Rdr 2 помочь сэди или нет
Следующая страница нашего руководства Red Dead Redemption 2 содержит пошаговое руководство для RDR2 миссии По старой дружбе. У Джона растущие долги и он хочет купить амбар, поэтому он помогает Сэди поймать бандита, которого она ищет- Рамона Кортеса.
Как разблокировать миссию: после завершения миссии «Новый Иерусалим».
Прохождение миссии: Поездка с дядей на лесопилку и общение с продавцом. Когда вы встретите Сэди в городе, возьмите ее на другую миссию, состоящую в том, чтобы выследить преступников. Доберитесь до ранчо и войдите в сарай, где вас атакует уголовник. Оглушите его, свяжите, положите на лошадь и верните на Родос.
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Приведи беглеца к шерифу и после заставки, выходите и мочите членов банды Кортеза. Бейте врагов и наседайте на них, пока они не убегут с Родоса. Попытайтесь стрелять с бедра, чтобы выполнить одну из скрытых целей в этой миссии.
Сэди выросла в суровых условиях и научилась охоте и езде верхом еще в юном возрасте. В сентябре 1896 года она вышла замуж за Джейка Адлера. Пара жила на своем ранчо в штате Амбарино, где они вместе работали и были счастливы в браке.
В 1907 году ненависть и чувство мести у Сэди несколько утихла, она спокойно говорит с Джоном, с которым у них сложились дружественные отношения, она даже предлагает свои контракты, чтобы помочь Джону расплатиться за Бичерс-Хоуп. Тем не менее Сэди все еще сохранила свою жестокость и холодное отношение к преступникам и не перестала желать смерти Мике — до такой степени, что была готова поставить на кон свою жизнь.
Сэди — стройная молодая женщина, 25-30 лет, с грязными русыми волосами и карими глазами, а над правым глазом есть заметный шрам. Изначально Сэди носила платья, полученные у банды, но со временем сменила наряд на более практичную жёлтую рубашку, коричневые джинсы, подтяжки, коричневые сапоги и светло-коричневую шляпу, которые она носила с 3 по 4 главу. С 5 главы она стала носить белую рубашку с синим шейным платком. К 1907 году Сэди решила одеваться под охотника за головами, она появляется в длинной коричневой кожаной куртке, белой рубашке, черном шейном платке, чёрных джинсах с коричневыми чапсами, тёмными ботинками и патронташем наперевес.
Уже ночью, в хижину заходит Датч, тем самым шокируя остальную часть банды его появлением, а Эбигейл сразу же сообщает ему, что Джон был арестован и приговорен к повешению. Герр Штраус при встрече с Датчем говорит ему, что в основном благодаря Сэди остальным членам банды удалось покинуть Шейди-Бель и что Сэди с Чарльзом прогнали жильцов, которые до этого проживали в Лаке. После небольшого разъяснения Тилли про положение и дальнейшие действия банды и перепалки с Микой, Эбигейл говорит Датчу, что они с Чарльзом ночью украли тела Хозии и Ленни и как подобает похоронили. Наконец, входит Билл Уильямсон с явным разочарованием, говоря, как он везде спрашивал, где найти банду.
Практически сразу после разговора с Уильямсоном, неожиданно объявляется агент Милтон, который вместе с Пинкертонами по поручению Cornwall Kerosene & Tar, правительства США и штата Вест-Элизабет, требует банде сдаться, а затем Пинкертоны резко выстреливают в хижину из пулемёта «Максим» дабы убить банду. Для противостояния с Пинкертонами, Сэди говорит Артуру следовать за ней, говоря, что где-то есть лазейка, которую они могут использовать, чтобы обойти атаку Пинкертонов. Пара переходит через укрытия попадая в морской склад, и Артур резко начинает контратаку на Пинкертонов, которые уже сильно подожгли деревню. Во время боя, Билл также помогает Артуру и Сэди отразить атаку, в то время как Артур в конечном итоге идёт управлять пулемётом, вращая его и стреляя в атакующих Пинкертонов, в конечном итоге вызывая поражение и отступление Пинкертонов.
