kingdom word is always pronounced wrong? WRONG Light Crossbow, Elven Quarrels (20), Restoratives (2) Names give power. Magic to control. But what is broken, by naming it? SILENCE 57 Sovereigns, Dragon Stone (4) Two chests at the SE corner of the Cavall Keep valley Brought to the table. Cut and served. Never eaten. CARDS Grey Tower Plate, Broadsword, Shell, Clerical Cloth Widows and orphans. Parents and kin. This is disturbed most by riots and war. PEACE Standard Armor, 2 Light Crossbows, Dalatail Milk (2), 48 sovereigns We don't need wine, we don't need meat. We have sharp teeth, But cannot eat. SAWS Light Crossbow, Dragon Stone (3), 35 gold, 101 royals, [Shovel]] Chest east of Cavall Keep, next to an unlocked one. It goes past gates, but asks no one's leave. It runs clear around castles, without taking a step. WALL Broadsword, Coltari Poison, Kenting Rush What goes with a wagon that doesn't benefit the wagon, but the wagon cannot move without? NOISE 53 gold, emerald, ruby, shell, Clerical Oilcloth (3) Passed form father to son, And shared between brothers. Its importance is unquestioned, Though it is used more by others. NAME 18 gold, 45 royals, Clerical Oilcloth (3), Dragon Stone (4) Never resting, never still. Moving silently, hill to hill. It does not walk, run or trot, All is cool where it is not. SUNSHINE Ring of Prandur, Dragon Stone (3), Fadamor's Formula (3), Redweed Brew (4) 2 chests on a NE corner of the valley near Kenting Rush The one who made it, didn't want it. The one who bought it, didn't need it. The one who used it, never saw it. COFFIN Broadsword, Light Crossbow, 61r, 46s What has a mare, That the cow has not? COLTS Grey Tower Plate, Ruby, Light Crossbow (31 and 92), Blessed Broadsword A chest east of Kenting Rush It stands while others sit. It groans when it is too full. Ithas four legs, but cannot run. TABLE Medium Crossbow, 7 sovereigns, Thoughts Like Clouds , Dalatail Milk (4)
Waterfall Cave [ ]
In the second niche of the N-S corridor You tie these things, Before you go. And untie them, After you stop. SHOES Medium Crossbow, 121 royals, Tsurani Light Crossbow, Restoratives (2) In a northern hall This wondrous thing, though not an herb, can help comfort the weak and the dying. It can even be used to rally the troops, or make one start laughing or crying. MUSIC Blessed Moredhel Lamprey, Killian's Root Oil (3) Two chests in a western hall opposite to the unpickable lock Ten troll's strength, Ten troll's length, One troll can pick it up, No troll can stand it up. ROPE Abbot's Journal This sparkling globe can float on water, and weighs not more than a feather. Yet despite its weight ten giants could never pick it up. BUBBLE Tsurani Light Crossbow, 158 royals, Torch [7] Chest in central hall Whoever has it is angry, Whoever loses it is angrier, Whoever wins it has it no more. DISPUTE Sarigsbane (4), Truesight Tea (3), 41+25 Northern map [ ]
3 chests SW of Northwarden, near a trap It doesn't live within a house, Nor does it live without. Most will use it when they come in, And again when they go out. DOOR 2 Rations (14) This side of a wolfhound has the most hair. OUTSIDE Rations (7) (14), Rope (10), Restoratives (8) She has tasteful friends And tasteless enemies. Tears are often shed on her behalf, Yet never has she broken a heart. ONION Rations (7) (14) (14) 3 chests behind a hill, on the southern way to Dimwood Kingdom soldiers will look like it, When the headsman gives them a lop. For then, like it, they'll have a neck, But not a head on top. BOTTLE Fadamor's Formula (3), Two-Handed Broadsword (53%) What is the thing with fingers long, That grips our deadly swords so strong? GAUNTLET Elven Armor (40%), Goblin Sticker (33%), Light Crossbow (94%), Shell (97%) Six legs, two heads, two hands, one long nose. Yet he uses only four legs wherever he goes. HORSEMAN Elven Armor (88%), Light Crossbow (68%), Restoratives (3), Shell (89) 3 chests behind a hill SW of Marchus's hut Every creature in the world has seen it. But to their dying day they'll never see the same one again. YESTERDAY Goblin Sticker (75%), Emeralds (96%) You can see it in winter, never in summer. Even though it is as light as a feather, the mightiest moredhel in the North can't hold it for long. BREATH Standard Armors (38% and 37%), Broadsword (76%), Two-Handed Broadsword (71%) Like dogs shouting at the moon, Or armor worn by the trees. Like a sharply spoken command, Or a tiny vessel upon the seas. BARK Blessed Standard Armor, Broadsword, 44 Temple of Dala and Eldpoint Black when bought. Red when used. Grey when thrown away. COALS Keshian Tapir (84%), Amulet of the Upright Man, Light Crossbow (78%), 2 Tsurani Light Crossbows (90% and 74%), Medium Crossbow (73%)
Комната с двумя Блоксёрами
Здесь можно увидеть, что Блоксёры бегают как будто бы по пустоте, но по факту там есть тропинка, границы которой видны благодаря отличающимся краям. В сундуке можно найти 40 Тёмных долларов, а слева вверху будет сидеть Гусеница из маршмеллоу. Единственной помехой могут стать только два противника, которые передвигаются по комнате так, что они почти что перекрывают тропу.
