Обсидиановая статуя hearthstone
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I love that they just split this card into two minions ala convincing infiltrator & khartut defender hahahahahah kill me plz
Absolutely nuts, that you can have two copies of this broken Card, should be a legendary in my oppinion!
Incredibly powerful and my favorite card by far, with resurrection effect in the Priest - mind blowing.
honestly should just be something along the lines of "Battlecry: Give this minion "Deathrattle: Destroy a random enemy minion."." to make cheating it out and big priest less of a problem
Every single time this card comes out. it seals a win for my opponent.
With all the ways to make more than 2 of these appear. it's off the chart. OP.
Why does thing even has lifesteal, even without it would be over the top
This is completely broken with resurrect effects.
It'd probably be strong in those decks even without the lifesteal with how hard it locks down the board.
Is pretty good now, not played in too many decks.
The lifesteal and taunt make it decent, but the 9 mana makes it hard to play anything on the same turn. 4 attack is the bane of priest mirrors though, and buffing with Lady in White, Inner Fire, or even something like Bonemare gives a stupid amount of burst healing.
This was broken in big priest. Thank goodness it rotated out. RIP wild players.
Cornerstone of a deck whose win condition is convincing the other player that the game you're playing isn't worth their time.
Джулианна - это первый босс Оперного театра, второго Квартала приключения Вечеринка в Каражане в Hearthstone. Ниже представлена подробная информация о бое, описаны тактики, подходящие колоды и награды за победу.
Общая информация
Джулианна - это первый босс Оперного театра, второго квартала из приключения Вечеринка в Каражане.
Советы и тактика
- Пока на поле присутствует Ромуло, Джулианну убить нельзя.
- В героическом режиме сила героя босса меняется. С помощью Истинной любви Джулианна может повторно призвать Ромуло без затрат кристаллов.
- Для победы над боссом существует любопытная колода жреца, включающая в себя Слово Силы: Славу, применяемую к Ромуло. Оно полностью нейтрализует урон, наносимый вашему герою, пока вы заполняете свою доску сильными существами.
Колоды для прохождения Джулианны
(Нормал) Дешевый Маг
В нормальном режиме бой с боссом довольно прост, если вы можете вовремя убирать с доски Ромуло. Старайтесь получить в стартовую руку Ледяную стрелу или Чародейские стрелы. Ту же функцию могут выполнить дешевые существа, однако необходимо учитывать, что в колоде Джулианны много провокаторов, мешающих эффективному размену.
Избавившись от Ромуло, используйте стандартную контроль-тактику, разыгрывая ценных существ. Всегда держите в руке заклинание или существо с рывком, чтобы иметь возможность устранить нового Ромуло, который появляется на 4 ходе.
(Героик) Дешевый Жрец
Основная цель колоды заключается в том, чтобы применить Слово Силы: Славу к Ромуло, а затем полностью игнорировать его и усиливать Жреца-обжору или Лекаря турнира. В колоде также содержатся карты для дополнительного исцеления. Как только вы достаточно усилите существ, убейте Ромуло, а затем Джулианну.
Старайтесь получить в стартовую руку Слово Силы: Славу во что бы то ни стало. Если вам это удастся, победа будет легкой.
(Героик) Дешевый Жрец 2
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Награды за победу над Джулианной
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Получив обычную карту, вы сможете изготовить ее золотую версию.
Другие боссы Вечеринки в Каражане
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Hearthstone Wiki is currently under major revamp. All articles that have card lists or queries may not function properly for now. Please check back later!
Set: | Knights of the Frozen Throne |
Type: | Minion |
Class: | Priest |
Rarity: | Epic |
Cost: | 9 |
Attack: | 4 |
Health: | 8 |
Abilities: | Deathrattle, Destroy, Lifesteal, Taunt |
Wiki tags: | Random |
Artist: | A.J. Nazzaro |
Deathrattle: Destroy a random enemy minion.
The original artist spent many hours with a fine chisel perfecting the facial expression for maximum tauntiness.
Obsidian Statue is an epic priest minion card, from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set.
How to get [ ]
Obsidian Statue can be obtained through Knights of the Frozen Throne card packs, or through crafting.
