Prisoner identity v способности
"Luca Balsa was once a world-renowned inventor. He never gave up his deepest aspiration even when he was in jail. Now that he's free, nothing is stopping him from completing his greatest invention."
— Rumor
Luca Balsa, or the Prisoner, is one of 31 Survivors currently featured in Identity V .
Background [ ]
He was bailed out of jail by the owner of the Manor.
Overview [ ]
The Prisoner is a decoding character. The Prisoner's item allows him to view and connect ciphers from around the map. By connecting ciphers, he can share decoding progress between the two ciphers. He can choose how much decoding progress he wants to transmit to the connected cipher, from 0% to 48%. However, some decoding progress between shared ciphers is also lost , ranging from 10% to 20% depending on how far away the connected cipher is. The Prisoner has a 10% Decoding buff when decoding at a connected cipher.
Exit gates are also automatically connected and the Prisoner can choose how much decoding progress will be shared between two gates, ranging from 0% to 48%.
An area around a connected cipher machine will be electrified, which is marked by a blue aura. Standing in the blue area charges the Prisoner's "Conductor" ability, which allows him to stun the Hunter with his electricity once per charge. Hunters that enter the area for a long time will also get stunned. Hunters will develop an immunity to the electricity after being stunned 3 times.
The connection can be broken by the Hunter or will naturally be broken after one cipher or one gate is fully decoded. The electrified area also disappears when the connection is broken.
Deduction Target [ ]
All completed Objectives reward the player with +335 Logic points for the Logic Path
- Arc Short-lived, dangerous, an illusion as if a blinding sun.
- Basic Objective: Make 1 cipher connection
- Advanced Objective 1: Make 2 cipher connections
- Advanced Objective 2: Make 3 cipher connections
- Impedance The things that make you successful will also get in your way.
- Basic Objective: Use electric charge to stun hunter once
- Advanced Objective 1: Use electric charge to stun hunter once
- Advanced Objective 2: Use electric charge to stun hunter twice
- Medium The spread of energy requires it to bump against reality.
- Basic Objective: Stun the hunter with the area around a connected cipher once
- Advanced Objective 1: Stun the hunter with the area around a connected cipher twice
- Advanced Objective 2: Stun the hunter with the area around a connected cipher twice
- Tuning You are merely the owner, and not the creator.
- Basic Objective: Change current transmission degree once
- Advanced Objective 1: Change current transmission degree twice
- Advanced Objective 2: Change current transmission degree thrice
- Coupling To resonate intelligence, one needs to find similar souls.
- Basic Objective: Reunite with teammates once
- Advanced Objective 1: Reunite with teammates twice
- Advanced Objective 2: Reunite with teammates thrice
- Correction Every experiment has their own different calibration standards.
- Basic Objective: Transmit 20% decoding progress
- Advanced Objective 1: Transmit 40% decoding progress
- Advanced Objective 2: Transmit 60% decoding progress
- Inductance Time may not come to change everything.
- Basic Objective: Use transmissions to prime a cipher once
- Advanced Objective 1: Use transmissions to prime a cipher once
- Advanced Objective 2: Use transmissions to prime a cipher twice
- Terminate What's the exchange for innate talent?
- Basic Objective: Open the exit gate
- Advanced Objective 1: Open the exit gate
- Advanced Objective 2: Open the exit gate
- Destroy A madman, or a thief?
- Basic Objective: Escape from hunter once
- Advanced Objective 1: Escape from hunter twice
- Advanced Objective 2: Escape from hunter twice
- Polar You merely needed an opportunity.
- Basic Objective:
- Advanced Objective 1:
- Advanced Objective 2:
- Overshoot The smallest change, the biggest difference.
- Basic Objective: Help open the gates with transmissions
- Advanced Objective 1: Help open the gates with transmissions
- Advanced Objective 2: Help open the gates with transmissions
After deducing Target 11: Overshoot, Prisoner's Worn Clothes costume will be unlocked.