A homage to the old role playing game Betrayal at Krondor, adds riddle chests to Minecraft.
Riddle chests are moredhel inventions, very sturdy boxes banded with iron that are impossible to lockpdiick or break. A plate had incised a clue in moredhel runes. Sliders with runes form the wordlock which is an answer to the clue, and the magic locks are released.
South road [ ]
Right south of the pass, NW of the Temple of Silban Up and down they go, but never move. STAIRS Shell, Standard Armor, Light Crossbow, Poisoned Quarrels , Note by Narab (move troops to Tanneurs anticipating Gorath) Between Zun and Chanty's hut The light one breaks but never falls. His brother falls but never breaks. DAY NIGHT 57r, Flamecast, Torch Behind Rygate and Supply there are 3 chests A precious gift, this, Yet it has no end or beginning, And in the middle, nothing. RING 28r, 2 Shells Be you ever so quick, With vision keen, By your eyes, We are never seen. Unless, perchance, It should come to pass, You see our reflection, In a looking glass. EYES Light Crossbow, Torch Though easy to spot, when allowed to plume, It is hard to see, When held in a room. SMOKE 2 Shells, Broadsword Between Sarth and Questor's View, at the end of a path Buckets, barrels, baskets, cans; What must you fill with empty hands? GLOVES Blessed Broadsword, Shell, Lockpicks, Spell Scroll ( Sarth behind a hill and a trap there are 3 chests The chill of its death, You may soon mourn. But though it dies, It cannot be born. FIRE 40 Sovereigns, 2 Light Crossbows You see it about in field and town, It cannot get up, But will oft fall down. RAIN Standard Armor, Amulet of the Upright Man, Shell, 32 sovereigns Tanneurs and Krondor They feel no pain, No sorrow, no greed. They have no anger, No hatred, nor heed. THE DEAD Standard Armor, Light Crossbow, Torch Just south of the previous one, behind a hill. It flies without wings, Strikes without beak, teeth, or talons. It has no eyes in its pointed head, but it can kill birds in flight. ARROW Standard Armor, Broadsword, Light crossbow, 40 sovereigns.
Sarthian mines [ ]
SE room Two brothers wanted to race a course, To see which had the slowest horse. Since neither wanted to spur his mare, What must they do to make it fair? TRADE MARES Sword of Kinnur, Grey Tower Plate, Light Crossbow Room north to the above A box beneath a tree, Inside some tasty meat. Kept for a month or more, It still tastes just as sweet. WALNUT Shell, Lewton's Concentrate (4)
Первая головоломка с паролем
В данной комнате можно увидеть Сьюзи и Лансера, которые пытаются решить головоломку и одновременно строят некий чертёж. Пароль от головоломки написан вверху (об этом же гласит и табличка рядом): треф, черв, треф, — таким образом никаких проблем с решением головоломки возникнуть не должно.
После ввода пароля Сьюзи и Лансер поблагодарят игрока за помощь и убегут, оставив чертёж, но потом забрав его с собой.
Лабиринт Леса является последней головоломкой. Перед ним можно увидеть Лансера и Сьюзи, которые скажут, что хорошо знают лес и не заблудятся в лабиринте, но по факту, если следовать за кем-либо из них, то вы попросту сами зайдёте в тупик, и поэтому надо сначала выбирать ту комнату, куда НЕ идёт Лансер, а затем ту комнату, куда НЕ идут ни Лансер, ни Сьюзи.
