Прототип трисс меригольд ведьмак 3
Всем привет. С вами Хабар. Сегодня я продолжу рассказывать факты про разных персонажей вселенной Ведьмака. Если вы пропустили факты о Геральте из Ривии, то вам сюда . Ну а сегодня речь пойдет о Трисс Меригольд из Марибора.
Из этой статьи вы узнаете, что связывает Трисс с Ромильдой Вейн, симпатичной чародейкой из Хогвартса; звездой обложки какого любопытного издания стала Меригольд; Ламберт или Эскель?
А мы продолжаем .
1. Книжная Трисс внешне отличается от трисс CD Project Red. Героиня Сапковского имеет прекраснейшие каштановые волосы и голубые глаза.
2. Трисс Меригольд участвовала в легендарной битве на Содденском холме . Огромная армия Нильфгаарда, пройдя через Амелл, вторглась в Цинтру, развязав этим первую северную войну. Предав Цинтру огню и мечу, нильфгаардцы продолжили продвигаться на север. У королевств практически не было шансов, пока в битву не вмешался Капитул Чародеев.
На стороне последних сражались 22 чародея, 13 из которых пали. Совсем еще юной Трисс тяжело далась битва. Чародейка не смогла пройти эту проверку на прочность. Запаниковав, она забыла все заклинания, кроме заклинания телепортации домой, в Марибор. В результате Меригольд получила тяжелые увечья, из за которых ее ошибочно сочли погибшей. Имя Трисс уже выгравировали на памятном обелиске, в числе погибших под Содденом чародеев. Но она выжила и получила прозвище - Четырнадцатая с холма.
3. Из первых двух фактов вытекает следующий - всем известная история со шрамами и декольте игровой Меригольд. Мы помним, что чародейка получила не малые увечья в сражении на Содденском холме, лишившись своих чудесных каштановых волос — их спалило магией. Она же оставила на груди Трисс страшный след от ожога. Хоть чародейке удалось восстановить свои прекрасные локоны, но шрам излечить она не смогла. По это причине книжная Меригольд теперь не охотно демонстрирует эту часть своего тела.
А вот игровая Трисс смогла скрыть эти увечья, чтобы без стеснения обнажаться перед Геральтом и не только. " Каждая Женщина знает секрет, как в любой ситуации выглядеть идеально и подчеркнуть свою красоту", утверждает ловкая Меригольд.
Конечно, наблюдая за красотой Трисс во время пикантных сцен с ведьмаком, мы не думаем, что чему-то под силу испортить красу Меригольд.
4. Любопытно, но не смотря на отношение к Геральту, Трисс скорее всего позволила лицезреть себя не только Ведьмаку. Вы уже могли слышать о ее возможной связи с Ламбертом и Эскелем . На это нам могут косвенно указывать несколько моментов:
Вспомним , как во время лихой попойки в Каэр Морхен, Ламберт признался, что ему приходилось удаляться из покоев чудесной леди через окно. Имя той леди ведьмак, как "настоящий галантный мужчина", конечно не стал разглашать 😖🤯😆 Упомянул лишь, что удалиться в лучших традициях Дон Жуана его вынудил друг, которого тот не хотел расстроить.
А теперь перенесемся в первую часть игры и вспомним эпизод, в котором Геральт оказался дома у Трисс. Его взгляд могли привлечь следы, ведущие от кровати к окну. Может, это и совпадение, но все таки "Ай-да Ламберт")
Так же есть некоторые предпосылки,способные указать на теплые отношения Эскеля и рыжеволосой чародейки:
- Э скель чем то напоминает Геральта.
- Е сть у ведьмаков такая особенность - эманирование. Прикосновение ведьмака к телу того,кого он трогает, вызывает приятную дрожь с вибрацией у последнего. Так вот - Эскель эманирует сильнее. Чародейка не раз обращала на это внимание. Да, и Трисс легче получить то, что она хочет от Эскеля, чем от Геральта.
- В книге "Кровь эльфов" Эскель живо реагирует на похабные, сальные взгляды Ламберта в сторону Трисс.