1. Схема управления
Заключённый хорошо знаком с подземными схемами поместья и, перенастроив их, он может изменить связь между машинками. Подключенные машинки могут передавать прогресс декодирования между собой.
После использования собственного навыка, расположение машинок на карте появляется в голове Заключенного, что позволяет ему использовать провода для изменения их соединения.
Заключённый может соединить две нерасшифрованные машинки, создавая путь соединения с перезарядкой в 30 секунд. Каждый Заключенный в команде может создать только одно соединение между двумя машинками. После того, как соединение установлено, все выжившие могут его увидеть.
Расшифровывая одну машинку выживший может одновременно передавать настроенный процент своего прогресса декодирования на другую. Во время передачи прогресса скорость декодирования машинки будет уменьшаться в соответствии с переданной скоростью расшифровки.
Процент передачи может быть настроен по желанию, от 0% до 40%. Однако из-за весьма устаревших проводов Заключённого, передаваемый процесс декодирования будет нести некоторые потери в зависимости от расстоянии двух машинок друг от друга в диапазоне от 0% до 30%.
Соединения могут быть разорваны охотниками. Машинки, у которых было разорвано соединение, не могут быть снова подключены в течение 45 секунд. Если какая либо из них будет расшифрована, соединение исчезнет автоматически.
Из-за произошедшей в прошлом аварии, тело Заключенного было сильно изменено, превратив его в проводник, который может накапливать весь электрический заряд. Когда Заключённый декодирует подключенную машинку, разряд создаст заряженную область вокруг расшифровываемой машинки. Охотник будет оглушен, если будет находиться в данном поле в течение некоторого времени.
Каждый удар электрическим зарядом увеличивает сопротивляемость охотника к нему (максимальный предел оглушения достигает нуля). Когда соединение исчезает или разрывается, заряженная область исчезает вместе с ним.
В пределах заряженной области Заключенный будет медленно накапливать электричество. При полном заряде он способен выпустить один сильный электрический разряд, от которого управление охотника будет изменено в течение трёх секунд.
Благодаря его внимательности, Заключенный заранее установил пути соединения между двумя воротами на карте. После того, как все машинки будут расшифрованы, соединение на обоих воротах будет установлено автоматически, позволяя им открываться одновременно.
Поскольку установленная связь между двумя воротами более сложная, шкала передачи может быть изменена только Заключенным от 0% до 40%.
Охотники могут разорвать связь между двумя воротами, не позволяя Заключенному установить соединение между воротами повторно.
При декодировании подключенных машинок Заключённым, скорость его расшифровки увеличивается на 10%, а после провала калибровки время оглушения охотника сокращается на 30%. Однако эта сосредоточенность также уменьшает внимательность Заключённого к окружающему миру, ослабляя его восприятие местонахождения охотника на 20%
Luca has a light skin tone and grey eyes. One of his eyes is half-closed and purple, likely a bruise. He has messy brown hair in a small tail and a small tooth sticks out of his mouth. He wears a black and white striped prisoner's uniform, blue jeans, a brown belt, navy shin-guards and brown boots. Attached to his belt are various tools and toolholders, including a hammer, some wire, rope, a yellow screwdriver and a wrench, as well as another leather belt hanging from a silver ring. Around his neck is a silver chain and shackle and underneath it are bandages. There are also bandages on his arm. He wears cream gloves.
Luca is a decoder without any notable movement debuffs, and with a small electric stun ability, giving him higher survivability compared to other decoder characters. Luca also start a round with one electric stun ability.
External Traits
Character Statistics
Press "Expand" to see the character's statistics.
