Payday 2 стрельба сквозь ботов
Представляю вашему вниманию мини-сборочку для одиночек. С её помощью, боты в PAYDAY 2 становятся намного умнее и лучше.
Первый мод называется "Block that bot". Он позволяет брать с собой только тех ботов, которых Вы выберете.
Второй - "Bots weapons". С ним можно выбрать оружие, с которым будет бегать каждый бот.
Третий - "Better Bots". Позволяет настроить здоровье, меткость, скорость, а так же количество ботов. Нет, не надейтесь. По дефолту бота два, а с этим модом Вы можете поднять их количество до трех.
Пятый - "Bot bullet collision fixer". Теперь Вы можете стрелять сквозь ботов.
Последовательность модов соответствует последовательности картинок. Все моды требуют наличие BLT. Мод работает в мультиплеере, если Вы являетесь хостом.
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Player Shots Pass Through Team AI
Submitted By Rhynne 6 years ago
Version V1.0 | Last Updated 6 years ago
A simple script made with help from Seven. This script will make it so shots fired by the player will not raytrace with team AI, meaning that your shots will pass through them as if they were actual players. [b]NOTICE[/b]: This ([i]probably[/i]) ONLY works if the team AI are using the default crew mask they have! Otherwise, nothing will happen. Drop the folder inside the archive into your BLT mods folder.
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Hi, if you wish bots were less retarded and where more useful in single player. If not this guide can still help with people who have trouble with bots in online matches.
If you know the basics about how bots act react to certain events skip the following chapter.
In this section I will tell you about how the bots react to and accomplish certain tasks.
Bots are more or less useless in Payday 2 if not used properly, they can't interact with the environment, they can't pickup loot, they can't tie up hostages basically any form of interaction except reviving downed players.Bots also have a lot of health, 2,000 on Normal and Hard, 3,000 on Very Hard, 4,000 on Overkill and Mayhem and 8,000 on Death Wish and above. They will regen this health after a while of not being hit. One of the ways to change this is installing better bots mod. They can dominate cops and throw stun grenades, if a lot of people get alerted during stealth they will help with controlling the hostages which has saved stealth for me more than once.
In stealth bots will leave you to do their thing unless the job goes loud then they will intervene in combat.
The A.I stays in casing mode.
Bots will automatically spot special enemies within their sights and will focus on killing that certain enemy. This same logic applies to when you spot a special enemy.
My A.I teammate spotting an enemy shield
My A.I teammates focusing fire on an enemy bulldozer that I spotted.
It is good to note that the A.I doesn't usually get downed ( at least in my experience they didn't get downed often). However they will be downed if a taser electrocutes them for a while, and cloakers will also down them.
Bots have unlimited ammo.
This section shows various controls for bots some of which I might not have listed.
The default movement setting
Bots will automatically follow a player around the map.
Telling bots to come to your position
When you look at a bot press F to shout at one of them and he/she will come to your destination this is useful when combined with the next tip.
Telling the bots to hold their position
Press z when looking at a bot to tell them to hold their position, it is useful when you need them to hold the hostages while you get loot. If you want them to follow you again just look at them and press F.
My A.I teammate holding his position
Make bots carry loot
When next to a bot press G to give them a bag that you are carrying, it is useful for maps like bank heist gold. If you want the bag back press F when next to them and you will get the bag. Please note that bots do receive a severe movement penalty so giving them a bag is some situations is not worth it.
My A.I teammate carrying some loot.
This part of the guide will show you how to apply abilities to bots and give them different weapons
The crew abilities screen
This is the screen where this part comes into play
Team abilities
Team abilities give an effect that benefits the whole team such as the one I have equipped that boosts interaction speed by 25%.
The Team abilities screen
Team boosts
These are advantages given to the player like more health, health regeneration and better armour.
