No one escape 9 adventure mystery rooms game подсказка
Escape game 50 Rooms — Игра от разработчика BusColdApp в которой предстоит сбегать из запертых комнат. По каким то причинам вы оказываетесь в запертой комнате, вам необходимо находить предметы, и взаимодействовать с вещами. Например, соберите отвертку из ручки и стержня, и с помощью нее открутите болты на ящике, в нем вы найдете, следующий предмет который понадобиться для дальнейшего прохождения уровня. Для побега из комнаты любые способы хороши, по мере прохождения уровней, вам будут попадаться головоломки, которые придется разгадать. Если вы застряли в какой-то из 50-ти комнат можно воспользоваться подсказкой в виде лампочки, которая покажет дальнейшие действия. Ответы на некоторые головоломки не могут подобрать даже самые умные игроки, в этом случае они ищут прохождение игры Escape game 50 Rooms. На нашем сайте вы можете найти полное прохождение серии игр "Побег игра 50 комнат", а именно на все 3 части.
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anyone around ?? hello need some help here !!
oh finally !! took the middle pic off !!
How did you get the game to load?
Solved 2 puzzles so far (in view with locked cupboard) the red star/arrow and the middle pic. Now stuck. the 3rd capsule was already open so no hint from it
I get a screen with some weird looking planets and none of the links on the page work
have clue for 3rd pic but cant figure it out !!
didnt u have mystery room n magicians rooms on top right ??
Game is above red "home" button. Click forward then right click again and click read. That made my game work
E-Addict, what 3rd pic ?
n stuck !! in philomena .
hey ruff .. some help maybe ??
hmm,, got middle picture, but stuck on the one with the star. Where to start on the clue? clockwise, left to right, start with star.
E-Addict, have you got two shapes for the door yet?
for star pic, start with middle left, then use monitor clue to click corners.
Hey Zoz, not another dream house but it looks nice ;)
For the star puzzle, start with middle left pic (like the place of the star from paint)
Thanks @Ruff, going to try that now
Ruff i only got blue star
I think you have the blue star but not the orange house shape. The orange house shape is inside the two green button puzzle. Use the left pic to get it.
can u spoil it please ?? just sick of it !!
Got the orange arrow now thanks.
now the third shape !! lol
RObot is the 3rd shape :)
oh LOL thanx drisana !!
Got colored puzzle (with "?") took grid.
Hint is in first room, colored pic right of roman numeral
Use grid on hint right of clock (eagle) to open middle drawer. Got another capsule
the robot is too funny. Great game so far, but I swear I had to enter the Star painting solution 100 times before it worked!
Stuck with the clock clue
Drisana, where did you enter the grid code to open the middle drawer?
E-Addict, i spoil it for you ;)
? red green black
orange yellow ? orange
? black white white
black red pink blue
For the red star clue you first look at the painting and then the screen clue so the first you would press is the middle right?
b/l up/middle b/r bottom/middle u/r left/middle u/l right/middle
also, on the grid/eagle picture, you have to flip the grid over in inventory before placing it on the picture.
Anybody on the clock ? :>
Time to eat here, good luck and leave hints ;)
OMG, first Phantomisty & now another mind bender cubed LOL!
Got ladder from Black/Yellow-Square-puzzle (left of rainbow puzzle, hint in first room under star pic) to reach trap door in ceiling. Now on to figure out how to set pillars/holes in trap door for the pillar shape.
(LOL anything still clear?)
can some 1 do wt
can some 1 do wt
well thanx @Drisana i appreciate it !! :-) was trying to do it sideways ( taking the Enter arrow as a direction clue DUH oh yeah i admit it lol ) .. Good Luck All !!
Drisana and zoz, thx for help on drawer.
Opened ceiling trap door, shape with pillars as key, pushed button to increase energy.
turn hint to have full yellow line at bottom, then go up & back again.
Got the rainbow, now secret passage left of pentagon pedestal open.
I went right to left, starting with BLUE.
does that already help?
Stuck with the 6 digital clues. Help pls!
Ditto here, Ruff.
Hints still not used:
- green squares right of TV
- roman numerals
- paper
One more fuse needed.
sweet! the trick to the rainbow is moving right to left, thus "mixing" colors. Thanks @premiere!
how do you know that the missing fuse is red?
:-o LOL
If you go to the pentagon thing, you can insert the fuse. It says GORWP, and I have green, orange, white and purple, so I guess the missing one must be red.
Of course, Ruff,
now that you told me so.
