Rainbow six siege белые маски
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The White Masks are a terrorist organization featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. They are the main enemy faction in Terrorist Hunt, easily identifiable by the white masks concealing their faces. While their motives are not explicitly clear, it is known that they are easily capable of carrying out attacks anywhere in the world and are known to be indiscriminate to their victims, disregarding age, religion, gender, or nationality. They have become a big enough threat that the Rainbow program has been reactivated as a result.
Еженедельные испытания
Ивенты в сидже — повод ненадолго вернуться в игру и за это действительно можно поблагодарить Ubisoft.
Вопрос: почему до сих пор не ввели скин самого страшного чудовища Сиджа — Карамышева?
Честно-рад возвращению данного ивента.
Когда он вышел 1 раз в 2019 году-я еще был неофитом и не понимал смысла этих ивентов. Потом понял что они временные. И что пакеты можно покупать. И еще там есть красивая шапка на Капкана. И теперь я постарался подготовиться к этому ивенту. Накопил 60 тысяч очков славы-надеюсь что из 5 (1 подарочный + 4 купленных) мне выпадет шапка на капкана. Ну а если нет-буду через усилители в ивенте набивать очки.
Вас ждут 48 тематических предметов, включая обновлённую коллекцию униформ и элементов персонализации, а также подходящие раскраски и значки. В их числе:
Jackal, Lion, Aruni и Melusi — жуткие существа, которых вы видели в прошлый раз (Smoke, Kapkan, Frost, Lesion и Ela).Пакеты события можно будет приобрести за 300 кредитов R6 или 12 500 очков славы.
Все предметы из коллекции и некоторые из тех, которые были доступны в Doktor's Curse 2019-го, доступны в отдельных наборах по 1 680 кредитов R6 за каждый.
Доктор, который многие века ставил ужасающие опыты, покинул свой замок, в котором собралось ещё больше существ, желающих повеселиться. Монстры завели новых друзей, да и экстерминаторы вернулись в компании товарищей-чудищ. Смогут ли экстерминаторы уничтожить чудовищ, которые блуждают по замку, или те одержат верх?
White Masks can be heard speaking. They exchange intel on suspicious movements, send commands to each other, inform others of their action, and taunt downed Operators. In the final 4 single player situations, roamers will move towards the location of a bomber detonation. Headshots can prevent this. On all terrorist hunt missions and situations, enemies will try to shoot through walls and to flank Operators from behind. As terrorists are not detected when outside like in PvP, players need to take special attention to their back.
In a Disarm Bombs gamemode, the White Masks will try to stop the Bomb Defuser from deactivating their bombs. Even if one of them were to initiate disabling the defuser, they can still be stunned from Stun Grenades or Ying's Candelas, interrupting them.
The White Masks in Rainbow Six are an unknown and mysterious threat. No cause has been revealed, no demands have been made. The only known Terrorists entities are that this cell is identified by their white masks and that they will hit everywhere with absolute terror. Great Britain, the Ivory Coast, the United States, Russia, Germany, France. Key strategic locations around the world have been targeted by the frighteningly efficient White Masks, and each target is as critical and dangerous as the next.
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Хэллоуинское событие Doktor's Curse в Rainbow Six Siege, впервые прошедшее в 2019-м, вернётся уже завтра. Ивент будет длиться три недели — с 12 октября по 2 ноября.
The White Masks, the primary enemies in Terrorist Hunt mode, are trained to barricade, reinforce and set up traps and ambushes but are separated into archetypes that specialize in different tactics developed to combat against the outnumbered Rainbow team.
They are easily identifiable by their dark grey hoodies and bright white vest underneath it. They usually wield the M590A1 shotgun or the L85A2 assault rifle. They are only seen on the Defending side, never the Attack.
Roamers are typically armed with Assault Rifles, such as the 552 Commando, AUG A2 or L85A2, but rarely carry the M590A1 shotgun. They wear light-grey hoodies, compared to the Ambusher's dark-grey.
The Engineer archetype has two different functions, depending on whether or not they are Defending or Attacking.
When it comes to Defending, its sole duty is to set up defenses such as Barricades and Nitro Cells meant to thwart Attacking Operators. They tend to cover entire rooms with Barbed Wire and Nitro Cells in order to slow down or incapacitate Attackers, allowing other, offense-orientated archetypes to flank and eliminate any opposition. Reinforcing walls is much less common but is still used as more of a trapping tactic rather than for protection.
They wield the L85A2 rifle and wear a green hoodie with a visible white vest underneath.
A pair of Bombers
The Bomber is a less common but highly lethal archetype. The Bomber's only intention is to rush toward the Operator once their location has become known and commit a suicide bombing. The resulting explosion will easily destroy the surrounding area and inflict major damage on anyone in the vicinity. As a result, it is essential that they are eliminated first in order to easily dispatch other enemy types.
Bombers can be distinguished by their bulky white attire consisting of heavy body armor strapped with explosives and flashing red and blue lights. They can also be heard approaching by their signature breathing sound, which is very slow and heavy. Outrunning rushing Bombers is ill-advised as they will eventually catch up if they aren't dealt with soon. Their heavy-duty body armor makes them incredibly impervious to body shots, making headshots the only viable way to quickly dispatch them. Bombers can drop smoke grenades and stand in the smoke, concealing their position, and from a distance their distinctive red or blue light on their head.
Shooting at the explosives strapped on the Bomber has a chance to cause the Bomber to explode instantly. This is useful for quickly dispatching Bombers, though unrecommended due to the large amounts of damage the explosion will cause.
There typically were two Bombers per Terrorist Hunt game session on Normal difficulty (Classic, Disarm, and Extract), and only one during the last wave of Protect Asset.
Bombers were generally equipped with the same weapons as roamers. However, in Article 5 and the last wave of Protect Asset, they could be equipped with the 6P41 light machine gun. Currently, Bombers are almost always equipped with the 552 Commando.
Situation specific counters
- Glaz's OTS rifle can dispatch the bomber in Cold Zero in one shot to the head or by hitting them in their chest in 12 - 15 shots, however, with only 10 rounds, this can be hard to pull off. His smoke grenades can cause a bomber to not locate Glaz and begin their rush if used correctly
- Iq's R.E.D. MK3 Spectre can detect a bomber's explosive vest from 18 meters away on the Neutralize Cell Situation. Players can use this intel to land a headshot or detonate the explosives
- In Heavily Fortified, Thatcher's EMP grenades will disable a bomber's explosive device.
Doktor’s Curse — это своеобразные прятки, где обороняющимся нужно либо убить атакующих, либо выжить до конца раунда. Оружия дальнего боя ни у кого нет, зато есть следующее:
Защитники — обычные ловушки с определёнными модификаторами и способность «Ночной вихрь», что даёт ускорение и невидимость. Штурмовики — особая кувалда и три устройства: Eyenox модели III (Jackal), EE-ONE-D (Lion) и датчик пульса (Pulse), который будет использовать Sledge.Читайте также: