Pillars of eternity ленграт последствия
1 сен. 2019 в 12:22
Я играю только на английском, поэтому не знаю как имена, топонимы и названия квестов переведены на русский, поэтому опишу, употребляя английские варианты.
Без сильных спойлеров:
В игре основной сюжет делится на несколько актов. Второй акт заканчивается, когда в герцогском дворце вы принимаете участие в слушаниях по Анимантии (Animancy Hearings).
1) До того как вы примете участие в этих слушаниях вы должны завершить первую стадию квеста вашего сопартийца - мага Алота (Aloth). Его личный квест называется Two-Sided. В определенный момент вы должны посетить вместе с Алотом Психлечебницу (Sanitarium) и выполнить там часть его личного квеста. Если вы не посетите с ним Лечебницу и не просканируете его душу до конца Второго Акта, то квест продолжить будет невозможно.
2) В городе-столице "Defiance Bay" вы сможете встать на сторону одной из трех фракций-группировок. За каждую фракцию можно выполнить только один первый квест. Как только вы примете второй квест любой из фракций - вы автоматически будете отрезаны от квестов оставшихся двух, поэтому выбирайте тщательнее, какую фракцию поддержать.
3) Для того, чтобы продвинуть вперед квест священника-сопартийца Durance, нужно не только периодически разговаривать с ним, но и регулярно "отдыхать" (разбивать лагерь) с ним в дикой местности или в подземельях (не в крепости или тавернах).
В дополнении White March:
4) В определенный момент у вас будет возможность спасти людей из горящего дома. Это нужно сделать, как только вы с ней столкнетесь - при первом посещении селения Stalwart. Если вы покинете карту, не "войдя" в дом через "текстовое приключение", то эта возможность будет упущена.
5) В квесте про Волка-Оборотня: если вы решите вылечить оборотня и покинете его пещеру, оставив там охотников, то их съедят. Но если вы перед этим спасете от смерти раненного волка на карте с пещерой, то он заступится за охотников и они выживут. Это оптимальное решение квеста.
Fortitude: 112
Reflex: 116 (146 with Siphoning Image)
Will: 122
Immunity: Charmed
Immunity: Confused
Immunity: Paralyzed
Immunity: Stuck
Resistances: (+10) Blinded, Charmed, Confused, Dazed, Dominated, Frightened, Hobbled, Prone, Stuck, Terrified
Walkthrough [ ]
You get this task after you finding an edict of arrest for Eorn in Crucible Keep. Alternatively, you may begin this task by locating Eorn without having to find the letter. You can find Eorn in the Catacombs under Copperlane. Decide Eorn's fate. Report to Justiciar Aldmar at Crucible Keep.
- Kill Eorn: Eorn's corpse yields his Rabbit Fur Gloves. Justiciar Aldmar awards 200 upon reporting Eorn's death and an additional 50 if pressed further.
- Attempt to arrest Eorn: Eorn will attack the party to the death if you attempt to arrest him to face the duc's justice.
- Find and report Eorn's location to the Crucible Knights: Justiciar Aldmar awards 200 upon reporting Eorn's location and sends a party to kill Eorn. Eorn's corpse is left in the catacombs along with his Rabbit Fur Gloves.
- Help Eorn leave Defiance Bay: You can give Eorn 300 to escape Defiance Bay. Eorn rewards you with his Rabbit Fur Gloves and departs. You can encounter him later in Dracogen Inn and get Dyrford Village minor positive after you talk with him.) This option grants benevolent disposition.
- Take Eorn prisoner: Eorn will be locked up in your stronghold dungeon. This option is only available if you have constructed the Dungeons at your stronghold.
After resolving the situation at the Iron Flail Fort, the Watcher sets out to investigate the two visions during the Iron Flail:
- The first one of "The Tidebringer", The Abbey of the Fallen Moon and it's High Abbot Kaoto
- The second one of a vast cavern full of Eyeless – maegcfolk, thought only to exist in tales.
To find answers, the Watcher must journey to the Abbey of the Fallen Moon, hidden far up in the mountains of the White March.
Walkthrough [ ]
Infiltrating the Abbey [ ]
- Travel to the Abbey of the Fallen Moon on the world map. Getting into the abbey can be done in one of two ways (not counting a more brute-force approach):
- Approach any of the sentries and convince the guards that you're the Tidebringer with Resolve 14 (intimidate them into moving the bed outside if they cause you to tarry), Perception 13 (leveraging the hidden nature of the Abbey), or Lore 6 (mentioning the Mecwyn's Tide).
- Locate and talk to Kaoto in the Halls of Presence, inside the Abbey. Avoid talking about either the Reliquary or the Eyeless, otherwise Kaoto will become hostile and attack.
