Пчелиные крылья portal knights
20 окт. 2017 в 23:35
If you would like me to craft them for you, here is what you need.
4 Refined Sun Diamonds
20 Crystal Threads
4 Energy Crystals
Give me a few hundred tries without them dropping and I might take you up on that. ^_^
About how many times did it take you killing the Hollow King before it dropped?
22 окт. 2017 в 20:54Give me a few hundred tries without them dropping and I might take you up on that. ^_^
About how many times did it take you killing the Hollow King before it dropped?
22 окт. 2017 в 23:47 22 окт. 2017 в 23:56Says the person with a VAC ban and game ban. Ohh ♥♥♥♥ some one just burned a kid . "Goodjob" :D
It is so easy to get all the crafting mats you want in this game xD 23 окт. 2017 в 15:59 I have a few recipes and one cape of wings to give away. 23 окт. 2017 в 17:58 I have a few recipes and one cape of wings to give away.
If you have a Cape of Wings recipe, I'd LOVE to have one.
I beat the Hollow King dozens of times last night (after regenrating the world, of course) and I got a lot of nice things like a cool pet and some nice weapon recipes, but I have yet to see wings, which is what I'm doing it for.
If I fight him too many more times, I'm going to start questioning how I'm spending my life. :P
23 окт. 2017 в 18:40 I have a few recipes and one cape of wings to give away.If you have a Cape of Wings recipe, I'd LOVE to have one.
I beat the Hollow King dozens of times last night (after regenrating the world, of course) and I got a lot of nice things like a cool pet and some nice weapon recipes, but I have yet to see wings, which is what I'm doing it for.
If I fight him too many more times, I'm going to start questioning how I'm spending my life. :P
Send me a message when you'd like to receive one.
If you have a Cape of Wings recipe, I'd LOVE to have one.
I beat the Hollow King dozens of times last night (after regenrating the world, of course) and I got a lot of nice things like a cool pet and some nice weapon recipes, but I have yet to see wings, which is what I'm doing it for.
If I fight him too many more times, I'm going to start questioning how I'm spending my life. :P
The Slime Queen is the first mini boss the player will encounter. It can be found on the level 7 island of Port of Caul.
Combat and Tactics [ ]
The Slime Queen located at a random place in Port of Caul will engage the player once close enough. Slime Queen has two attacks. The first attack is the jump attack, Slime Queen will jump towards the player dealing damage if she lands on top of the player. The second attack the Slime Queen will begin spinning destroying all plants and trees in its path, it will also damage the player if hit. While spinning the Slime Queen will throw little slime balls off its body creating small creatures known as Slimelets. The Slimelets will attack the player when near.
If a player builds a column of blocks high enough, the Slime Queen won't be able to reach him, therefore allowing player(s) to safely damage the boss. This, however, will not work for Warriors, as they require close combat.
Drops [ ]
It does appear the level 7 Slime Queen in Port of Caul has different drops than the level 14 one summoned with Slime Queen Amulet of Invocation.
Portal Knights
22 июл. 2019 в 23:00 Подскажите где падают рецепты на костюм пчелы. Крылья и руки выбил, но уже не помню где. 23 июл. 2019 в 11:02 На первом острове ("Холм Оруженосца") при истреблении попугайчиков, насколько я помню. 24 июл. 2019 в 7:27 Это что, под носом практически? Спасибо, попробую сегодня. 24 июл. 2019 в 10:33 24 июл. 2019 в 12:09Не совсем верно: "под носом" - это теоретически, а "практически" это нужно ещё выбить.
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