Отличие find out от figure out
Фразовые глаголы чрезвычайно популярны среди англоговорящих. Хотите вы этого или нет, но чтобы свободно общаться на английском, вам все же придется запомнить не одну сотню фразовых глаголов.
Разумеется, какие-то фразовые глаголы более популярны, а какие-то используются гораздо реже Все зависит от того, где их употреблять. В профессиональных сферах своя особая лексика, и не всегда с ней знаком каждый человек. Но есть такие выражения, которые употребляются ежедневно: в разговорах с друзьями, семьей, соседями и так далее. Проблема лишь в том, что немногие из тех, кто изучает английский, знакомы с ними. Именно такие фразовые глаголы мы сегодня и рассмотрим.
5 важных фразовых глаголов на каждый день
Figure out
Значение: Наконец понять что-либо, выяснить, найти причину проблемы
Синонимы: to resolve, to deduce, to arrive to an understandig, decide after deliberation
I have to figure out the connection between the two events.
Я должен выяснить, в чем заключается связь между двумя событиями.
He tried to figure out what to do.
Он пытался понять, что ему делать.
Find out
Значение: Обнаружить (выяснить) какую-то информацию или факт
Синонимы: to uncover, to disclose, to ascertain, to become aware, to bring to light
I found out that my husband was cheating on me.
Я выяснила, что мой муж мне изменяет.
End up
Синоним: In the end
He ended up a thief.
В конечном итоге он стал вором.
He ended up marrying his friend Laura.
В конце концов он женился на своей подруге Лоре.
Sleep in
Значение: Спать дольше обычного
It’s been a long week. I’m looking forward to sleeping in Saturday morning.
Это была тяжелая неделя, с нетерпением жду воскресения, чтобы подольше поспать утром.
Count on
Синонимы: to trust, to confide, to lean on, to bet on
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Find out is more like you stumbled upon a discovery.
Figure out is more like getting to that supposed “discovery” through thought/deductive reasoning/deliberations/contemplation.
A very simple example would be a math problem.
If you found out the answer to a math problem,
that would mean that you got the answer from someone.
But if you figured out the math problem
then that would mean that you did the work and found the answer yourself.
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When you "find out" something, you discover something by doing an action. Someone might tell you something, or you might see or hear it yourself. For example: I found out from Tom that class was canceled.
When you "figure out" something, you discover something by thinking about it by yourself, usually. You can also "figure" something out by experimenting, but the emphasis is that it's something YOU discovered. For example: I figured out how I can work and go to school at the same time.
"Figure out" is active - you do the work of gaining knowledge
"Find out" is passive - someone else tells you, or something is so obvious that you don't need to think about it.
Let me know when you figure out where you want to go.
We need to figure out what to do.
I have to figure out this math problem.
When will you find out if you got the job?
Every time we take a tour, I find out something new.
Tomorrow, I will find out if my hard work paid off.
They are subtly different. To figure something out implies the active use of intellect--the phrase derives from the use of the word "figure" to indicate a written number or character, as in a mathematical problem or puzzle. It takes work or effort to figure something out.
To find something out simply means to discover it, and the act of discovery may be passive (such as being told) or active, as "to figure out" is used.
I found out where the stairs are when Bob told me.
I figured out where the stairs are by exploring the building.
"Figure out" is active - you do the work of gaining knowledge
"Find out" is passive - someone else tells you, or something is so obvious that you don't need to think about it.
Let me know when you figure out where you want to go.
We need to figure out what to do.
I have to figure out this math problem.
When will you find out if you got the job?
Every time we take a tour, I find out something new.
Tomorrow, I will find out if my hard work paid off.
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