- You must pass a recitation ritual, and the required lore can be found in three places (alternatively can pass the ritual without first gathering clues with a Lore 10 check).
- Examine the mural in the northern part of the Abbey courtyard.
- Read the book The Giftbearer's Pilgrimage, found in the library to the east, inside the Halls of Presence.
- Talk with Baesca in the Halls of Presence.
- "I am Saman - the Flood."
- "I give myself, for a Giftbearer has no other tokens to offer."
- "I have none, for all that belongs to Ondra is forgotten."
- The High Abbot's Key: opens Kaoto's Quarters in the northeastern corner of the area.
- A Steel-banded Key: opens The Vault of Forgotten Thoughts, which contains the Salt Well. The vault is central to Maneha's companion quest, The Burden of Memory.
- If you'd rather not jump through hoops, you can skip most of the Halls of Presence, Kaoto's recitation ritual and the entire Abbey courtyard area, by going straight to The Halls of Silence via the outcropping in the southeastern corner of the exterior area.
- From the entrance, go past Long Bosc and continue east. You'll have to deal with a pair of Ondrites in the way (this forfeits any chance of negotiation), and continue to a large rock formation south of the giant skeleton hand.
- Interact with the rock and swing across the chasm using a Rope and Grappling Hook and a Dexterity 18 check on any party member to cast the hook.
- Once inside, you can proceed as below but with one caveat: you won't have the "Sign of the Tide", a gesture only known by the High Abbot which is used to complete a puzzle further ahead. You can come back to this later if needed:
- Pick the large door to the southwest of the Pool of the Anointed, then head south and up the stairs to the Halls of Presence (you'll have to defeat a few Ondrites on the way). Once you're upstairs, enter scouting mode and stick to the left wall, heading north down the hallway. A few monks will be situated immediately to the east of the stairs, another pair patrol the area and will spot you if you stick around.
- If you have sufficient Mechanics, continue past the break in the wall towards the high abbot's quarters. You can simply pick the lock on the door (Difficulty 10), then loot the Journal of the High Abbot from the trapped chest at the back of the room. Read the journal to learn the Sign of the Tide.
- Otherwise you'll have to take a more direct approach, take a left and confront Kaoto, who attacks you immediately. After the fight is over, read his soul to learn the Sign, or steal the key from the vase on the table and loot his quarters as above.
The Halls of Silence [ ]
- Enter The Halls of Silence and make your way to the Pool of the Anointed, the large circular room with a chasm in the middle. If you entered from the Halls above, a key can be found on a table near the door, though you'll already have one if you took the Tidebringer route.
- Interact with the lever on the wall. All nearby cells will open with a shriek, and the monks will come rushing out to the source of the noise. They'll become hostile when the gate finishes opening, so prepare for a battle or quickly sneak/run away to the nearby cave on the right until the noise subsides and the monks will return peacefully to their cells.
- Enter the gate you opened. Speak with Farentis, the previous High Abbot. He will ask that you open the gates to let the Low Tide escape, and will give you the key to the door behind him. Careful since the monks beyond are hostile.
- Make your way to The Rising Waterway and solve the picture puzzle, containing scenes of an ocean shoreline. The solution to the puzzle is the same as that of the mural outside the abbey, though you don't need to know it in advance:
- City in flames
- Tidal wave
- Barren shore
- Flourishing city
- Then perform the "Sign of the Tide" as learned earlier.
- Walk across the newly-raised walkway and continue to the Chamber of Tears. Use the lever found there. You have two choices of action:
- [Point the object towards the open gate]
Open the gates and let the Low Tide escape. This will make Kaoto and his High Tide hostile. - [Point the object towards the rising wave]
Perform the Rising and flood the Lower Tide quarters, drowning them to make way for a new cycle of Tide. This nets you a lot of loot from their drowned corpses.
- If you meet with Kaoto, you will meet and then fight him at the Veil of Tears. Depending on your dialogue choices, a few of the Ondrites may turn on him and help you in the fight.
- If you go directly to the Reliquary, there is no fight with Kaoto at the Veil of Tears and you may leave quietly after the events that follow. But if you go back to talk to Kaoto after the Veil he will attack you for going to the Veil without him - there will be no option to convince some of the Ondrites to fight with you.
The heat spreads to the world around you, turns it orange and then yellow and then white. The ground, the sky, everything around you drips in molten globs and begins to take shape beneath you as if in an invisible mold.
You and the shard are the last things to melt and fall, and your addition to the molten pool completes the shape of an immense hammer.
The metal cools as quickly as it had heated. The handle is gripped now by two great leathery hands, and the hammer is cocked back over a shoulder as broad and mottled as a hilltop.