- В рассказе Сапковского «Что-то кончается, что-то начинается» Трисс уже в отношениях с Эскелем. Хоть рассказ и не канон, но все же. И таких фактов не мало.
Но мы не будем глубже вдаваться в личную жизнь Меригольд, а перейдем к следующему, не менее интересному факту, касающемуся обнаженной красоты Трисс.
5. Чародейка участвовала в фотосессии для польского PlayBoy, и даже попала на обложку в определенном тираже.
Этот факт известен уже многим, и ее фотосессия стала достоянием интернета. Но не все знают, что кроме горячих фото, Трисс(конечно в лице команды CD Projekt) подарила изданию свое интервью. В нем она ответила на вопросы, которые касались ее отношений с Геральтом, на вопросы красоты и любви, и на вопросы, непосредственно связанные с самой фотосессией.
И на последок , к завершению первой части - еще пару легких фактов про Трисс:
6. Нельзя сказать, что Трисс очень везет с экранизациями. В польском сериале ее вообще нет. Но вот с Netflix связан один любопытный факт, а точнее - Анна Шафер, сыгравшая ромильду Вейн( Гарри Поттер и Принц полукровка), молоденькую чародейку из Когтеврана, охотившуюся за сердцем главного героя.
Так что, определенный навык охоты у Анны Шафер есть.
7. Трисс не только чтит каноны красоты , но и старается опережать их. "Осиная" талия чародейки составляет 22 дюйма, т.е. 55 сантиметров в обхвате. Как - бы нужно 60_) Чтоб попасть в ряды красивых😫)))
Если вам понравилась статья, то по старинке - ставьте лайки, подписывайтесь на канал и оставляйте свои комментарии. С вами был Хабар , до скорых встреч))
Она встречалась с Ламбертом и не смогла убить шпиона.
Трисс – верная подруга Геральта во всех трех частях, хотя в каждой из них дружба может перерасти во что-то большее. Мы собрали малозаметные детали о Трисс из серии игр CD Projekt Red. Осторожно, в посте есть спойлеры к сюжетным квестам в Новиграде.
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• Ламберт – бывший любовник Трисс. В первом «Ведьмаке» в ее комнате можно увидеть следы, ведущие к окну – и если раньше мы не догадывались, кто это вообще мог быть, то в третьей части во время пьяной посиделки в Каэр Морхене Ламберт намекнул на это. Ведьмаки играют в «я никогда не. » – алкоигра, в которой нужно выпивать, если делал то, чего другие не делали. Геральт говорит, что никогда не выпрыгивал из окон любовницы, и Ламберт пьет за это – значит, все же выпрыгивал. Он не станет рассказывать в подробностях, лишь заметит, что его любовница встречалась с его другом, и он не хотел обидеть этого друга.
Есть еще одна теория о Ламберте и Трисс, завязанная на карточках. В первом «Ведьмаке» они достаются простым способом – нужно переспать с девушкой, и у вас в коллекции появится ее карта. В третьей части Геральт получает карту Трисс для Гвинта именно от Ламберта. Возможно, это еще одно доказательство их романа.
Официальная страница «Ведьмака» подтвердила это в переписке с одним из фанатов. Они пояснили, что хотели оставить игрокам информацию для размышлений и додумываний.
• А еще в Каэр Морхене можно найти кровать, которую выбросила взбешенная Йеннифэр. Там же можно найти сережку Трисс – и даже вернуть ей. Чародейка удивится, потому что потеряла украшение несколько лет назад.
• За пару месяцев до релиза игры у Трисс было меньше контента в игре. Даже диалог при встрече в Каэр Морхене (с Йен, Цири и остальными перед битвой с Дикой Охотой) написали уже перед самым релизом. У нее также не было романтических диалогов в Каэр Морхене и на Скеллиге перед самой финальной битвой, а Геральт не упоминал о ней как о возлюбленной при встрече с Цириллой.