После бурной перестрелки, Датч благодарит Артура за его помощь в отражении атаки и выражает обеспокоенность по поводу кашля Артура, в то время как последний отклоняет это как ничто. Эбигейл снова напоминает Датчу, что Джон находится в тюрьме, только для того, чтобы получить взволнованный ответ Датча, который говорит, что сейчас неподходящее время. Понимая, что Датч не хочет помогать, Эбигейл обращается к Артуру и Сэди, умоляя их спасти Джона. Пара соглашается, и Сэди просит Артура встретиться с ней в окрестностях Сен-Дени спустя некоторое время.
Sadie Adler is a recurring character in the Red Dead series; she appears as a central character in Red Dead Redemption 2, and as a stranger in Red Dead Online.
Red Dead Redemption 2
В мае 1899 года их дом ограбили парни О'Дрисколла и убили Джейка. Сэди пряталась в подвале и смогла избежать подобной участи.
Нагорье Подкова
Полустров Клеменса
Джон, Сэди и Чарльз отправляются в Строберри, где Клита видели в последний раз. Им удается его найти, и для того чтобы выбить из него информацию о Мике, Сэди решает пригрозить ему повешением. Клит признается, что у Мики есть убежище на горе Хаген, и у игрока появляется выбор - повесить его или же отпустить. Но даже если Джон решит отпустить его, Сэди разозлится и пристрелит Клита на месте.
Троица отправляются на гору, чтобы отомстить Мике. Почти сразу же они вступают в перестрелку с бандой Мики, из-за чего Чарльза ранят и его приходится оставить сзади. В бою с другой группой Сэди ранят ножом в живот и чуть не убивают, но раненный Чарльз смог выстрелить в противника.
После возвращения на ранчо Сэди принимает участие в свадьбе Джона и Эбигейл и празднует со всеми, несмотря на раны. После отбытия Чарльза Сэди тоже прощается и покидает семью Марстонов. Дальнейшая ее судьба неизвестна, но скорее всего она направилась в Южную Америку, что она упоминала в диалоге с Джоном.
Biography in RDR 2 (click to enlarge)
Sadie grew up in a harsh environment and learned to hunt animals and ride horses in her youth. In September 1896, she became married to Jake Adler. The couple lived on a ranch in the state of Ambarino, where they shared the work evenly between them and had a happy marriage.
Events of Red Dead Online
When the player first arrives at the Adler Ranch, they meet Jake, who initially believes that they have come to rob him, but eventually deduces that they are actually looking for work. Sadie walks in moments later, having just completed a supply run, and is shocked to see the player, holding them at gunpoint. Although Jake clarifies that the player is only there to help, Sadie continues to act suspiciously and warns the player that should they betray her or Jake, she would kill them without a second thought. Still, Sadie is appreciative of the player's assistance.
The player can then visit the Adlers again and receive more missions from them. Sadie will give missions during nighttime, while her husband is available during the daytime. Their missions give positive honor.
Events of Red Dead Redemption 2
Colter Chapter
Mere days before the game's opening, their house was robbed by the O'Driscoll Boys, who killed Jake. Sadie hid in the cellar for days in order to avoid the same fate. Members of the Van der Linde gang: Micah, Dutch, and Arthur, lifelong enemies of the O'Driscoll gang, come across the homestead that Sadie is hiding in, trying to find supplies. Dutch goes to negotiate with the owners, but they turn out to be O'Driscolls, who are killed by the trio after guns were drawn. After hearing the gunfire, Sadie comes out of the cellar to find Micah looting her house, and the two get into a confrontation leading to her threatening him with a knife and him knocking a lantern over and setting fire to the house, before Dutch and Arthur calm both of them down. Dutch decides to take her back to their camp, and despite their wanted status, she decides to stay with them.
