Pathfinder kingmaker полная карта мира с обозначением всех мест
25 окт. 2018 в 8:08 Список соответствия русских/английских названий на карте
Небольшая шпаргалка для русскоязычной аудитории с соответствием локализованных имен собственных, которые можно встретить на игровой (и на текущий момент не локализованной) карте:
Thorn River Тернистая река Shrike River Шумная река Shrike (Hills) Шумные холмы Shrike (region) Столица Outskirts Окраина North Narlmarches Северные Скрюченные топи Tuskwater Клыководье South Rostland Road Южная Ростландская дорога Red Kiravoy Алый Киравой Kiravoy River Река Киравой Varnhold Варнхолд Whisper River Шепчущий ручей Dunsward Дунсвард Silverstep Серебристый след (регион) Lake Silverstep Озеро Серебристого следа Runoff Creek Беглый ручей Tors of Levenies Левенисские горы Gudrin River Река Свирь Little Sellen River Река Малый Селлен Darklands Подземье Crooked River Река Петляйка Cordelon Корделон Kamelands Холмогорье Dire Narlmarches Скрюченные чащи Murque River Река Мара Skunk River Река Смрадка Candlemere Мерцающее озеро East Sellen River Река Восточный Селлен Glenebon Гленебон Silvershire Серебрянск Narlkeep Болотная твердыня South Narlmarches Южные Скрюченные топи Thousand Voices Стоголосье The Peak Пик Varnhold Варнхолд Pitax Питакс Pitax river Река Питакс Rushlight Fields Лучезарное ристалище Rushlight (Lake) Лучезарное озеро Branthlend Mountains Горделивая гряда Numeria Нумерия Rushlight River Лучезарка (река)FG, не возражаешь, если я это себе в справку добавлю? Инфа полезная для не знающих инглиша, но эта тема может уехать вниз и потеряться. А так все полезности где-то в одном месте будут.
Кстати, карту же вроде не собирались локализовывать, ибо там не надписи, а часть картинки. Или это изменилось?
25 окт. 2018 в 8:48 25 окт. 2018 в 9:10Shrike (region) Столица
Точно такой перевод? Разве не шумная равнина/холмы?
И зачем названия селений по умолчанию? Они же локализованы.
25 окт. 2018 в 9:13Shrike (region) Столица
Точно такой перевод? Разве не шумная равнина/холмы?
Точно :)Там, где в англ используют Shrike region, в русской просто пишут "столица". 25 окт. 2018 в 9:16 Ну это глупость мне кажется. Столица это город, но никак не регион.
Я наверное заменю в своем фиксе локали.
И стоголосье тоже заодно) Вроде же столица как поселение умолчанию называется Клыкоград?
Назвали бы ЗаМКАДьем.
А вообще было забавно наблюдать как один стример по квесту искал на карте реку Свирь, но на карте-то она Гудрин. И вообще все, что о ней напоминает так единственная лока "Мост через реку Свирь". Пожалуй, это тот случай когда либо переводили бы вместе с картой либо не брались бы за это дело вообще. Потому что я кое-как с кучей перепрохождений запомнил, что Скрюченные топи это в 99% район хижины ведьмы. Соответственно Северные СТ - все что севернее. Но все это ужасная морока.
There are thirteen regions in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, which can be incorporated into your kingdom. Every region has 2 or 3 available upgrades, with unique bonuses and conditions for each. All of them are listed on the region cards.
Region Upgrades [ ]
Once the story reaches a certain point and you have upgraded your capital to a city, you will start unlocking Upgrades for each Region. Each upgrade provides bonuses either to the kingdom or to exploration.
Upgrades unlock conditions aren't clear yet but Kingdom stats are definitely involved for some of them, some require the completion of projects and others require the completion of quests. Exploration may also play a part (e.g. discover every resource of a region).
There are two types of upgrades: military upgrades and non-military upgrades. The type of upgrade chosen affects certain other kingdom Projects and Region Upgrades. For example, the Trading with Restov effect grants 2 BP/week for every region along the Brevan border which has received non-military Upgrades, while the Training Grounds upgrade for Glenebon's bonus is dependent upon the number of Regions with military Upgrades.
As it is, I put most where I think would be realistic for defending the land and/or trade. That may make travel a few hours longer. But hours is still better than days.
I’ll double check when I’m home, but I think it’s the same. 10 slots as village. On a river you get free pier. Maybe the number of solo slots differs- and some buildings benefit from being solo (but I think stats from buildings aren’t very important).
Glenebon - southwest, closer to Thousand Voices and Pitax border, near Shelyn temple (seems like there is a noticeable Shelyn worshiping community living there)
Dire Narlmarches - near the Pike Stretch crossing
South Narlmarches - at the source of the river near Verdant Chambers
North Narlmarches - at the northern side of the river near Three-Pine Islet
Kamelands - near the Bridge over the Gudrin River, or a bit more south at the crossroads
Dunsward - smack in the middle, near Blood Furrows, or a bit further north
Tors of Levenies - at the northern tip of the middle mountain range, near Forsaken Mound (the default village name is even called The Peak)
I just finished Chapter 3 and already have a Teleportation to (almost) every village/town.
I placed them knowing that I can teleport at some point which helped me in the long run a lot. Especially in Kameland, where I placed the village as far as possible towards the way to Varnhold. This saved me at least 10 days as I was also able to access my capital that way when important stuff happend.
