Paint the town red секретное оружие
Weapons are a pivotal focus in Paint the Town Red. As the player will be under constant assault by enemies, they'll need to find weapons to defend themselves properly.
Most weapons in Paint the Town Red are melee weapons, however, ranged weapons such as firearms make brief appearances.
Below is a list of weapons in Paint the Town Red.
Blunt Weapons
These weapons use blunt force to strike.
A type of receptacle for cigarette and cigar ash.
A wooden or metal club used in the sport of baseball to hit the ball.
Inflated balls used in the sport of Basketball. They have the unique property of being bouncy.
Clubs used by law enforcement for defensive or non-weapon purposes.
A long pole with a flat blade that is designed to steer or row a boat through the water.
A seat for one person, typically having four legs for support. There are multiple variations of the chair in Paint The Town Red.
A type of stemmed glass that is used to drink and taste alcoholic mixed drinks. Can be shattered into a sharp weapon.
A short bar with a weight at each end, typically used in an exercise. Multiple variants exist with varying weight plates.
A flat platform used carrying items in the cafeteria.
A type of pan used for cooking food in hot oil.
A cut of meat from the upper part of a pig's leg that is often dried and salted or smoked.
A mount for a microphone, allowing it to be positioned without the need of someone holding it.
A folded or rolls of paper money banded together by an elastic material.
Fruit served in the Prison, can be used to befriend the Solitary Prisoner.
A flat dish where food is eaten or served upon.
A small, hard ball used in the cue sport of pool in which they are shot into pockets for points. Pool balls vary in nine different colors.
A long wooden rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or other cue sports.
A digging tool used for lifting and moving bulk materials such as soil, sand, or rocks.
A perforated nozzle where water sprays out in a shower.
A cut of meat from the hindquarters of an animal that is either broiled or grilled. It can smear blood on any surface it touches.
A metal tool used for removing nuts from car tires.
Edged Weapons
These weapons use blades to cut or stab.
- Can be randomly found stuck in the hair of Afro Brawlers.
A toothbrush that has been sharpened into an improvised dagger.
Ranged Weapons
These weapons use projectiles to puncture.
Other Weapons
These weapons don't fit any other category.
Western Saloon Overview
It's been a while (four years to be exact), but Paint The Town Red has finally had its fifth level released shortly after the release of the beneath mode, which is the Western Saloon. This level incorporates some new assets/weapons, but is overall not too complicated or special. It has 75 enemies in the level.
The Main Parts
As mentioned before, this level (so far) is not too unique, but these are the things that stick out:
The Robbery
The room above the cashiers/vault is home to two characters seen trying to saw their way into the gambling earnings. This area is special mainly because it has the characteristic of starting the riot when you walk inside the room. Along with that, the two enemies will only attack if provoked or the total enemy count is low enough.
Something else I also thought was pretty amusing is that the piano player will play his music during the riot with the same aforementioned properties, but if he is provoked, the piano will play from a recorder, and will also sound different.
Directly at the back left side of the saloon is an enemy that resembles the giant inmate from the prisoner riot level, with what I believe is pretty much equivalent stats. Just like the robbers, this character won't attack unless provoked, or there are few enemies remaining. There is no penalty for walking near him.
In the back of the cashier room is a revolver in a safe with a revolver inside. A new weapon featured in a release like the last two (shotgun, and flintlock).
The revolver has no special characteristics really. From what I tested, it seems rather incapable of penetrating through several enemies, but nonetheless is a fun weapon. To get into the back room requires hitting one of the cashiers through the bars, in which they will open the door to attack you. You can wait until the enemy count is low enough, but that kind of defeats the purpose of acquiring the gun in my opinion.
The Secret / Not So Secret Weapons
This level has a few deadlier weapons laying around, mostly scattered around the map with few being on enemies, such as:
A cleaver on the chef in the kitchen (along with one next to him).
A knife on the guard at the door.
I'm not entirely sure if this one is tougher than an avg enemy as the saloon assets have yet to be added to the level editor.
вы получите сразу, после обычного прохождения и убийства босса в конце недр.