If Arthur visits the non-fighting members' cabin, he can see Mary-Beth trying to comfort Sadie over her losses. Arthur can also offer Sadie food, but Sadie will reject the offer. In "The Aftermath of Genesis", Charles and Arthur express their sympathy for her, and suspect she will be reluctant to eat.
Horseshoe Overlook Chapter
During this chapter, Sadie does not have much significance, although she can be seen in a few events around camp. These events include her being comforted by one of the women in the camp or Hosea over her husband's death and before the mission "Paying a Social Call", a scene can play out where she pretends to give the O'Driscoll prisoner Kieran Duffy a plate of food while he's tied up, only to throw it onto the ground and storm off in anger. Besides this, she is usually only seen around Pearson's Carriage, reluctantly helping him with the cooking, and is commonly found sitting on one of the rocks around camp, mourning her husband.
After Sean's homecoming party, she will take part in camp chores more actively and greet Arthur more enthusiastically. She is sometimes left out by other women in camp, however, as she never takes part in their singing at night and rather sits behind the wagons alone.
Clemens Point Chapter
Sadie's next contact with Arthur is when he catches her in an argument with Pearson, soon after he sets up his carriage again, due to her becoming dissatisfied with cutting vegetables all day. She explains that she and her husband used to share the work and begs to have something else to do. Arthur agrees to take her to town to run a few errands. When they get to Rhodes, Arthur posts a letter for Pearson while Sadie buys supplies from the General Store, as well as a new outfit for herself. On the way back to camp, they are attacked by Lemoyne Raiders and Sadie helps Arthur to fight them off. For the rest of the chapter, she is seen walking around camp and will greet Arthur more often than most members of the camp do when walking past them. Sadie also becomes an active, armed member of the gang at this point. She can be seen cleaning her repeater and taking up camp guard duties. Arthur can also play Five Finger Fillet with her after "Blessed are the Peacemakers".
Saint Denis Chapter
Before the O'Driscoll assault on Shady Belle, Sadie is seen asking Dutch to take her robbing with the rest of the gang, and talking to Arthur about her own departure from civilized society. Almost immediately after she voices these concerns, the O'Driscolls assault the camp. Despite Arthur telling her to get inside with the rest of the gang, she refuses and slays many O'Driscolls with the help of Arthur.
Guarma Chapter
After the disappearance of the main gang members, Sadie (with Charles’ help) takes the women and the non-fighting members to the abandoned town of Lakay, knowing that Shady Belle will be searched. She and the remaining gang manage to steal the bodies of Hosea Matthews and Lenny Summers from the morgue, and bury the two in Bluewater Marsh. She also deposits a letter from “Caroline” in Shady Belle to help the gang to re-unite at Lakay. After the return of the core gang members, she helps fight against the Pinkerton assault on Lakay. Afterwards, when Dutch refuses to rescue John, Sadie agrees to help Abigail and Arthur to rescue him, asking the latter to meet her in Saint Denis.
Beaver Hollow Chapter
When Arthur meets Sadie in Saint Denis, she tells him that, before they do anything, they need to make sure that John is still in Sisika Penitentiary. In order to do so, she has Arthur scout the place from above in a hot air balloon, with Arturo Bullard. After Arthur manages to confirm that John is indeed there, he sees Sadie being chased by O'Driscolls near Annesburg. Arthur and Sadie manage to fight off the O'Driscolls, although it costs Bullard his life.
Soon afterwards, Arthur and Sadie decide to infiltrate Sisika Penitentiary in order to rescue John Marston. Although Abigail wishes to join them, Arthur and Sadie both decide otherwise. The pair row out to the prison, and silently kill a guard in a watchtower. Arthur snipes two guards who he believes are with John. However, when he and Sadie go to investigate, they find that John was not one of the prisoners there, and a guard holds Sadie at gunpoint, only to, in turn, be held at gunpoint by Arthur and taken hostage. Arthur demands John’s release in exchange for sparing Milliken, causing the guards to free John. With that, the prison guards attack Arthur, John and Sadie, but the trio manage to fight their way off the island and take John back to camp.
