Прическа ланги хасегавы в реальной жизни
Рэки бежит, бежит и сходит с ума.
Он не догнал, он опоздал.
но только не в реальности.
вообще писала нцу по джочерри, но стекло само пришло ко мне.
Рэки, я рядом!
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На улице только прошёл дождь и стоит прекрасная погода. Повсюду небо разбросало много маленьких, или не очень, луж, по которым резко, с бешеным разгоном, проезжает скейт, колеса которого уже ели выдерживают, дабы не отлететь в разные стороны. Следом за чёрной доской бежит юноша. Он бежит изо всех сил, он бежит и надеется на то, что он успеет. Он догонит и остановит человека, что сейчас ехал на верную смерть. В конце огромного пути, по которому движутся два тела в пропасть. Очень глубокая, бездонная пропасть, которая навсегда разлучит Рэки с его возлюбленным. Почему? Почему Рэки такой слабак! Он правда пытается догнать Лангу. Его голос дрожит. Беспорядочные крики вырываются из его рта, в то время как глаза плохо разбирают дорогу, лишь худо фокусируя свой взгляд на сильной спине, обнаженность которой прикрывает белая рубашка, что надета поверх чёрной водолазки. Ланге не страшно? Почему? Почему он не слышит Рэки? Рыжик отчаянно кричит, сжимая кулаки, впиваясь в свои ладошки маленькими ногтями, что оставляют следы на нежной коже.Страх берет вверх, а ноги не слушаются совсем. До пропасти осталось всего ничего, а Хасегава будто не слышит - лишь сильнее отталкивается одной ногой от земли, добавляя скорость. Мгновение, и Рэки перестаёт кричать, чувствуя, как его тело пронзает боль от падения на асфальт. Его коленки содраны, но он поднимает голову, в страхе замирая. Ланга стоит на краю пропасти, с сумасшедшой улыбкой поворачивается, и смотрит на Рэки, что снова заливается громким криком и пытается подняться, не замечая боль в теле. Он бежит. Снова и снова, бежит без остановки пока не добегает до Ланги. Секунда на отдышку и он снова поднимает голову вверх. Они смотрят на друг друга, пока не услышали тихий скрежет внизу. Земля уходит из под ног, Рэки чувствует, как сильная рука отталкивает его от края. Он кашляет от пыли. Когда кашель проходит и кругозор снова открыт, Каян понимает, что его Ланги больше нет. С ужасом и диким страхом, словно не боясь повторного падения земли, Рэки смотрит в пропасть и истошно кричит : - Ланга, нет! Хрупкое тело дрожит. Рэки приоткрывает глаза и видит, как на него уставилась пара голубых глаз, а сам их обладатель испуганно смотрит на своего парня. - Рэки? Рэки! Ну наконец-то! Что случилось? Ты.. Ты кричал во сне! - Ланга резко наклоняется ближе, так, чтобы его и так громкий голос, смог услышать рыжеволосый. - Ланга? Мне. Я не, - голос, сонный и тихий, заставляет наклониться синеволосого ещё ближе, и тихо прошептать: - Рэки, я рядом! Все будет хорошо
Langa Hasegawa is a gay character from SK8 the Infinity.
Langa is a half-Japanese exchange student who has just returned from Canada to Okinawa where his mother had grew up after his father's death. After he moved, he was sent to a high school where he met Reki Kyan, and after a second introduction from his part, he agreed to accompany him to S, where the two had a dispute with Shadow and this lead him to make a race with him. Despite of having 0 acknowledgement of skateboarding, he adapts quickly with what he learned in his fifteen years of snowboarding before, making it to the end surprising everyone there.
He has sky-blue hair (described as "snow-like") and blue eyes. He's above the average height, noticeably taller than people like Reki. He's seen with his school uniform which it consists on black shirt and pants plus purple sneakers (which Langa usually uses with every outfit). He also wears baggy clothes, consisting on a blue coat, dark pants, a gray-colored shirt and finally his usual purple sneakers.
Langa is a calm person but when comes with skateboarding, he's pretty determined and he frequently uses to risk his life at it. Sometimes he is also described as an "air-headed" person, also a very clueless person. Finally, he is naturally stubborn and a hard working person.
