Neverwinter nights 2 рецепты крафта
Разработчик: Obsidian Entertainment / Жанр: RPG / Дата выхода: 31 октября 2006 г.
Recipes using Craft Magical Arms and Armor [ ]
These recipes enhance existing weapons and armor with magical properties.
Как создавать оружие?
Создавать оружие в Neverwinter Nights 2 можно только после выбора умения «Изготовление оружия». Для использования умения «Изготовление оружия» требуется кузнечный верстак и кузнечный молот, а также подходящие материалы (металлические слитки, деревянные доски) и шаблон для желаемого оружия. Все компоненты помещаются, включая шаблон, в инвентарь кузнечного верстака, а затем используется особая способность кузнечного молота. Если персонаж имеет достаточный ранг умения «Изготовление оружия», создается новый предмет. В шаблоне для каждого оружия перечислены необходимые для его изготовления материалы.
Кто знает как создать магическое оружие, броню и другие предметы. Я говорю про создание вещей как в городе темных эльфов у кузнеца. Нашел пару сайтов где говорится что для етого нужно спецыальные рецепты.
Ммм с сингле там все легко - кузнецу подходишь и создаешь меч +10. На шарде магическое оружие - обкаст такового, и никак иначе. Если смотреть на статы лонга который обкастует паладин - такой меч под 40 дамага =))
Да и вообще, хотелось бы поподробнее про создание оружия и в сингле и на шарде. Может, кто-то все-таки найдется добрый человек и научит всех?
Да, и не хотелось бы знать, можно ли самому делать ЛУКИ, АРБАЛЕТЫ и амуницию к ним. Просто по АДнД воители леса (например, ranger) могут создавать это, находясь в лесу и имея скилл.
могу только про сингл сказать !
1) у кузница(HOTU глава 3 или 2 не помню :)) все просто приходиш с каким нибудь оружием его надо держать в руке и говориш что с ним надо сделать но не более 3-х раз он его будет грейдить(пугаеться что сам сделает) :)
2) а если самому делать оружие, то надо прокачивать навык создание оружия, а потом покупать компоненты для создания и тд. и тп.
Что за умение - создание оружия и как его можно взять .
Как вариант - нужны магические компоненты, такие как адамантит и мифрил, адамантит дает +2, мифрил +3, но это только в сигнле, на геме это вы у Элора спросите.
2 Элор: а уже прокачанный нвновский крафт можно будет для этого использовать? Ато у меня чар-крафтер 13го левела, на которого думаю забить так-как крафт оружия и брони на геме отключили, а скилл-поинты можно было бы вложить во что-то более полезное.
While crafting base arms and armor only requires sufficient base materials and a mold, enhancements to armor and weapons are more involved. They require essences, gems and a character with the appropriate crafting feat, either Craft Magical Arms and Armor, Craft Wonderous Items, or Craft Alchemy.
Smithing [ ]
Smithing allows you to create non-magical arms and armor from a variety of different raw materials. Each raw material can have different properties, such as adamantine's bonus to damage (weapons) and damage reduction (armor). It is worth noting that some raw materials' special properties counts towards the enchantment limit, darksteel and adamantine weapons' damage bonuses do count, while mithral's weight reduction property does not. Besides raw materials, item molds are required, which are used up in the process of smithing.
Creating traps also requires a trap kit mold, but requires elemental components instead of non-magical raw materials. The strength of the trap depends on the number of components used.
All smithing must take place at a crafting station.
Enchanting [ ]
Enchanting allows you to create magical weapons and armor, using the craft magical arms and armor feat, essences, and a gem. To complete the process, a spell will need to be cast. It is unclear as to whether the spell must be known by the character. Theoretically, a rogue with a high use magic device skill could cast a spell from a scroll, a non-human character could use a racial spell, or a Scabbard of Blessing could enable a Fighter to cast Bless. Conflicting information in the official NWN2 forums necessitates an official response. Recipes can be found throughout the Official Campaign, or one can discover recipes through trial and error. No components are ever used up until a successful enchantment takes place. Enchanting does not cost experience points, but it does cost gold. Enchanting must take place at a crafting station.
- see Craft Magical Arms and Armor
- see Mold Spirit
- see Enchanter's Satchel
- see Enchantment limit
Alchemy [ ]
Alchemy allows for the creation of simple items, such as Alchemist's Fire and Thunderstones. Perhaps more importantly, alchemy allows various essences to be distilled from creature body parts. These essences are commonly used as part of other crafting recipes. You can not create potions using alchemy. Creating items (but not essences) must take place at a crafting station.