После убийства 1 босса, в первоначальной локации появится алтарь с половиной печати, вы должны её взять и нести до 2 этапа (Кристальные пещеры 1). На 1 локации этих пещер вы найдёте такой же алтарь, со 2 половиной печати. Вам нужно просто поднести 1 половину (которая у вас) к алтарю и запустится касцена, в которой вас перенесёт во 2 мир. Там, где уже гравитация, вам нужно просто дойти до 2 босса и убить его. И вот, у вас уже 2 артефакта.
1. этап. Вам нужно дойти до 3 локации (Руины 1) и найти продавца, купить устройство для захвата преследователя, дальше вы (желательно) идёте на открытую местность и устанавливаете устройство и ждёте, пока придёт преследователь (его можно призвать самим у продавца, нажав на сердце). Дальше вы должны сделать так, что бы он прошёл через ваше устройство-ловушку, и он автоматом отправится на вверх в клетку ( вы можете закончить забег и вернуться на ваш объект ).2. этап. На объекте вы увидите клетку с преследователем и трубу, которая выходит из клетки наружу, с нее будет свисать сердце, вы берёте сердце и ищите странного чувака, который ходит по объекту и всё время толкает вас, если вы становитесь на его пути. Вы должны кинуть в него сердце и ждать, пока он дойдёт до лифта (который спускает вас в низ) и вы увидите касцену.
3. этап. Вы спускаетесь в низ, и приглядевшись увидите кровавую массу на земле. С каждым новым забегом она будет увеличиваться. Вы можете, либо каждый раз при спуске вниз начинать новый забег, либо, подготовиться к 3 боссу. После того, как из кровавой массы вылупится нечто (вам игра это напишет), вам нужно снова идти на 3 локацию (Руины 1 или 2) и смотреть на лианы, если они ярко-кровавого цвета, то это нечто здесь. Далее, вы ищите комнату с не убиваемым гигантским магом держащим посох ,он вам нужен, но, чтобы его получить, нужно снова дождаться, либо призвать преследователя и провести его мимо мага, чтобы его тело разложилось. Возьмите упавший посох, он будет действовать как навигатор. Посох будет сиять красным, если он будет указывать на портал преследователя, который является вашим пунктом назначения .Сделайте выстрел, используя посох в центре портала, теперь он должен иметь менее прозрачную поверхность в центре .
4. этап. Вы идёте и находите конструкцию VR. Как только вы войдёте в капсулу, вы войдёте в The Construct . Конструкция состоит из четырёх секций, каждый раздел представляет собой искажённую версию сценария (который есть в меню игры), вам нужно пройти все 4 сценария, победив всех врагов внутри и найти выход.
5. этап. После того, как вы завершите все 4 раздела, откроется новый портал и теперь вы сможете сразиться с 3 боссом .
Всё, у вас есть все 3 артефакта, дальше вы опять доходите до конца последней локации (Руины) и вам открываются долгожданные ворота до Финального 4 Босса.
Secret Weapons
For the first and most useful one, simply go to the moose in the beggining of the stage and jump up. There will a machete lay waiting for you.
The second secret weapon is a knife and this knife will be located at the top of the bar.
Enter the kitchen and open the freezer, in there a knife will be waiting for you.
Go down into the basement and into the door behind the Boxer. In there look under the bed, there will be a baseball bat there.
Go into the weapon / storage room, the one besides the Biker Boss room. Check the outer parts of the bed and there will a kitchen knife be located.
Walk up the stairs and go into the middle room upstairs. When your in there go to the far side of the room and check between the bed and drawer. A tire iron will be there for you.
This guide contains everything you need to know about the Western Saloon.
These weapons appear exclusively in Beneath. Many of them are persistent upgrades.
Blunt Weapons
- Can be used to kill Pursuers.
Edged Weapons
- Can be used to kill Pursuers.
- Can be used to kill Pursuers.
- Can be used to kill Pursuers.
Ranged Weapons
Other Weapons
These aren't exactly weapons but are treated as weapons by the game.
- Used to capture a Pursuer.
- Summons allied monsters.
- Used to open the entrance to The Construct.
- Teleports the player to the Islands when brought to the altar in Crystal Caverns - I.
In this guide i will be telling you about all of the secret weapons in the biker bar stage. Stay tuned!
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