• Трисс не любит некромантию и черную магию. Этот диалог можно услышать только если ведьмак попросит Менге выпустить Лютика в ходе квеста «Сокровища графа Ройвена». Чародейка добьет охотника за колдуньями и, когда Геральт попросит оживить его, рыжеволосая скажет, что не настолько опустилась, чтобы использовать некромантию. Уже потом на Скеллиге ведьмак увидит черную магию в исполнении Йен.
• В комнате Трисс в Новиграде можно подобрать розу памяти. Это цветок из «Ведьмак 2», который вернул Геральту память. Квест на поиск розы во второй части может закончиться красивой сценой, в которой Геральт и Трисс занимаются сексом в древнем эльфийском бассейне. В третьей части роза увяла, хотя по эльфийским легендам, если дарить ее любимому человеку, она не завянет никогда. Сама чародейка, если ведьмак вручит ей розу, отреагирует сдержанно и пояснит, что с тех времен многое поменялось.
• Во время квеста «Костры Новиграда», когда они с Геральтом будут травить крыс, у пары найдется минутка для разговора. Трисс неожиданно спросит у ведьмака, как дела у Йеннифэр. Перед нами три варианта ответа: «Все в порядке», «Так себе» и «Не знаю». Можно выбирать любой из них – на вопрос Геральта, интересует ли ее что-то конкретное о Йеннифэр, девушка ответит одинаково во всех трех случаях: «Неважно. Я уже все поняла».
• Трисс не убьет шпиона Ямурлака в квесте «Сокровища графа Ройвена», даже если Геральт ей это предложит. После «убийства» Трисс расскажет, как отвратительно себя чувствует, и оставит Геральта. Но если обследовать тело, то ведьмак увидит, что шпион еще жив. Если включить режим медитации на пару дней, то тело и вовсе пропадет – наверное, шпион оклемался и все же ушел.
Triss Merigold of Maribor was a legendary Temerian sorceress of the 13th century. Called Fourteenth of the Hill by her contemporaries because she was erroneously thought to have been killed during the Battle of Sodden Hill, she passed into history as Merigold the Fearless. A member of King Foltest's royal council along with Fercart and Keira Metz, as well as a founding member of the Lodge of Sorceresses, she was involved in politics for most of her life.
Not much is known about Triss' upbringing. Not even a precise time of her birth, which is a subject to some degree of confusion - see below. What is known is the fact, that she was born and lived as a child in Maribor. Sometime during her childhood, she had a conduit moment and was noticed by sorcerers. Thus, she found her way to Aretuza. Here, she became a sorceress on her own, specializing in making of magical potions, mainly healing ones. This was rather amusing twist of fate as she herself was allergic to magical potions and could only tolerate non magical ones.
After the graduation, she became a very well known and respected sorceress taking her assignment as a advisor to the throne of Temeria.
During her studies, she befriended a fellow sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg. During 1249, which is a time when a story "The Last Wish" takes place, the two of them were already close friends and colleagues.
Romance with a Witcher
Some time later, Triss found out about her friend's relations with Geralt of Rivia. Curious about the nature of that relationship, she used a little bit of magic and seduced the witcher, resulting in short relationship between them.
After some time however, Geralt simply ended the relationship from guilt. This proved to be very difficult for Triss as she fell in deep love with Geralt. Despite that, the two of them remained very good friends in years to come and even though Triss was still unhappily in love with him, he did not wish to start anew.
The Battle of Sodden Hill
In 1263, after the First Northern War with Nilfgaard started, and the kingdom of Cintra destroyed, sorcerers and sorceresses under the leadership of Vilgefortz of Roggeveen decided to stand on Sodden Hill supporting Northern troops with their magic. Here, they wanted to stop the invading forces. Triss was among those who volunteered. The battle was brutal and the mages stood against incredibly strong forces but in the end, they managed to defeat the invaders. The cost of victory was high, though, as 13 mages died. As a matter of fact, it was first believed that the number of dead was 14 - the last one being Triss. She was very seriously wounded, sustaining burns on her body, but also having all of her hair burnt off. With Yennefer, the only mage that would have still recognised her, blinded during the battle, she was counted amongst the dead.