- Running Speed: 3.8 m/s
- Walking Speed: 2.11 m/s
- Crouch Walking Speed: 1.14 m/s
- Crawling Speed: 0.32 m/s
- Duration of decoding Cipher Machines (with a Connection): 73.64 sec
- Regressed decoding progress from electric shock: 1.0%
- Duration of inability to decode from electric shock: 1.4 sec
- Time spent opening Exit Gate: 18.0 sec
- Time spent dropping pallets: 0.73 sec
- Time spent vaulting over pallets at high speed: 1.17 sec
- Time spent vaulting over pallets at medium speed: 1.63 sec
- Time spent vaulting over pallets at low speed: 2.07 sec
- Time spent vaulting over windows at high speed: 0.87 sec
- Time spent vaulting over windows at low speed: 1.27 sec
- Time spent going through chests: 10.0 sec
- Time spent healing injured Survivors: 15.0 sec
- Time spent being healed by others: 15.0 sec
- Self-healing time after knockdown: 30.0 sec
- Duration of footprint: 4.0 sec
- Duration of speed boost after being hit: 2.0 sec
- Duration of struggle while being held up: 16.0 sec
- Rocket Chair countdown time: 60.0 sec
- Time spent being rescued from Rocket Chairs: 1.0 sec
Character Backstory and Lore
Official Website Backstory
Luca Balsa used to be considered friendly and too trusting by most people. No one knows where he came from or has seen his family, but clearly, he's well educated. He has a tremendous sense of pride and he is curious about all sorts of scientific inventions.
And so it's no surprise that he became the assistant of the most famous inventor in town.
The great inventor thinks highly of Luca and a lot of people thought he would be the inventor's successor. Yet everything came to a halt because of an academic dispute. The great inventor claimed that Luca sold his research to a competitor behind his back, that Luca is an ungrateful traitor. Yet Luca said the great inventor is a thief who has run out of ideas.
No one knows what actually happened as the great inventor died in an accident in the laboratory, while Luca suffered irreversible brain damage and was accused of murder. Luca was sentenced to hang, but he was somehow pardoned at the last minute.
Yet there is no turning back for Luca. His memory becomes poor and he can't concentrate on his work. He can no longer conduct scientific researches and all of his savings went to the immense compensation for the inventor's wife.
Official Trailer Transcription
"I can't remember how long I've been working this humble job. I can't seem to remember anything. But, I do have vague memories of that invention. As soon as I first saw it, I knew that I'd never be able to love anything else. You know, the glorious feeling of having an invention of your own is almost too good to be true.
But yet, why did he always oppose my ideas?
I never found the answer, not even when the electric current struck his brain. He's already dead, But, is there any way to prevent me from being next.
I was acquitted with someone else's help after, but being spared from the noose was perhaps even worse as I was free but still unable to finish the great invention. Until, that letter miraculously appeared in my life;
The following section of this page contains theories and lore that has been pieced together by players and may contain unconfirmed information. If you add to this section, please only add theories supported by in-game evidence, and link to the source where such information was obtained or the original theorizer using references.
Conclusion from Deductions
Luca was initially a nobleman until his father spent his and his wife's entire fortune on failed investments. This caused Luca's mother to "die of anger" while Luca couldn't forgive his father (for using up all their money on failed investments and possibly for causing his mother's death) and ran away from home. He eventually encountered Alva at an expo and, in exchange for giving Alva one of his family's manuscripts, became his student. Luca became focused on a certain invention while he was with Alva.
After many failed experiments in his laboratory, Alva claimed some of his manuscripts had gone missing, and he reported it as a theft to the police. It was believed that the stolen manuscripts ended up in a competitor's hands, and Alva blamed Luca as a traitor who had sold them, while Luca called Alva a thief who stole ideas from others as he had run out of his own. Soon after, Luca continued his own experiments. During one of Luca's experiments, a situation broke out between Alva and Luca (in Luca's trailer, Alva looks like he was attacking Luca) and an accident occurs, killing Alva and leaving Luca with amnesia. Luca was blamed for the accident and sent to prison.
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External Traits [ ]
Tap item to use. The "Prisoner" envisions the distributions of Cipher Machines in his head and change the wiring to adjust the Connection status between Cipher Machines.