(was pretty sure that the brand would also be a clue. )
finally got the ceiling grid and powered up. Nothing about this game is easy. Which is why I love it!
Ceiling gives me a headache. I must have tried a thousand ways to solve it. I must be missing something obvious or making a mistake. Any hints/solution?
For ppl challenged in spatial orientation (like me LOL):
(right click to open link in new tab/window)
There are now three outstanding puzzles for me, the digital codes, the rainbow and the letters on the pedestal.
For the digital codes, I guess we have to find 4 digits to enter behind the door.
Thanks @premiere. My red pin was lower than it should be.
@Ruff, for the rainbow, look at the picture we solved first and note the order of colors from right to left.
Blue, Purple, Orange, Green, Purple, Pink.
So if you start with a blue on the right side of the puzzle, the next box to the left will be red (blue + red = purple). Then add yellow (red +yellow = orange), etc.
no logical this game
@zoz, thank you so much. Got it! I kept trying to mix for the actual rainbow colours.
oh! got the last fuse! Look at the paper hint from the clock. Then go around the room and find 3 more letters in the other 3 corners of the border design. Put those into the pedestal and voila! A fuse!
The digital code (once solved ;-P ) goes behind (mayhaps still open) door to 2nd room.
back! I see you guys have made some progress :) Gonna look for the letters now.
@zoz, big hug from me. Got the last fuse and a hint for the digital codes. :D
for the four digit code order, look at that poster with four green squares on it. Got the red fuse charged and trying to end this madness!
do I need to split the squares of each roman numeral column & put them together again as per square grid hint?
(alien thinking LOL)
@premier, for the digits, use the roman chart to arrange the digit panels. When you lay them sideways, you have to sort of rotate each square in order to keep the orientation of the LEDs. I hope this make sense to you.
Bless your wonderful heart @Ruff! How on earth did you figure out to return the orange fuse?
Great, great game. Many thanks to Leonard 2:50!
It was great playing with you @Ruff and premiere! Til the next game.
@premiere, the first digit is all vertical lines in a row.
Checked again & grrrrr, had I & V exchanged - back to the drawing board.
Sorry, the orange fuse did give us a clue at the end for the rusty door colour code. So after solving the rusty door puzzle, it should be cleared.
Finally got 4-digit-code (now I could clearly see the numbers LOL).
ah, good memory @Ruff!
@premiere, the last digit may look something like
oops, no no forget that! it looked right when I typed it, lol
Try this instead: 9
Are you out now @premiere? I think I may need a nap.
See you all on the next game!
bye @zoz, thx for your help!
Great game. I want to give this more than 5 stars. :D
Clues are that rotating middle part from fuse pedestal and computer hint about where to start.
Anyone here? Still stuck on yellow/black game - help?!
could someone pretty please do a walkthrough!
Clear Laker,
turn hint to have full yellow line at bottom, then go up & back again, i.e. click most left button (=black), then 3rd button from left, then 2nd etc. (top line only once, when going back).
follow order 0-9, i.e. 0=all drawers closed (start), then 1=open top drawer, 2=open bottom drawer, 3=close bottom drawer etc.
No chance to solve star pic. Stuck a long time. Like zoz, I tried it more then 100 times.
I`m clicking in this order:
middle left, middle bottom, bottom right, top right, middle left, top left, middle right.
bottom left, top middle, bottom right, bottom middle, top right, middle left, top left, middle right.
(If I remember correctly)
TY Ty premiere got it!
Visual aid for STAR puzzle:
(right click to open link in new tab/window)
What do you mean, Peke (which pic)?
The clue for left/right buttons.
Peke - check Zoz 10:47 above for great clue that got me through this one.
wow!! this game took my brain and chew it up and then spit it out leaving me never to be normal again (no comment on the normal)great game!! should be more than than a 5 star! loved it!
More help on yellow/black?
Visual aid for yellow/black squares:
(right click to open link in new tab/window)
So can someone just post the number from the I II II etc hint.
zoz makes no sense, ross even less.
Just post the number and stop being cute.
Visual aid for 4-digit-code for display behind door:
(right click to open link in new tab/window)
and where to put the number, please?
you have to close the door leading to the second room to see the panel for the number.
Premiere- That is amazing! Thanks so much, I never would have figured that out. You rock.
Nighty, night Premiere, thanks for the laugh
When you enter the last door key from the ped you will turn it and see blue red white pink yellow (I think), well blue is the final colour, then it wraps so red is the first, white the second etc.
The ped starts with purple ( I think ) so purple white red orange green.