The team boosts screen
Weapon loadouts
You can give bots any gun that you own. You will still keep your gun but what is nice is that all the modifications that you put on a gun gets transferred to the bot (note that this will not improve the bots overall accuracy as they always hit their target and won't increase damage dealt)
The weapon loadout screen.
The perfect stealth build with bots is the interaction speed boost. This is really helpful unlocking doors that usually have 16 second unlock times without skills. Note that this won't increase pager interaction speed if you want that equip the burglar perk deck.
I found from personal experience that using the amr 16 with a quadstack mag for bots deals some serious punishment another great weapon would be lmgs. Sadly you can't give bots a minigun. depending on what build you have you can go certain boosts like crits or dodge etc.
This part of the guide will focus on the different ways you can incorporate bots into your strategies to make make solo loud heists way easier.
Holding areas of importance
In heists there are areas which you need to hold or protect, such as drills, hostages, power boxes on Hoxton breakout and many more. Use the hold position command (z) to make sure that bots stay near those areas of importance while you flank shields or search for instant cash. Bots are great at defending as they never run out of ammo..
This strategy is extremely useful in tough situations, just give the bots a loot bag and continuously
shout at them (F) and if you keep close to them they act as human shields who also deal a consistent amount of damage.
Tower defence
Put bots in different corners near the objective using the hold position command (z) and boom you have a great defence that can easily deal with shields and all other special units.
Note of caution
If you run too far away from bots they'll run back to you. Get the better bots mod as well the bots become way better and throw stun grenades which can be annoying but have saved my ass multiple times
There are also features used to give cosmetics to a bot but I didn't touch on that because I didn't feel it was important.
Special thanks to Menthax for helping me with bot information that I wasn't aware of, and the payday 2 wiki for providing me with more information about bots.
Thank you for reading my guide this is my first one so I hope you learn't something
6 ноя. 2020 в 2:26 Какое оружие экипировать ботам? /// What weapons should bots equip? Какое ещё хорошее оружие можно экипировать ботам кроме снайперской винтовки Thanatos? Дело в том что сейчас у них экипирована снайперская винтовка Thanatos, но с ней они очень часто промазывают и у меня почти нет прикрытия. /// The fact is that now they have a Thanatos sniper rifle equipped, but with it they very often miss and I have almost no cover.P.S. У меня есть Пэйдэй 2 Легаси /// I have Payday 2 Legacy collection
(Translated by google translator there may be errors)
C cамого начала как добавили новых ботов - на них по совету с форума закинул дробовики Reinfield, они отлично ваншотают копов даже на максимальной сложности на средней и дальше дистанции.
Просто у ботов свои скрытые бонусы-штрафы к урону-точности, разрабы явно предвидели что игроки будут одевать их в Танатосы и потому особой эффективности это не даёт.
А вот дробовики, отчего-то, работают как часы.
6 ноя. 2020 в 2:44 6 ноя. 2020 в 2:54 Thanks for the answer, but which one? Personaly I think it should be a breener 21 6 ноя. 2020 в 3:04 Personaly I think it should be a breener 21 I already bought it :D But thanks anyway for the answer! 6 ноя. 2020 в 4:49 6 ноя. 2020 в 5:43 6 ноя. 2020 в 7:12C cамого начала как добавили новых ботов - на них по совету с форума закинул дробовики Reinfield, они отлично ваншотают копов даже на максимальной сложности на средней и дальше дистанции.
Просто у ботов свои скрытые бонусы-штрафы к урону-точности, разрабы явно предвидели что игроки будут одевать их в Танатосы и потому особой эффективности это не даёт.
А вот дробовики, отчего-то, работают как часы.
6 ноя. 2020 в 7:19C cамого начала как добавили новых ботов - на них по совету с форума закинул дробовики Reinfield, они отлично ваншотают копов даже на максимальной сложности на средней и дальше дистанции.
Просто у ботов свои скрытые бонусы-штрафы к урону-точности, разрабы явно предвидели что игроки будут одевать их в Танатосы и потому особой эффективности это не даёт.
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