Predator hunting grounds топовый билд
Predator: Hunting Grounds – асимметричный многопользовательский шутер по мотивам киновселенной «Хищника». События разворачиваются в глухих дебрях джунглей, в которых элитная группа спецназа выполняет боевые задачи и скрывается от инопланетного Хищника. Пользователь может выступать как на стороне военных, так и роли Хищника за один из трех классов (Охотник, Берсерск или Разведчик). В нашем гайде вы найдете советы, как получить преимущество в матче, играя за главного «злодея».
Хищник охотится при помощи смертоносных инопланетных технологий. В его арсенале найдется наплечная плазменная пушка, металлические диски, лезвия на запястьях, копья и другое оружие. В отличие от противников, Хищник видит окружающий мир от третьего лица, что позволяет ему быстро ориентироваться на местности. Непроходимые джунгли играют на руку герою: он легко карабкается по стволам деревьев, передвигается в несколько раз быстрее солдат и бесшумно скрывается в зеленой гуще, чтобы выследить и молниеносно атаковать жертву.
Ориентируйтесь на звуки и используйте тепловизор, чтобы определить местоположение соперников. Спецотряд высаживается на остров с определенной боевой задачей, поэтому стрельба и звук сирены укажут верное направление. Тепловизор отображает всех живых существ на карте, поэтому отличить пехотинцев от ботов бывает сложно. На помощь придет навык «Изолирующий импульс», который покажет расстояние до ближайшего вражеского игрока.
Так как численное преимущество на стороне военных, лучшей тактикой для Хищника будет истреблять врагов по одному. Слабое звено команды противника – игроки-одиночки. Их легко выследить и без особых усилий убить. Со слаженной группой придется искать способ, как ее разделить. Например, навык «Маскировка» помогает Хищнику «слиться» с окружающей средой. Учитывайте, что силуэт героя остается различимым и особенно заметен, когда охотник бежит. Встретив спецотряд используйте «Маскировку» и подойдите к группе поближе. Раньте одного бойца и отойдите в убежище. Когда за ним придет напарник – используйте дальнобойное орудие, чтобы нанести критический урон и ему. Оставшиеся оперативники вряд ли вернутся за разбитыми тиммейтами, поэтому у вас появится время, чтобы собрать трофеи и продолжить охоту.
Не забываете про дополнительные атаки. «Сокрушительный удар» также эффективен при встрече с группой солдат. Чтобы его выполнить, нужно использовать прыжок Хищника в определенную точку (место скопления противников) и непосредственно перед приземлением ударить по земле. Атака израсходует весь запас энергии охотника, но оглушит и нанесет урон по всем врагам в зоне поражения.
Если Хищник получил серьезные увечья, старайтесь как можно быстрее удалиться на безопасное расстояние. Учитывайте, раненый герой оставляет следы инопланетной крови зеленого цвета, по которым его легко выследить. Пока восполняется шкала здоровья, лучше забраться на деревья и перемещаться по ним. В одном матче Хищник имеет только две аптечки, которые следует использовать в крайних случаях. Запас сил можно восстановить, поймав дикого кабана. Его можно выследить с помощью тепловизора.
Наконец, исследуя локации – уничтожайте ящики с припасами и навесные аптечки. Не стоит ждать, пока ими воспользуются противники.
Predator Hunting Grounds lets you be in the shoes of these lethal killing machines, however, your effectiveness is only as good as your loadout. In this Predator Hunting Grounds Best Predator Builds guide, we’ve given the best weapons, gears, and perks that you can use to make the best loadout for your killer.
Predator Hunting Grounds Best Predator Builds
The Predator is divided into three classes; Hunter, Scout, and Berserker. You can choose any one of these classes and play the game.
But for that, you must know what makes each class so special. Below we have given the builds for each Predator class for you to choose from.
Hunter Builds
Hunter is a balanced class with balanced stats in health, stamina, movement speed and gear. Hunter is a class for those players who want to experience every feature of the combat. Hence, it’s called the All Rounder class.
What makes this class so special is the fact that it is available for your use since the beginning of the game meaning you have enough time to practice the Hunter class.