The creator hadn't explicit confirmed anything about Langa's crush on Reki but however the show talks by itself. Langa is shown to have a canon crush on Reki, it can be proven in episode 8 when being asked by his mom if he liked [Reki], asking by "person" if not Reki's name, and Langa affirmed with a blush while looking away in embarrassament.
As said in episode 8th, people implied that Langa crush on Reki was romantic, since Nanako asked Langa if he liked them in the romantic way, with the kanji "suki", which means "like". Fans were very excited about this, even if some people already had hope since the beginning that whether Langa or Reki could have a crush on each other.
Reki Kyan
His first friend and classmate. Langa is specially attached to him, ever since they met. He was the one who taught Langa about skating, which made Langa remember about how similar skateboarding was compared with snowboarding but still was difficult for him. Langa worries very much about Reki, specially after when they had a fight, Langa still looked forwardly for Reki, still naive about Reki's own feelings. After his mother asked if he liked Reki indirectly (by asking by "person" if not his name directly), Langa blushes at the question, and affirmed it while looking away from embarrassament. And when his mother say a "her" and he's confused as he repeat "her?"
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Langa Hasegawa ( 馳河 ( はせがわ ) ランガ , Hasegawa Ranga ? ) , known in "S" as Snow ( スノー , Sunō ? ) , is a half-Japanese exchange student who has just returned from Canada to Okinawa, where his mother grew up. He gets caught up in "S", an underground skateboard race, along with Reki Kyan, and the two are quick to become close friends. Unlike Reki, Langa has no skateboarding experience, but his knowledge in snowboarding helped him get a head start. Langa is the main deuteragonist of the SK8 the Infinity anime.
Langa has medium length sky-blue hair (described as "snow-like") that grows past his ears and blue eyes. He is above the average height, and noticeably taller than Reki. Usually, he's shown in a high school uniform consisting of black pants, a yellow vest-jacket, and a white button-down shirt. When hanging out with Reki he wears baggy clothes consisting of dark pants, a blue coat, and a gray-colored shirt, and has also been shown in a white dress shirt and skinny jeans and a fully black school uniform, always accompanied by purple sneakers.
Langa introduces himself to his peers, wearing an aloof expression.
Langa generally wears a neutral or sometimes even stoic expression and when speaking, he tends to use as few words as necessary. As early as his introduction to his classmates, his teacher needs to urge Langa to tell the class more about himself other than just his name, to which Langa adds that he's from Canada, much to the class' amusement.
He is calm and laid back about most things, but when it comes to snowboarding and or learning to skateboard, he's greatly determined and frequently puts his life at risk. Ignoring self-preservation for the act of fun with Reki. He can be an air-headed and easily distracted. He is very self-assured when he is in his element and is a very quick learner. This can be seen when he easily masters riding a skateboard, using his skills from the fifteen years he spent snowboarding. He was able to make quick adjustments, such as quickly learning how to turn on a skateboard, which is different than turning on a snowboard due to the trucks and wheels on the skateboard.
Reki corrects Langa's bow as they ask Oka for part-time work for Langa
Because he grew up in Canada, he is unfamiliar with many Japanese customs and its culture. For example, he was not used to sitting seiza style during his job interview with Cherry Blossom and so his legs fell asleep. Another example is when he and Reki asked Oka if Langa can work there part-time, Langa lifts his head from the bow too early in a way that would ordinarily be considered impolite.
He's also been endeavoring at getting a job to help out with bills ever since his father's passing. He is also very naturally stubborn and hard working. With the death of his father, Langa has taken the responsibility upon himself to find part-time work in order to help pay bills. Although the pay appears to be most important to him rather than what the job entails, Langa is open about his short-comings, such as when he declined help from Reki in writing his resume in case the job required reading and writing.
Langa performing the sign of the cross in preparation for opening the bathroom door.
He has an apparent distaste for Japanese-styled toilets, preferring the comfort of Western-styled toilets instead. He even makes the Sign of the Cross before he enters the bathroom, a tradition usually associated with Western Christianity than the majority of religions in Asia.
Following his example in all things from habits, skating, and handshakes. He cares deeply for his friends and wants them to succeed as does he wish for himself to succeed. He is close friends with Reki and they spend lots of time together practicing skating.