At some point, Colm O'Driscoll is arrested and sentenced to hang in Saint Denis. Dutch, Sadie and Arthur work to ensure that the hanging goes ahead, with Colm escaping the previous two times. With the rescue attempt sabotaged, Colm is hanged, although Sadie opens fire on the O’Driscolls regardless, leading to a firefight.
Near the end of Chapter 6, Sadie asks Arthur for assistance in ending the O'Driscolls once and for all, to avenge the death of her late husband. If Arthur chooses to help Sadie, he says that, in return, she should help ensure the Marston family‘s safety for “when the time comes”, which she accepts. Once at Hanging Dog Ranch, she will request that, if Arthur finds a “fat man with a beard”, he should let Sadie kill him, as he is her husband’s killer. After slaying what remains of the O'Driscolls with Arthur, Sadie brutally murders the one who killed her husband, who briefly led the remaining O’Driscolls.
Sadie is also present in the battle against the Army at the Cornwall refinery. When it is over, she offers to help bring the mortally wounded Eagle Flies back to his father, but Arthur declines her help. She later participates in the gang's final robbery, of the train carrying US Army payroll. She is seen working with Cleet, fending off the approaching US Army soldiers.
Later, Abigail is captured by Agent Milton and, with the rest of the gang abandoning her, Sadie goes with Arthur to save her. However, Sadie gets captured, and Arthur is forced to confront Milton himself. Milton sneaks up behind Arthur and holds him at gunpoint. After a struggle between Arthur and Milton, Abigail manages to break free and shoots Milton in the head with Sadie’s revolver, allowing the three to escape. On the way back to the camp, Arthur stops and tells both of them to go to Jack and Tilly. After exchanging one last sorrowful goodbye, during which Sadie stays silent but expresses grief, Sadie takes Abigail to Copperhead Landing as Arthur goes to confront the gang where he will die either at the hands of Micah or his tuberculosis but not before he helps John get to safety with his final act of his life. After John reunites with his family and before they parted ways Sadie and John vowed one day to kill Micah for his treachery, should they ever find him.
Sadie leaves with Abigail
Beecher's Hope Chapter
Several years after the gang's disbandment, Sadie had become a successful bounty hunter. In 1907, she sends a letter to Pronghorn Ranch asking for John to meet her in Valentine. As John walks in the saloon, Sadie is seen bickering with two patrons named Bubba and Jeb. She stabs Bubba in the hand and smashes a drinking glass into Jeb's face. Sadie asks John to join her in capturing bounties, and they set off to find Nathan Kirk in Strawberry. After the two capture various other bounties including Shane Finley, Ramón Cortez and Marshall Thurwell, Sadie goes to John's ranch to announce she found one of Micah's henchmen, Cleet.
John, Sadie and Charles head to Strawberry, where Cleet was last seen. The trio find Cleet and interrogate him, going as far as putting him in the gallows to reveal Micah's location. After threatening his life, Cleet finally cracks and tells them that Micah is at Mount Hagen. John can choose either to spare his life or hang him, where if he spares him, Sadie will get frustrated, and decide to kill Cleet regardless.
John and Sadie, along with Charles, head to the mountain to kill Micah. As they travel up the mountain, they confront the vanguard of Micah's gang. Charles is shot in the shoulder and wounded, so he stays behind, as John and Sadie push on. Fighting off another group, a gang member manages to stab Sadie in the stomach during a scuffle, before being shot by Charles. Still alive, Sadie stays behind with Charles and asks John to go on without her. Alone, John and Micah engage in a shootout at the top of the mountain. With neither man giving an inch, Sadie, clutching her wound, appears and breaks the deadlock, however, Dutch reveals himself and Micah gets the upper hand, allowing him to take Sadie hostage. After exchanging words with John, Dutch abruptly shoots Micah in the chest, mortally wounding him and freeing Sadie, before John shoots Micah repeatedly, killing him and avenging Arthur's death and getting his comeuppance for betraying the Van Der Linde gang to the Pinkerton's. Dutch leaves without saying a word and John returns from Micah's cabin with a large sackful of gold and money. Supporting each other, Sadie and John leave the camp and Micah's corpse behind.