When Geralt rode near Sodden some time later, he saw the memory stone erected in remembrance of those who gave their lives to protect the North. Triss was among them, which saddened Geralt very deeply. When it was later discovered that Triss had indeed managed to survive the battle, she became known as "the fourteenth of the hill".
Kaer Morhen
In December 1265, Triss received a message from Geralt, asking her to come to Kaer Morhen to help him with his Child of Surprise - Ciri. Ciri was trained by the witchers, yet she started to show some strong magical abilities that were beyond what was conventional for witchers. Thus, Triss accepted and went there, but she was reluctant to be near Geralt again as her feelings for him had not faded. During her stay, she constantly struggled with the way she felt, but eventually managed to clear her mind and do her job. Ciri, as she discovered, was a young lady with a sad history and the two of them took a liking to each other instantly. Their bond was so strong that Ciri started to consider Triss her older sister and vice versa. Some disquiet between Triss and the witchers surfaced when Triss discovered that the witchers wanted to submit Ciri to special potions. While not as invasive as the Trial of the Grasses, the potions would still cause harm to her body and most likely leave her barren. She begged them not to give her those, and eventually they agreed.
Caring for Ciri
More problematic, however, was her increasingly strong proficiency with magic. The witchers told Triss, that since Ciri came to the keep, she had 3 incidents where she spoke with a different voice in an unrecognizable language and entered a trance-like state. In the last one, she also foretold the deatsh of Geralt and Coën. They said that the first time it happened was after Ciri accidently drunk a potion, the same potion, that now stood before Triss. When Ciri came, Triss tricked her into drinking said potion to the shock of all the witchers. She told them however, that she knew what she was doing, and she wished to understand the trances. Ciri started to dance and not long after fell into a trance. Triss telepathically connected with her and tried to find out the problem. While connected to the young girl, she felt a strong presence inside her, hallucinating that she was back at the Battle of Sodden Hill. Triss used all her power and identification spells but it all proved futile. This battle of wills proved very draining and she passed out.
Later, she woke in her bed with Geralt next to her. He told Triss that she was out for six hours and ensured her that Ciri was alright and slept in her room. The sorceress told Geralt that whatever was wrong with Ciri was way too powerful for her and that he should contact Yennefer, who was more knowledgable about such things. Geralt was reluctant, considering their past, but Triss insisted it would be the best for the girl. After Geralt agreed, Triss told him that when spring came, they should take Ciri to the Temple of Melitele in Ellander. The witcher agreed and then spent the night with the old friend, taking care of her.
Over the next few months, Triss spent every day with Ciri and tought her various topics, including the Elder Speech and how to apply make-up. In February 1266, as the spring neared, the witchers were slowly preparing to go on the path once again and wanted to know all the relevant news from the Continent, so as to decide where to go.
Path to the Temple
Triss, along with Geralt and Ciri went south across the Gwenllech and Buina rivers. Not long after, Triss became ill, having very strong stomach aches and cramps. Her illness was worse and worse to such a state, that she was not able to hold herself in the saddle. Thus Geralt had to carry her on his horse. But even with that, they were slow and had to stop for the sorceress to relieve herself.
Eventually they arrived at a fort at the foot of a bridge. This however proved unhelpful, as the settlement had been attacked by elven commandos of Scoia'tael the night previous. Triss was laid down with the other wounded while Geralt went to find out what their options were. He learned about the attack and the planned retaliation, however he knew they had none who could cure Triss. What was worse, the men started to think that Triss may have some infection that could spread, even though Geralt told them that mages cannot have an infection due to their immunity, and that it had to be a case of food poisoning, they did not want her there.
Thus the trio was forced to go on. Fortunately, Geralt learned about a convoy that went the same way as they need to so they rode to them. There they discovered that in the convoy was an old friend, the dwarf Yarpen Zigrin, leading his company of dwarves. Geralt persuaded Yarpen and Vilfrid Wenck, who was in charge of the convoy, to allow the trio to join them. Triss was laid to one of the wagons but her state was still very severe. She was no longer able to relieve herself on her own and Geralt had to carry her into the woods.
