Resizebuffers failed device removed device hung dying light решение
27 янв. 2015 в 2:57 CrashExit. ResizeBuffers failed 0x887a0005 / device removed - device hung.
Least once in around 1-9 Hours Playtime. Tried every logical step before I've posted this thread and no solution. Still happens randomly after Patch 1.2.1 and downgrading things like GPU/CPU Speed is definitely not what i'll do for this Game.
ResizeBuffers failed 0x887a0005 / device removed - device hung.
I have tried downclocking my GPU to stock reference settings, installing the older drivers, and changed settings such as VSync, graphical options, etc. Still crashing randomly with the "device hung/removed" error messages.
GPU- 2GB ASUS GTX 680 DirectCU II TOP Edition
CPU- 4.8 Ghz AMD FX-9370
I have tried downclocking my GPU to stock reference settings, installing the older drivers, and changed settings such as VSync, graphical options, etc. Still crashing randomly with the "device hung/removed" error messages.
GPU- 2GB ASUS GTX 680 DirectCU II TOP Edition
CPU- 4.8 Ghz AMD FX-9370
Yeah reading the patch notes from the older patch, they know they are having issues with multi threading and AMD cores. All we can do is wait or play the game a half hour at a time. Pretty bummed over this. 8 фев. 2015 в 17:11
I have tried downclocking my GPU to stock reference settings, installing the older drivers, and changed settings such as VSync, graphical options, etc. Still crashing randomly with the "device hung/removed" error messages.
GPU- 2GB ASUS GTX 680 DirectCU II TOP Edition
CPU- 4.8 Ghz AMD FX-9370
Yeah reading the patch notes from the older patch, they know they are having issues with multi threading and AMD cores. All we can do is wait or play the game a half hour at a time. Pretty bummed over this.
I was given some hope when downclocking my GPU let me at least play a half hour, but now it's crashing soon as I load into the actual game. In the beginning it would even crash just in the main menu. 8 фев. 2015 в 22:03
Been frustrating playing this game and it giving me buffer crash every 1-3 hours. I constantly exit at a safehouse to save the game. Too many times where I have found some nice loot and it crashes.
Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5Ghz
8Gb Ram
GTX 680
Windows 7 64-bit
Been frustrating playing this game and it giving me buffer crash every 1-3 hours. I constantly exit at a safehouse to save the game. Too many times where I have found some nice loot and it crashes.
Intel Core i7-3770K 3.5Ghz
8Gb Ram
GTX 680
Windows 7 64-bit
I get it like every 30 mins, so ive had to do some quests like 3 times, really ruining the replay value for me of this game as i was going to play it again after i leveled. 9 фев. 2015 в 2:23 They can't fix it and this is unacceptable. I WANT REFUND NOW. How to obtain it fast?
I was getting this crash every 5-10 minutes and I seem to have found a fix that works for me anyway. Running on a 560 ti, latest drivers. Have all graphics on Medium with motion blur off. I have V-Sync On in game.
I created a profile for the game in Nvidia Control Panel "Manage 3D Settings". In the profile, I changed Maximum pre-rendered frames to 3, Vertical Sync "On", Triple Buffering "On" and Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames to "3" and finally Threaded Optimization "On". I don't know which setting worked it's magic, but I have now played for hours and hours straight without a crash. Once in a while, the game will go dark for like 2 seconds and come back but no more crashing.
9 фев. 2015 в 3:02I was getting this crash every 5-10 minutes and I seem to have found a fix that works for me anyway. Running on a 560 ti, latest drivers. Have all graphics on Medium with motion blur off. I have V-Sync On in game.
I created a profile for the game in Nvidia Control Panel "Manage 3D Settings". In the profile, I changed Maximum pre-rendered frames to 3, Vertical Sync "On", Triple Buffering "On" and Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames to "3" and finally Threaded Optimization "On". I don't know which setting worked it's magic, but I have now played for hours and hours straight without a crash. Once in a while, the game will go dark for like 2 seconds and come back but no more crashing.
9 фев. 2015 в 4:54I was getting this crash every 5-10 minutes and I seem to have found a fix that works for me anyway. Running on a 560 ti, latest drivers. Have all graphics on Medium with motion blur off. I have V-Sync On in game.
I created a profile for the game in Nvidia Control Panel "Manage 3D Settings". In the profile, I changed Maximum pre-rendered frames to 3, Vertical Sync "On", Triple Buffering "On" and Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames to "3" and finally Threaded Optimization "On". I don't know which setting worked it's magic, but I have now played for hours and hours straight without a crash. Once in a while, the game will go dark for like 2 seconds and come back but no more crashing.
9 фев. 2015 в 8:10 9 фев. 2015 в 8:34 9 фев. 2015 в 9:47I was getting this crash every 5-10 minutes and I seem to have found a fix that works for me anyway. Running on a 560 ti, latest drivers. Have all graphics on Medium with motion blur off. I have V-Sync On in game.
I created a profile for the game in Nvidia Control Panel "Manage 3D Settings". In the profile, I changed Maximum pre-rendered frames to 3, Vertical Sync "On", Triple Buffering "On" and Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames to "3" and finally Threaded Optimization "On". I don't know which setting worked it's magic, but I have now played for hours and hours straight without a crash. Once in a while, the game will go dark for like 2 seconds and come back but no more crashing.
Thanks for your effort, I will try this. :commandgirlvideo:
Tried it, still getting the same error message. Or I get the Nvidia Kernal mode driver crash, version blah blah blah. Can't even play the game anymore, and I uninstalled/reinstalled the game, uninstalled/reinstalled Nvidias latest drivers. Did the quick fix quoted above, tried the -noborder quick fix in launch options. NOTHING fixes this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ issue. And seriously, 22 pages of complaints and not even one acknowledgement from devs?
9 фев. 2015 в 10:44
I was getting this crash every 5-10 minutes and I seem to have found a fix that works for me anyway. Running on a 560 ti, latest drivers. Have all graphics on Medium with motion blur off. I have V-Sync On in game.
I created a profile for the game in Nvidia Control Panel "Manage 3D Settings". In the profile, I changed Maximum pre-rendered frames to 3, Vertical Sync "On", Triple Buffering "On" and Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames to "3" and finally Threaded Optimization "On". I don't know which setting worked it's magic, but I have now played for hours and hours straight without a crash. Once in a while, the game will go dark for like 2 seconds and come back but no more crashing.
игра переключается из полноэкранного режима в оконный без причины и что это то, что вызывает проблему. (изменить размер буфера, связанные с изменением размеров окна приложения). Единственное решение, я думаю, играть в оконном режиме.
Ждём патч короче.
ERRR: [Renderer] > [SRendererAPI::RCreateTexture2D] Failed to create 2D texture (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED / Hardware device removed.)
ERRR: [Renderer] > [SRendererAPI::RCreateTexture2D] Failed to create 2D texture (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED / Hardware device removed.)
ERRR: [Renderer] > [SRendererAPI::RCreateTexture2D] Failed to create 2D texture (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED / Hardware device removed.)
ERRR: [Renderer] > [SRendererAPI::RCreateTexture2D] Failed to create 2D texture (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED / Hardware device removed.)
ERRR: [Renderer] > [SRendererAPI::RCreateTexture2D] Failed to create 2D texture (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED / Hardware device removed.)
DEBG: [DXGI] > WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING overridden to 1926x1109
DEBG: [DXGI] > WM_SIZE 0, 1920x1063
DEBG: [DXGI] > [RWinOnWmSize] requested 1920x1063
DEBG: [DXGI] > [RWinOnWmSize] swapchain was 1920x1080 windowed
FATL: [EXIT] > ResizeBuffers failed 0x887a000521:42:47.092>
Из этого пишут что:
Убедитесь, что Вы не используете сторонних приложений в фоновом режиме, что может конфликтовать с игрой e.g любой счетчик fps или вещания инструмент. Если это не так, вы должны попробовать переустановить directx.