The "Prisoner" can connect to inactive Cipher Machines and form a Connection , with a cooldown of 30 seconds. Each "Prisoner" can only create 1 Connection, and there can only be 2 Cipher Machines on each Connection. All Survivors will be able to see the Connection.
When Survivors decode a Cipher Machine on a Connection, they can transmit a certain percentage of their Decoding Progress to another Cipher Machine. During the transmission, their own Decoding Progress will be decreased by the same transmission percentage.
Survivors can adjust the transmission percentage within the range of 0% to 48% . At the same time, due to deterioration of the circuit, some of the transmitted Decoding Progress will be lost (without affecting one's own Decoding Speed). The farther away the connected Cipher Machines are, the bigger the loss will be, ranging from 10% to 20% .
Connections can be destroyed by Hunters. A destroyed Cipher Machine can't be reconnected to a Connection for 45 seconds. If a Cipher Machine is activated in a Connection, the Connection will become invalid automatically.
An incident changed the "Prisoner's" body composition and made him a "Conductor" capable of accumulating electric charges.
When the "Prisoner" decodes a Cipher Machine in a Connection, an electrical area will be formed as a result of electric charges focusing around the Cipher Machine. When Hunters enter such an area for a long time, they will be electrocuted and stunned.
With each electrocution, the Hunter's resistance to electric charges is permanently increased so that the stun duration of the Hunter will decrease until it drops to 0 . When a Connection becomes invalid or destroyed, the electrical area will disappear with it.
Enhanced Charges
Due to his unique body composition, the "Prisoner" will recharge when he enters an electrical area. Once the recharge is completed, he can release severe electric currents 1 time. The severe electric currents will send an Electric Shock towards Hunters nearby and stun them for 1 second.
As the effect of Electric Shock is strong, it won't be affected by Hunter's resistance to electric charges.
As the Connection between the Exit Gates is quite complicated, the transmission ratio of the Connection Passage can only be adjusted by the "Prisoner" within the range of 0% to 48% . At the same time, due to deterioration of the circuit, the transmitted Decoding Progress is lost at a consistent 15% .
Hunters can destroy the Connection between the Exit Gates.
Once it's destroyed, the "Prisoner" will no longer be able to connect them again.
However, such obsession also weakens the Prisoner's perception of his surroundings, such that the distance of his detection of the Hunters is decreased by 20% .
Deduction Targets
All completed Objectives reward the player with +335 Logic points for the Logic Path. After the character's deductions are completed, their Worn Clothes will be available.
Please press "Expand" to see the deduction path.
- Establish a Connection 1 time(s).
- Establish a Connection 2 time(s).
- Establish a Connection 3 time(s).
- Stun a Hunter with Enhanced Charges 1 time(s).
- Stun a Hunter with Enhanced Charges 1 time(s).
- Stun a Hunter with Enhanced Charges 2 time(s).
- Electrocute a Hunter 1 time(s).
- Electrocute a Hunter 2 time(s).
- Electrocute a Hunter 2 time(s).
- Adjust transmission percentage 1 time(s).
- Adjust transmission percentage 2 time(s).
- Adjust transmission percentage 3 time(s).
- Encounter 1 Teammate(s).
- Encounter 2 Teammate(s).
- Encounter 3 Teammate(s).
- Use a Connection to transmit 20% decoding progress.
- Use a Connection to transmit 40% decoding progress.
- Use a Connection to transmit 60% decoding progress.
- Use a Connection to assist the opening of 1 Cipher Machine(s).
- Use a Connection to assist the opening of 1 Cipher Machine(s).
- Use a Connection to assist the opening of 2 Cipher Machine(s).
- Open the exit gate.
- Escape from the Hunter 1 time(s).
- Escape from the Hunter 2 time(s).
- Escape from the Hunter 2 time(s).
- Adjust an exit gate's transmission percentage 1 time(s).
- Adjust an exit gate's transmission percentage 1 time(s).
- Adjust an exit gate's transmission percentage 2 time(s).
- Use a Connection transmission to assist the opening of an exit gate.
Character Background
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