I also put one near the endless dungeon dlc which is pretty good for when I have some free time but cant advance a Kingdom stat.
I also looked up if there are any guids or suggestions, but this is the first time I saw a post.
Wait. teleportation? Is it possible to learn this power?
Wherever it’s most convenient to teleport to is what I try for.
I tend to place my cities in areas that are halfway between common routes for access to easy resting and traders.
For river vs plains placement. Plains cities are much better for getting lots of adjacency bonuses, whereas river cities have their tiles broken up into more segments. But river cities get access to piers and waterfront.
Outskirts: Near the Thorn river Ford
North Narlmarches: Near the Three Pine Islet
South Narlmarches: On the river crossing near the Kobold Trail
Kamelands: South of the Secret Sanctum
Dire Narlmarches: East of Rill-And-Spill
Silverstep: Across the lake from Silverstep village
Dunsward: Kind of in the middle near ruined tower
Tors of Levines: Near the Precipice Trail
I put 1 near tenebrous depths, 1 near olegs, 1 near the bridge over the gudrin (right over the river actually) and 1 as far into the mountain road from silverstep. For south narlmarches put it towards the swamp witch hut and for dire narlmarches it doesnt really matter, but at least next to the river and towards the south (the north village already covers flintrock access).
I put them on the river every time.
I actually quite enjoy kingdom management. Another thing to min max I suppose. Each to their own :)
I always prioritized placing the settlements in a place that was as close to the capital as I could so I could get to them quickly/easily if there was a quest there. But that was before teleportation circles were a thing.
Yes, this is what the guides suggest- but I think that is now incorrect. With teleport circles, artisan quests take practically no time at all unless they send you somewhere.
Hence I was curious whether anyone had done the analysis on which sites were best for saving time.
Honestly, the settlement building in this game is very LARPy. I say LARPy because much of it is pointless apart from maybe the beginning of the game building benefits pale in comparison to councillor stat income. If you lower taxes in the Barony for example you will never have issues with increasing economy. The best buildings are those that increase other stats (exception being more difficult to raise stats like Espionage, Arcane and maybe culture). One of the best buildings if not the best is the bulletin board (requires lawful) to raise success chances for any region or tanneries which can provide you with 1 BP for each tannery but can only built a maximum of two times in a settlement.
The most important aspect is the location because you can teleport to them so you save a lot of time in travelling around.
River placement also seems preferable in all cases, as it seems to simply give you two free slots (Pier and Lighthouse), while non-river locations seem to have no apparent benefits. But, I think if town placement can save time, then that might still be better.
It depends if you want a more cohesive building space but considering that it is largely pointless it makes as much sense to simply build on the river especially since in dry regions you get an isolated two slot building space to put a mage tower.
River crossing is good, as otherwise you waste a lot of time walking to the crossing if you need to visit a location on the other side of the river.
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Annexation [ ]
You may claim new regions to expand your territory. Open the Regions tab on the right side of the screen and select the relevant project at the bottom of the screen. Claiming a region will allow you to significantly increase your realm's stats and found settlements in the new lands.
However, annexation requires you to:
- Meet special regional conditions. That is, complete a quest or reach a certain rank in one of the stats.
- Collect sufficient BP for the claim.
- Find an unoccupied advisor who can take charge of the claim.
- As soon as you start the kingdom project to claim a region, time will automatically speed up for the next 14 days, the time it takes for you and your advisor to claim the region.
- After the new territory is claimed and annexed into your domain, the boundaries of the state will change, and you will receive all the bonuses granted by the claimed region.
Areas and Resources [ ]
- Ancient River Bed (Economy +2)
- Coal Mine (Community +2)
- Excavation Site (Culture +1)
- Fertile Land (Loyalty +1)
- Flat-Topped Hill (Military +2)
- Blackberry Meadow (Loyalty +1)
- Moist Basin (Loyalty +1)
- Old Outpost (Military +2)
- Abandoned Laboratory (Arcane +2)
- Remnants of Dwarven Fortifications (Military +3)
- Ancient Obelisk (Arcane +2)
- Ruins of an Old Temple (Culture +1)
- Iron Mine (Community +2)
- Refugee Camp (Community +1)
- Sapphire Fields (Economy +3)
- Scenic Locale (Culture +2)
- Lover's Grave (Culture +3)
- Mountain Trout (Loyalty +2)
- Old Storage (Culture +1)
- River Guards' Camp (Military +1)
- Amphitheater (Culture +2)
- High Cliff (Military +2)
- Obsidian Stele (Arcane +2)
- Silver Deposit (Economy +2)
- Fairy Ring (Arcane +2)
- Gem Quarry (Economy +3)
- Astronomical Observatory (Arcane +2, Culture +2)
- Magic Circle (Arcane +5)
- Ore Vein (Economy +3)
- Sculpture Garden (Arcane +2, Culture +2)
- Mage Tower (Arcane +5)
- Calm Bay (Loyalty +4)
- Copper Mine (Community +3)
- Precipice (Military +4)
- Sunny Glade (Loyalty +3)
- Ancient Mound (Military +3)
- Bulrush Thicket (Loyalty +4)
- Marble Quarry (Economy +5)
- Steel Workshop (Community +3)
- Sulfur Deposit (Community +3)
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