Я у себя понизил ядро на GTX580 3G c 775 до 680(MHz) вот этой прог. MSI Afterburner и всё больше ничего не трогал, да и в игре тени поставил на минимум остальное макс. мне пока помогло )). Играл часов 5 всё ок
3 фев. 2015 в 6:59 РУС.Dying Light.( Error resizebuffers failed 0X887A0005 )OC: Windows 7 максимальная SP-1( x64) DirectX 11
ЦП: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz
ВК: Gigabyte nvidia GeForce GTX 570 (Версия драйвера 347.25 )
ОЗУ: 8.00 ГБ
ПЗУ: 2.00 ТЕР
Ничего не помогает и танцы с бубнами тоже! Делал всё от отката дров на более ранние версии, до их полного сноса. Изменял параметры игры и настройки видеокарты и тд. итп. Короче делал очень многое.
Погуглил, много народа сталкиваются с тем же. Хотя мои знакомые спокойно играют в Dying Light на более слабых системах без проблем.
Ошибка (Resize Buffers 0x887a0005) после попытки решения проблем с вылетом игры, начало выдовать (device removed device hung)
OC: Windows 7 максимальная SP-1( x64) DirectX 11
ЦП: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz
ВК: Gigabyte nvidia GeForce GTX 570 (Версия драйвера 347.25 )
ОЗУ: 8.00 ГБ
ПЗУ: 2.00 ТЕР
3 фев. 2015 в 7:57 3 фев. 2015 в 8:10 У меня в данный момент друг играет на RADEON HD-6800 при озу в 6 гигов и никаких вылетов. Хотя игра заточена под nvidia GeForce. 3 фев. 2015 в 10:31
Стянул с playgrounda. Может тебе поможет.
Direct3DDevice::Present failed (DEVICE REMOVED): DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG (-2005270523)
"Видеодрайвер перестал отвечать и был восстановлен"
Происходит это из-за нехватки напряжения графического процессора GPU, т.к. заводские настройки низкие и видеокарта не справляется с игровыми нагрузками.
Лечится данная проблема с помощью программы MSI AfterBurner 2.3.1 Final.
1. Открываете программу MSI AfterBurner.
2. Внизу интерфейса нажмите на кнопку дополнительных настроек "Settings".
3. В открывшемся окне поставьте галочки на пунктах:
"Разблокировать управление напряжением"
"Разблокировать мониторинг напряжения"
4. Нажмите "ОК" и перезапустите программу нажав "ДА".
5. В первом окне "Core Voltage (mV)" ползунком увеличьте напряжение на 12 единиц. Пример с видеокартой GeForce GTX 570 - с 1013mV до 1025mV. Можно и больше, но мне хватило. Если будете экспериментировать и прибавлять, то смотрите за температурой видеокарты.
6. Зафиксируйте настройки кнопкой "Apply".
7. Приятной игры без зависаний и вылетов на высоких настройках!
Для безопасности можно конечно опять заблокировать настройки, т.е. в дополнительных настройках "Settings", снять поставленные галки и нажать "ОК", но тогда со временем настройки возвращаются к дефолтным и начинаются опять вылеты. Не знаю почему это происходит, пару раз возвращал их обратно, а потом надоело и перестал их блокировать, играю нормально.
Подобные проблемы у меня были в играх: Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, а особенно в Battlefield 3 и Battlefield 4. После данного лечения все нормализовалось, играю без вылетов.
My game has been crashing periodically (every 15-30mins) with an error popping up that said ResizeBuffers failed / device removed. Seems there has been no official solution, but I found one random commenter who provided a solution.
When you start the game, you simply need to downclock your GPU by 10-20mhz. [Edit: /u/Pedrotic had to downclock by 50mhz before the crashes stopped, so if you continue to have this error, try downclocking even further.]
Extract the rar anywhere, and run nvidiaInspector.
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