Newtonian inversion трофеи
This is the leaderboard everyone is used to. The points are calculated based on the number of trophies earned of each type.
This leaderboard is similar to the main leaderboard, but the points are then adjusted based on the user's average trophy progress in their games.
With this leaderboard, points are only awarded for 100% complete games. Complete refers to earning 100% of trophies for the game including downloadable content.
This leaderboard rewards players for getting difficult trophies. The points are based on the rareness(difficulty) of a trophy regardless of its type.
This are your own, customized leaderboards as well as any public leaderboards you can view.
Newtonian Inversion
1 9 6 2 список всех трофеев →
История изменения цены на игру (PlayStation Store)
Самая низкая цена: 0,60 € , PS+: 0,60 € — Дата выхода: 31 марта 2021 г.
Offline single player
Offline play enabled
Download of this product is subject to the PlayStation Network Terms of Service and our Software Usage Terms plus any specific additional conditions applying to this product. If you do not wish to accept these terms, do not download this product. See Terms of Service for more important information.
One-time licence fee to download to multiple PS4 systems. Sign in to PlayStation Network is not required to use this on your primary PS4, but is required for use on other PS4 systems.
See Health Warnings for important health information before using this product.
This is the leaderboard everyone is used to. The points are calculated based on the number of trophies earned of each type.
This leaderboard is similar to the main leaderboard, but the points are then adjusted based on the user's average trophy progress in their games.
With this leaderboard, points are only awarded for 100% complete games. Complete refers to earning 100% of trophies for the game including downloadable content.
This leaderboard rewards players for getting difficult trophies. The points are based on the rareness(difficulty) of a trophy regardless of its type.
This are your own, customized leaderboards as well as any public leaderboards you can view.
Переходите от панели гравитации к панели гравитации, изменяя поток гравитации с помощью гравитационного пистолета.
Платформа: PS4 Выпуск: 30.3.2021 Издатель: THE VOICES GAMES LTD Жанр: Головоломки, Уникальные Голос: Английский Языки отображения: АнглийскийЗагрузка осуществляется в соответствии с Условиями обслуживания PlayStation Network, Условиями использования программ и любыми другими применимыми дополнительными документами. Если вы не согласны выполнять условия, не загружайте материалы. Дополнительная информация приведена в Условиях обслуживания.
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