Using the all-rounder build means that you must have both melee and ranged weapons in your arsenal as they help in dealing with the opponents in close quarters as well as from a long range. Weapons such as Elder Sword (Primary) and the Yautja Bow (Secondary).
Once you’ve reached level 9, the first Predator weapon “Elder Sword” will be available for you.
After unlocking both weapons you are now free to equip them for the build.
For a melee weapon Elder Sword is a legit weapon as it can cut through the opponent from a close range. The Yautja Bow, on the other hand, is a silent yet lethal weapon for ranged attacks.
For gear, you can carry a Healing Kit and a Bear Trap as both of them are around 5 weights and don’t exceed the required limit which is 10 weights.
Why equip these two gears? The answer is simple. The healing kit recovers your health and the Bear Trap is used for trapping opponents. A good combo with a good result.
Fearless ensures that you deal additional damage with melee weapons. Impenetrable gives you an advantage to take less damage from gunshots as for the Trapper, it guarantees that the opponent is caught in the trap.
Probably the most agile class out of the three. Scout may have low health and lack in gear but their stamina and movement speed make up for it since you’ll run into the shadows after attacking the opponent.
Ranged weapons are best for the Shadow Build. Weapons such as the Yautja Bow and a Secondary Weapon called the Hand Held Plasma Caster.
These weapons are really effective and precise for ranged combat. These weapons may take a while to get but once unlocked they can be a game changer.
Audio Decoy and Motion Detector are the best stealth operations for this build. They’ll use up to 5 weights so you don’t need to worry about losing weights.
Using the Audio Decoy, you can distract the opponent and escape from the scene.
The best use of this gear comes when you split up a unit from the team and hunt them without leaving any trace.
The Motion Detector is a simple gear, drop these in your way and you’ll get informed when and where an opponent is going to attack you from.
Branch Master gives you the ability to run at max speed when spotted in the trees.
Light Bender allows you to move around for a longer time and the last perk Hight Advantage allows you to take half the damage when remaining in the trees.
The strongest class of the Predator is Berserker. This class can take a lot of damage and can easily take the opponents out with its strength. However, it lacks speed and stamina so you’ll have to keep an eye on that.
War Club a Primary weapon and Combistick a Secondary weapon are the best for this build.
As both the weapons are melee weapons and can really become deadly for the opponent.
These weapons go well with the lethal class of Berserker so make sure to equip them when selecting this class.
Bear Trap and Audio Decoy are a must have gears for the Berserker class. The Bear Trap is capable of trapping the opponent and you can utilize this time to land a hard melee attack on them.
The Audio Decoy helps in distracting units away from the rest of the team as you’ll spend majority of your time on the ground. This way you’ll have enough time to take them out one by one.
Adrenal Boost recovers your stamina as Berserker class lacks movement speed and stamina.
The Trapper is just like the bear trap where the opponents are caught in the trap opened for your melee attacks.
The last perk Fearless allows you to deal a lot of damage and this accompanied with your melee weapon is a recipe for lethal melee strikes allowing you to compete in the combat for a longer time.
Помните о главном
Держитесь вместе, но не слишком близко друг к другу. Важно всегда находиться рядом, чтобы помогать товарищам. Если хищник решит напасть на одного из бойцов, остальные смогут сразу же вступить в бой, чтобы нейтрализовать угрозу. Когда один боец ранен, двое других оттесняют хищника, а последний игрок реанимирует товарища. Разделившись, вы позволите хищнику ранить одного из вас и устроить засаду на остальных. Ничем хорошим это не закончится. Если же вы решите сбиться в кучу, вас будет легче ранить из плазменного орудия.
Не стесняйтесь использовать грязь. Помните, как в оригинальном фильме Датч обмазался грязью, чтобы спрятаться от хищника? Это можно сделать и в игре! В джунглях полно грязи, так что используйте ее почаще, чтобы скрыть выделяемое тепло от хищника. Если хищник включит режим тепловизора, он может попросту не заметить измазанного в грязи бойца. Этот трюк спасет вас от автоматического сканирования хищника, которое срабатывает вблизи. Вам будет легче слиться с окружением и затаиться в густой листве. При этом вам будет легче прятаться и от компьютерных врагов.