По ходу прохождения лабиринта придётся столкнуться с несколькими угрозами, но в целом пройти его не составит труда.
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A homage to the old role playing game Betrayal at Krondor. Quoting the wiki entry:
One of the game's unique features are the large assortment of Moredhel wordlock chests, hidden throughout the land. These chests have combination locks with letters on each dial, and a riddle written upon them whose answer opens the chest. Wordlock chests can hold valuable items and equipment.
This mod adds chests similiar to those in Betrayal at Krondor to the minecraft world.
World Gen and Chests
The chance that a vanilla loot chest will be replaced by a Riddle Chest can be configured in the options. No additional chests will be generated.
The system behind this currently requires a Mixin/CoreMod to detect generated lootChests. If modded structures do not use the StructurePiece.generateChest() methods we have currently no efficient way of detecting their chests and can not replace them.
If you want certain loot chests to never be touched you can prevent that by configuring the loottableBlacklist option and include the resource name of the loottable you want to keep intact, e.g. minecraft:chests/spawn_bonus_chest .
How to add more riddles/quizzes/trivia
This is quite easy and you can find many categories in the datapacks folder.
Essentially you want to do this:
- Grab and install the Open Loader mod from CurseForge
- Start the game once so that the proper directories will be created for you OR create the folder <minecraft-instance>/openloader/data manually.
- Copy one of the zips from the datapacks folder in this repository to the openloader/data folder
No, I meant, how do I add my own riddles!
This is slightly more complicated, but if you are handy with .json files you will have no problems. There are many examples you can look at in the datapacks folder in this repository.
You need to do at least two things:
Create a riddle .json file that looks something like this
Place this file in the openloader/data/riddlechests/recipes/riddles/your_own_category/ directory. Repeat this step for each riddle you want to create.
Create a loot table mapping between your category and an existing loot table
Place this file in the openloader/data/riddlechests/recipes/loottable_mappings/ directory.
A homage to the old role playing game Betrayal at Krondor. Quoting the wiki entry:
One of the game's unique features are the large assortment of Moredhel wordlock chests, hidden throughout the land. These chests have combination locks with letters on each dial, and a riddle written upon them whose answer opens the chest. Wordlock chests can hold valuable items and equipment.
This mod adds chests similiar to those in Betrayal at Krondor to the minecraft world.
World Gen and Chests
The chance that a vanilla loot chest will be replaced by a Riddle Chest can be configured in the options. No additional chests will be generated.
The system behind this currently requires a Mixin/CoreMod to detect generated lootChests. If modded structures do not use the StructurePiece.generateChest() methods we have currently no efficient way of detecting their chests and can not replace them.
If you want certain loot chests to never be touched you can prevent that by configuring the loottableBlacklist option and include the resource name of the loottable you want to keep intact, e.g. minecraft:chests/spawn_bonus_chest .
How to add more riddles/quizzes/trivia
This is quite easy and you can find many categories in the datapacks folder.
Essentially you want to do this:
- Grab and install the Open Loader mod from CurseForge
- Start the game once so that the proper directories will be created for you OR create the folder <minecraft-instance>/openloader/data manually.
- Copy one of the zips from the datapacks folder in this repository to the openloader/data folder
No, I meant, how do I add my own riddles!
This is slightly more complicated, but if you are handy with .json files you will have no problems. There are many examples you can look at in the datapacks folder in this repository.
You need to do at least two things:
Create a riddle .json file that looks something like this
Place this file in the openloader/data/riddlechests/recipes/riddles/your_own_category/ directory. Repeat this step for each riddle you want to create.
Create a loot table mapping between your category and an existing loot table
Place this file in the openloader/data/riddlechests/recipes/loottable_mappings/ directory.
Комната с танцорами
В данной комнате будут три группы танцоров, наносящих 15 урона касанием. В юго-восточной части комнаты есть сундук с Возрождающей Мятой и скрытой тропой, которую можно увидеть, если вспомнить подсказку Сима: «Идите туда, где звёзды не горят». В одном месте действительно не будет видно звёзд (примерно снизу посередине), там и находится дорожка, ведущая к сломанному ключу В.
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