Пиро регион genshin
Архонт — бог с высоким уровнем контроля над одним из элементов. У каждого архонта также есть регион в Тейвате, который поклоняется архонту как богу. Ни у одного архонта нет необходимости полагаться на силы Глаза Бога, вместо этого он имеет нечто, называемое Сердцем Бога — то, что ведет к божественности.
Людям, которых признали боги, будет дан Глаз Бога, чтобы владеть стихийными силами этого бога. Те, у кого есть Глаз Бога, также имеют шанс подняться до божественности и стать одним из Богов Истоков.
Эмблема | Элемент | Регион | Архонт |
Анемо | Мондштадт | Бог свободы (Барбатос) | |
Гео | Ли Юэ | Бог контрактов (Моракс) | |
Электро | Инадзума | Богиня вечности (Вельзевул) | |
Дендро | Сумеру | Богиня мудрости (Малый властитель Кусанали) | |
Гидро | Фонтейн | Богиня справедливости | |
Пиро | Натлан | Богиня войны (Мурата) | |
Крио | Снежная | Царица |
Остальные боги
Кроме Семерых существуют и существовали другие Архонты(Боги Истоков), Боги и богоподобны сущности. Одни лишь упоминаются, других мы можем встретить.
Какая дата начала и конца баннера?
Баннер с Тартальей стартует 13 октября и завершится 2 ноября в 20:00 (по МСК).
Какие персонажи кроме Тартальи изображены на баннере?
Вместе с Тартальей прибудут могущественные союзники, среди которых Чун Юнь, Нин Гуан и Янь Фэй, изображённые на его баннере как 4-звездочные персонажи.
Эти три персонажа дают уникальное преимущество любому отряду в Genshin Impact, и их нельзя оставить без внимания.
В связи с выход этого баннера, miHoyo опубликовали красивый музыкальный клип. Тарталья в Индазуме, что может быть интереснее? 🙂
Обсудим 4-звёздочных персонажей с этого баннера.
Чун Юнь, которого называют «Морозная пылкость», обладает Крио стихией и использует двуручный меч в качестве любимого оружия. Чунь Юнь, четырехзвездочный персонаж, экзорцист, изгоняющий духов своей подавляющей позитивной энергией. Подробнее о рейтинге персонажа, лучших билдах и многом другом вы можете узнать на его странице.
Нин Гуан отвечает за строительство Нефритовой палаты, которая парит над Ли Юэ, воздушным дворцом, который используют Цисин для наблюдения за всем в регионе. Этот Гео -персонаж с катализатором способен наносить большое количество взрывного урона одной цели, что идеально подходит для любых ситуаций, когда у вас есть ограниченное время для нанесения урона. Подробнее о персонаже читайте на её странице.
В целом, все кроме Чун Юня являются персонажами уровня А, в нашем тир-листе персонажей. Поэтому если вы попытаетесь получить Тарталью, а случайна получите одного из этих четырёхзвёздочных, вы не должны быть разочарованы.
Стоит ли пытаться вытащить Тарталью?
Тарталья по-прежнему остаётся отличным выбором даже на этом этапе игры. Он способен наносить невероятный гидроудар и уничтожать большинство мобов.
Гарантированно ли я получу Тарталью?
Об этом читайте подробнее здесь.
Стоит ли тратить реальные деньги на баннер с Тартальей?
Поэтому если у вас нет основного DPS персонажа, вы готовы освоить необычную технику боя, то стоит потратиться, но при этом очень важно попытаться открыть ему хотя бы первое созвездие, оно снижает время отката.
Что касается остальных персонажей, все зависит от вашего текущего состава и сборок отряда. И, наконец, не забывайте о самом важном: не тратьте молитвы просто потому, что вы слышали, что Тарталья имба. Рольте баннер, только если он вам нравится или нравятся другие персонажи с этого баннера, как например Нин Гуан.
В конце концов, многие проходят Витую Бездну даже с Эмбер.
Какой баннер будет следующим после Тартальи?
Исходя из 6-ти недельного цикла обновлений Genshin Impact (обновление каждые 6-ть недель) и информации о том, что баннер с Тартальей закончится 2 ноября, мы делаем вывод что новый баннер ждет нас 2 ноября. Подчеркиваю, что MIhoyo официально ещё ничего не объявляли об этом.