Если цели отряда близко, они будут отсканированы и помечены, что помогает отличить их от компьютерных врагов. Но не стоит целиком полагаться на эти системы, так как отряд может просто обмазаться грязью или использовать глушители.
Оценивайте риск. Не каждая добыча может стать легкой. Если ситуация выходит из-под контроля, лучше отступить, чтобы подлечиться и перезарядить оружие. При этом отряд вернется к миссии и отвлечется на компьютерных врагов, что даст вам возможность обдумать новую стратегию и продолжить охоту. Отряд хорошо подготовлен и при слаженной работе может очень быстро убить хищника, поэтому старайтесь не выдавать себя.
Постарайтесь сбить отряд с толку. Используйте джунгли и деревья, чтобы получить преимущество. Почаще меняйте тактику и передвигайтесь, чтобы отряд не смог узнать, откуда вы нанесете новый удар. Если бойцы увидят вас на деревьях у одной стороны лагеря, спуститесь на землю, обойдите периметр лагеря и нападите с другой стороны.
Вы наверняка придумаете новые стратегии, но мы надеемся, что эти советы помогут вам в предстоящей охоте. IllFonic с нетерпением ждет, когда мы встретимся с 27 по 29 марта в пробной версии игры! Напоминаем, что мировой релиз полной версии состоится 24 апреля. Игра выйдет на PS4 и PC.
Predator: Hunting Grounds allows you to play both as the deadly Predator or the Fireteam and it also allows you to customize them both in order to have your perfect build. There are a large number of weapons, gear, and perks that you can play around to have yourself the perfect build. We have curated this Best Predator Builds Guide for Predator: Hunting Grounds in which we have shared some of the best builds if you prefer playing with the Predator in the game.
Best Predator Builds Guide – Predator: Hunting Grounds
Since Predator comes with three classes Hunter, Scout, and Berserker to choose from, we will be using them as a base and then modify them to make further specialized builds. Check them out below.
Hunter – All-Rounder Build
If you like to have an overall balanced experience, Hunter is your class to build on. Hunter features balanced stats in Health, Stamina, Movement Speed, and Gear. If you do not prefer a specific trait to be better or just generally want to have a class that can perform better in all aspects of the combat, you can go for the Hunter class. It is also the first class that is available to you right from the start of the game so you will be playing with this class for quite some time. After selecting the class, we can move forward for our All-Rounder Build. Check out the weapons, gear, and perks below for this build.
Since we are aiming for an all-rounder build, we will need to have both ranged and melee weapons on our side. This way, you can tackle enemies both when they are in close quarters or a little far from you. The weapons for this build should be:
- Primary Weapon: Elder Sword
- Secondary Weapon: Yaujta Bow
The Elder Sword is your very first Predator weapon which is unlocked at Level 9. You will need to play the game a little before you can get access to the Yaujta Bow which unlocks at Level 38. However, once you have access to both of these weapons, you can equip them both for this build. Elder Sword is a solid melee weapon and will easily chop through enemies at close range. If you fancy a little ranged combat, the Yaujta Bow will have that aspect covered for you. It is silent and it is deadly.
For the gear, we have 10 weight limit so we will be going for Healing Kit and the Bear Trap. Both of these items have 5 weight each so equipping them will occupy all of the weight limit. The Healing Kit is a great item that can quickly heal you while the Bear Trap can trap enemies so that you can chop them off with your Elder Sword.
Now the perks can be changed according to your own taste as well however for me, my balanced build should be able to deal a little extra damage while being able to absorb a little extra damage as well. For Perks, we have 12 Points so we will have the following Perks for this build.
- Fearless – 4 Points
- Impenetrable – 3 Points
- Trapper – 3 Points
So with these perks, we deal increased damage, we take less damage and we also make sure that the pesky Fireteam does not escape from our traps easily. Fearless allows us to deal extra damage with melee weapons while Impenetrable ensures that we take less damage from bullets. Since Fireteams use bullet-based weapons, this is a must-have perk for most Predator builds. Lastly, Trapper toughens ups the traps which then ensures that those caught in the trap do not escape easily.