They continued on the way towards the Lixela, and Triss started to feel better, but she was still very weak thus Geralt and Ciri had to help her with bathing and clothing. As a matter of fact, despite her state, Triss rather enjoyed Geralt holding her so tightly and caring for her. Sometime later the convoy was approached by soldiers from Kaedwen. Those soldiers warned the men that Scoia'tael were near so they should continue very carefully. Not long after that, the elves indeed attacked the convoy. Triss was thrown out of the wagon and suffered a nasty wound to her head. The attack was swift but the defenders managed to repel it. By that time, Triss was well enough to be able to take care of the wounded and help them with her magic.
The Witcher
Triss is a major character in The Witcher computer game. She is one of the first people Geralt meets after being found unconscious in the woods by his fellow witchers.
She is also the one to nurse Geralt back to health after his first battle with Azar Javed in the Swamp. Once Geralt regains consciousness, he finds himself in the bedroom of her luxurious Trade Quarter home, and he sees her talking presumably to another sorceress. She diligently "checks him for internal injuries".
Journal Entry
Along with me and the other witchers, Triss fought in defense of Kaer Morhen. The sorceress stood against the mysterious mage, one of the leaders of the assault. She was injured and lost consciousness. Ironically, Triss is allergic to magic and she can only be administered natural healing potions. Triss Merigold is my friend. She saw me die and my return to the world of the living surprised her. Triss is a sorceress — one of the most influential and talented of her kind. She has numerous powerful friends, and she knows the Kaer Morhen witchers. She is one of the few people who know the way to the fortress. I have a feeling Triss likes me a lot. After Leo's funeral, the sorceress teleported to Vizima. She decided to use her extensive contacts and search for information on Salamandra. Triss promised to find me as soon as I arrive in Vizima. Triss found me in the swamp, where I lay unconscious after my clash with Azar Javed. She transported me to her house in the Trade Quarter and took care of me until I came round. Lying there awake I overheard Triss gossip with her friend on the magic communicator, and I now know that other sorceresses are also interested in Salamandra. if Geralt leaves Alvin with Shani: I left Alvin in Shani's care. Triss decided that I don't trust her and that I prefer the medic. She is angry with me and it seems our affair is over. if Geralt leaves Alvin with Triss: I concluded that it would be best to leave Alvin in Triss' care. She saw my choice as proof of my trust. She decided I liked her more than Shani, which only improved our relationship. Dandelion delivered a letter from Triss. The sorceress has asked me to take good care of Alvin. She is also worried about me — she hopes we can have a steady relationship and raise Alvin together when I complete my mission. I answered Triss' letter and explained my feelings. After Foltest's return to Vizima, Triss fell into disfavor — the monarch didn't approve of her political scheming. The sorceress is practically a hostage at the Royal Palace and her fate is in my hands. Triss joined me during the attack on the Old Manor. As a friend, she aids me in my search. I think she seeks revenge on Azar Javed for their magical duel at Kaer Morhen. I met Triss, or rather a vision of her, in the Ice Plains. The sorceress helped me pursue the Grand Master.Romance
For the main article, see The Witcher romance.
During the prologue, after dealing with the Salamandra invasion of Kaer Morhen, Triss is gravely wounded and needs a special potion which Geralt must brew to help her recover. If not rushed during the dialogue, after drinking the potion, she offers Geralt his first sexual encounter of the game.
Chapter III
If it was Triss and not Shani who was chosen to take care of Alvin the second romance option becomes available if she is given a ruby ring, and in regards to Alvin, Geralt must be strict at least once.