The wielder whirls around and heaves the hammer, and you are flying upward for what seems like ages into the airless blackness above. As you spin, you catch glimpses of a rock large enough to be a moon. It is close, far too close to the world.
The force of the impact shatters hammer and stone alike. The rock is redirected outward, but a section of the front face is cleaved off and begins to fall, splintering apart at the cracks.
In a hundred thousand fragments blossoming outward in all directions, debris showers the atmosphere, trailing smoke and fire.
Below, land and sea are far off, but gradually rising up.
[Look to the sea]
The largest of the fragments, wide as a city, barrels downward in a fiery cocoon. Its size reduces as the edges immolate, but it won't burn up in time.
It lands silently in the distant ocean, sending a column of water skyward and radiating ripples that spread like wrinkles in fabric.
Then the sound comes tearing up through the sky. It sounds like thunder.
[Look to the land]
Features are becoming clearer by the moment as you streak toward the earth. You are lodged in an enormous boulder, falling among other smaller fragments that heat and burst around you on all sides.
Beneath you, snow-capped mountains rise up, dotted here and there by cities of stone and adra. The impact will be the destruction of all of them.
The shadow of your rock fragment is visible now, getting larger by the second.
You are moments away from striking the ground when a massive shape throws itself into your path.
The last thing you hear sounds like another rumbling impact, but that isn't what it is. It's a chuckle, relieved, breathless. You hear two words:
Background [ ]
As the second dragon comes to a heavy landing, you take note of the figure atop its back: a woman with sweeping horns, garbed in flowing robes. She slides from the dragon's back in one graceful movement.
As one of the most powerful mages in the world and member of the Circle of Archmagi, Llengrath has made significant advancements in the field of magic. She later faced the same obstacle as one of her rivals, Concelhaut: death, though she chose to combat it in a more unique way.
Accompanied by two high dragons, Gafonercos and Turisulfus, Llengrath is a force to be reckoned with not only by her powers (as this is one of the toughest battles in the game) but also by her strategy to preserve oneself and cheat death in a different way.
The original Llengrath thought of something Concelhault did not. He realized memory and consciousness were insignificant when compared to one's knowledge, and sought to become immortal by creating a cult and preserving his expertise through time.
At Mowrghek Îen, The Watcher of Caed Nua speaks to a Llengrath that wasn't the first, nor the last. Each new disciple gains the title of 'Llengrath' by studying everything the original wizard has discovered, thus becoming the new Archmage.
During conversations in The Forgotten Sanctum, the Watcher can gradually piece together the history of Llengrath. Llengrath, you see, is not a person, but a memory passed on through acolytes and apprentices. The original Llengrath lives on by attaching himself to the soul of the most recent apprentice like a tick, though the current Llengrath assures the player that it is nothing so dramatic as that. She welcomed him —fought for him, and insists that theirs is a symbiotic relationship, not a predatory one.
Llengrath was behind the Siege of Crägholdt and the employment of the Torn Bannermen to kill Concelhault and acquire his engwithan phylactery. The Archmage acknowledges the Player's strength for taking down the Torn Bannermen, one of the most powerful mercenary groups in eora.
For Llengrath feared that the phylactery might fall into wrong hands, and sought to destroy its secrets and kill anyone who knew them. For that reason, the Watcher is a primary target since they know how to possibly become immortal.
The Forgotten Sanctum [ ]
The Watcher encounters Llengrath again years later, while looking into the strange tremors linked to the newly-appearing tentacles at the Black Isles. Llengrath is found investigating the absence of Maura of the Seven Hills, a fellow archmage known for her cryptic activities and connections to some of the largest and most devastating cataclysms on Eora. She then invites the Watcher to join her little investigation beneath the isle.
Below, she stumbles upon her colleague—another of the most powerful mages in Eora, who claims to also be investigating the chamber buried beneath; the Archmage Tayn and imps Drowsy Puke and Fetid Spray, representing Arkemyr. As usual, Tayn's chaotic behavior gets on her nerves, especially when he has the gall to call her Llen, as if she were his friend or imp companion.
However, the visit to Wael's temple produces more knowledge than she's prepared to learn, as it becomes apparent that the Halls Obscured also contain secrets related to the very first Llengrath, and the solution to the sudden disappearance of their communion. Llengrath isn't just a title, after all, but a communion going all the way back to the very first archmage. It was taken from them by the Hand Occult, who sequestered the collected memories of the first Llen in its vast archives beneath the Black Isles.
(If slain during events of PoE1, she will be a green orlan instead of a nature godlike, and you will get different conversation options, but otherwise everything will proceed as normal)
The Crucible Knights are calling for the arrest of an orlan man named Eorn. Apparently he's eluded capture thus far, though the Knights continue to hunt for him.
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- [Point the object towards the open gate]