After returning to the ranch, Sadie attends John and Abigail's wedding and celebrates with the others despite her stab wound. Some time after Charles leaves, she gives her farewells to the Marston family as she leaves the ranch. Sadie's fate is left uncertain, but it can be assumed that she left for South America, having mentioned to John that she wished to live there.
Red Dead Online
В многопользовательском режиме, Сэди вместе со своим мужем Джейком появляется как вспомогательный персонаж в штате Амбарино, выдавая Протагонисту определённые задания по возвращению имущества или охоты.
Sadie was happily married to her husband, Jake Adler, and expresses that she was content in the life they lived together. His death made her deeply vengeful, vindictive, and consumed by desire for revenge against the O'Driscolls. Sadie also repeatedly demonstrates cruelty, a lack of care for her allies and recklessness which rivals that of Micah's - she is not above putting herself and her friends in unnecessary danger, which is exemplified in the battle against the O'Driscolls in Shady Belle where she does not co-operate with the rest of the gang, forcing Arthur to leave the house and risk getting killed, and murdering the O'Driscoll hostages at Colm's execution, starting a firefight. Her actions also indirectly led to Arturo Bullard's death - something Arthur had blamed her for. Sadie's personal interests could explain her own extreme aggressiveness and brutality, thus she saw her crusade against the O'Driscolls as more than simply ending a gang feud or hostility between the two gang leaders.
Despite this, Sadie is also very loyal those she cares about. She is extremely eager to prove to Arthur and Dutch that she can be a fighting member. This is evident when she zealously asks Arthur if they should rob the general store in Rhodes, asks Dutch if he can take her robbing, and leads the counterattack against the O'Driscolls at Shady Belle. She later helps to unite and relocate the gang, fend off the Pinkertons in Lakay, rescue John from prison and keeping the gang together while some of the main members are in Guarma. While initially being fairly shy, Sadie would eventually become more confident, defying Dutch's orders not to rescue John and not being afraid to challenge other members of the gang.
She also has a softer side for Arthur and holds him in high regard, even admitting that he’s the only one in the gang who she truly trusts and is the best man she has known, second only to her husband. Her concern for Arthur is also exemplified when she insists on taking up physically demanding tasks by herself, including rowing a boat from Sisika Penitentiary and running-and-gunning to rescue Abigail, preventing Arthur from doing the same despite his protests. At Beaver Hollow, she also reminds Arthur to take care of himself in camp conversations. Notably, as a widow, Sadie willingly promises Arthur that she will help John, Abigail and Jack to start a family life - one that she has lost since her husband's death.
By 1907, some of Sadie's vengeful hatred and recklessness subsided. She appears much calmer when speaking to John, with whom she has maintained a good relationship; she even offers some bounty hunting jobs to help him pay back his mortgage for Beecher's Hope. However, Sadie still retains a streak of brutality and a no-nonsense attitude while dealing with criminals, and she unbendingly desired vengeance against Micah - to the point where she was prepared to put her life on the line for revenge. During a job, Sadie confesses to John that she had developed a slight death wish over time.
As of 1899, Sadie is a slender young woman likely in her late 20's or early 30's, with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She also has a scar above her right eye.
Sadie initially wears dresses that were given to her by the gang, but eventually switches to more practical clothing, wearing a yellow shirt, with brown trousers, suspenders, brown boots, and a light brown hat from the start of chapter 3 to chapter 5. From chapter 5 onwards, she sports a white shirt, a blue neckerchief and black trousers, along with a dark brown gun belt with two holsters and a brown belt with a golden buckle with star.
In 1907, she wears clothing more akin to that of a bounty hunter, usually seen in a brown leather duster coat, a white shirt, a black neckerchief, black trousers, black leather chaps, dark brown boots and a bandolier.
For John and Abigail's wedding, she wears a white blouse and a long red skirt with a black belt with golden buckle.
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