When you get the final door cleared, take the orange thingy from the ped and put it in the wall panel that gave you the clues, that will give you the key out.
None of this makes sense, I think this was done by a lefty because so many things were backwards to what I would have thought.
Still good show. Solved some, needed help on others, not to easy or hard, except that bloody number thing. Well done.
Is the puzzle suppose to physically change after clicking the correct boxes in the 1-14 order. Is there a 15th box that needs to be clicked? Is there another puzzle that needs to be solve first?
Any help would be appreciated.
Rotate the puzzle 90 degrees, as shown in the pic. then, with position 1 on the left hand side, and position 5 on the right most side, press:
1, 3, 2, 5, 1, 2, 5, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2, 3, 1
Timothy, that is just the clue, the puzzle you click, enter the sequence, is in the second room.
I also forgot to thank Peke for all the help, and many more players as well. This was definitely a team effort!
big lol @ this post:
"Vlad Torr 4/13/13, 12:31 PM
no logical this game"
. well it IS logic all the way through, but sometimes there have been 2 ways to read clues (as it is quite often in other games as well) so maybe that was the prob :-)
2. Уровень: Заставьте зелёные шестерёнки крутиться, для этого соберите детали правильно.
3. Уровень: Отыщите восемь треугольников. Воспользуйтесь нашей подсказкой ниже.
5. Уровень: Неправильный кубик находится в нижнем ряду.
7. Уровень: На книжной полке ракета, соберите её.
8. Уровень: Над кошкой висит схема, соедините точки не отрывая палец.
10. Уровень: Соберите кольца в правильном порядке.
11. Уровень: Тапните по коробку спичек и сделайте уравнение таким: 7+1=8.
14. Уровень: Слева от двери чертеж, на котором нужно соединить точки не отрывая пальца.
15. Уровень: Составьте пазл, который лежит на столе.
16. Уровень: На столе коробок спичек, переставьте спички, чтобы получить четыре квадрата.
18. Уровень: На столе мерные стаканы. Налейте воду в 5 литровый стакан, перелейте её в 3 литровый. Оставшиеся 2 литра слейте в колбу. Из 3 литрового стакана слейте воду в 5 литровый, долейте в него воды из крана. Отлейте воду в 3 литровый стакан, а оставшиеся 2 литра слейте в колбу.
21. Уровень: На нижней полке спрятан разобранный ключ. Соберите его.
24. Уровень: На столе карты, лишней будет туз кресты красного цвета.
25. Уровень: Над котом чертёж,где нужно не отрывая пальца соединить точки.
27. Уровень: Над тумбой чертёж, отыщите на нем все треугольники.
29. Уровень: На столе головоломка, решите её передвигая стрелками элементы.
32. Уровень: На столе коробок. Необходимо переставив три спички, заставить рыбку поплыть в другую сторону.
33. Уровень: Над котом чертёж, соедините точки не отрывая пальца.
36. Уровень: На верхней полке колбы в них жидкость, расположите их по убыванию.
37. Уровень: Над камином чертёж, соедините точки не отрывая палец.
39. Уровень: Возле двери чертёж, соедините ромашки не отрывая палец.
40. Уровень: На столе карты, отыщите правую руку.
41. Уровень: Над камином найдите все треугольники.
43. Уровень: На столе головоломка, решите её.
45. Уровень: Над телевизором чертёж, соедините лампочки не отрывая пальца.
46. Уровень: На столе лежит головоломка, соберите её, нажимая на стрелки.
49. Уровень: Решите уравнение, которое лежит на столе, ответ 33.
50. Уровень: На столе соберите кольца.
Can you escape the 100 room — Игра в которой ваша главная цель это выбраться из комнаты. Представьте себе такую ситуацию что вы оказываетесь в непонятной запертой комнате, и для того чтобы с нее сбежать вам понадобиться разгадать множество загадок и головоломок, прохождение игры Can you escape the 100 room с этого и состоит. Надеяться вам будет не на кого, кроме как на самого себя. Для прохождение уровня необходимо искать предметы и взаимодействовать с ними, например найти отвертку и с помощью нее открутить болты вентиляционной шахты, из которой надо забрать спрятанный ключ. Если вы застряли и не знаете как пройти уровень, всегда можно воспользоваться подсказками, которые намекнут как проходить уровень. Всё прохождение игры Can you escape the 100 room будет состоять из решения загадок. На нашем сайте можно посмотреть полное прохождение серии игр escape 50 room (это еще одно название этой же игры).
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