Card | Crafting cost | Disenchanting |
Obsidian Statue | 400 | 100 |
Golden Obsidian Statue | 1600 | 400 |
Strategy [ ]
Obsidian Statue's powerful combination of Taunt, Lifesteal and a very potent Deathrattle makes it an incredibly difficult minion for your opponent to deal with. Its Taunt effect makes it very likely to activate its Lifesteal and Deathrattle and its high health makes it great for trading down into lower cost minions.
Buffing its health with cards like Power Word: Shield , Kabal Talonpriest and Divine Spirit makes it even more durable, and using Inner Fire on it makes it an 8/8, which can get immense Lifesteal value in the late-game.
Cards that resurrect such as Eternal Servitude or Onyx Bishop are very effective on Obsidian Statue, especially in combination with cards that cheat it out earlier like Barnes or Shadow Essence.
Провокация. Похищение жизни. Предсмертный хрип: уничтожает случайное существо противника.
Скульптор потратил чертовски много времени и сил, вытесывая у этой статуи максимально глумливое, провокационное лицо.
Card Sounds
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<pre tw-ta tw-text-medium" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Tradução" data-fulltext=""> Blizzard goes nerf the wrong cards this one deserves a nerf </pre> <pre tw-ta tw-text-medium" lang="en"> </pre>I like Blizzard's new trend of adding non-legendary high drops that fulfill a certain role, especially in control decks of course, by having specific keywords and stats instead of flashy legendary abilities. This serves as a blocker, a lifegain tool and a removal spell and Primordial Drake for example is a great blocker combined with board damage.
Any of you guys still consider this card good? I opened 2 from packs and I fail to see how one builds a deck with this guy.
This card is insane. It locks the board very neatly, consistently heals you up and, as a bonus, threatens to weaken the enemy board. The most insane thing about it, is just how often you might see it pop up during the game - with cards such as Eternal Servitude and Free From Amber, not to mention the usual Onyx Bishop and what not, this might just become one of the most threatening cards in the game.
I absolutely love it
Don't forget the Shadow Essence synergy with all of Priest's resurrect effects, especially in Wild. I've had games where I've summoned 7 or 8 Statues.
This card is fucking insane. I love it. And it takes me back to Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne. :'( I miss that game. Blizz pls do a remaster and release before this year (2017) is over!
The stats only about the level of nesting rock 5 mana. The life steal is worth 1-2 mana. The death rattle might not be as good as it looks cause you might just trade your whole board in and it doesn't get value so certainly less than 3 mana. All in all I think it's a par card probably on par with primordial drake if it costed 8. However it does have great synergy with eternal servitude and N'zoth and quest maybe that'll make it good enough to be played.
you cant compare those two cards. drake kills the board and is more like sylvana crossed with wickerflame. if you can put this down vs aggro or midrange you pretty much win the game if they cant burn you down and vs control the deathrattle is strong and n zoth will wreck you
Tirion Fordring was enough to make N'Zoth Paladin work. Obsidian Statue will make Quest Priest viable since it packs similar value (Taunt and powerful deathrattle). Tech Skulking Geist and your worst matchup is gone.
No, nothing rotates out until next April.
Stonehill Defender just found a 3rd class to be OP
All I ever wanted as to be able to play mage in this expansion. Was that asking too much?
May I remind you of a card called Polymorph. I know mages now a days just like to play burn, burn and more burn. but maybe something less smoorcy has to suffice.
That would be okay if this was the only threat demanding a Polymorph. Mages need space for combos, you know, they can't always run multiple polymorphs. Ysera and Deathwing, Dragonlord come to mind, plus anything from Free From Amber, any 28/28 they might get out of Inner Fire, and you might not always have a Fireball in hand to deal with Lyra the Sunshard. There are already many value cards in priests' repertoire that mages struggle against, giving them another one that they'll definitely get value out of is annoying, to say the least.
N'Zoth/Awaken the Ancients might be a thing with cards like this in Priest. This card's value is staggering and it absolutely houses Priest mirror. If you drop it on turn 9 or rip it out of Freed from the Amber I can't imagine any type of aggressive strat being able to recover; it's just a brickwall. It's DR puts it over the top in control matchups and it leaves opponent's having to save their Poly/Hex/Devolve type effects for it or just face a blowout.
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