Wondrous Item Creation [ ]
Wondrous Item Creation requires the craft wondrous item feat and allows for the creation of magic boots, magic rings, etc. Unlike enchanting, a base item is not required. The base item is created during the process. You will need an essence, gem, raw materials, and the ability to cast a specific spell. Recipes can be found throughout the Official Campaign, or you can experiment. No components are ever used up until a successful enchantment occurs. No experience points are ever used up, but you will need to spend gold. Wondrous Item Creation must take place at a crafting station.
- NWN only implemented craft (trap), craft (weapon) and craft (armor) as 3 individual skills. While craft (trap) could produce reasonably useful traps, craft(weapon) and craft(armor) could only produce minor magical items after great investment. However both weapon and armor crafting were used for customizing armor appearance.
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** Vampiric regeneration is an an example of an enchantment that will not work on ranged weapons.
The following recipes may be crafted using the NWN2 crafting system. The MotB crafting system adds additional recipes that are not listed here.
Weapon of Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 1 [ ]
Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Weak Power Essence
- Weak Fire Essence
Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above
Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3 [ ]
Requires: Caster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Glowing Power Essence
- Glowing Fire Essence
Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above.
Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.
Weapon of Greater Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 5 [ ]
Requires: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Radiant Power Essence
- Radiant Fire Essence
Cast enervation on a magic workbench containing the above
Can replace the two above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.
Base Weapon Enchantment +1 [ ]
Requires: Caster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above
Base Weapon Enchantment +2 [ ]
Requires: Caster level 6, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above
Can replace the above effect IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.
Base Weapon Enchantment +3 [ ]
Requires: Caster level 9, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Faint Power Essence
- Weak Air Essence
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above
Can replace the two above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.
Base Weapon Enchantment +4 [ ]
Requires: Caster level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Weak Power Essence
- Glowing Air Essence
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above
Can replace the 3 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.
Base Weapon Enchantment +5 [ ]
Requires: Caster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Glowing Power Essence
- Glowing Air Essence
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above
Can replace the 4 above effects IF there's not maximum effect on weapon.
Flaming Weapon: +1d6 fire damage [ ]
Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Cast fireball or flame strike on a magic workbench containing the above
Frost Weapon: +1d6 cold damage [ ]
Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Cast ice storm on a magic workbench containing the above
Shock Weapon: +1d6 electricity damage [ ]
Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Cast call lightning or lightning bolt on a magic workbench containing the above
Poison Weapon: Poison (DC 14, 1d2 Con damage) on hit [ ]
Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Cast poison on a magic workbench containing the above
Acid Weapon: +1d6 acid damage [ ]
Requires: Caster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Cast Melf's acid arrow on a magic workbench containing the above
Anarchic Weapon: +2d6 damage against lawful creatures [ ]
Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Faint Power Essence
- Faint Air Essence
Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above
Axiomatic Weapon: +2d6 damage against chaotic creatures [ ]
Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Faint Power Essence
- Faint Earth Essence
Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above
Holy Weapon: +2d6 damage against evil creatures [ ]
Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Faint Power Essence
- Faint Water Essence
Cast cure critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above
Unholy Weapon: +2d6 damage against good creatures [ ]
Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Faint Power Essence
- Faint Fire Essence
Cast inflict critical wounds on a magic workbench containing the above
Hunting Weapon: +2d6 damage against beasts [ ]
Requires: Caster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Faint Power Essence
- Faint Water Essence
Cast light on a magic workbench containing the above
Weapon of Disruption: Undead must make a DC 14 Will save or be destroyed [ ]
Requires: Caster level 14, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
- Any weapon
- Glowing Power Essence
- Glowing Water Essence
Cast undeath to death on a magic workbench containing the above
- Bug notes: is actually a fortitude save and also works on more than just undead.
Massive Criticals: Adds +1d10 fire damage on a critical hit [ ]
Requires: Caster level 10 (possibly lower), Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Recipes using Craft Wonderous Items [ ]
These create magical items for all other character slots out of raw materials.
An excellent guide to Crafting can be found here (web archive). There is also a recipe FAQ for the Official Campaign, and another FAQ for Mask of the Betrayer. Once you learn console commands to spawn in unlimited items . go nutz! The Complete Craftsman greatly enhances the flexibility of the Neverwinter Nights 2 Crafting system, especially the extended version (may contain bugs). Other modifications to the basic crafting system are available on the NWVault (suggested search: "nwn2 crafting"). n.b. The Warlock's Imbue Item Feat has special considerations.
There are five types of crafting in NWN2: smithing, alchemy, enchanting, disposable item creation, and wondrous item creation.
Disposable Item Creation [ ]
Disposable Item Creation allows the creation of scrolls, potions, and wands. Respectively, the feats scribe scroll, brew potion, and craft wand are used in the creation of these items. Simply cast the spell on a blank scroll, empty potion bottle, or bone wand. No crafting station is necessary. Creating disposable items requires more gold than enchanting.
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