Официально объявлено, что следующим баннером будет повтор баннера с Ху Тао, на этом баннере будет новый персонаж Тома! Побольше узнать о новом персонаже вы можете узнать на этой странице. К сожалению, пока ничего неизвестно о двух других персонажах.
Associated Gem
Applies Status
Elemental Reactions
Its associated Archon is Murata, whose domain is Natlan.
Elemental Resonance
Having two Pyro characters in the group results in the Elemental Resonance:
- Fervent Flames: Affected by Cryo for 40% less time. Increases ATK by 25%.
Elemental Reactions
Pyro is the only element that reacts with every other element in the game. Pyro has the following Elemental Reactions:
Pyro Status
Being affected by Pyro has no inherent effects on its own. However, being affected by Pyro will allow Pyro Elemental Reactions to occur.
Any source of Pyro DMG will apply the Pyro status. Flaming Flowers and Pyro Boom Blossoms do not inherently apply Pyro , but are often surrounded by grass and will inflict Burning damage. Any lit torch, campfire, or cooking pot will cause Burning damage if the active character comes too close to them.
Pyro Status to Self
The following Talents apply Pyro to its user and/or the active character. 2 Talents match the category selection:
The maximum DMG Absoprtion of the Blazing Barrier will not exceed a certain percentage of Thoma's Max HP.
The shield has the following special properties:
- When unleashed, it infuses Xinyan with Pyro .
- It has 250% DMG Absorption effectiveness against Pyro DMG .
Pyro Characters
Playable Characters
9 Characters match the category selection:
Icon | Name | Rarity | Element | Weapon | Sex | Nation |
Amber | Pyro | Bow | Female | Mondstadt | ||
Bennett | Pyro | Sword | Male | Mondstadt | ||
Diluc | Pyro | Claymore | Male | Mondstadt | ||
Hu Tao | Pyro | Polearm | Female | Liyue | ||
Klee | Pyro | Catalyst | Female | Mondstadt | ||
Xiangling | Pyro | Polearm | Female | Liyue | ||
Xinyan | Pyro | Claymore | Female | Liyue | ||
Yanfei | Pyro | Catalyst | Female | Liyue | ||
Yoimiya | Pyro | Bow | Female | Inazuma |
Upcoming Characters
1 Characters match the category selection:
Icon | Name | Rarity | Element | Weapon | Sex | Nation |
Thoma | Pyro | Polearm | Male | Inazuma |
Mentioned Characters
No Characters match the category selection.
Some Enemies are capable of generating a Pyro shield or constructs, providing them with significant offensive or defensive abilities. The shields and constructs that are breakable are often best broken with Hydro applications.
It can be found in Cuijue Slope, Liyue. It has a glowing core at the center of its base, and the boss cannot take damage when its shell is intact.
When defeated, the player must consume 40 Original Resin to claim its drops, which consists of Artifacts and Character Ascension Material for Characters using the Pyro element.
A giant vine that has absorbed the ancient flame that rages within the Ley Lines.
It is restless, as if filled with an endless fury.
Poets, bards and even some academics believe that elements also contain emotions and hope. If this is true, then one can only wonder what emotions cause the Pyro Regisvine to burn eternally, writhing like one longing to be free of the confines of the earth.
Pyro Regisvine offers the following Artifact Sets.
Rewards and difficulty increase with Adventure Rank (AR).
Artifact drop ranges are primarily sourced from the Genshin Data Gathering team
Abilities and Attacks
See the Attack Gallery for pictures on the Regisvine's moves.
Opening Phase
Upon either attacking it from range or after entering its arena, the Pyro Regisvine will unfurl from its resting position and stand outright. A short animation will take place, and the Regisvine's shell cannot be damaged until the animation begins. Take advantage of this, as it will not resist your attacks during this animation.
The Regisvine, if not knocked out during this phase, will continue to use the following attacks until you do so:
- Faceplant: The Regisvine will slam its face into the ground after locking into your current position, sending Pyro tremors through the ground in the direction it faceplants.