Scout – Shadow Build
Scout is the class if you want a more agile and easy to escape Predator. This class has less health as compared to other classes but it has exceptionally high stamina and movement speed. It also lacks a bit in the Gear department. You will remain mostly in shadows, strike from a distance and if you get in close, you will attack and then run away quickly into the shadows. The weapons, gear, and perks you must equip for this build are detailed below.
- Primary Weapon: Yautja Bow
- Secondary Weapon: Hand Held Plasma Caster
Since this build is all about ranged combat, we will go with the trusty Yautja Bow and the Hand Held Plasma Caster. Both of these weapons offer great ranged combat opportunities but the bow simply takes the lead here which is why it will be your primary weapon. Both of the weapons will take a little time to unlock but you can use them for your build once you have unlocked them.
For this build, we would want something that will aid us in our stealth operations. The two devices best for stealth operations in the game are Audio Decoy and Motion Detector. Both combined will use just 5 weight. Audio Decoy is excellent for distracting enemies away from you and other key locations. You can also use it to separate units from the team and take them down silently. On the other hand, The Motion Detector is excellent for setting up surveillance traps. Want something to inform you if something is coming up behind you? Drop a Motion Detector and it will not only inform you of incoming threats but also mark them for you.
- Branch Master – 1 Point
- Light Bender – 2 Points
- Height Advantage – 1 Point
As you can see, we’ve gone full commando with our Perks. Branch Master allows even faster movement among the trees while if someone spots you in the trees and shoots you, Height Advantage will ensure that you receive half the damage while you remain in the trees. On the other hand, while you are sneaking around, Light Bender will ensure that Cloak uses less of your precious energy so that you can move around cloaked for longer.
Berserker – Overlord Build
Berserker is the strongest yet the slowest class when it comes to the Predator. It can soak up quite a lot of damage and deal high amounts of damage as well. This class, however, suffers from low stamina and movement speed. But its sheer brute force simply makes up for the slow speed. Check out the weapons, perks, and gear we will use for our Overlord build.
Since we want to deal a massive amount of damage to our enemies with this build, we will be using:
- Primary Weapon: War Club
- Secondary Weapon: Combistick
Both War Club and Combistick are melee weapon kings and they work perfectly with the Berserker class. Since Berserker hits really hard in melee combat, both of these powerful weapons become even more deadly in its hands. Just holding these weapons in your hands and showing up in the face of your enemy is enough to make them wet their pants. The increased strength of Berserker greatly compliments the damage output with melee weapons.
Coming to the gear, for our Berserker class, we will ensure that we can get as many opportunities to get up close and personal with the enemies so we can pulverize them with our melee weapons. For this, we will go for the Bear Trap and the Audio Decoy. The Bear Trap can hold enemies and trap them giving us plenty of time to land some powerful melee attacks on them. Since we will be spending more time on the ground with this class, we will also need some way of distracting members of Fireteam away from each other. This is where the Audio Decoy will come in handy as it will distract members away from the rest of the team giving us a chance to take them down.
- Adrenal Boost – 3 Points
- Trapper – 3 Points
- Fearless – 4 Points
All of these three perks are unique and provide different bonuses. Adrenal Boost will ensure that we regenerate stamina quickly and also recover from exhaustion quickly since movement speed and stamina are two weak points for this class. Since we will be relying on Bear Traps to trap enemies and beat them to a pulp, having the Trapper perk will greatly help us to ensure that trapped enemies remain in traps for longer giving us more time to beat them with our melee weapons. Finally, Fearless will allow us to deal even more damage with our melee weapons ensuring that enemies do not stand for long in the path of our melee strikes.
For more help with Predator: Hunting Grounds, check out the guides below.
These are all our Predator Best Builds in Predator: Hunting Grounds. If you want to share your own perfect build with us, feel free to use the comments section below.
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