Associated Quests
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Triss plays a major role throughout the story. She first appears in the prologue as Geralt's lover; her feelings for him have evidently remained unchanged. Triss assists Geralt and Foltest in taking La Valette castle. She gets separated from them when a dragon attacks Foltest's forces. After Geralt is imprisoned for Foltest's murder, she meets up with him and Vernon Roche before they set sail for Flotsam, having lost her position as advisor after Foltest's death. In Flotsam, she meets with fellow Lodge member, Síle de Tansarville, and becomes suspicious of her presence. She helps Geralt prepare to fight a kayran by introducing him to Cedric, finding the Kayran's lair, and helping him create a potion to allow Geralt to resist the beast's poison. After Geralt meets Letho, Triss and Cedric break into Síle's room and Triss uses the megascope to try to gain more information on Síle (by speaking either to Dethmold or Philippa). Shortly after, Letho abducts Triss and forces her to teleport them to Vergen.
In Vergen, Triss gets away from Letho and tries to make contact with Philippa. She finds Philippa's room, but comes upon Philippa's apprentice, Cynthia, there instead. Cynthia, a Nilfgaardian spy, captures Triss using Artefact compression, and smuggles Triss across the mist of wraiths, where Triss eventually makes it into the hands of Nilfgaard's ambassador, Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen. Before Geralt can rescue her, Shilard takes his ship to Loc Muinne.
In Loc Muinne, he commissioned the help of Assire var Anahid to decompress Triss. Triss is restrained and interrogated for more information of the Lodge. If Geralt chooses not to save her, in favor of helping Roche or Iorveth, a massacre erupts in Loc Muinne, with opposing forces fighting not only one another, but also mages after Nilfgaard revealed the Lodge's involvement with the Northern regicides. In the chaos, Letho saves Triss from the Nilfgaardian camp, and takes her to the now abandoned Temerian camp and protects her until Geralt arrives after fighting the dragon. Once Geralt reaches the camp, Triss steps away, while the two witchers talk.
If Geralt chooses to rescue Triss, he breaks into the Nifgaard camp and eventually finds her restrained and asks her about the Lodge and their influence behind the Demavend and Foltest's murders. When Geralt and Triss go to the amphitheater, Triss reveals Síle's role in the assassinations, allowing Carduin to reject Síle from joining the reformed Conclave of Mages. Triss and Geralt are separated again when Geralt goes to fight the dragon, and they meet up shortly afterwards, where Triss tells Geralt that Letho is waiting for him. On their way to Letho, Triss explains that mages helped prevent further bloodshed in the city. Regardless whether Geralt rescued her or not, after Geralt confronts Letho, he leaves Loc Muinne with Triss (and maybe with Roche or Iorveth).
For the main article, see The Witcher 2 romance.
Triss is the default romance option - the game begins with her and Geralt already in a relationship. One of three opening scenes of Geralt's story during the prologue shows him getting up as Triss lies naked beside him as a messenger soldier enters their tent to summon the witcher to the King Foltest's side.
The first real opportunity arises near the end of Chapter I during the quest The Rose of Remembrance. When given the option to go to the elven baths, Geralt can choose to take the sorceress along with him. After a battle partway through the quest, the ground under their feet collapses, sending the two plummeting into ancient elven baths. Noting that an immediate escape is impossible, the two can take advantage of their location. Selecting the correct conversation options will initiate a cutscene, in which Triss completely takes off her clothes with magic and jumps into the water. Our Witcher soon joins her in the bath. After the lovers enjoyed one another well enough, Triss comments this short time of bliss in such a manner: "We should take walks more often. For a while there, I forgot all about Flotsam, the Scoia'tael, the kingslayer, the whole world really. ".
Трисс была на Содденском Холме в числе других чародеев, сражавшихся против Нильфгаарда. В ходе сражения впала в панику и потеряла сознание от страха, что потом долго её преследовало. Получила жестокие ранения, какое-то время ошибочно считалась погибшей, из-за чего стала известна, как "Четырнадцатая с холма". Также её имя появилось на обелиске, воздвигнутом в память павших на Холме чародеев. Свой страх ей удалось перебороть только при погроме в Ривии. Впоследствии от некоторых хронистов получила имя Бесстрашной.
Трисс Меригольд во время битвы под Содденом
Наряду с Феркартом и Кейрой Метц входила в Совет короля Темерии Фольтеста. После распада чародейского Братства стала участницей тайного Конвента (Ложи) чародеек, основанного Филиппой Эйльхарт.
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