- The Pyro Regisvine locks on to your current position once it starts shaking its head. Do not dodge before this animation, as it has not locked onto you yet. Maintaining a medium distance just a few metres/steps away from the Regisvine allows for quicker dodging.
- You do not need to sprint when dodging this attack; dashing once or twice when you're about to be hit will do. Unlike the faceplant, this move is better dodged on the edges of the arena, although the medium distance used for dodging the faceplant is sufficient, as long as you remember to dash when the fireballs start to catch up. A quicker method is to stand still for a moment, and dash towards the shots when they are close to you. Don't do this too late, as they will not be high enough above the ground to dash under.
- Dashing around the Pyro Regisvine's base (only achievable if you are very close to the base) will allow you to escape the radius of the attack. Dashing backwards is less viable, as you may be too close to the base to escape, but it allows you to deal damage to it (and to its shield/gem). In addition, use of polearm users' Charged Attack (Xiangling's, Zhongli's, Xiao's Elemental Skill) allows you to dash through the base, escaping the radius easily.
- This attack can be easily dodged by running to the Regisvine's base. If doing this beware of subsequent attacks that you may be vulnerable to. Dashing sideways is a valid option as well, but make sure you maintain at least a medium distance or closer (5–6 metres).
Waking/Transitioning Phase
During this phase, the Pyro Regisvine will regain consciousness from being knocked out, which can be achieved by destroying its Pyro elemental shield. After fully awakening, it will immediately perform a triple flail.
- Triple Flail: The Pyro Regisvine will slam its head on the ground and sweep it 180 degrees, knocking back any characters. It will do this one more time, then, after a very short delay, it will sweep its head in a 300 degree radius.
- Dashing around the Pyro Regisvine's base (only achievable if you are very close to the base) or using a polearm user's Charged Attack (or Xiao's Elemental Skill) will allow you do escape the radius of the attack. This will work for the first two flails, but not the third. Dashing backwards and using a ranged character to deal damage is ideal, and it allows you to deal damage to it (and to its shield/gem).
Inner Ring Phase
This phase occurs after the Pyro Regisvine's awakening phase, and it will only happen if the Pyro Regisvine was knocked out by destroying the Pyro shield on its base. When this phase begins, the Regisvine will immediately perform the Eruption move. Sometimes, it will perform a single Flail before doing this. The Eruption move can only be performed once during this phase.
During this phase the Regisvine will use the following attacks:
- Eruption: The Pyro Regisvine will point its corolla upwards, along with its buds, as if it were in the idle animation, and cause Pyro energy to erupt from the ground. More Eruptions occur near to a player, and eruptions are almost entirely absent near the base.
- As eruptions are rare near the base, you can run (not sprint) in circles around the base. Do not perform any moves that have extended animations, as you could still be caught by an Eruption.
- Take advantage of the third faceplant to deal Hydro damage to its head if needed. As with the normal faceplant, maintaining a medium distance is ideal. Because the last 2 faceplants have much shorter targeting periods, staying closer will greatly help in dodging them. Remember, don't dodge until it shakes its head.
- Dashing around the Pyro Regisvine's base (only achievable if you are very close to the base) will allow you to escape the radius of the attack. Dashing backwards is less viable, as you may be too close to the base to escape, but it allows you to deal damage to it (and to its shield/gem). In addition, use of polearm users' Charged Attack (Xiangling's, Zhongli's, Xiao's Elemental Skill) allows you to dash through the base, escaping the radius easily.
- This attack cannot be dodged, save for the use of Elemental Burst invincibility frames, but can be easily avoided by dashing outside of the radius. The Pyro infused ground is not removable (it will only dissipate by itself), so be wary of your characters' health.
- The Pyro Regisvine locks on to your current position once it starts shaking its head. Do not dodge before this animation, as it has not locked onto you yet. Maintaining a medium distance just a few metres/steps away from the Regisvine allows for quicker dodging.
- You do not need to sprint when dodging this attack; dashing once or twice when you're about to be hit will do. Unlike the faceplant, this move is better dodged on the edges of the arena, although the medium distance used for dodging the faceplant is sufficient, as long as you remember to dash when the fireballs start to catch up. A quicker method is to stand still for a moment, and dash towards the shots when they are close to you. Don't do this too late, as they will not be high enough above the ground to dash under.