Langa has a gluttonous appetite, demonstrated when he ate an entire platter of hamburgers when Reki, Miya, Hiromi, and himself went out prior to Reki's beef.
Over the course of the series, Reki and Langa have grown to be excellent friends who care about and support one another. Although he quickly advances from being a novice skater to a pro-skater who can hold his own against others who have been skating for years such as Hiromi, Joe and Miya. Although his skill in skateboarding developed quickly, Langa enjoys skateboarding with Reki, despite the gap in their skill.
Langa nailing his first ollie
After the death of his father, Langa stopped snowboarding. Through Reki's encouragement, Langa was able to step on a skateboard, despite his fear of falling off if his feet weren't attached. Reki taught Langa the basic skateboarding tricks and practiced diligently with him. The quick development of his skills earned him the name of "Snow" at S, in honor of his snowboarding background and the color of his hair. It's demonstrated multiple times that Langa gets a thrill out of dangerous, near-impossible situations like racing through the factory in the mines against the other S races.
Langa listlessly skates, no longer interested in the beef
It's at this point where Langa's enjoyment of skateboarding takes a steep dive. Against his race in the tournament with Joe, he all but stops trying all together until Reki calls out to him and encourages him to go on. For the first time since Reki said that they weren't a good match, Langa was able to feel the excitement of skateboarding again, cementing the fact that it isn't just the thrill he loves - it's skating with Reki that made skateboarding enjoyable in the first place.
Langa showing his skill in his first beef
Langa snowboarding after his father's death
Soon after arriving, Langa happens to stumble across Reki, his new classmate, after school, and after a (second) introduction he agrees to accompany him to "S". There, the two get into an dispute with Shadow, a revered skateboarder, and Langa gets caught up in a race against him. Despite having no knowledge of skateboarding, he adapts what he learned in his fifteen years of snowboarding and flawlessly makes it to the finish line, impressing everyone in the audience.
Langa and Reki become close friends
He then begins to take informal skateboarding lessons with Reki. Those resulted in sundry injuries that worried his mother, but she's glad he was able to make a friend so soon after setting foot in Okinawa.
After passing by Reki's house and finally getting a personalized skateboard for himself, his practice takes a turn and he masters the ollie quicker than expected.
He experiences greed, excitement, thrill and loss within a short timeframe; which shaped him as a person and helped him learn to reach out to others. He learned to make friends and have fun; the love he once had for snowboarding has returned in the form of skateboarding. He even visits his dad's grave in Canada bringing the skateboard Reki made him to tell him about how much fun he's having.
• Возраст — 14+ (могут быть исключения);
• Коммуникабельность;
• Внимательность, активность, ответственность;
• Знание фэндома.
• Позитив и целеустремлённость;
• Наличие свободного номера для создания страницы.
• Возможность заходить на страницу каждый день.
• Умение работать в коллективе.
Список Занятых персонажей:
Ланга Хасегава
Реки Кян
Рику Нанасе
Санджи Винсмок
Аято Юри
Мидари Икишима
Кагеяма Тобио
Нам Дон-Гюн
Мафую Сато
Лим Чжу-Ин
Манджиро Сано
Незуко Камадо
Виктор Никифоров
Ан Джи Вон
Римуру Темпест
Есть страница:
Юрий Плисецкий
Годжо Сатору
Наруто Узумаки
Langa Hasegawa обновил фотографию на странице:
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1 место — Анимированный пак стикеров, трое суток в фб КП.
2 место — Пак стикеров за 10 голосов, перевод в любой класс на два дня.
3 место — Пак стикеров за 5 голосов, роспись от любого кп.
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1) Быть подписанным на нашу ролевую.
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Победители будут определяться абсолютно рандомным способом.
СРОКИ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ: с 10.10 - 17.10. Ответы принимаем до 17.10, 13:00 по мск. Итоги будут подведены в 14:00 так же по мск, отдельным постом.
Поздравляю от всей души и желаю дальнейшего продвижения в будущее
далеко не каждый день отметка количества людей достигает тысячи, но без усилий и большого вклада абсолютно всех этих людей этого бы не произошло. также хочу отметить, что в группе прекрасные посты и чудесная атмосфера, заслуживающая тоже некоторого внимания. желаю и дальше продолжать работать над развитием этой ролевой, находя все больше и больше как работников, так и простых участников.
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