- Dashing around the Pyro Regisvine's base (only achievable if you are very close to the base) will allow you to escape the radius of the attack. Dashing backwards is less viable, as you may be too close to the base to escape, but it allows you to deal damage to it (and to its shield/gem). In addition, use of polearm users' Charged Attack (Xiangling's, Zhongli's, Xiao's Elemental Skill) allows you to dash through the base, escaping the radius easily.
- This attack can be easily dodged by running to the Regisvine's base. If doing this beware of subsequent attacks that you may be vulnerable to. Dashing sideways is a valid option as well, but make sure you maintain at least a medium distance or closer (5–6 metres).
Outer Ring Phase
This phase occurs after the Pyro Regisvine's awakening phase, and it will only happen if the Pyro Regisvine was knocked out by destroying the Pyro gem on its corolla/head. When this phase begins, the Regisvine will immediately perform the Triple Faceplant move. As with the Inner Ring Phase, the Eruption move can only be performed once during this phase.
During this phase the Regisvine will use the following attacks:
- Triple Faceplant: The Pyro Regisvine will shake its head, locking onto your current position and slamming its face into the ground, sending Pyro tremors through the ground in the direction of the faceplant. It will repeat this 2 more times (3 in total), each in rapid succession (the targeting period in which it shakes its head will become noticeably shorter in the last 2 faceplants). After the third faceplant, it will rest its head on the ground, allowing you to deal damage to its head.
- Take advantage of the third faceplant to deal Hydro damage to its head if needed. As with the normal faceplant, maintaining a medium distance is ideal. Because the last 2 faceplants have much shorter targeting periods, staying closer will greatly help in dodging them. Remember, don't dodge until it shakes its head.
- Dashing around the Pyro Regisvine's base (only achievable if you are very close to the base) will allow you to escape the radius of the attack. Dashing backwards is less viable, as you may be too close to the base to escape, but it allows you to deal damage to it (and to its shield/gem). In addition, use of polearm users' Charged Attack (Zhongli's or Xiao's Elemental Skill) allows you to dash through the base, escaping the radius easily.
- As eruptions are rare near the base, you can run (not sprint) in circles around the base. Do not perform any moves that have extended animations, as you could still be caught by an Eruption.
- This attack cannot be dodged, save for the use of Elemental Burst invincibility frames, but can be easily avoided by dashing outside of the radius. The Pyro infused ground is not removable (it will only dissipate by itself), so be wary of your characters' health.
- The Pyro Regisvine locks on to your current position once it starts shaking its head. Do not dodge before this animation, as it has not locked onto you yet. Maintaining a medium distance just a few metres/steps away from the Regisvine allows for quicker dodging.
- You do not need to sprint when dodging this attack; dashing once or twice when you're about to be hit will do. Unlike the faceplant, this move is better dodged on the edges of the arena, although the medium distance used for dodging the faceplant is sufficient, as long as you remember to dash when the fireballs start to catch up. A quicker method is to stand still for a moment, and dash towards the shots when they are close to you. Don't do this too late, as they will not be high enough above the ground to dash under.
- Dashing around the Pyro Regisvine's base (only achievable if you are very close to the base) will allow you to escape the radius of the attack. Dashing backwards is less viable, as you may be too close to the base to escape, but it allows you to deal damage to it (and to its shield/gem). In addition, use of polearm users' Charged Attack (Zhongli's or Xiao's Elemental Skill) allows you to dash through the base, escaping the radius easily.
- This attack can be easily dodged by running to the Regisvine's base. If doing this beware of subsequent attacks that you may be vulnerable to. Dashing sideways is a valid option as well, but make sure you maintain at least a medium distance or closer (5–6 metres).
- Destroy the flaming flower to avoid it erupting and creating a patch of Pyro energy.
When fighting the boss, prioritize reactions like Cryo reaction Melt or the Hydro reaction Vaporize, as it is weak to this type of damage. Do not, however, rely on Pyro damage, or use Pyro characters, for their usefulness is limited here.
Using a Hydro character like Barbara or Xingqiu to quickly break its shell, as this stuns/knocks it out in the process.
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